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Professor Joanne Dickson

Professor of Mental Health

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2711
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO30.209  

Joanne is a Professor of Psychology and Mental Health and a core member of ECU’s Centre for Precision Health (CPH).


Professor Joanne Dickson joined Edith Cowan University’s (ECU) School of Arts & Humanities (SAH) in 2016. She was awarded her PhD in 2003 at the University of London, in the United Kingdom (UK). Joanne’s PhD was supported by two prestigious PhD scholarships from Royal Holloway College, University of London. For several years she held academic posts at two Russell Group Research Universities (UK) including the University of London, Birkbeck College (BBK), followed by the University of Liverpool before returning to Perth, WA.

Joanne’s main research interest focuses on promoting mental health and improving people’s quality of life. Over several years, Joanne’s research has studied the nature of mental wellbeing and mental health difficulties (e.g., depression, anxiety), from the perspective of personal motivation, future-directed thinking, and emotional regulation, as these psychological processes are fundamental to human experiences. Her research has identified favourable psychological processes that promote mental wellbeing as well as processes implicated in exacerbating mental health difficulties. Based on her research body of findings, more recent research has focused on developing interventions to promote personal wellbeing and to alleviate emotional distress.

Professional Associations

  • 2021 - present. The Scientific Research Honor Society (Sigma Xi) - member
  • 2021 - present. Society for the Science of Motivation (APA) - member
  • 2020 - present. Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) - member
  • 2020 - present. American Psychological Association (APA), USA - member
  • 2020 - present. International Society for Non-Suicidal Self-Injury - member
  • 2019 - present. International Society for the Study of Individual Differences - member
  • 2016 - present. Association of Psychological Sciences, USA - member
  • 2015 - 2023. International Human Affectome Project, Taskforce - member
  • 2020 - 2023. WA Mental Health Covid 19 Research Panel - Panel member
  • 2016 - 2020. WA Mental Health Research Alliance, Steering Committee - member
  • 2004 - present. Australian Psychological Society (MAPS) - member
  • 2004 - present. British Psychological Society (2004 CPsychol; 2010 AFBPsS) - member

Awards and Recognition

University and National Teaching awards

  • 2021. Joint Winner of the Engagement in Research Award. ECU, SAH
  • 2019. Outstanding Public Highly Commended for Outstanding Public Engagement, ECU

National and International Research awards

  • 2016 - 2019. Awarded Honorary Research Fellowship & Subject Expert, Mersey Care NHS Trust, UK
  • 2014. Sustained Academic Excellence & Service Award. University of Liverpool, UK
  • 1998 - 2002. Royal Holloway College, University of London, 2 Year PhD Overseas Scholarship
  • 1998 - 2002. Royal Holloway College, University of London, 3 Year PhD Scholarship
  • 1996. Swinburne University, Melbourne, Student Honour’s Research Prize in Psychology


  • 2023. ECU representative on the West Australian (WA), State Department of Health, Parliamentary Round Table, Infant Child and Adolescent Mental Health (iCAMH) in WA.
  • 2020-2022. ECU representative on the West Australian (WA), State Department of Health, Mental Health Research Strategy & Advisory Group.
  • 2019. Invited Visiting Research Scholar, University of Exeter, Psychology Department, UK
  • 2019. Invited Visiting Research Scholar, University of Hertfordshire, Department of Psychology and Sports Science, UK
  • 2018. Invited Visiting Research Scholar – University of Exeter, UK
  • 2017. Invited Visiting Research Scholar, University of Liverpool, Department of Psychological Sciences, UK
  • 2017. Invited Visiting Research Scholar, University of Manchester, Division of Psychology and Mental Health, UK
  • 2017. Invited Visiting Research Scholar. Liverpool Hospital, Hope Clinic, Mersey Care NHS Trust, UK
  • 2016 Awarded Honorary Research Fellow, University of Liverpool, UK
  • 2014 - 2016. Elected Co-Chair of the British Psychological Society (BPS), Research Section, Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology, UK.
  • 2012. Invited Visiting Research Scholar – University of Rochester, USA.
  • 2008 - 2011. Elected Co-Chair of the British Psychological Society (BPS), Research Section, Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology, UK.

International Editorial Roles

  • 2020 - present. Editorial Board (Editor, Mental Health Section): International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health (Q1 journal)
  • 2011 - present. Scientific Committee, International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT)
  • Regular Ad Hoc expert peer reviewer for several high impact psychology journals.

Expert Reviewer, International Research Councils

  • 2022 - present. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Expert Review Panel
  • 2021 - present. Medical Research Council (MRC), UK.
  • 2020 - present. European Science Foundation (ESF; expert panel).
  • 2020 - present. British Academy/Leverhulme, UK.
  • 2014 - present. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR; expert panel)
  • 2014 - present. Fund for Scientific Research, FRS-FNRS, Belgium (expert panel)
  • 2013 - present. The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NOW; expert panel)
  • 2013. Royal Society, New Zealand (Marsden Fund)
  • 2009. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
  • 2006. Economic Social Research Council, ESRC (2006).

Research areas and interests

  • Leads a collaborative international research team in CPH’s Systematic Profiling in Neurological Conditions (SPIN) program. This research has developed a self-managed intervention called SAVOUR to assist people living with neurological conditions to maintain and improve positive mood.
  • Lead of an international research project focused on suicide prevention and improving mood.
  • Ongoing collaborations with ECU psychology and health researchers, as well as other national and international collaborations.
  • Joanne has supervised over 40 postgraduate students to successful completion.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, United Kingdom, 2003.
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Swinburne University of Technology, 1996.
  • Bachelor of Theology, Melbourne College of Divinity, 1987.
  • Bachelor of Education, Western Australian CAE, 1985.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Abeysinghe Mudiyanselage, C., Ewens, B., Smyth, AP., Dickson, J., Ang, M. (2024). Enablers and Barriers of Online Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Informal Carers: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review. Mindfulness, 15(6), 1257-1274.
  • Fang, L., Allan, A., Dickson, J. (2024). Purpose in Life and Associated Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25(6), Article number 63.
  • Schiller, D., Yu, AN., Alia-Klein, N., Becker, S., Cromwell, HC., Dolcos, F., Eslinger, PJ., Frewen, P., Kemp, AH., Pace-Schott, EF., Raber, J., Silton, RL., Stefanova, E., Williams, JH., Abe, N., Aghajani, M., Albrecht, F., Alexander, R., Anders, S., Aragón, OR., Arias, JA., Arzy, S., Aue, T., Baez, S., Balconi, M., Ballarini, T., Bannister, S., Banta, MC., Barrett, KC., Belzung, C., Bensafi, M., Booij, L., Bookwala, J., Boulanger-Bertolus, J., Boutros, SW., Bräscher, A., Bruno, A., Busatto, G., Bylsma, LM., Caldwell-Harris, C., Chan, RC., Cherbuin, N., Chiarella, J., Cipresso, P., Critchley, H., Croote, DE., Demaree, HA., Denson, TF., Depue, B., Derntl, B., Dickson, J., Dolcos, S., Drach-Zahavy, A., Dubljević, O., Eerola, T., Ellingsen, D., Fairfield, B., Ferdenzi, C., Friedman, BH., Fu, CH., Gatt, JM., De Gelder, B., Gendolla, GH., Gilam, G., Goldblatt, H., Gooding, AE., Gosseries, O., Hamm, AO., Hanson, JL., Hendler, T., Herbert, C., Hofmann, SG., Ibanez, A., Joffily, M., Jovanovic, T., Kahrilas, IJ., Kangas, M., Katsumi, Y., Kensinger, E., Kirby, LA., Koncz, R., Koster, EH., Kozlowska, K., Krach, S., Kret, ME., Krippl, M., Kusi-Mensah, K., Ladouceur, CD., Laureys, S., Lawrence, A., Li, CR., Liddell, BJ., Lidhar, NK., Lowry, CA., Magee, K., Marin, M., Mariotti, V., Martin, LJ., Marusak, HA., Mayer, AV., Merner, AR., Minnier, J., Moll, J., Morrison, RG., Moore, M., Mouly, A., Mueller, SC., Mühlberger, A., Murphy, NA., Muscatello, MR., Musser, ED., Newton, TL., Noll-Hussong, M., Norrholm, SD., Northoff, G., Nusslock, R., Okon-Singer, H., Olino, TM., Ortner, C., Owolabi, M., Padulo, C., Palermo, R., Palumbo, R., Palumbo, S., Papadelis, C., Pegna, AJ., Pellegrini, S., Peltonen, K., Penninx, BW., Pietrini, P., Pinna, G., Lobo, RP., Polnaszek, KL., Polyakova, M., Rabinak, C., Helene Richter, S., Richter, T., Riva, G., Rizzo, A., Robinson, JL., Rosa, P., Sachdev, PS., Sato, W., Schroeter, ML., Schweizer, S., Shiban, Y., Siddharthan, A., Siedlecka, E., Smith, RC., Soreq, H., Spangler, DP., Stern, ER., Styliadis, C., Sullivan, GB., Swain, JE., Urben, S., Van Den Stock, J., Vander Kooij, MA., Van Overveld, M., Van Rheenen, TE., Vanelzakker, MB., Ventura-Bort, C., Verona, E., Volk, T., Wang, Y., Weingast, LT., Weymar, M., Williams, C., Willis, ML., Yamashita, P., Zahn, R., Zupan, B., Lowe, L. (2024). The Human Affectome. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 158(2024), article number 105450.
  • Anokye, R., Dalla Via, J., Dimmock, J., Jackson, B., Schultz, C., Schæffer, M., Dickson, J., Blekkenhorst, L., Stanley, M., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J. (2024). Impact of Cardiovascular Imaging Results on Medication Use and Adherence: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 67(4), 606-617.

Journal Articles

  • Swindells, T., Iddon, J., Dickson, J. (2023). The Role of Adaptive Goal Processes in Mental Wellbeing in Chronic Pain. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), Article number 1278.
  • Dickson, J., Hart, A., Fox-Harding, C., Huntley, C. (2023). Adaptive Goal Processes and Underlying Motives That Sustain Mental Wellbeing and New Year Exercise Resolutions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), Article number 901.
  • Anokye, R., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Dickson, J., Kennedy, M., Schultz, CJ., Blekkenhorst, L., Hodgson, J., Stanley, M., Lewis, J. (2023). Impact Of Vascular Screening Interventions On Perceived Threat, Efficacy Beliefs And Behavioural Intentions: A Systematic Narrative Review. Health Promotion International, 38(3), article number daad040.
  • Ropaj, E., Keatley, D., Dickson, J., Milroyd, C., Taylor, P. (2023). A Behaviour Sequence Analysis of goal generation processes in a psychosis rehabilitation sample. Psychosis: Psychological, Social and Integrative Approaches, 15(1), 89-99.
  • Anokye, R., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Dickson, J., Blekkenhorst, L., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J., Stanley, M. (2023). Psychological distress and quality of life in asymptomatic adults following provision of imaging results for prevention of cardiovascular disease events: a scoping review. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 22(1), 13 - 22.
  • Robson, B., Preece, D., Dickson, J. (2023). Goal motives in depression and anxiety: The mediating role of emotion regulation difficulties. Australian Psychologist, 58(4), 284-293.

Journal Articles

  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Sim, M., Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, N., Bondonno, C., Woodman, R., Dickson, J., Harms, C., Magliano, D., Shaw, J., Daly, R., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J. (2022). Higher Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables Is Associated With Lower Worries, Tension and Lack of Joy Across the Lifespan. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9(2 May 2022), Article number 837066.
  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Sim, M., Blekkenhorst, L., Bondonno, N., Bondonno, C., Woodman, R., Dickson, J., Magliano, DJ., Shaw, JE., Daly, RM., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J. (2022). Associations of specific types of fruit and vegetables with perceived stress in adults: The AusDiab study. European Journal of Nutrition, 61(9), 2929-2938.


  • Boylan, J., Goodman, H., Karthigesu, S., Holmes, L., Dickson, J., Cattani, M., Coall, D. (2022). TCS@HOME PILOT PROGRAM: A qualitative exploration of the high attrition rate experienced in the pretest/post-test control study. Joondalup. Edith Cowan Univeristy.
  • Boylan, J., Goodman, H., Karthigesu, S., Holmes, L., Dickson, J., Cattani, M., Coall, D. (2022). TCS@HOME PILOT PROGRAM The psychological safety of volunteering from home as a Lifeline WA telephone crisis supporter. Joondalup. Edith Cowan Univeristy.

Journal Articles

  • Taylor, PJ., Fien, K., Mulholland, H., Duarte, R., Dickson, J., Kullu, C. (2021). Pilot service evaluation of a brief psychological therapy for self-harm in an emergency department: Hospital Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service. Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, research and practice, 94(S1), 64-78.
  • Ropaj, E., Jones, A., Dickson, J., Gill, Z., Taylor, PJ. (2021). Are negative beliefs about psychosis associated with emotional distress in adults and young people with such experiences? A meta‐analysis. Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, research and practice, 94(S2), 242-267.
  • Sandel, DB., Khowla, J., Johnson, S., Dickson, J., Dandy, S., Forrester, R., Taylor, PJ. (2021). Beliefs About One’s Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: The Experiences of Self-Injury Questionnaire (ESIQ). Archives of Suicide Research, 25(3), 458-474.
  • Anokye, R., Jackson, B., Dimmock, J., Dickson, J., Blekkenhorst, L., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J., Stanley, M. (2021). Psychological distress and quality of life following provision of vascular imaging results of the coronary and carotid arteries to asymptomatic adults: a scoping review protocol. F1000Research, 9(1376), 16 pages.
  • Rees, J., Radavelli Bagatini, S., Lo, J., Hodgson, J., Christophersen, C., Daly, R., Magliano, D., Shaw, J., Sim, M., Bondonno, C., Blekkenhorst, L., Dickson, J., Lewis, J., Devine, A. (2021). Association between Fruit and Vegetable Intakes and Mental Health in the Australian Diabetes Obesity and Lifestyle Cohort. Nutrients, 13(5), Article number 1447.
  • Radavelli Bagatini, S., Blekkenhorst, L., Sim, M., Prince, R., Bondonno, N., Bondonno, C., Woodman, R., Anokye, R., Dimmock, J., Jackson, B., Costello, L., Devine, A., Stanley, M., Dickson, J., Magliano, D., Shaw, J., Daly, R., Hodgson, J., Lewis, J. (2021). Fruit and vegetable intake is inversely associated with perceived stress across the adult lifespan. Clinical Nutrition, 40(5), 2860-2867.
  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N., Preece, D., Dodd, A., Huntley, C. (2021). Self-regulatory goal motivational processes in sustained New Year resolution pursuit and mental wellbeing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), Article number 3084.

Journal Articles

  • Williams, JH., Huggins, CF., Zupan, B., Willis, M., Van Rheenen, TE., Sato, W., Palermo, R., Ortner, C., Krippl, M., Kret, M., Dickson, J., Li, CR., Lowe, L. (2020). A sensorimotor control framework for understanding emotional communication and regulation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 112(May 2020), 503-518.
  • Blythin, SP., Nicholson, HL., Macintyre, V., Dickson, J., Fox, JR., Taylor, PJ. (2020). Experiences of shame and guilt in Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa: A systematic review. Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, research and practice, 93(1), 134-159.
  • Taylor, PJ., Dhingra, K., Dickson, J., McDermott, E. (2020). Psychological correlates of self-harm within gay, lesbian and bisexual UK university students. Archives of Suicide Research, 24(1), 41-56.

Journal Articles

  • Spinosa, J., Christiansen, P., Dickson, J., Lorenzetti, V., Hardman, C. (2019). From socio-economic disadvantage to obesity: The mediating role of psychological distress and emotional eating. Obesity, 27(4), 559-564.
  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N., Huntley, CD. (2019). Rumination selectively mediates the association between actual-ideal (but not actual-ought) self-discrepancy and anxious and depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 149(15 October 2019), 94-99.
  • Reaves, D., Dickson, J., Halford, JC., Christiansen, P., Hardman, C. (2019). A Qualitative Analysis of Problematic and Non-problematic Alcohol Use After Bariatric Surgery. Obesity Surgery, 29(7), 2200–2209.
  • Iddon, JE., Taylor, PJ., Unwin, J., Dickson, J. (2019). The role of positive goal engagement in increased mental well-being among individuals with chronic non-cancer pain. British Journal of Pain, 13(4), 230-238.
  • Shallcross, R., Dickson, J., Nunns, D., Taylor, K., Kiemle, G. (2019). Women's Experiences of Vulvodynia: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Journey towards Diagnosis. Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal, 48(3), 961-974.
  • Dickson, J., Cruise, K., McCall, C., Taylor, PJ. (2019). A systematic review of the antecedents and prevalence of suicide, self-harm and suicide ideation in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17), Article number 3154.
  • Cherry, M., Ablett, JR., Dickson, J., Powell, D., Sikdar, S., Salmon, P. (2019). A qualitative study of the processes by which carers of people with dementia derive meaning from caring. Aging and Mental Health, 23(1), 69-76.
  • Elmer, JR., O'Shaughnessy, R., Bramwell, R., Dickson, J. (2019). Exploring health visiting professionals’ evaluations of early parent-infant interactions. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 37(5), 554-565.

Journal Articles

  • Shallcross, R., Dickson, J., Nunns, D., Mackenzie, C., Kiemle, G. (2018). Women’s subjective experiences of living with vulvodynia: A Systematic review and meta-ethnography. Archives of Sexual Behavior: an interdisciplinary research journal, 47(3), 577–595.
  • Taylor, PJ., Jomar, K., Dhingra, K., Forrester, RL., Shahmalak, U., Dickson, J. (2018). A meta-analysis of the prevalence of different functions of non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Affective Disorders, 227(1 February 2018), 759-769.
  • Moberly, NJ., Dickson, J. (2018). Goal conflict, ambivalence and psychological distress: Concurrent and longitudinal relationships. Personality and Individual Differences, 129(2018), 38-42.

Journal Articles

  • Field, M., Di Lemma, L., Christiansen, P., Dickson, J. (2017). Automatic avoidance tendencies for alcohol cues predict drinking after detoxification treatment in alcohol dependence. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(2), 171-179.
  • Dickson, J., Johnson, S., Huntley, C., Peckham, A., Taylor, PJ. (2017). An integrative study of motivation and goal regulation processes in subclinical anxiety, depression and hypomania. Psychiatry Research, 256(October 2017), 6-12.
  • Manning, RC., Dickson, J., Palmier-Claus, J., Cuncliffe, A., Taylor, PJ. (2017). A systematic review of adult attachment and social anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders, 211(15 March 2017), 44-59.

Conference Publications

  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N. (2017). Goal dysregulation in depression. International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT) (53-57). World Institute for Advanced Research and Science.

Book Chapters

  • Di Lemma, LC., Dickson, J., Jedras, P., Roefs, A., Field, M. (2016). Priming of conflicting motivational orientations in heavy drinkers: Robust effects on self-report but not implicit measures. Reward Processing in Motivational and Affective Disorders (70-85). Frontiers Media SA.

Journal Articles

  • Dickson, J., Barsky, J., Kinderman, P., King, D., Taylor, PJ. (2016). Early relationships and paranoia: Qualitative investigation of childhood experiences associated with the development of persecutory delusions. Psychiatry Research, 238(2016), 40-45.
  • Moberly, N., Dickson, J. (2016). Rumination on personal goals: Unique contributions of organismic and cybernetic factors. Personality and Individual Differences, 99(2016), 352–357.
  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N., O'Dea, C., Field, M. (2016). Goal fluency, pessimism and disengagement in depression. PLoS One, 11(11), 1-11.
  • Iddon, J., Dickson, J., Unwin, J. (2016). Positive Psychological Interventions and Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: A Systematic Review of the Literature. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 2016(1), 133–157.

Journal Articles

  • Fitzpatrick, E., McGuire, J., Dickson, J. (2015). Personal goals of adolescents in a Youth Offending Service in the United Kingdom. Youth Justice: an international journal, 15(2), 166-181.
  • Taylor, PJ., Bourne, K., Eames, C., Dickson, J. (2015). Validating the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale [PMS] for Those with Fibromyalgia. Journal of Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia, 23(3-4), 155-164.
  • Ruddock, H., Dickson, J., Field, M., Hardman, C. (2015). Eating to live or living to eat? Exploring causal attributions of self-perceived food addiction. Appetite, 95(December 01), 262-268.
  • Dickson, J., Gullo, M. (2015). The role of brief CBT in the treatment of anxiety and depression for young adults at a UK university: a pilot prospective audit study. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 8(e14), 1-9.
  • Di Lemma, L., Dickson, J., Jedras, P., Roefs, A., Field, M. (2015). Priming of conflicting motivational orientations in heavy drinkers: robust effects on self-report but not implicit measures. Frontiers in Psychology, 6(OCT), Article no. 1465.
  • Winch, A., Moberly, N., Dickson, J. (2015). Unique associations between anxiety, depression and motives for approach and avoidance goal pursuit. Cognition and Emotion, 29(7), 1295-1305.

Journal Articles

  • Baker, S., Dickson, J., Field, M. (2014). Implicit priming of conflicting motivational orientations in heavy drinkers. BMC Psychology, 8(28), 1-13.
  • Harper, B., Dickson, J., Bramwell, R. (2014). Experiences of young people in a 16–18 Mental Health Service. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 19(2), 90-96.

Journal Articles

  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N. (2013). Reduced specificity of personal goals and explanations for goal attainment in major depression. PLoS One, 8(5), Article no. e64512.
  • Crowther, S., Goodson, C., McGuire, J., Dickson, J. (2013). Having to fight. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(1), 62-79.
  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N. (2013). Goal internalization and outcome expectancy in adolescent anxiety. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41(3), 389-397.
  • Dickson, J., Gately, C., Field, M. (2013). Alcohol dependent patients have weak negative rather than strong positive implicit alcohol associations. Psychopharmacology, 228(4), 603-610.
  • Cherry, G., Salmon, P., Dickson, J., Powell, D., Sikdar, S., Ablett, J. (2013). Factors influencing the resilience of carers of individuals with dementia. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 23(4), 251-266.

Journal Articles

  • Barkby, H., Dickson, J., Roper, L., Field, M. (2012). To approach or to avoid alcohol? Automatic and self-reported motivational tendencies in alcohol dependence. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 36(2), 361-368.
  • Tang, T., Reilly, J., Dickson, J. (2012). Attitudes towards seeking professional psychological help among Chinese students at a UK university. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 12(4), 287-293.

Journal Articles

  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N., Kinderman, P. (2011). Depressed people are not less motivated by personal goals but are more pessimistic about attaining them. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 120(4), 975-980.
  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N., Marshall, Y., Reilly, J. (2011). Attachment style and its relationship to working alliance in the supervision of British clinical psychology trainees. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: an international journal of theory and practice, 18(4), 322-330.

Book Chapters

  • Unwin, J., Dickson, J. (2010). Goal focused hope, spiritual hope and well-being. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (161-174). Koninklijke Brill NV.

Journal Articles

  • Dickson, J., Moberly, N. (2010). Depression, anxiety, and reduced facilitation in adolescents' personal goal systems. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 36(6), 576-581. s10608-010-9307-1.
  • Cookson, A., Dickson, J. (2010). The subjective experiences of people with an intellectual disability and diagnosis of schizophrenia who are detained in a Medium Secure Unit. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23(4), 379-389.
  • Roper, L., Dickson, J., Tinwell, C., Booth, P., McGuire, J. (2010). Maladaptive cognitive schemas in alcohol dependence: Changes associated with a brief residential abstinence program. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34(3), 207-215.

Research Projects

  • Non-suicidal self-injury: Reducing the impact on patients, health professionals and health services, East Metropolitan Health Service, EMHS Mental Health Research Fund, 2022 ‑ 2024, $255,000.
  • Telephone Crisis Supporter @ Home Evaluation with Lifeline WA, Lifeline WA, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2023, $75,885.
  • Physical health during isolation, including chronic disease progression in older West Australians, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Covid-19 Research Fund, 2020 ‑ 2023, $100,000.
  • Mental Health and Well-Being: A Motivational Perspective, Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme – 2017 Round 2, 2018 ‑ 2019, $9,830.
  • Goal Regulation and prospective cognitions in momentary and fluctuating mood: A systematic review, Edith Cowan University, School of Arts and Humanities Research Grant Scheme 2017, 2017 ‑ 2018, $10,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Chronic pain: An approach-avoidance motivational and goal process perspective
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Purpose in life: Understanding its Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms and the Relationship with Anxiety and Depression

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Lest we forget - countering the myth of heroic rape

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring the experience of informal carers of people with dementia undertaking an online mindfulness programme: An interpretive descriptive study
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating the Perinatal Mental Health Challenges in Western Australia: A Multi-Methods Approach
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A formative evaluation of inpatient mental health nurses psychotherateutic practice in Western Australia: A mixed methods study

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Developing and testing an integrative model of key correlates of binge drinking behavior: university students
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Approach and avoidance goal features in relation to anxiety and depression
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Hope, mindfulness, flow, and subjective well-being: An exploration of associations and relationships
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Goal-linking and past and future repetitive thought processes as a pathway to depression and anxiety: Developing a model of goal-linking, mindfulness and well-being
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Having to Fight. Grounded theory exploration of 'aggressive' adolescents' ideas about physical aggression
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: The role of positive goal engagement in increased well-being among individuals with chronic non-cancer pain
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Contingent self-esteem, social comparison processes and their association with depression in a non-clinical sample of university students
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: An examination of goal processes and goal cognition in relation to momentary mood changes
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Goals therapy of children referred to CAMHS: Goal internalisation and level of agreement with parents
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: How do young people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) perceive their Quality of Life (QoL)?
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Brain- Injured survivors experience of neuro rehabilitation n the wider context of adaptation to brain injury an interpretation phenomenological analysis
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: The subjective experiences of young people taking antipsychotic medication: A phenomenological study
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Parents with learning Disabilities: Their views and experiences of being parents
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: ‘It's like a big long road': A grounded theory approach to how people at risk of developing psychosis narrate their journey into and through an early detection for psychosis service
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: People with a learning disability, in a secure environment, perceptions and experiences of their diagnosis of schizophrenia: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: The subjective experience of individuals living with Alzheimer's disease and their constructions of medical process, disclosure, coping, and relationships
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Implicit priming of conflicting motivational states in heavy drinkers
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: How do adolescents involved in a Young Offending team construct future directed thinking?
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: An investigation into the perceived attachment processes in the supervisory relationship between clinical supervisors and trainees: A British study
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Maladaptive Schemas, Anxiety, Depression and alcohol dependence
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Well-Being in Fibromyalgia
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: An examination of explicit and implicit cognitions in alcohol dependent compared to non-alcoholic dependent individuals
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: The role of coping motives and self-compassion in the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and alcohol use
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Early relationships and paranoia: Qualitative investigation
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: A study of goal profiles, adaptive regulation of goal pursuits and the mediating role of meta-beliefs in depression
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Depression, anxiety and personal goals: Associations with goal facilitation, self- concordance and self-efficacy

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: The role of shame and guilt in anorexia and bulimia
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Underlying processes in social anxiety
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Subjective well-being in dentists and dental students: The role of personality and motivation
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: Exploring health visitors' and allied health professionals' understanding of early parent-infant interactions
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: An investigation of ironic process theory in people who drink alcohol and the differences between people who are alcohol dependent sample and social drinkers
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: A qualitative study exploring women's experiences of vulva I pain: The diagnostic process
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: An investigation of the experience of making the transition from trainee to qualified clinic clinical psychologist
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: A measure of positive and negative self-harm beliefs: The Self-Harm Beliefs Scale (SHBS)
  • Doctor of Philosophy: Understanding the psychological mechanism of emotional distress in psychosis: The role of goal expectancy and beliefs about experience
  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology: The role of psychological distress in the relationship between socio- economic status and maladaptive eating behaviours
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