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Dr Beate Josephi

Honorary Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details

Beate is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the School of Arts and Humanities.


  • , Other NT higher ed institution, 1985.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Germany, 1978.
  • , Germany, 1971.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • O'Donnell, P., Josephi, B. (2022). Freelance journalists in Australia at a time of industry contraction and COVID-19. Journalists and Job Loss (196-207). Routledge.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B., Junchen, P. (2015). Follow the Huai River: Investigative Environmental Reporting with Chinese Characteristics. Global Media Worlds and China (19-30). Communication University of China Press.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B., Richards, I. (2012). The Australian Journalist in the 21st Century. The Global Journalist in the 21st Century (115-125). Routledge.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Josephi, B. (2012). The Land's Meaning - the poetry of Randolph Stow. Beate Josephi.

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B. (2011). Australia - Committed to Investigative Journalism. The Media for Democracy Monitor (51-77). Nordicom.

Journal Articles

  • Josephi, B. (2011). Supporting Democracy: How well do the Australian media perform?. Australian Journalism Monographs, 13(2011), 1- 46.
  • Josephi, B. (2011). Foreign Correspondents in Australia. Australian Journalism Review, 33(1), 85-95.

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B. (2010). Introduction. Journalism Education in Countries with Limited Media Freedom (1-11). Peter Lang Publishing.
  • Josephi, B. (2010). Conclusions. Journalism Education in Countries with Limited Media Freedom (253-260). Peter Lang Publishing.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Josephi, B. (2010). A Pantomime of Words: the poetry collages of Nobel prize winner Herta Muller. ABC Radio National.

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B. (2009). Journalists: International Profiles. Global Journalism: Topical Issues and Media Systems (148-157). Allyn & Bacon.
  • Josephi, B. (2009). Journalism Education. The Handbook of Journalism Studies (42-56). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Josephi, B. (2009). Journalism research and democracy: Moving out of the Western orbit. African Communication Research, 1(3), 385-404.
  • Josephi, B., Mueller, C. (2009). Differently Drawn Boundaries of the Permissible. Literary Journalism Studies, 1(1), 67-78.
  • Josephi, B., Mueller, C. (2009). Differently Drawn Boundaries of the Permissible in German and Australian Literary Journalism. Literary Journalism Studies, 1(1), 67-78.

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B. (2008). Gefaehrlich sind nur die Haie. Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenten ein handbuch (341-353). UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.

Journal Articles

  • Josephi, B. (2007). Positioning journalism research and journalism education in times of change. Australian Journalism Review, 29(1), 3-12.
  • Josephi, B. (2007). Internationalizing the journalistic professional model: imperatives and impediments. Global Media and Communication, 3(3), 300-306.

Journal Articles

  • Heinritz, L., Josephi, B. (2006). The framing of ATSIC Chairman Geoff Clark in the Australian. Australian Studies in Journalism, 17, 17-40.
  • Josephi, B., Mueller, C. (2006). Vom unterschiedlichen Umgang mit dem Tod. Zeitschrift fur Australienstudien, 20, 29-41.
  • Josephi, B., Muller, C., Friske, H. (2006). How private a death? Obituaries in Australia and Germany. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 12(1), 29-42.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Josephi, B. (2006). Ezra Pound at Rapallo. Beate Josephi.
  • Josephi, B. (2006). Eugenio Montale. Beate Josephi.

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B. (2005). Reluctant consent: The West Australian's slow embrace of a sense of nationhood. Consent and Consensus - Politics, Media and Governance in Twentieth Century Australia (41-58). API Network.

Journal Articles

  • Josephi, B., Sjobrend, L. (2005). A lack of investigation? Reporting Tampa in Australia and Norway. Australian Studies in Journalism, 15, 92-118.
  • Josephi, B. (2005). Journalism in the global age - Between normative and empirical. Gazette - the International Journal for Communication Studies, 67(6), 575-590.
  • Josephi, B., Phillips, G., Businoska, A. (2005). Localism and networking: A radio news case study. Media International Australia Incorporating Culture and Policy: quarterly journal of media research and resources, November(117), 121-136.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Josephi, B. (2005). Two Australians in Italy. Beate Josephi.

Book Chapters

  • Josephi, B. (2004). Media terrorism or culture of peace: Reporting September 11. Media in a terrorized world Reflections in the wake of 911 (34-53). Eastern Universities Press.

Journal Articles

  • Josephi, B. (2004). Expressing Concern: Press reporting of the Bali bomb blasts. Australian Journalism Review, 26(1), 55-68.
  • Josephi, B. (2004). Attributes quality newspapers look for in their young journalists. Asia Pacific Media Educator, 15(n/a), 99-114.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Josephi, B. (2004). The Poetry of David Malouf. Beate Josephi.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Josephi, B. (2003). Poetic translation of poems by Andrew Taylor for German radio. Das Gedicht.
  • Josephi, B. (2003). Fay Zwicky. Beate Josephi.

Journal Articles

  • Josephi, B. (2002). Habits Die Hard: War journalism and organisational practices. Australian Studies in Journalism, 10(11), 191-205.
  • Josephi, B. (2002). On the cusp between global and local: Young journalists at the Straits Times. Asia Pacific MediaEducator, 12-13, 123-138.

Journal Articles

  • Josephi, B. (2001). Federation: the west Australian between empire and nation., 1,
  • Josephi, B. (2001). Das zogerliche Zusammenwachsen einer Nation. GASt newsletter, 15(2001), 6-16.
  • Josephi, B. (2001). Entering the Newsroom: What Rite of Passage?. Communications: the European journal of communication research, 26(2/2000), 181-195.

Research Student Supervision

No data available

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, A comparison of Australian and german literary journalism.
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Seventy years of sportswriting at the West Australian
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Australian identity, the press and major international sporting events: A study of two Olympic and two comonwealth games held in Australia since 1956.

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The development of community cable television in Taizhou and the rise of the Chinese middle class.
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