ECU offers innovative and practical courses across a variety of disciplines and we have a vibrant research culture. ECU is a leader in developing alternative entry pathways to higher education.
We have three campuses in Western Australia. Joondalup and Mount Lawley in the Perth metropolitan area and our South West campus in Bunbury, 200km south of the Perth CBD.
ECU provides a variety of services and facilities that go beyond the classroom, with opportunities for personal development and social interaction for students and staff.
We collaborate with all types of businesses, including new start-ups, small to medium enterprises, not-for-profits, community organisations, government and large corporates in the resources sector.
Children's University Edith Cowan aims to inspire students between seven and fourteen to develop confidence and a love of learning through validated activities beyond the school curriculum.
The Inspiring Minds scholarship program are equity scholarships that give students an opportunity to access an education that may otherwise be out of reach.
Murphy, F. (2018). Speaking for the dead: Writing and the Unknown Australian Soldier. TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Programs, 22(1), 21 pages.
Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2018). Gallipoli's troubled hearts: Fear, nerves and repatriation. Studies in Western Australian History, 32((2018)), 25-37.
Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2017). Writing Silence: Grieving Mothers and the Literature of War. Claiming Space for Australian Women's Writing (37-59). Palgrave Macmillan.
Journal Articles
Murphy, F. (2017). Writing Therapy: Paradox, peril and promise. TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Programs, Special Issue 38. 21(1), 17p..
Murphy, F. (2016). All that happens: Ransom and its afterword. Literatures in English: New Frontiers in Research (281-293). Stauffenberg Verlag.
Journal Articles
Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2016). The Naked Anzac: Exposure and Concealment in A.B. Facey's A Fortunate Life. Southerly: a review of Australian literature, 75(3), 219-237.
Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2016). The many transformations of Albert Facey. M/C Journal, 19(4), Online.
Murphy, F. (2011). Writing therapy in the academy: Risks and challenges. The Ethical Imaginations: Writing Worlds Papers - the Refereed Proceedings (10p.). Aust. Assoc. of Writing Programs.
Murphy, F. (2010). Campus criticism and creative writing: Perfect partners?. Strange Bedfellows or Perfect Partners Papers: refereed proceedings (9p.). Aust Assoc of Writing Programs.
Murphy, F. (2009). On journeys and collaborations. The Margins and Mainstreams Papers: Refereed Proceedings (8p.). Aust. Assoc. of Writing Programs.
Murphy, F. (2009). Shots in the dark: writing, revelation and responsibility. The creativity and uncertainty papers: Refereed Proceedings (13p.). Aust. Assoc. of Writing Programs.
Neilsen, PM., Murphy, F. (2008). The potential role of life-writing therapy in facilitating 'recovery' for those with mental illness. M/C Journal, 11(6), 8 pages.
Murphy, F., Neilsen, P. (2008). Recuperating Writers - and Writing: The Potential of Writing therapy. Text: the journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs, 12(1), 40 pages.
Murphy, F. (2007). The Necessity of Imperfection: Storytelling and Motherhood. The Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education (285-295). Forum.
Murphy, F. (2002). Madame Ballet. Brolga: An Australian Journal About Dance, 16, 7-21.
Research Projects
'Deep Within My Soul': Recovering Memory in Bilingual Early Alzheimer's Patients, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2008 ‑ 2013, $25,282.
Kira and James: A Biographical Investigation of Two Significant Cultural Figures, Using Historical and Practice-Led Forms of Research, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2008 ‑ 2010, $24,006.
Doctor of Philosophy, Secrets, shame and forgiveness in celebrity culture and literature.
Doctor of Philosophy, "Sink or swim: A memoir" and "writing memoir: truths, tensions, transitions: an essay."
Master of Arts, Irrestible grace excerpt from a novel and looking back: On writing, travel and the gaze an essay
Doctor of Philosophy, Lilac tractors a novel and critical essay intersections among psychiatry, madness, sexuality and feminism in 'lilac tractors'.
Doctor of Philosophy, Framing anorexia: A play script and multidimensional investigation of anorexia.
Master of Arts, A struggle for recognition: The war widows' guild in Western Australia 1946- 1975 and exegesis: researching and writing an organisational history
Doctor of Philosophy, The historian's daughter (a novel) monsters and memory (an essay)
Master of Arts, Boomtown wives: A novel.
Doctor of Philosophy, Venturing into Silences. The Silence of Water (novel). Convicts, Women and Western Australian Stories (essay).
Co-principal Supervisor
Master of Arts, Spectrum: Encounters with India.
Doctor of Philosophy, Philosophy for teenagers: Finding new relevance in old concepts.
Doctor of Philosophy: Museum of the self and rewriting the masculine: Exile, return, self-knowledge
Doctor of Philosophy, 'The red pipe: A novella set in port hedland', plus an accompanying essay, 'ten pounds for adults, kids travel free'
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy, Who is it that writes? Poetry and the plural self
Doctor of Philosophy, Maps for the lost. A collection of short fiction - and - human / nature ecotones: Climate change and the ecological imagination. a critical essay
Doctor of Philosophy, Aurora.
Doctor of Philosophy, Saphira, the snake princess: A novel and minoan is not greek: an essay
Doctor of Philosophy, "The beach house".
Doctor of Philosophy, Minnesota boy: A journey through time and place.
Doctor of Philosophy, A coat of ashes. A collection of poems, incorporating a metafictional narrative - and - poetry, Daoism, physics and systems theory: A poetics: A set of critical essays.
Master of Arts, 'Cooper street'(original screenplay) and "into the foreground - an examination of setting within the screenplay"
Master of Arts, 'Cooper street'(original screenplay) and "into the foreground - an examination of setting within the screenplay"
Doctor of Philosophy, The double sunrise. A novel and exegesis, Australian national identity and 'the double sunrise'.
Master of Arts by Research, One night in Hong Kong a novella and sexuality, desire and the aging female body an essay
Doctor of Philosophy, The murder of mike macdougall, a social realist novel, and the Australian paradox: An essay on the Australian migrant experience after world war II.
Doctor of Philosophy, Curse of the time witch and the time-slip novel
Doctor of Philosophy, The headless angel of chance.
Doctor of Philosophy, Creativity and illness: An anecdotal exploration of a writing practice. Coming undone: a collection of poems & a thesis as an anecdotal exploration of a writing practice
Doctor of Philosophy, When Autism Strikes
Doctor of Philosophy, Carousel - novel. Writing into the apocalypse - an examination of the method of writing into the dark within the context of post-apocalyptic fiction.
Doctor of Philosophy, Carousel - novel. Writing into the apocalypse - an examination of the method of writing into the dark within the context of post-apocalyptic fiction.
Doctor of Philosophy, The fragmented self: The longing (novel) and Intergenerational relations in a Chinese Indonesian family (exegesis)
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