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Professor Clive Barstow

Emeritus Professor

Staff Member Details

Clive is a Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities.


Clive Barstow is Professor of Creative Arts at Edith Cowan University, Honorary Professor of Art at the University of Shanghai Science & Technology China and Honorary Professor of Design at Guangdong Baiyun University China. Prior to moving to Australia in 1992, Clive taught at Middlesex University in London and the Kent Institute of Art and Design. He trained under Eduardo Paolozzi at the University of the Arts London (Chelsea School of Art) and holds a PhD from Griffith University Australia. Clive was Executive Dean of the School of Arts & Humanities at ECU from its inception in 2016 to 2021, prior to which he was head of the Schools of Art and Design (1998-2012) and the School of Communications and Arts (2012-2016).

Clive is a practicing artist and writer. His exhibition profile includes forty years of international exhibitions, artist residencies and publications in Europe, America, Asia and Australia. His work is held in a number of collections, including the Musse National d'Art Modern Pompidou Centre Paris and the British Council USA. Clive continues his international artist profile by exhibiting regularly in China, Europe and Australia and publishes regularly on arts research and the creative humanities.

He was President of the Australian Council of Deans and Directors of Creative Arts (DDCA) Australia’s peak body for leadership in the arts from 2017-2021, and is also Director of the Open Bite Australia, which encourages the development and self-management of visual practices within a number of local indigenous communities. In 2019 Clive was awarded the lifelong fellowship award by the Australian Council for University Art & Design Schools, for his outstanding contribution to art and design education in Australia.

Professional associations

  • Executive Australian Council of Dean and Directors of Creative Arts (DDCA)
  • Life-Member Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACUADS)
  • International Australian Studies Association
  • Honorary Professor of Art University of Shanghai Science and Technology Shanghai China
  • Honorary Professor of Design Guangdong Baiyun University China
  • Australian Association of University Professors (AAUP)
  • Director of Open Bite Australia Print Workshop
  • The Australasian Council of Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH)
  • Visual Arts advisory board, North Metropolitan TAFE WA

Awards and recognition

  • 2019 - Lifelong Fellowship Award Australian Council for University Art & Design Schools (ACUADS)
  • 2011 - Certificate of Excellence in Creative Arts Research ECU
  • 2005 - Distinguished Teaching Award The Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools (ACUADS)
  • 2001 - ECU Vice-Chancellors Excellence in Teaching Award.

Research areas and interests

  • Cross cultural and hybrid arts practices utilising practice-led research methodologies to investigate past, present and future storytelling through the visual language of art.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Griffith University, 2017.
  • Master of Arts, England, 1980.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours, England, 1978.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Barstow, C., Durey, J. (2022). The Impact of Covid-19 on Arts and Humanities: A Re-separation of Arts and Sciences. Artefact: Pacific rim archaeology, 44(1), 37-40.
  • Barstow, C., Durey, J. (2022). World in Strife – Returning to the Humanities. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 11(07), 7-18.

Journal Articles

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2020). Snow Black Angel, Colony, The Prospectors Palette. [Ceramic, Jigsaws, acrylic, Carborundum]. KE Art Gallery Shanghai China.

Conference Publications

Conference Publications

  • Barstow, C. (2017). Towards Trialectic Space: An Experiment in Cultural Misunderstanding and Dis-orientation. ACUADS 2016: Adaptation (18p.). ACUADS.
  • Adams, L., Barstow, C., Uhlmann, P. (2017). What is ERA really measuring?. ACUADS 2016: Adaptation (12p.). ACUADS.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2017). My-gration. Bursa Museum Of Migration History art Museum, Turkey.
  • Barstow, C. (2017). Tomorrow is History. Turner Galleries, Perth, Australia.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2016). Prune, Trim and Sever. Yunus Emre Cultural Centre – Cetin Emec Art Gallery Istanbul Turkey.
  • Barstow, C. (2016). Double Click. Li Gallery Shenzhen China.

Conference Publications

  • Uhlmann, P., Barstow, C. (2015). Embodied Learning: Towards new models for engaging with art within the University. Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools Conference 2014: The Future of the Discipline (12p.). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2015). War and Piece. Spectrum Project Space, ECU.
  • Barstow, C. (2015). Giving Yesterday a Tomorrow (Solo Exhibition & Catalogue). Hu Jiang Gallery, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology.
  • Barstow, C. (2015). Home and Housed: Public Spaces, Imagined Places. Spectrum Project Space, ECU.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2014). Crime Passionnel. Spectrum Project Space.
  • Barstow, C., Phillips, M., Medley, S. (2014). A dancer, an artist, a designer walk into an ambush.... inConversation. Edith Cowan University.
  • Barstow, C. (2014). Anarcadia. Spectrum Project Space.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2013). StellrScope: A Techno-Tapestry of Art and Science. StellrScope. CSIRO.
  • Barstow, C., Gates-Stuart, E. (2013). Stellrscope: the Centenary of Canberra's Science Art Exhibition. Imprint Volume 48. Print Council of Australia.
  • Barstow, C. (2013). Becoming catalogue - opening essay. Becoming.
  • Barstow, C. (2013). A Chinese Whisper. Art Gallery of University of Shanghai Science &Technology, China.
  • Barstow, C., Jiang, J. (2013). Becoming. University of Shangai Science and Technology.

Conference Publications

  • Zhang, Y., Barstow, C. (2011). Encountering the Third Space: a study of identity and hybridity through trans-cultural artistic practice in Australia and China. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Diasporas: Exploring Critical Issues (1-8). Inter Disciplinary.Net.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2011). Cultural Pruning. Cultural Pruning: 2011 Sino-Australia Invited Contemporary Print Exhibition catalogue. College of Communications & Arts, University of Shanghai Science and Technology.
  • Barstow, C. (2011). food is our god. Moore's Building Contemporary Art Gallery, Fremantle, Perth.
  • Barstow, C. (2011). God Save the Queen; Liquid Lunch; Food is our God : Four digital/screen prints. Meou Art Gallery Shanghai China.
  • Barstow, C. (2011). MXCVII. Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead, UK.
  • Barstow, C. (2011). Posted. Spectrum Project Space.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Allerding, A., Barstow, C., Blank, J., Crouch, C., Kaye, N. (2007). Identities/Hybridities. Spectrum Project Space.
  • Barstow, C. (2007). MMMDCCXLII, MMMDCCLXX, MMMDCIX. Lessedra World Art Print Annual, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Conference Publications

  • Barstow, C. (2005). The bridge between. Publication of the Conference Papers ACUADS 2005 (0). The Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools.
  • Barstow, C. (2005). The Bridge Between: Connecting Studio Pedagogy to the Indigenous Art Market. ACUADS 2005 Conference Publications (1-8). ACUADS.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2005). Clive Barstow talks to Sue Starcken about her recent work. Imprint, vol. 40 no. 2. 40. Print Council of Australia.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2004). Flags. Erbil Galleries, Istanbul Turkey.
  • Barstow, C. (2004). Sarajevo International Mini Print Exhibition. Ars Aevi Musium in Brussels.

Journal Articles

  • Davis, J., McGuire, M., Halse, S., Hamilton, D., Horwitz, P., Barstow, C., Froend, R., Lyons, M., Sim, L. (2003). What happens when you add salt: predicting impacts of secondary salinisation on shallow aquatic ecosystems using an alternative states model. Australian Journal of Botany, 51(6), 715-724.

Conference Publications

  • Barstow, C. (2003). The devil's triangle: An academic perspective on the relationship between creative, industrial and educational partners through the activities of Open Bite Australia print workshop. Partners in Learning (8 pages). Professional Development@Learning Development Services.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Barstow, C. (2003). Hope for the Stereoscope. Fremantle Arts Centre.
  • Barstow, C. (2003). Biographical catalogue for the art collection at National d'Art Modern Centre Pompidou National Collection Paris. Bibliotheque Kandinsky, Musse National d'Art Moderne Centre Pompidou National Collection Paris.

Research Projects

  • In Conversation: Investigating the creative benefits and challenges of collaboration across disciplines and art-forms, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2014, 2014 ‑ 2015, $23,224.

Research Student Supervision

No data available

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Encounters across dialogic cross-cultural collaborative painting
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Home and Away: The Effects of Patriotic Education on Chinese International Students in Australia Through a Critique of Identity Theories and Policy Myth Making

Assistant Supervisor

  • Master of Education, A/r/t + design one designer's experience as a a/r/tographer
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