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Associate Professor Christopher Kueh

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6387
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML10.210A  

Chris is an Associate Professor of Design in the School of Arts and Humanities. He is the Course Coordinator for Master of Design (L45), Master of Professional Design (J72), Master of Communication (J71), Master of Professional Communication (L44), Honours (C34) at the School of Arts and Humanities.

Current teaching

  • DES2111 - Service and Transformation Design
  • DES5103 - What is Design For?
  • DES6010 - Design Case Studies
  • DES5102 - Design Thinking
  • SAH2200 - Audience Perception and Experience


Christopher is a design researcher and design strategist. He is currently an Associate Professor of Design at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. Trained as a graphic and information designer, Christopher dedicates his career to expanding and applying the ways designers think to improve and innovate businesses, organisations, and communities. Christopher’s research and consultancy experience have earned him positions as Visiting Professor and academic consultant at the University Tunku Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), and STIKOM Surabaya University (Indonesia). He is currently contributing to design research and knowledge construction in the Southeast Asian region.

Christopher is also an influencing leader in the field of Service Design. He introduced Service Design as a practice in Perth in the year 2010. Together with other pioneer service designers, Christopher has helped to establish strong practice and research culture in the field. He continues to expand the application of Service Design and Strategic Design to build an effective, meaningful, sustainable, and ethical future.

Research areas and interests

  • Service Design
  • Design Thinking
  • Human-Centred Design
  • Strategic Design


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Curtin University of Technology, 2006.
  • Bachelor of Arts Design With First Class Honours, Curtin University of Technology, 2002.
  • Bachelor of Arts Design, Curtin University of Technology, 2000.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Medley, S., Kueh, C., Mutard, B. (2024). Letting the Picture Tell the story: Using Comics Capture Content as a Research Method. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Creative Research Methods (163-174). Bloomsbury.
  • Zabar, M., Peng, F., Davis, A., Kueh, C., Ian, G. (2024). Co-Design for Sustainable Youth Mental Health in Australia. Design for Dementia, Mental Health and Wellbeing: Co-Design, Interventions and Policy (37-49). Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Kueh, C., Durrant, G., Peng, F., Ely, P., Bionat, JF. (2023). Transforming Complexity: A Human-Centred Design Approach to Engage Young People in the Philippines with Dialogues about HIV Service Delivery. Human-Centered Service Design for Healthcare Transformation Development, Innovation, Change (243-264). Springer.
  • Milne, S., Kueh, C., Medley, S., Lynch, N., Noteboom, B. (2023). Human-Centred Service Design and Transformative Innovation: Beginning to Understand How Innovation Culture Shifts Within the Public Health System in Western Australia. Human-Centered Service Design for Healthcare Transformation Development, Innovation and Change (53-72). Springer.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

Book Chapters

  • Kueh, C., Peng, F., Elly, P., Durrant, G. (2022). A Speculation for the Futuer of Service Design in Healthcare: Looking Through the Lens of a Speculative Service Design Framework. Service Design Practices for Healthcare Innovation: Paradigms, Principles, Prospects (115-132). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • O'Rourke, J., Kueh, C., Soames, C., Brook, L., Erickson, C. (2022). Co-designing a communication app to enhance collaborative communication support for secondary students with autism. Educational Technology Research and Development, 71(2), 579-604.
  • Zhou, J., Jung, J., Kueh, C., Lin, Y. (2022). Personalized mobile health and fitness apps guidancemodelforstudents. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 27(5), 201-214.
  • Peng, F., Kueh, C. (2022). Integration of Design Thinking with Cultural Intelligence in Higher Education for a Socially Complex Environment. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 41(2), 341-354.

Book Chapters

  • Kueh, C., Thom, R. (2018). Visualising Empathy: A Framework to Teach User-Based Innovation in Design. Visual Tools for Developing Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Capacity (177-196). Common Ground Research Networks.

Conference Publications

  • Thom, R., Kueh, C., Haddad, H. (2018). Design of Value and Value of Design: The roles of strategic design in (traditionally) non-design disciplines. ACUADS 2017 Conference: Australian National University School of Art & Design (18p.). ACUADS.

Journal Articles

  • Adams, L., Kueh, C., Newman, R., Ryan, J. (2015). This is Not an Article: a reflection on Creative Research Dialogues (This is Not a Seminar). Educational Philosophy and Theory, 47(12), 1330-1347.
  • Ryan, J., Brady, D., Kueh, C. (2015). Where Fanny Balbuk Walked: Re-imagining Perth’s Wetlands. M/C Journal, 18(6), online.

Conference Publications

  • Medley, S., Kueh, C. (2015). Beyond problem solving: A framework to teach design as an experiment in the university environment. Ministry of Design: From Cottage Industry to State Enterprise, Colloquium Proceedings (170-180). The University of the West Indies.
  • Adams, L., Kueh, C., Newman, R., Ferguson, N. (2015). Capturing Creative Practice. Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools Conference 2014: The Future of the Discipline (9p). ACUADS.
  • Adams, L., Newman, R., Ferguson, N., Kueh, C. (2015). Messy never-endings: Curating inConversation as interdisciplinary collaborative dialogue. ACUADS Conference 2014: The Future of the Discipline (9p). ACUADS.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Adams, L., Newman, R., Kueh, C. (2014). inConversation catalogue. Spectrum Project Space.
  • Adams, L., Newman, R., Kueh, C. (2014). inbetween. Spectrum Project Space.
  • Adams, L., Newman, R., Kueh, C. (2014). Curating the conversation: messy never endings. inConversation. Edith Cowan University.
  • Giblett, R., Ryan, J., Saraswati, A., Murray, J., Brady, D., Kueh, C. (2014). Reimagining Perth's Lost Wetlands Exhibition. Perth Town Hall.
  • Kueh, C., Haddad, H., Ormsby, E., Medley, S., Price, A. (2014). The Happiness Project. Fremantle Town Hall.
  • Adams, L., Newman, R., Kueh, C., Ferguson, N. (2014). inConversation. Spectrum Project Space.

Conference Publications

  • Kueh, C., Medley, S., Price, A. (2013). Service Design 101: The joy and challenge of introducing service design into an undergraduate design curriculum. Crafting The Future: 10th European Academy of Design Conference (13p). European Academy of Design.
  • Kueh, C. (2013). Design Thinking Practice and Research: Building Research Culture in Undergraduate Studies. Papers of the 2012 Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools conference (8p). Australian Council of University Art and Design Schools.

Research Projects

  • Co-designing and applying photovoice to capture the hidden world of Huntington's disease, Huntington's Australia, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $13,591.
  • Diagnosing Innovation: A Human-Centred Design Approach to Cultivate Innovative Culture in Western Australian Health System , Department of Health WA, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2021 ‑ 2024, $70,000.
  • The Uncomfortable Silence: The design of a specialised wheelchair seating process using co-design to investigate, hear and include stakeholder needs, Disability Services Commission WA, Scholarships to Support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2016 ‑ 2019, $9,000.
  • Empowering YOUth Initiatives Round 2 - Designing for An Independent Future, Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Dept of Employment - Tender, 2017 ‑ 2019, $77,948.
  • Holistic Parental Engagement Toolkit to Improve Child Health, Wellbeing, and Education in Mirrabooka, Western Australia: A Design Thinking Approach, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Scheme - 2016 Open Round, 2016 ‑ 2018, $44,015.
  • Students leading change to reduce sexting-related harm to young people, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Healthway - Health Promotion Research Project Grant, 2013 ‑ 2017, $221,207.
  • Reimagining Perth's Lost Wetlands, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2014 (Round 2), 2014 ‑ 2016, $35,947.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Beyond the Form: Co-Designing a Holistic Wheelchair Seating Framework
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Empowering Hazard Management: The impact of user-centred design on the Department of Fire and Emergency Services intranet

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Improving motivation to support physical activity through fitness app in China: A co-design approach
  • Master of Medical and Health Science by Research, The Therapeutic Utility of Green-Blue Light Therapy on Sleep Disturbances in a Mixed-Group of Individuals with Cancer Treated with Chemotherapy Agents: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Communications by Research, Connecting dots: Interaction design for holistic learning
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Diagnosing Innovation: A Design-led Approach to Cultivate Innovation in the Western Australian Public Health System.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A study of walking and walkability through a spatial justice/spatial practice framework, in Maylands, Western Australia

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Toeing the triple bottom line: Interior design for retail spaces

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Religion, heritage, and power: Everyday life in contemporary China
  • Master of Arts by Research, A design thinking approach to professional development in reasonable adjustment: A new methodology for trainers in the vocational education and training sector of Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Cultures of practice within design: An exploration of the differences and similarities between photography and painting as representational practices.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Erotics of Comics
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Unveiling graphic design significance with holistic, human-centred design: Diversifying the role for graphic design among local industry projects
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