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Professor Matthew Allen

Executive Dean

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2246
Mobile: 0433 124 454
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO30.221  

Matthew is Executive Dean, Arts and Humanities and Professor of Internet Studies.


Executive Assistant to the Dean
Deb Godden
Telephone: (+61 8) 6304 3108


Prior to joining ECU in 2022, Matthew led the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin University (2013-2019), having worked in the schools of Social Sciences, and Media at Curtin University from 1994.

Matthew was Australia’s first Professor of Internet Studies establishing the Internet Studies department at Curtin University. A former president of the international Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Matthew’s research has concerned the history and social meaning of the Internet, drug use and online communication, Australia’s development of broadband usage. His work on the history of Web 2.0 is widely cited. Matthew has co-edited two editions of the prestigious Handbook of Internet Research and was chief editor of the journal Media International Australia. He has also written and presented extensively on online education.

Matthew has served as a director of the Internet Industry Association and was for a decade a member, and then chair, of the Library Board of Western Australia.

Professional associations

  • Association of Internet Researchers (Life Member)
  • Australia and New Zealand Communications Association

Awards and recognition

National and International awards

  • 2009 - Australian Teaching and Learning Fellowship

University and National Teaching awards

  • 2000 - Australian Award for University Teaching (Social Sciences)

Research areas and interests

  • Internet Studies
  • Social Media
  • Online learning and education
  • Innovation and change through technology
  • Higher education leadership


  • Master of Arts, Murdoch University, 1998.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Australian National University, 1991.
  • Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours, The University of Sydney, 1987.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Engel, L., Bright, S., Barratt, M., Allen, M. (2021). Positive drug stories: possibilities for agency and positive subjectivity for harm reduction. Addiction Research and Theory, 29(5), 363-371.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Maddox, A., Barratt, M., Allen, M., Lenton, S. (2016). Constructive activism in the dark web: cryptomarkets and illicit drugs in the digital ‘demimonde’. Information, Communication and Society, 19(1), 111-126.
  • Barratt, M., Lenton, S., Maddox, A., Allen, M. (2016). ‘What if you live on top of a bakery and you like cakes?’—Drug use and harm trajectories before, during and after the emergence of Silk Road. International Journal of Drug Policy, 35(Sep-16), 50-57.
  • Freeman, J., Park, S., Middleton, C., Allen, M. (2016). The Importance of Broadband for Socio-Economic Development: A Perspective from Rural Australia. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 20(Jul), 1-18.
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