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Professor Alfred Allan

Emeritus Professor

Staff Member Details

Alfred is a Professor of Psychology within the School Arts and Humanities.

Current teaching

  • Professional Issues in Psychology


After practicing as a lawyer Alfred became a full-time academic and commenced his studies in psychology qualifying as a clinical and later forensic psychologist. He has taught law, psychology and professional ethics in Law, Medical and Psychology Schools in South Africa and Australia. He was a member of the inaugural Psychologists Board of Australia and is the chair of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the International Association for Applied Psychology (IAAP) and a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society (APS). He has served on the boards of national professional organisations and is a past president of the of the Psychology and Law Division of the IAAP, Australian and New Zealand Association for Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and a past chair of the APS College of Forensic Psychologists, the Ethics Committee of the APS, the Ethics Committee of the Psychology Association of South Africa; and of the Working Group that reviewed the Australian Psychological Society's Code of Ethics. He is on the editorial committee of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and the editorial board of Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine and Ethics and Behavior and has served on various state government committees, such as the Dangerous Sexual Offender Review Committee. He frequently presents continuing professional development workshops and publishes widely in psychology, legal and medical journals.

Professional associations

  • Australian Psychology Society
  • International Association for Applied Psychology
  • Australian and New Zealand Association for Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
  • Registered as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia and is endorsed as a clinical and a forensic psychologist

Awards and recognition

  • Australian Psychological Society’s President's Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology
  • Vice-Chancellor’s citation for influencing, motivating and inspiring postgraduate psychology students to integrate legal-ethical principles, and competently apply them, in their professional practice
  • Australian Psychological Society’s College of Forensic Psychologists’ award for an important and significant contribution to the field of forensic psychology
  • Australian Psychological Society Certificate of recognition of leadership in the formulation of the New Code of Ethics.

Research areas and interests

  • Corrective interaction: Apology, forgiveness and reconciliation
  • Understanding the norms that regulate the professional behaviour of health professionals
  • Violent and sexual offending
  • Apology in health settings
  • Defining constructs used in professional ethics


  • Bachelor of Commerce, South Africa.
  • Philosophiae Doctor in Psychology, South Africa, 1996.
  • Master of Arts, South Africa, 1990.
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours, South Africa, 1990.
  • Bachelor of Laws, South Africa, 1975.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Fang, L., Allan, A., Dickson, J. (2024). Purpose in Life and Associated Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25(6), Article number 63.

Journal Articles

  • Preece, D., Mehta, A., Petrova, K., Sikka, P., Bjureberg, J., Chen, W., Becerra, R., Allan, A., Robinson, K., Gross, J. (2023). The Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire-Short Form (PAQ-S): A 6-item measure of alexithymia. Journal of Affective Disorders, 325(TBD), 493-501.

Journal Articles

  • Fynn, D., Preece, D., Gignac, G., Pestell, C., Allan, A., Vander Kraats, C., Green, S., Weinborn, M., Becerra, R. (2022). Assessing alexithymia in adults with acquired brain injury: Psychometric properties of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire. Journal of Affective Disorders, 302(1 April 2022), 224-233.
  • Areh, I., Verkampt, F., Allan, A. (2022). Critical review of the use of the Rorschach in European courts. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 29(2), 183-205.
  • Allan, A., De Mott, J., Larkins, I., Turnbull, L., Warwick, T., Willet, L., Allan, R. (2022). The impact of voluntariness of apologies on victims’ responses in restorative justice: findings of a quantitative study. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 29(4), 593-609.
  • Wrightson-Hester, A., Allan, A., Allan, R. (2022). “I'm not batman” and other factors impacting bystander intervention against sexual violence in Australian nightlife settings. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 22(2), 669-693.
  • Preece, D., Mehta, A., Becerra, R., Wai, C., Allan, A., Robinson, K., Boyes, M., Hasking, P., Gross, J. (2022). Why is alexithymia a risk factor for affective disorder symptoms? The role of emotion regulation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 296, 337-341.
  • Wrightson-Hester, A., Allan, A., Allan, R. (2022). Kissing, Grabbing and Grinding: Young Australians’ Personal and Social Norms regarding Nightlife Sexual Behavior. Deviant Behavior: an interdisciplinary journal, 43(8), 959-975.

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A., Allan, R. (2021). Prompted versus voluntary apologies: What does psychological research tell us?. Apologies in the legal arena: A comparative perspective (251-270). Bonomo Editore.
  • Allan, A. (2021). The Australian Code of Ethics. Handbook of international psychology ethics: Codes and commentary from around the world (77-93). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Parry, C., Preece, D., Allan, R., Allan, A. (2021). Alexithymia in non-violent offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 31(1), 44-48.
  • Preece, D., Parry, C., Allan, R., Allan, A. (2021). Assessing alexithymia in forensic settings: Psychometric properties of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale in a sample of incarcerated adult offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 31(1), 31-43.
  • Allan, A., Parry, C., Tubex, H., Spiranovic, C., Morgan, F. (2021). Forensic experts’ perspectives on Australian Indigenous Sexual Offenders and factors important in evaluating the risk of recidivism. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 65(15), 1653-1675.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A. (2020). The profession’s role in helping psychologists balance society’s interests with their clients’ interests. Australian Psychologist, 55(4), 317-326.
  • Allan, A., Allan, R. (2020). Ethical issues when working with terminally ill people who desire to hasten the ends of their lives: a western perspective. Ethics and Behavior, 30(1), 28-44.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Robinson, K., Allan, A., Boyes, M., Chen, W., Hasking, P., Gross, J. (2020). What is alexithymia? Using factor analysis to establish its latent structure and relationship with fantasizing and emotional reactivity. Journal of Personality, 88(6), 1162-1176.
  • Preece, DA., Becarra, R., Allan, A., Robinson, K., Chen, W., Hasking, P., Gross, J. (2020). Assessing alexithymia: Psychometric properties of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire and 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale in United States adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 166(November 2020), Article number 110138.
  • Allan, A. (2020). Structuring the debate about research ethics in the psychology and law field: An international perspective. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 27(3), 397-411.
  • Spiranovic, C., Ferrante, , A., Buscot, M., Griffith, K., Allan, A., Wong, S., Tubex, H., Morgan, F. (2020). The promises and perils of developing a national sex offender recidivism database in Australia. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 32(3), 359-367.
  • Denault, V., Plusquellec, P., Jupe, L., St-Yves, M., Dunbar, N., Hartwig, M., Sporer, S., Rioux-Turcotte, J., Jarry, J., Walsh, D., Otgaar, H., Viziteu, A., Talwar, V., Keatley, D., Blandón-Gitlin, I., Townson, C., Deslauriers-Varin, N., Lilienfeld, S., Patterson, M., Areh, I., Allan, A., Cameron, H., Boivin, R., Ten Brinke, L., Masip, J., Bull, R., Cyr, M., Hope, L., Strömwall, L., Bennett, S., Al Menaiya, F., Leo, R., Vredeveldt, A., Laforest, M., Honts, C., Manzanero, A., Mann, S., Granhag, P., Ask, K., Gabbert, F., Guay, J., Coutant, A., Hancock, J., Manusov, V., Burgoon, J., Kleiman, S., Wright, G., Landström, S., Freckelton, I., Vernham, Z., Van Koppen, P. (2020). The analysis of nonverbal communication: The dangers of pseudoscience in security and justice contexts. Anuario de Psicologia Juridica, 30(1), 1-12.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., Parry, C., Ferrante, A., Gillies, C., Griffiths, C., Morgan, F., Spiranovic, C., Smallbone, S., Tubex, H., Wong, S. (2019). Assessing the Risk of Australian Indigenous Sexual Offenders Reoffending: A Review of the Research Literature and Court Decisions. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 26(2), 274-294.
  • Wrightson-Hester, A., Allan, R., Allan, A. (2019). Nightlife patrons’ personal and descriptive norms regarding sexual behaviors. Ethics and Behavior, 29(6), 423-437.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A. (2018). Applying research findings to enhance pre-practicum ethics training. Ethics and Behavior, 28(6), 465-482.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Robinson, K., Dandy, J., Allan, A. (2018). The psychometric assessment of alexithymia: Development and validation of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 132(1 October), 32-44.
  • Strickland, J., Martin, K., Allan, A., Allan, R. (2018). An Explanation of Apology Acceptance Based on Lay Peoples’ Insights. Interpersona, 12(1), 68-90.
  • Allan, A. (2018). Moral challenges for psychologists working in psychology and law. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 25(3), 485-499.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Robinson, K., Dandy, J., Allan, A. (2018). Measuring emotion regulation ability across negative and positive emotions: The Perth Emotion Regulation Competency Inventory (PERCI). Personality and Individual Differences, 135(1 December 2018), 229-241.

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A. (2017). A principled approach to ethical issues for psychologists in prisons and secure settings. The Routledge International handbook of forensic psychology in secure settings (269-282). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Strickland, J., Parry, CL., Allan, R., Allan, A. (2017). Alexithymia amongst perpetrators of violent offences in Australia: Implications for rehabilitation. Australian Psychologist, 52(3), 230-237.
  • Carroll, R., Allan, A., Halsmith, M. (2017). Apologies, mediation and the law: Resolution of civil disputes. Onati Socio-Legal Series, 7(3), 569-600.
  • Preece, D., Becerra, R., Allan, A., Robinson, K., Dandy, J. (2017). Establishing the theoretical components of alexithymia via factor analysis: Introduction and validation of the attention-appraisal model of alexithymia. Personality and Individual Differences, 119(December 2017), 341-352.
  • Patterson, L., Allan, A., Cross, D. (2017). Adolescent perceptions of bystanders' responses to cyberbullying. New Media and Society, 19(3), 366-383.
  • Banham, V., Allan, A., Bergman, J., Jau, J. (2017). Acknowledging Children’s Voice and Participation in Family Courts: Criteria that Guide Western Australian Court Consultants. Social Inclusion, 5(3), 155-163.
  • Allan, A., Strickland, J., Allan, R. (2017). Interpersonal apologies: A psychological perspective of why they might work in law?. Onati Socio-Legal Series, 7(3), 390-407.
  • Allan, A., Carroll, R. (2017). Apologies in a legal setting: Insights from research into injured parties’ experiences of apologies after an adverse event. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 24(1), 10-32.
  • Patterson, L., Allan, A., Cross, D. (2017). Adolescent bystander behaviour in the school and online environments and the implications for interventions targeting cyberbullying. Journal of School Violence, 16(4), 361-375.
  • Strickland, J., Allan, A., Allan, R. (2017). The acceptance of apologies: in the Corrective Process: Implications for research and practice. Onati Socio-Legal Series, 7(3), 421-436.

Journal Articles

  • Preece, D., Allan, A., Becerra, R. (2016). A case study of the neuropsychological outcomes following microsurgery, conventional radiotherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy for an adults recurrent craniopharyngioma. Brain Injury, 30(1), 104-111.
  • Patterson, L., Allan, A., Cross, D. (2016). Adolescent bystanders’ perspectives of aggression in the online versus school environments. Journal of Adolescence, 49(2016), 60-67.
  • Allan, A., Allan, R. (2016). Psychologists’ collection and management of clients’ information: An ethico-legal perspective. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 23(6), 826-841.


  • Allan, A. (2015). Law and Ethics in Psychology: An International Perspective. Inter-Ed.

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A. (2015). Psychologists and the courts: Ethical issues. Ethics and Professional Practice for Psychologists (103-110). Cengage Learning.
  • Allan, A., Davidson, D. (2015). Respectful professional behaviour: What does it mean?. Ethics and Professional Practice for Psychologists (25-39). Cengage Learning.

Journal Articles

  • Becerra, R., Cruise, K., Harms, C., Allan, A., Bassett, D., Hood, S., Murray, G. (2015). Emotion regulation and residual depression predict psychosocial functioning in bipolar disorder: Preliminary study. Universitas Psychologica, 14(3), 855-864.
  • Allan, A., McKillop, D., Dooley, J., Allan, R., Preece, D. (2015). Apologies following an adverse medical event: The importance of focusing on the consumer’s needs. Patient Education and Counseling, 98(9), 1058-1062.
  • Allan, A. (2015). Ethics in psychology and law: An international perspective. Ethics and Behavior, 25(6), 443-457.

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A., Allan, R. (2014). The definition and nature of domestic violence. Overcoming Domestic Violence: Creating a Dialogue Around Vulnerable Populations (11-27). Nova Science Publishers.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., Davidson, G. (2013). Respect for the dignity of people: What does this principle mean in practice?. Australian Psychologist, 48(5), 345-352.
  • Allan, A. (2013). Are human rights redundant in the ethical codes of psychologists?. Ethics and Behavior, 23(4), 251-265.
  • Becerra, R., Cruise, K., Murray, G., Bassett, D., Harms, C., Allan, A., Hood, s. (2013). Emotion regulation in bipolar disorder: Are emotion regulation abilities less compromised in euthymic bipolar disorder than unipolar depressive or anxiety disorders?. Open Journal of Psychiatry, 3(2013), 1-7.
  • Allan, A. (2013). Ethics in correctional and forensic psychology: Getting the balance right. Australian Psychologist, 48(1), 47-56.

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A. (2012). Psychological ethics in Oceania: Convergence and divergence. The Oxford Handbook of International Psychological Ethics (358-371). Oxford University Press.

Book Chapters

  • Slocum, D., McKillop, D., Allan, A., Allan, R., Drake, D. (2011). Apology and acceptance in intimate partner relationships. Interpersonal acceptance and rejection: Social, emotional and educational contexts (175-181). Brown Walker Press.

Journal Articles

  • Slocum, D., Allan, A., Allan, R. (2011). An emerging theory of apology. Australian Journal of Psychology, 63(2), 83-92.
  • Cooney, A., Allan, A., Allan, R., McKillop, D., Drake, D. (2011). The forgiveness process in primary and secondary victims of violent and sexual offences. Australian Journal of Psychology, 63(2), 107-118.
  • Allan, A. (2011). The Development of a Code for Australian Psychologists. Ethics and Behavior, 21(6), 435-451.
  • Iedema, R., Allen, S., Britton, K., Piper, D., Baker , A., Grbich, C., Allan, A., Jones , L., Tuckett, A., Williams , A., Manias , E., Gallagher, TH. (2011). The ‘100 patient stories’ project: Patient and family member views on how clinicians (should) enact Open Disclosure - a qualitative study. BMJ: British Medical Journal Clinical Research Edition, 343(2011), d4423.
  • Pettifor, JL., Ferrero, A., Allan, A., Hernandez-Guzman, L., Seymour, F., Aanonson, A., Odland, T., Watts, AD., Korkut, Y., Pope, K. (2011). International contributions of the Canadian code of ethics for psychologists: Voices from abroad. Canadian Psychology, 52(3), 230-235.

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A., Thomson, D. (2010). The regulation of sexual activity between psychologists and their clients and former clients.. Ethical practice in psychology - Reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics (149-160). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Davidson, G., Allan, A., Love, A. (2010). Consent, privacy and confidentiality.. Ethical practice in psychology - Reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics (77-91). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Love, A., Allan, A. (2010). Looking forward.. Ethical practice in psychology - Reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics (161-170). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Allan, A., Symons, M. (2010). The development of the 2007 Code.. Ethical practice in psychology - Reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics (13-24). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Allan, A. (2010). Introduction.. Ethical practice in psychology - Reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics (1-11). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Allan, A. (2010). The principles that underlie the 2007 Code.. Ethical practice in psychology - Reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics (61-76). John Wiley & Sons.
  • Allan, A. (2010). The functionality of the Australian Psychological Society's 1997 and 2007 Codes of Ethics.. Ethical practice in psychology - Reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics (25-39). John Wiley & Sons.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., McKillop, D., Carroll, R. (2010). Parties’ perceptions of apologies in resolving Equal Opportunity complaints.. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 17(4), 538-550.
  • Allan, A., McKillop, D. (2010). The health implications of apologising after an adverse incident.. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 22(2), 126-131.


  • Ferguson, C., Allan, A. (2009). A Literature Review of Risk Assessment Tools for use with Offenders in Western Australia. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.


  • Allan, A. (2008). Law and Ethics in Psychology: An International Perspective. Inter-Ed.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A. (2007). Apology in court. Encyclopedia of law and society: American and global perspectives (78-79). Sage Publications.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A. (2007). Apology in civil law: A psycho-legal perspective.. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 14(1), 5-16.

Book Chapters

  • Allan, A., Packman, WL., Dear, G., Pennuto, TO., Orthwein, J., Bongar, B. (2006). Ethical and Legal Issues for Mental Health Professionals Working with Suicidal Prisoners. Preventing Suicide and Other Self-Harm in Prison (215-234). Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., Allan, R., Kaminer, D., Stein, D. (2006). Exploration of the association between apology and forgiveness amongst victims of human rights violations. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 24(1), 87-102.
  • Allan, A., Dawson, D., Allan, R. (2006). Prediction of the risk of male sexual reoffending in Australia. Australian Psychologist, 41(1), 60-68.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., Allan, R., Giles, M., Drake, D., Froyland, I. (2005). An observational study of bail decision-making. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 12(2), 319-333.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., Dawson, D. (2004). Assessment of the risk of reoffending by Indigenous male violent and sexual offenders. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 280(n/a), 1-6.
  • Fisher, S., Allan, A., Allan, R. (2004). An exploratory study to examine the impact of television reports of prison escapes on state anxiety. Australian Journal of Psychology, 56, 181-190.
  • Helmes, E., Lewis, V., Allan, A. (2004). Australian lawyers' views on competency issues in older adults. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 22(n/a), 823-831.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A. (2003). The Past, Present and Future of Mental Health Law: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis. Law in Context, 20(2), 24-53.
  • Allan, A., Allan, R., Marshall, P., Kraszlan, K. (2003). Recidivism among Male Juvenile Sexual Offenders in Western Australia. Psychiatry Psychology and Law, 10(2), 359-378.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., Allan, R., Marshall, P., Kraszlan, K. (2002). Juvenile Sexual Offenders Compared to Juvenile Offenders in General in Western Australia. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 9, 214-233.
  • Mbanga, NL., Niehaus, DJ., Mzamo, NC., Wessels, CJ., Allan, A., Emsley, RA., Stein, D. (2002). Attitudes towards and beliefs about schizophrenia in Xhosa families with affected probands. Denosa Curationis, 25(1), 69-73.
  • Allan, A., Allan, R., Marshall, P., Kraszlan, K. (2002). Juvenile Sexual Offenders in Western Australia: Demographic Characteristics and Offence Histories. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 9, 200-213.

Journal Articles

  • Allan, A., Allan, R., Robers, M., Pienaar, W., Stein, D. (2001). Intoxication, criminal offences and suicide attempts in a group of South African problem drinkers. South African Medical Journal, 91, 145-150.
  • Allan, A., Louw, D. (2001). Lawyers' perception of psychologists who do forensic work. South African Journal of Psychology, 31, 12-20.
  • Martin, M., Allan, A., Allan, R. (2001). The use of psychological tests by Australian psychologists who do assessments for the courts. Australian Journal of Psychology, 53, 77-82.

Research Projects

  • Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal sex-offenders in Australia: Assessing risk for practice and policy, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2015 ‑ 2021, $65,511.
  • Why Women's Economic Empowerment in Asia: Psychosocial and Anthropological Factors?, Edith Cowan University, School of Arts and Humanities Research Grant Scheme 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $19,953.
  • What criteria do Family consultants consider when deciding to conduct a Child Inclusive Conference in the FCWA?, Edith Cowan University, School of Arts and Humanities Research Grant Scheme 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $6,088.
  • Do neurophysical variables predict recovery from bipolar disorder episodes?, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2012, $17,035.
  • The Development of a Video Task of Remedial Behaviour to Use in Communication Training of Health Professionals with Specific Reference to Open Disclosure Practice, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2009 ‑ 2011, $54,604.
  • Intimate Partner Abuse of Men, Lotterywest, Grant, 2008 ‑ 2010, $93,517.
  • Department of Corrective Services Literature Review on Risk Assessment Tools, Department of Corrective Services WA, Grant, 2009, $3,027.
  • Victims' voices in Family Violence Courts: Developing innovative best-practice models, Edith Cowan University, Grant - Collaborative Research, 2005 ‑ 2008, $39,000.

Research Student Supervision

No data available

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Psychology, The use and potential problems of neuropsychological evidence in Australian tort litigation
  • Doctor of Psychology, A brief screening instrument for use by lawyers to assess the capacity of older clients with memory deficits.
  • Doctor of Psychology, The mental capacity act of Singapore
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The nature of the association between male violent offending and alexithymia.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Australian psychologists' perceptions and experiences of client threats.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Male victims of intimate partner abuse: Experiences of disclosure and help-seeking
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Identifying ways of enhancing the psychological functioning in victims of sexual offences from clinical and justice system management perspectives.
  • Doctor of Psychology, The lived experience of non-offending mothers in cases of intra-familial child sexual abuse: Towards a preliminary model of loss, trauma and recovery
  • Doctor of Psychology, The impact of assessment on repeat deliberate self-harm.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Intergenerational transfer of violence? The self-report of physical abuse in childhood among violent and non-violent imprisioned offenders.
  • Doctor of Psychology, An exploration of perceptions of an offender's true sorriness in an interpersonal context: An offended intimate partner's perspective
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Risk assessment and Western Australian male Aboriginal sexual and violent offenders
  • Doctor of Psychology, The relationship between forgiveness, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder amongst secondary victims.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The requirement to be fit and proper: What does it mean to Australian psychologists?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Young Australian Nightlife Attendees as Active Bystanders to Reduce Unacceptable Sexual Behaviour: A Multimodal Project
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Factors influencing young bystanders' decisions to intervene when witnessing cyber-aggression: A mixed methods exploration
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aboriginal perspectives about child sexual abuse: Informing the cultural dimension in sex offending theories for use with Aboriginal offenders
  • Doctor of Psychology, Secondary victims' perceptions of justice: Implications for forensic psychology

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Psychology, Interrater reliability of insight assessment for patients with psychoses.
  • Doctor of Psychology, An examination of parental child sex offenders: Victim profile, recidivism and treatment needs
  • Master of Social Science, Understanding and building resilience with art: A socio-ecological approach.
  • Doctor of Psychology, Mock jurors' judgement of the victim, crime and defendant as a function of victime race and deliberation
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Intergenerational transfer of violence? The self-report of physical abuse in childhood among violent and non-violent imprisoned offenders
  • Doctor of Psychology, Father role identity: An exploration of the construct and its measurement
  • Doctor of Psychology, Aims, separation and attitudinal factors in mediation: An exploratory investigation
  • Doctor of Psychology, The effect of legal judgements on responsibility taking behaviour: An exploratory study
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Identifying ways of enhancing the psychological functioning in victims of sexual offences from clinical and justice system management perspectives
  • Doctor of Psychology, An examination of fathers' satisfaction with the legal system: Exploring the concept in relation to fathers' experience with the family law courts of Western Australia
  • Doctor of Psychology, Mental disorder labelling as an extralegal variable in mock jury deliberations
  • Doctor of Psychology, Exploration of perceptions of justice amongst secondary victims of sexual crime
  • Doctor of Psychology, Work-related exposure to child exploitation material: The experiences of Western Australian digital forensic officers and their spouses
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University student support systems, help- seeking behaviour and the management of student psychological distress

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Measuring emotional reactivity, alexithymia, and emotion regulation as clinically relevant emotional constructs: Theoretical considerations and the development of new psychometric measures
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Faking good on the mcmi-iii and mcmi-iv
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