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Dr Julia Butt

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6235
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO30.127  

Julia is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Arts and Humanities.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland, 2007.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Hollett, R., Butt, J., Mills, B., Godrich, S., Trapp, G., Devine, A. (2025). An anti‐junk food ad from a sports commercial break reduced junk food consumption inclinations, yet junk food ads had minimal to no impact. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 36(1), Article number e943.

Journal Articles

  • Hollett, R., Fairclough, J., Butt, J., Mills, B. (2024). Exposure to preference-matched alcohol advertisements from national sports broadcasts increases short-term alcohol consumption inclinations in risky drinkers. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 2024(Article in press), 8 pages.

Journal Articles

  • Wand, H., Reilly, R., McKetin, R., Quinn, B., Roe, Y., Conigrave, K., Ezard, N., Butt, J., Treloar, C., Sivak, L., Shackleford, I., Dunlop, A., Ward, J. (2023). Investigating associations between methamphetamine use, mental health and risky sexual behaviours amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Mental Health and Prevention, 30(TBD), article number 200267.
  • Sivak, L., Reilly, R., Lockton, J., Treloar, C., Roe, Y., McKetin, R., Butt, J., Ezard, N., Winkenweder, H., Ward, J. (2023). Psychosocial stress and methamphetamine use: A mixed-methods study of intersectional stigma and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander methamphetamine use. International Journal of Drug Policy, 121(TBD), article number 104189.

Journal Articles

  • Butt, J., Wilson, M., Jones, J., Lenton, S. (2022). Review of cannabis use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Journal of the Australian Indigenous HealthinfoNet, 3(3), Article number 1.
  • Gendera, S., Treloar, C., Reilly, R., Conigrave, K., Butt, J., Roe, Y., Ward, J. (2022). ‘Even though you hate everything that's going on, you know they are safer at home’: The role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families in methamphetamine use harm reduction and their own support needs. Drug and Alcohol Review, 41(6), 1428-1439.

Journal Articles

  • Cumming, C., Butt, J., Hersi, A., Tohow, A., Young, JT. (2021). Khat use and perceived health problems among African migrants in Australia: an exploratory study. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 27(5), 491-500.

Journal Articles

  • Butt, J. (2019). Review of kava use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin, 19(2), 1-27.
  • Reilly, R., McKetin, R., Wand, H., Butt, J., Smout, M., Ezard, N., Conigrave, K., Clarke, Y., Quinn, B., Treloar, C., Gray, D., Dunlop, A., Roe, Y., Ward, J. (2019). A Web-Based Therapeutic Program (We Can Do This) for Reducing Methamphetamine Use and Increasing Help-Seeking Among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Protocol for a Randomized Wait-List Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 8(7), Article number e14084.

Journal Articles

  • Young, JT., Butt, J., Hersi, A., Tohow, A., Mohamed, D. (2016). Khat dependence, use patterns, and health consequences in Australia: An exploratory study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77(2), 343-348.

Research Projects

  • Complementary article to be housed on the Indigenous Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Clearing House - Suicide Risk and Alcohol and Other Drugs, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $30,000.
  • Review articles to be housed on the Indigenous Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $34,578.
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