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Uhlmann, P., Pryor, G. (2023). Love of Process: Intimacy and Attention Within Painting, Life, and Art. Contemporary Love Studies in the Arts and Humanities: What's Love Got To Do With It? (109-122). Palgrave Macmillan.
Creative Arts Research Outputs
Uhlmann, P., Hamilton, A. (2023). Encounters: Things like this Happen at Sea. [Paintings, artists books, text and image and objects]. Nyisztor Studio.
Uhlmann, P. (2022). Images of Impermanence: 1.Resistance! Paintings as Provisional Realities (group exhibition) 2. Of Ghosts and Angels (group exhibition) 3. Mandorla Art Award (finalist) 4. Impact 12 International Printmaking Conference Exhibitions (Edge of Infinity). 1. M-16, Canberra 2.Art Collective WA, Perth 3.Holmes à Court Gallery, St John of God Subiaco, New Norcia Museum and Gallery and St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth 4.Bristol University, U.K..
Uhlmann, P. (2021). Artists' Books: Objects of Visible and Invisible Realms. The Blue Notebook: a new journal for artists' books, 15(2), 14-21.
Uhlmann, P. (2021). Lines of doubt, fear and tenderness in the work of José Luis Cuevas and Tommi Parrish. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, 12(1), 57-72.
Uhlmann, P. (2019). the day I left this earth. [artist's book]. North Metropolitan TAFE, Perth, Western Australia.
Uhlmann, P. (2019). fragment I (Indian Ocean); fragment II (Indian Ocean); fragment III (Indian Ocean, ghosts). [printmaking]. Centro de Arte Faro Cabo Mayor, Santander, Spain.
Uhlmann, P. (2015). Embodied Meaning and the Creative Process: New Meanings Arising Within Materiality and Artists’ Books in the Post Print Age of the 21st Century. IMPACT 9 Printmaking in the Post-Print Age: Critical and Creative Methods in the context of Contemporary Art and Society (375-381). China Academy of Art Press.
Uhlmann, P., Barstow, C. (2015). Embodied Learning: Towards new models for engaging with art within the University. Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools Conference 2014: The Future of the Discipline (12p.). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.
Creative Arts Research Outputs
Polain, M., Uhlmann, P. (2015). cloud stutter. fold.
Uhlmann, P. (2015). Gallipoli Sky. Fremantle Arts Centre.
Uhlmann, P. (2015). (a letter in fragments) by Arthur Rimbaud To Paul Demeny Charleville, 15th May 1871. Gallery East & Gallery Central (Central Institute of Technology) Perth..
Uhlmann, P. (2015). Letter to the sky: (open letter to Australia from Manus Island Detainees). M16 Artspace, Canberra.
Polain, M., Uhlmann, P., Day, P. (2015). untitled (artist's book at Impact 9). fold.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). Spinoza, the philosopher craftsman: understanding the world through painting and process. Embodied Aesthetics: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind (129-148). Brill.
Creative Arts Research Outputs
Uhlmann, P. (2014). Wing, Small Green World and Respire IV. Spectrum Project Space.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). Air, Small cloud, Turbulence and Respire I and II. Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Victoria.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). endless night (great knot). Spectrum Project Space.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). Skull. Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, UWA.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). Writing the Landscape: Philosophy in Action in the Calligraphic Ink Paintings of Xu Shanxun. Imprint Volume 49, Issue 2. Print Council of Australia.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). afterimage I and afterimage II. Neo: gallery 22, Bolton UK.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). Giving Form to the Image: Translating Space Within Creative Practice. Translations of Space Catalogue. Edith Cowan University.
Uhlmann, P., Polain, M., Pedersen, F. (2014). Conversations with ghosts. Spectrum Project Space.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). I want to see things that are above. Mundaring Arts Centre.
Allerding, A., Uhlmann, P., Zhu, D. (2014). Translations of Space - Catalogue Design and production. Spectrum Project Space ECU.
Uhlmann, P. (2014). 7 collages towards a painting. Spectrum Project Space.
Uhlmann, P. (2013). Becoming Imperceptible: Drawing as a Way of Understanding Interconnectedness with All Living Beings. Intersections and Counterpoints: Proceedings of Impact 7, an International Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking Conference (476-480). Monash University.
Creative Arts Research Outputs
Uhlmann, P. (2013). Becoming Platypus: Evolution and the Creative Process. Becoming Catalogue. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.
Uhlmann, P. (2013). Air. Art Gallery University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China.
Uhlmann, P. (2013). Rückenfigur – images from Berlin, Shanghai and Margaret River (series 2013). Breathing Space, Library Gallery, ECU.
Uhlmann, P. (2013). View from the edge of Centre. Albany Art Prize 2013. Vancouver Arts Centre.
Uhlmann, P., Starcken, S. (2013). Becoming Pure Potential – the ECU Collection. Becoming Catalogue. Art Gallery University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.
Uhlmann, P. (2013). Nackt I, II, and III. Lyuben Karavelov Regional Library, Rousse, Bulgaria.
Uhlmann, P. (2013). Spinoza: A Letter in Fragments – Letter XV (XXXII). Artspace Mackay.
Uhlmann, P. (2012). To see the world clearly: - painting, the camera obscura and the lens of Spinoza. Proceedings of ACUADS 2011 Annual Conference: creativity: brain, mind, body (9). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.
Creative Arts Research Outputs
Uhlmann, P. (2012). Pulse (2006). Art Gallery of Western Australia.
Uhlmann, P. (2012). room for you (to trace). Lake Macquarie Art Gallery.
Uhlmann, P. (2012). To Trace known and unknown worlds: mapping the work of Heinrich Bunting, Susanna Castleden and Bevan Honey. Imprint Volume 47 Number 4. Print Council of Australia.
Uhlmann, P. (2012). The Jimmy Pike Trust: reflections on the imperceptible transference of knowledge. Imprint Volume 47 Number 1. Print Council of Australia.
Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories
, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2023 ‑ 2026, $26,252.
Art in the Field Film Pilot Project: Inspiring problem solving through art for deployed personnel in military environments, Military Art Program Australia, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2021, $4,918.
Batavia Wreck Project: Illuminating the Human Story of Historic Migration to Australia through the Creative Processes of Science and Art, Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme - 2016 Round 1, 2016 ‑ 2017, $8,500.
Doctor of Philosophy, Repositioning the Denkbild: A painting investigation into deaths in custody in 21st century Australia.
Master of Arts by Research, I walk to see, I walk to know: Walking to Wongawol
Doctor of Philosophy, New Australian plants and animals. An exhibition. - and - physiology, phenomenology and photography: Picturing the indeterminate within an Australian art practice. an exegesis.
Doctor of Philosophy, 'Dreams, illusion, bubbles and shadows': The temporality of objects within Buddhist perception
Associate Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy, Imperceptible realities (an exhibition) -and- digitalisation: Re-imaging the real beyond notions of the original and the copy in contemporary printmaking (an exegesis)
Master of Arts by Research, Towards an Embodied Photographic Practice. An Exegesis -and- Disruptive Immersion. An Exhibition
Doctor of Philosophy, Retrotopia. An exhibition -and- Mashup and expanded painting: A lens on liquid consumerism. An exegesis.
Master of Arts by Research, Defence D'afficher. An exhibition. -and- from snap-shot photography to digital printmaking via the concept of the flâneur. An exegesis.
Master of Arts by Research, The material forms of memory: A creative arts praxis examining family archive materiality and the performance of memory through installation art
Doctor of Philosophy, "Wonderfully ordinary" words from a romantic archive of Elizabeth Jolley's writing for students: Creative process as a garland of fragments
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