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Professor Alan Black

Emeritus Professor

Staff Member Details

Alan is a Emeritus Professor at the School of Arts and Humanities.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Sociology), The University of New England, 1973.
  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Anthopology, The University of Sydney, 1959.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Kaldor, P., Black, A., Hughes, P. (2012). How Australian people make sense of life and assess its ultimate significance - and the difference it might make. Beyond WellBeing: Spirituality and Human Flourishing (89-108). Information Age Publishing.


  • Kaldor, P., Hughes, P., Black, A. (2010). Spirit matters : how making sense of life affects wellbeing.. Mosaic Press.


  • Hughes, P., Black, A., Kaldor, P., Bellamy, J., Castle, K. (2007). Building Stronger Communities. University of New South Wales Press.

Journal Articles

  • Bittles, A., Black, A., Wang, W. (2007). Physical anthropology and ethnicity in Asia: the transition from anthropometry to genome-based studies. Journal of Physiological Anthropology, 26(2), 77-82.
  • Black, A. (2007). Pillars, Bottom Lines, Capitals and Sustainability: A Critical Review of the Discourses. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 2(5), 107-117.

Book Chapters

  • Black, A., Hughes, P. (2005). Social Capital & the Sustainability of Rural or Remote Communities: Evidence from the Australian Community Survey. A Dynamic Balance: Social Capital and Sustainable Community Development (159-175). UBC Press.
  • Black, A. (2005). Rural Communities & Sustainabilty. Sustainability & Change in Rural Australia (20-37). University of New South Wales Press.

Journal Articles

  • Bellamy, J., Hughes, P., Black, A. (2005). Too Much or Too Little Choice? Insecurity of Choice Among Australian Adults. International Journal of the Humanities, 2(1), 579-588.

Journal Articles

  • Black, A. (2004). The Quest for Substainable Healthy Communities. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 20(1), 33-44.
  • Hughes, P., Black, A., Bellamy, J., Kaldor, P. (2004). Identity and religion in contemporary Australia. Australian religion studies review, 17(1), 53-68.
  • Hughes, P., Black, A., Bellamy, J., Kaldor, P. (2004). Identity and Religion in Contemporary Australia. Australian Religion Studies Review, 17(1), 53-68.
  • Kaldor, P., Black, A., Hughes, P., Bellamy, J. (2004). Esplorando la spiritualita in Australia. quaderni di sociologia, 48, 141-151.

Book Chapters

  • Tonts, M., Black, A. (2003). Narrogin Western Australia. Community sustainability in rural Australia : a question of capital? (107-134). Centre for Rural Social Research.
  • Bellamy, J., Castle, K., Kaldor, P., Black, A., Hughes, P., Secker, N. (2003). Profiling Australians. Profiling Australians : social and religious characteristics of the population (1-40). Openbook Publishers.
  • Hughes, P., Bond, S., Bellamy, J., Black, A. (2003). Exploring What Australians Value. Exploring What Australians Value (1-32). Openbook Publishers.

Journal Articles

  • Tonts, M., Black, A. (2003). Social and Economic Implications of Farm Plantation Forrestry. Rural Society, 13(2), 174-192.

Conference Publications

  • Tonts, M., Black, A. (2003). Narrogin Western Australia. Community sustainablilty in Rural Australia: A question of capital. (). Centre for Rural Social Research.


  • Bellamy, J., Black, A., Castle, K., Hughes, P., Kaldor, P. (2002). Why People Don't Go to Church.. Openbook Publishers.

Journal Articles

  • Black, A., Tonts, M. (2002). Changing Farm Business Structures & the Sustainability of Rural Communities & Regions: Issues for Research.. Sustaining Regions, 1(2), 17-23.
  • Hughes, P., Black, A. (2002). The impact of various personal and social characteristics on volunteering.. Australian Journal on Volunteering, 7(2), 59-69.

Conference Publications

  • Black, A., Hughes, P. (2001). What is meant by 'community strength'?. TASA 2001Conference Refeered Papers (0). Australian Sociological Association.

Research Projects

  • Evaluation of the Family and Community Networks Initiative 2005, Department of Family and Community Services, Grant, 2005, $150,000.
  • Country Practices: An analysis of factors affecting the wellbeing of general practitioners and their families in rural and remote WA., Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (APAI), 2002 ‑ 2005, $101,838.
  • New generation cooperatives: an analysis of their potential application and benefits in rural Australia, Australian Research Council, Grant - SPIRT, 2001 ‑ 2004, $96,374.
  • Special Project 2001: The sustainability of Australian Rural Communities., Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Inc, Grant - ASSA, 2001 ‑ 2002, $14,613.

Research Student Supervision

No data available

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Arts (Sociology/Anthropology), Characterisation and correlates of anglican religiosity in the dioceses of sydney and newcastle: An historical and sociological study
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Country practices: A sociological analysis of factors affecting the wellbeing of GPS and their familities living and working in rural and remote areas.
  • Master of Arts (Sociology/Anthropology), An analysis of the relationship between social capital and quality of life in four regions of spain in the mid 1990s.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, New generation cooperatives: An analysis of their potential application and benefits from rural Australia.
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