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Dr Ffion Murphy

Honorary Senior Fellow

Staff Member Details
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML18.220  

Ffion is an Honorary Senior Fellow within the School of Arts and Humanities.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland, 2004.
  • Master of Arts, The University of Sydney, 1986.
  • Graduate Diploma of Business Secretarial Studies, Edith Cowan University, 1981.
  • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Western Australia, 1981.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Murphy, F., Brien, DL., Lindsey, K. (2022). On the Threshold: Conceptual Speculation. Speculative Biography: Experiments, Opportunities and Provocations (61-74). Routledge.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2017). Writing Silence: Grieving Mothers and the Literature of War. Claiming Space for Australian Women's Writing (37-59). Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, F. (2017). Writing Therapy: Paradox, peril and promise. TEXT: Journal of Writing and Writing Programs, Special Issue 38. 21(1), 17p..

Book Chapters

  • Murphy, F. (2016). All that happens: Ransom and its afterword. Literatures in English: New Frontiers in Research (281-293). Stauffenberg Verlag.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2016). The Naked Anzac: Exposure and Concealment in A.B. Facey's A Fortunate Life. Southerly: a review of Australian literature, 75(3), 219-237.
  • Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2016). The many transformations of Albert Facey. M/C Journal, 19(4), Online.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2015). Wounded storyteller: Revisiting Albert Facey's fortunate life. Westerly, 60(2), 87-100.
  • Murphy, F. (2015). In Memoriam: Women, War and Communal Lament. Hecate: an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation, 40(2), 103-122.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, F. (2013). History, literature and creative writing: a new dimension. Indian Journal of Australian Studies, 4(2011), 31-49.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, F., Nile, R. (2012). Writing, Remembering and Embodiment: Australian Literary Responses to the First World War. M/C Journal, 15(4), online.

Conference Publications

  • Murphy, F. (2011). Writing therapy in the academy: Risks and challenges. The Ethical Imaginations: Writing Worlds Papers - the Refereed Proceedings (10p.). Aust. Assoc. of Writing Programs.

Conference Publications

  • Murphy, F. (2010). Campus criticism and creative writing: Perfect partners?. Strange Bedfellows or Perfect Partners Papers: refereed proceedings (9p.). Aust Assoc of Writing Programs.

Conference Publications

  • Murphy, F. (2009). On journeys and collaborations. The Margins and Mainstreams Papers: Refereed Proceedings (8p.). Aust. Assoc. of Writing Programs.
  • Murphy, F. (2009). Shots in the dark: writing, revelation and responsibility. The creativity and uncertainty papers: Refereed Proceedings (13p.). Aust. Assoc. of Writing Programs.

Journal Articles

  • Neilsen, PM., Murphy, F. (2008). The potential role of life-writing therapy in facilitating 'recovery' for those with mental illness. M/C Journal, 11(6), 8 pages.
  • Murphy, F., Neilsen, P. (2008). Recuperating Writers - and Writing: The Potential of Writing therapy. Text: the journal of the Australian Association of Writing Programs, 12(1), 40 pages.

Book Chapters

  • Murphy, F. (2007). The Necessity of Imperfection: Storytelling and Motherhood. The Goddess Awakened: Partnership Studies in Literatures, Language and Education (285-295). Forum.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Murphy, F. (2006). Devotion. . Fremantle Press.

Journal Articles

  • Murphy, F. (2002). Madame Ballet. Brolga: An Australian Journal About Dance, 16, 7-21.

Research Projects

  • 'Deep Within My Soul': Recovering Memory in Bilingual Early Alzheimer's Patients, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2008 ‑ 2013, $25,282.
  • Kira and James: A Biographical Investigation of Two Significant Cultural Figures, Using Historical and Practice-Led Forms of Research, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2008 ‑ 2010, $24,006.

Research Student Supervision

No data available

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Secrets, shame and forgiveness in celebrity culture and literature.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, "Sink or swim: A memoir" and "writing memoir: truths, tensions, transitions: an essay."
  • Master of Arts, Irrestible grace excerpt from a novel and looking back: On writing, travel and the gaze an essay
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Lilac tractors a novel and critical essay intersections among psychiatry, madness, sexuality and feminism in 'lilac tractors'.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Framing anorexia: A play script and multidimensional investigation of anorexia.
  • Master of Arts, A struggle for recognition: The war widows' guild in Western Australia 1946- 1975 and exegesis: researching and writing an organisational history
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The historian's daughter (a novel) monsters and memory (an essay)
  • Master of Arts, Boomtown wives: A novel.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Venturing into Silences. The Silence of Water (novel). Convicts, Women and Western Australian Stories (essay).

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Arts, Spectrum: Encounters with India.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Philosophy for teenagers: Finding new relevance in old concepts.
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Museum of the self and rewriting the masculine: Exile, return, self-knowledge
  • Doctor of Philosophy, 'The red pipe: A novella set in port hedland', plus an accompanying essay, 'ten pounds for adults, kids travel free'

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Who is it that writes? Poetry and the plural self
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Maps for the lost. A collection of short fiction - and - human / nature ecotones: Climate change and the ecological imagination. a critical essay
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aurora.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Saphira, the snake princess: A novel and minoan is not greek: an essay
  • Doctor of Philosophy, "The beach house".
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Minnesota boy: A journey through time and place.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A coat of ashes. A collection of poems, incorporating a metafictional narrative - and - poetry, Daoism, physics and systems theory: A poetics: A set of critical essays.
  • Master of Arts, 'Cooper street'(original screenplay) and "into the foreground - an examination of setting within the screenplay"
  • Master of Arts, 'Cooper street'(original screenplay) and "into the foreground - an examination of setting within the screenplay"
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The double sunrise. A novel and exegesis, Australian national identity and 'the double sunrise'.
  • Master of Arts by Research, One night in Hong Kong a novella and sexuality, desire and the aging female body an essay
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The murder of mike macdougall, a social realist novel, and the Australian paradox: An essay on the Australian migrant experience after world war II.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Curse of the time witch and the time-slip novel
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The headless angel of chance.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Creativity and illness: An anecdotal exploration of a writing practice. Coming undone: a collection of poems & a thesis as an anecdotal exploration of a writing practice
  • Doctor of Philosophy, When Autism Strikes
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Carousel - novel. Writing into the apocalypse - an examination of the method of writing into the dark within the context of post-apocalyptic fiction.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Carousel - novel. Writing into the apocalypse - an examination of the method of writing into the dark within the context of post-apocalyptic fiction.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The fragmented self: The longing (novel) and Intergenerational relations in a Chinese Indonesian family (exegesis)
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