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Associate Professor Stuart Medley

Honorary Associate Professor

Staff Member Details

Stuart is an Honorary Lecturer within the School of Arts and Humanities.


Stuart makes comics and visual prototypes for service design to improve employment and housing services. He is a co-founder and Chair of the Perth Comic Arts Festival. Stuart has worked as a professional illustrator and graphic designer for 20 years with clients including Anglicare and the Centre for Social Impact. He is a founding partner, art director and illustrator for Hidden Shoal Recordings, a critically acclaimed record label with a roster of international artists and clients including the BBC, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Showtime.

Professional associations

  • 2022 - Australian Graphic Design Association, Design Institute of Australia

Awards and recognition

National and International awards

  • 2010 - DesignBoom Korea

Research areas and interests

  • Deliberate communication using pictures


  • Bachelor of Arts, Western Australian Institute of Technology.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2009.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Medley, S., Jung, J. (2024). Mr Fusion or Johnny 5? Visual Rhetoric of AI Design. Humane Autonomous Technology (295-323). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Medley, S., Kueh, C., Mutard, B. (2024). Letting the Picture Tell the story: Using Comics Capture Content as a Research Method. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Creative Research Methods (163-174). Bloomsbury.

Book Chapters

  • Milne, S., Kueh, C., Medley, S., Lynch, N., Noteboom, B. (2023). Human-Centred Service Design and Transformative Innovation: Beginning to Understand How Innovation Culture Shifts Within the Public Health System in Western Australia. Human-Centered Service Design for Healthcare Transformation Development, Innovation and Change (53-72). Springer.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • Medley, S., Zaman, B., Haimes, P. (2020). The Role of Cuteness Aesthetics in Interaction. Emotions in Technology Design: From Experience to Ethics (125-138). Springer.

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S. (2020). The ‘Graphic’ in ‘Typographic’: Picture Theory Applied to Type Through Caricature. Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination (280-290). Springer.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S. (2018). Deliberate Communication with Pictures: A Science Fiction?. Proceedings of International and Interdisciplinary Conference IMMAGINI? (12p.). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
  • Price, A., Medley, S. (2018). The value of images: using pictures and words to enhance intercultural and international communication. ACUADS 2017 Conference: Australian National University School of Art & Design (10p.). ACUADS.

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S., Mutard, B. (2017). Non-face caricature. Theory and workshop. CONFIA 2017 Proceedings (253-263). Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave.

Journal Articles

  • Haimes, P., Medley, S., Brady, D., Baba, T. (2016). Exploring community attitudes towards sharing of bushfire information online. Journal of Disaster Research, 11(3), 552-558.
  • Haimes, P., Medley, S., Baba, T. (2016). A pattern language: designing a hazard information map interface for community-based user. International Journal of Asia Digital Art and Design, 20(1), 5-13.

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S. (2016). Deliberately getting it wrong: accelerating towards finding a style for character design through the psychology of seeing. CONFIA 2016 Proceedings (350-366). Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave.

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S. (2015). Illustration advocacy: Using psychology theory to strengthen the case. CONFIA 2015 Proceedings (327-340). CONFIA.
  • Medley, S., Kueh, C. (2015). Beyond problem solving: A framework to teach design as an experiment in the university environment. Ministry of Design: From Cottage Industry to State Enterprise, Colloquium Proceedings (170-180). The University of the West Indies.
  • Haimes, P., Baba, T., Medley, S. (2015). Mobile map applications and the democratisation of hazard information. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, SA 2015 (Article num. 7). Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.

Journal Articles

  • Haimes, P., Medley, S., Clarkson, B. (2014). Geo-spatial simplicity: Designing map interfaces for bushfire planning. The International Journal of Visual Design, 7(2), 37-45.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Medley, S. (2014). No.19 Squadron Spitfires Scramble!. RAF Duxford.
  • Barstow, C., Phillips, M., Medley, S. (2014). A dancer, an artist, a designer walk into an ambush.... inConversation. Edith Cowan University.
  • Medley, S. (2014). Vox Caldus. Maison des Auteurs, Angoulême, France.
  • Kueh, C., Haddad, H., Ormsby, E., Medley, S., Price, A. (2014). The Happiness Project. Fremantle Town Hall.

Conference Publications

  • Haimes, P., Brady, D., Clarkson, B., Medley, S. (2013). Engaging with communities as a design process: redesigning the FireWatch interface. Earth: Fire & Rain - Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Disaster and Emergency Management Conference 2013 (107-124). AST Management Pty Ltd.
  • Haimes, P., Jung, J., Medley, S. (2013). Bridging the gap: scenario-based design as a solution for delayed access to users. Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools Conference Proceedings (1-10). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.
  • Medley, S. (2013). Designing with Images: using a realism continuum to choose pictures for communication tasks. Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools (ACUADS) Conference 2012 (9p.). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.
  • McMahon, M., Haddad, H., Medley, S. (2013). The Making of SCA Face: building a school of art and design identity within a university. ACUADS 2012: Region and Isolation: The changing function of art & design education within diasporic cultures and borderless communities (10p). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.
  • Rainey, A., Medley, S. (2013). A Picture is Worth a Thousand Votes: Graphicacy Skills for Political Debate. Australian Council of University Art & Design Schools (ACUADS) Conference 2012 (14). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.
  • Kueh, C., Medley, S., Price, A. (2013). Service Design 101: The joy and challenge of introducing service design into an undergraduate design curriculum. Crafting The Future: 10th European Academy of Design Conference (13p). European Academy of Design.
  • Haddad, H., Medley, S. (2013). The HD Magazine: Graphists and Wordsmiths. ACUADS Conference 2012 - Region and Isolation: The changing function of art & design education within diasporic cultures and borderless communities (8p.). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Medley, S. (2013). Umpire catalogue. Spectrum Project Space.
  • Medley, S. (2013). Invariant Array. Art Gallery of the University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China.
  • Medley, S. (2013). Becoming Catalogue. University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China.
  • Medley, S. (2013). The Great Tree. Margate, UK.
  • Medley, S. (2013). Ranfurly Illustrations. Town of Ranfurly, New Zealand.


  • Medley, S. (2012). The Picture in Design: What Graphic Designers, Art Directors and Illustrators Should Know about Communicating with Pictures. The Image, 168. Common Ground Publishing.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Davies, K., Medley, S., Haddad, H. (2012). HD Magazine - Health Edition Design and Journalism. Perth, WA, and online.
  • Medley, S. (2012). Life Boat. Margate, UK.
  • Medley, S. (2012). Illustrations for the book Doing Research in Design. London, New York.
  • Medley, S. (2012). Score and Script. Centre for Recent Drawing, Islington, UK.
  • Medley, S. (2012). Perth Augury. Perth Town Hall.

Journal Articles

  • Medley, S., Haddad, H. (2011). The Realism Continuum, Representation and Perception. The International Journal of the Image, 1(2), 145-156.

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S., Haddad, H. (2011). The Mechanics of Caricature and Their Application in the Classroom Through Software. Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (482-487). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Haddad, H., Medley, S., Davies, K. (2011). HD Magazine: Pacific Politics Edition - art direction. Perth WA.
  • Medley, S. (2011). Snow Day. The Dunedin Comic Review.
  • Medley, S. (2011). Mechanical Elephant by Stuart Medley. Marine Studios, Margate.
  • Haddad, H., Medley, S., Davies, K., Mason, A. (2011). HD Magazine: Science Edition - art direction. Perth , WA.
  • Medley, S. (2011). Slowbeings logo. Beverly, Massachusetts.

Journal Articles

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Medley, S. (2010). Truth Mirror: A Display of Emotion. Eastern Pavilion, Jamsil Sports Complex, Seoul, Korea.

Journal Articles

  • Medley, S., Kaye, N. (2009). Figures: a social application of infographics. visual:design:scholarship, 4(1), 78-90.
  • Medley, S. (2009). The feeling’s neutral for pharmaceutical packaging: how the pharmaceutical aesthetic equals the modernist aesthetic. Australasian Medical Journal, 1(12), 146-151.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Medley, S. (2009). Solar energy system diagram. Beverly, MA.
  • Medley, S. (2009). World Languages graphic. Beverly, MA.
  • Medley, S. (2009). Comiczone Logo. Beverly, MA.

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S., Kaye, N. (2008). Figures: The Social In The Visual - A Context Centred Graphical News Magazine. ACUADS 2008 Conference: Sites of activity /On the edge (online). UniSA Press.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Medley, S. (2007). Old School, New School, Truetype School. Switzerland.
  • Medley, S. (2007). Test Pup: technologies for the oil and gas, petrochemical and subsea industries.. Lightship Visual.

Research Projects

  • Diagnosing Innovation: A Human-Centred Design Approach to Cultivate Innovative Culture in Western Australian Health System , Department of Health WA, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2021 ‑ 2024, $70,000.
  • Aboriginal Health, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Covid-19 Research Fund, 2020 ‑ 2023, $200,000.
  • Request for food and nutrition curriculum support materials as part of the WA Healthy Children Program - K-10 School Food and Nutrition Curriculum Support Materials, Department of Health WA, WA Healthy Children Program, 2013 ‑ 2022, $1,141,835.
  • Using community engagement and enhanced visual information to promote FireWatch satellite communication as a support for collaborative decision-making, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2012 ‑ 2016, $215,982.
  • Screening the Score: Exploring the Potentials and Limitations of Presenting Music Notation on the iPad, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2014, 2014 ‑ 2016, $20,000.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Beyond the Form: Co-Designing a Holistic Wheelchair Seating Framework

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Print to pixel: How can the cultural implications of mediated images and text be examined using creative practice?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Cultures of practice within design: An exploration of the differences and similarities between photography and painting as representational practices.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Vessels for the Devil: Exploring the rhetoric of the monstrous-feminine in graphic culture
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Erotics of Comics
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The other art of computer programming. A visual alternative to communicate computational thinking
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Unveiling graphic design significance with holistic, human-centred design: Diversifying the role for graphic design among local industry projects
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Toeing the triple bottom line: Interior design for retail spaces
  • Doctor of Philosophy, What remains is the book: The idea of the book in and around electronic space
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Designing for communities in bushfire-prone situations: Redesigning the firewatch website interface.
  • Master of Arts by Research, A design thinking approach to professional development in reasonable adjustment: A new methodology for trainers in the vocational education and training sector of Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Diagnosing Innovation: A Design-led Approach to Cultivate Innovation in the Western Australian Public Health System.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Improving the aesthetic and other experiential design aspects of bicycle paths in Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aesthetic choices: Defining the range of aesthetic views in interactive digital media including games and 3D virtual environments (3D VEs)
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