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Associate Professor Kwadwo Adusei-Asante

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2848
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO4.102  

Kwadwo is an Associate Professor in Social Science at the School of Arts and Humanities.

Current teaching

  • CSV3114 - Social Research & Program Evaluation
  • CSV2111 - Community Development


Kwadwo is an Associate Professor of Community Studies. Within this broad field, Kwadwo researches and contributes an important voice on the theory and practice of program evaluation in the community sector; ethnography of community engagement in international and community development; social developments in Africa; and issues pertaining to culture and racism.

Kwadwo has over 20 years work experience across Australia, Ghana, and the Netherlands. Prior to joining ECU, Kwadwo worked as a Principal Policy Officer with Western Australia’s Department of Premier and Cabinet (Public Sector Commission) and as a Senior Policy Officer with the Mental Health Commission (Western Australia). Kwadwo has previously held various evaluation lead roles in several community organisations in Australia.

Since joining ECU, Kwadwo has led and managed strategic multi-site projects for several not-for-profit organisations. These projects have largely informed adaptive strategic directions, operational and business area performance on matters relating to community development, community engagement, community-led solutions, program evaluation, social impact measurements, policy analysis and systems audits.

Kwadwo has received research and community project funding of nearly AU$1.4 million, including Category 1 and Australia’s first major ARC-funded research on the political, economic and cultural effects of road infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa. Kwadwo has supervised almost ten PhD completions with a further eight current PhD students. Kwadwo is a sought-after columnist and keynote speaker and has contributed to several national debates including Western Australia’s Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the Commissioner for Children and Young People.

Kwadwo is a recognised expert in program evaluation and currently serves as the Associate Editor of the Evaluation Journal of Australasia. Kwadwo also represents several national evaluation groups across Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia and the South Pacific at the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation.

Professional associations

  • International Association for Impact Assessment (Member)
  • International Australian Studies Association (Member)
  • Australian Evaluation Society (Member)
  • African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (Member)
  • Community-Driven Development Community of Practice Group (Member)
  • International Association for Community Development (Member)

Awards and recognition

National and International awards

  • 2022: Associate Editor, Evaluation Journal of Australasia
  • 2022: Board Member, International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation
  • 2021: Winner, School of Arts and Humanities Engagement in Research Award
  • 2021: Advisory Board Member, Africa Research & Engagement Centre, University of Western Australia
  • 2019 - 2020: Consultant & Research Fellow, Ngala Community Services
  • 2018: Social Change Award, Organization of African Communities, Western Australia
  • 2009 - 2012: Towards aid effectiveness: contested concepts and theories. A case study of the World Bank Community-Based Rural Development Programs. Edith Cowan University Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship and International Stipends.
  • 2008 - 2009: Ghana’s national health insurance scheme in practice: motives for joining and modes of use in the Afram Plains, Ghana. Vrije University of Amsterdam Fellowship Program, The Netherlands.
  • 2007 - 2008: Schisms among Pentecostal Churches in the Biljmer, Amsterdam. Vrije University of Amsterdam Faculty of Theology Grant, The Netherland

University and National teaching awards

  • 2018: Nomination for Vice Chancellor's Award for Programs that Enhance Learning
  • 2016: Nomination for Vice-Chancellor’s Excellence in Research by Early Career Research Award
  • 2015: Social impact assessment of Australia’s Federal government’s proposed university deregulation policy on current and prospective country university students in Western Australia, Edith Cowan University Faculty Research Grant.

National and International research awards

  • 2024/2025-African Australian Young Adults Engagement Patrols in Northbridge Entertainment Precinct- Phase II Western Australia Police Force $86,350
  • 2024 - Towards better police engagement with African–Australian youth in Perth’s Northbridge entertainment precinct. Western Australia Police Force. $36,000.
  • 2024 - Wanneroo Community Christmas Day Lunch. City of Wanneroo. $11,000.
  • 2021 - 2022 - Roads to the Future: Infrastructure and the New Development in East Africa and the Western Indian Ocean. WA Associate Deans of Research Collaboration Fund. $12,500
  • 2020 - 2021 - Philosophy in the Community Classroom. UWA Law Internal Research Grants Scheme. $2,500

Research areas and interests

  • Migrant/African communities
  • Education in minority communities
  • International & community development
  • Pentecostal communities
  • Program evaluation/impact assessment in the community sector

Research reports


  • Diploma of Business Administration, Australia, 2015.
  • Diploma of Quality Auditing, Australia, 2014.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2013.
  • Diploma of Project Management, Australia, 2012.
  • Master of Science in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Netherlands, 2009.
  • Master in Theology, Netherlands, 2008.
  • Bachelor of Education, Ghana, 2001.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Amankwa, M., Adusei-Asante, K., Banham, V. (2025). Personal reflection on my fieldwork experience in a small island developing state. Development in Practice, 2025(Article in press), 9 pages.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Bentum, H., Banham, V., Adusei-Asante, K. (2024). Well-being of grandparent kinship caregivers: An umbrella review. Family Relations, 2024(Article in press), 21 pages.
  • Bentum, H., Banham, V., Adusei-Asante, K. (2024). Violence and Abuse Towards Grandparent Kinship Carers in Informal Kinship Care Context. Ageing International: information bulletin of the International Federation on Ageing, 49(3), 568-592.
  • Ndasi, DM., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Ha, AV., Grobbelaar, M., Nunfam, VF. (2024). Evaluation of the Sources of Sexual Knowledge and Information among Men in Kenya. Sexuality and Culture, 2024(Article in press), 22 pages.
  • Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Adama, E., Graf, A., Adusei-Asante, K. (2024). Assessment Design And Practices Toward Holistic Learning Of Higher Education Students: Empirical Evidence Via Path Analysis Modelling Approach. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 24(3), 52-67.
  • Ndasi, D., Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Grobbelaar, M., Ha, A. (2024). Sources of Sexual Knowledge and Information, and Sexual Attitudes of Men: A Narrative Synthesis of the Literature. Sexuality and Culture, 28(5), 42 pages.
  • Klutsey, J., Adusei-Asante, K., Nunfam, V. (2024). Cultural capital and underdevelopment in less developed countries: The case of northern Ghana. Sustainable Development, 32(1), 1096-1108.
  • Ayaaba, E., Adusei-Asante, K., Nunfam, VF., Rumchev, K., Amponsah, SK. (2024). Mining Through a Pandemic Crisis: A Systematic Review of the Impacts of COVID-19 Management Strategies on Mining Industries in West Africa and Western Australia. Critical Public Health, 34(1), Article number 2438654.

Journal Articles

  • Adusei-Asante, K., Bland, K., Kirkham, N., Nelson, D., Tarrant, S. (2023). Philosophical inquiry in a culturally diverse, faith-based community. Journal of Philosophy in Schools, 10(1), 46-66.
  • Graf, A., Adama, E., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Adusei-Asante, K. (2023). Perceived Nexus Between Non‑Invigilated Summative Assessment and Mental Health Difficulties: A Cross Sectional Studies. Journal of Academic Ethics, 21(4), 609-623.
  • Adama, E., Graf, A., Adusei-Asante, K., Afrifa-Yamoah, E. (2023). COVID-19 and alternative assessments in higher education: implications for academic integrity among nursing and social science students. International Journal for Educational Integrity, 19(1), Article number 8.

Journal Articles

  • Ndasi, D., Adusei-Asante, K., Grobbelaar, M., Nunfam, V. (2022). Female Sex research with men in Kenya: Fieldwork challenges and reflections. Sexologies, 31(1), e16-e23.
  • Ndasi, D., Adusei-Asante, K., Grobbelaar, M., Ha, A., Nunfam, V. (2022). Assessing sexual attitudes among adult men: A descriptive survey in Kenya. Sexologies, 31(3), 165-175.

Book Chapters

  • Ndasi, D., Adusei-Asante, K. (2021). Experiences of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Professionals Working with Migrant Women Living with Female Genital Cutting in Western Australia. Psycho-Social Aspects of Human Sexuality and Ethics (275-327). IntechOpen.

Journal Articles

  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Frimpong, K., Oosthuizen, J. (2021). Estimating the magnitude and risk associated with heat exposure among Ghanaian mining workers. International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic change, 65(12), 2059-2075.
  • Nunfam, V., Afrifa-Yamoah, E., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Frimpong, K., Adjei-Mensah, I., Oosthuizen, J. (2021). Construct validity and invariance assessment of the social impacts of occupational heat stress scale (SIOHSS) among Ghanaian mining workers. Science of the Total Environment, 771(1 June 2021), Article number 144911.

Journal Articles

  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Frimpong, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J. (2020). Barriers to occupational heat stress risk adaptation of mining workers in Ghana. International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic change, 64(7), 1085–1101.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Bennett, E., Simpson, W., Hindmarsh, S., Harvey, B., McMeekin, C. (2020). Evaluating our evaluability: Lessons from Ngala, Western Australia. Evaluation Journal of Australasia, 20(4), 212-228.

Journal Articles

  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Adams, S., Frimpong, K. (2019). The nexus between social impacts and adaptation strategies of workers to occupational heat stress: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Biometeorology: the description, causes, and implications of climatic change, 63(12), 1693-1706.
  • Pelden, S., Boyd, E., Grobbelaar, M., Adusei-Asante, K., Hopkins, L. (2019). Ladies, Gentlemen and Guys: The Gender Politics of Politeness. Social Sciences, 8(2), Article number 56.
  • Nunfam, V., Oosthuizen, J., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Frimpong, K. (2019). Perceptions of climate change and occupational heat stress risks and adaptation strategies of mining workers in Ghana. Science of the Total Environment, 657(March 2019), 365-378.
  • Nunfam, V., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Adusei-Asante, K., Frimpong, K. (2019). Climate change and occupational heat stress risks and adaptation strategies of mining workers: Perspectives of supervisors and other stakeholders in Ghana. Environmental Research, 169(February 2019), 147-155.

Journal Articles

  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2018). The impact of targeted educational programs on academic outcomes for African students in Western Australia. Coolabah, 24 & 25(2018), 274-291.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Adibi, H. (2018). The ‘Culturally and Linguistically Diverse’ (CALD) label: A critique using African migrants as exemplar. Australasian Review of African Studies, 39(2), 74-94.
  • Nunfam, V., Adusei-Asante, K., Van Etten, E., Oosthuizen, J., Frimpong, K. (2018). Social impacts of occupational heat stress and adaptation strategies of workers: a narrative synthesis of the literature. Science of the Total Environment, 643(1 December 2018), 1542-1552.

Conference Publications

  • Adusei-Asante, K., Pelden, S. (2018). Gender Impact Assessment: Theoretical Challenges. IAIA18 Conference Proceedings (pp7). International Association for Impact Assessment.
  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2018). Peer-Mentoring Approaches to Violence Prevention Among African Youth In Western Australia: Preliminary Impact Assessment of the ‘Stop the Violence’ Programme. IAIA 18 Conference Proceedings (pp6). IAIA.
  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2018). Do same-demography mentoring programmes make any difference to mentees’ learning outcomes? Reflections on the Top Up programme. STARS Conference Proceedings (5p.). Students, Transitions, Achievement, Retention & Success.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Doh, D., Awidi, I. (2018). Educational partnership in action: Insights from Western Australia. STARS Conference Proceedings (pp5). Students, Transitions, Achievement, Retention & Success.

Journal Articles

  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2017). Beyond minimisation of personal healthcare financing risks: an ethnographic study of motivations for joining Ghana’s health insurance scheme in Daakye District. Australasian Review of African Studies, 38(1), 46-64.

Conference Publications

  • Adusei-Asante, K., Doh, D., Klutsey, J. (2017). Pitfalls of Universal Health Coverage Systems: Evidence from West Africa. Proceedings of the 39th African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference (297-306).
  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2017). Contextual Dynamics of Health Insurance Use: Case Study of Faith Healing and Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme. Proceedings of the 39th African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference (289-296). AFSAAP.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Doh, D. (2017). The Impact of motivated volunteerism on peer-mentoring educational programs: evidence from Western Australia. 2017 Students Transitions Achievement Retention & Success Conference Proceedings (1-6). STARS.
  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2017). On the Brink of Politicisation: Reflections on Ethical Dilemma’s in Impact Assessment Practice. International Association for Impact Assessment Conference Proceedings (1-5). IAIA.
  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2017). Towards Developing Policy Impact Assessment Framework: An Introduction. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment (6p.). IAIA.
  • Doh, D., Adusei-Asante, K. (2017). Active Ageing with the African in Mind: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis. Proceedings of the 39th African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (AFSAAP) Annual Conference (281-288). AFSAAP.


  • Hancock, P., Adusei-Asante, K., Georgiou, J. (2017). The Other Side of Formal Employment: Working Women Who Have Returned to their Communities and Villages in Sri Lanka. Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade & Australian Aid. Research Report. Canberra, Australia..
  • Hancock, P., Adusei-Asante, K., Georgiou, J. (2017). Habitat, water quality and macroinvertebrate assessment of Lake Chittering, Western Australia. Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade & Australian Aid. Research Report. Canberra, Australia..

Book Chapters

  • Adusei-Asante, K., Hancock, P. (2016). Impact Assessment and Official Development Assistance: Ethnographic Research of the World Bank’s Community-Based Rural Development Projects in Ghana. Assessing the Impact of Foreign Aid: Value for Money and Aid for Trade (169-182). Academic Press.

Conference Publications

  • Adusei-Asante, K., Hancock, P. (2016). Measuring Policies with the Social Impact Assessment Framework: Opportunities and Challenges. IAIA16 Conference Proceedings: Resilience and Sustainability (1-7). International Association for Impact Assessment.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Awidi, I., Hancock, P. (2016). Impact Assessment of University Fees Deregulation on Prospective Regional University Students in Western Australia. IAIA16 Conference Proceedings: Resilience and Sustainability (1-7). International Association for Impact Assessment.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Hancock, P. (2016). Addressing Aid Externalities: A Study of the World Bank’s Community-Based Projects in Ghana. 21st Century Tensions and Transformations in Africa: The 2015 AFSAAP Annual Conference Proceedings (1-12). AFSAAP.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Awidi, I., Doh, D. (2016). Improving Retention and Academic Achievements of African Students in Higher Education through Community Development. STARS Conference Proceedings (5p.). STARS.
  • Adusei-Asante, K., Doh, D. (2016). Students’ attrition and retention in higher education: A conceptual discussion. STARS Conference Proceedings (10p.). STARS.

Book Chapters

  • Adusei-Asante, K., Hancock, P., Soares Oliveira, MW. (2015). Gender Mainstreaming and Women’s Roles in Development Projects: A Research Case Study from Ghana. Advances in Gender Research (177-198). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Journal Articles

  • Adusei-Asante, K. (2015). A community-based program in a non-existent community. African Studies Quarterly, 15(2), 69-84.

Journal Articles

  • Adusei-Asante, K., Hancock, P. (2013). When Empowerment disempowers: A case study of Ghana's community based rural development projects. Ghana Journal of Development Studies, 9(2), 43-62.

Research Projects

  • Roads to the Future: Infrastructure and the New Development in Africa, Australian Research Council, Discovery Projects (DP23), 2023 ‑ 2028, $207,026.
  • RISE UP – Transforming Criminality to Contribution, Department of Justice WA, Criminal Property Confiscation Grant, 2024 ‑ 2026, $20,000.
  • A Randomised Control Trial of the City After Dark Evening Safety Educational Program, Constable Care Child Safety Foundation Inc, Constable Care - Grant, 2020 ‑ 2024, $26,564.
  • Peer Mentoring Approaches to Violence Prevention Among African-Australian Youth: Impact Assessment of the “Stop the Violence” Program: Phase II., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Engagement Grant, 2019 ‑ 2022, $60,000.
  • Building a Future-Ready Organisation: Evaluability Assessment of Tenacious House , Tenacious House, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $31,742.
  • Ngala Service Model and Outcomes Measurement Project, Ngala Community Services, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $25,000.
  • An Evaluation of the Ethical Leadership Program: A Constable Care and Primary Ethics Initiative 2020-2021, Constable Care Child Safety Foundation Inc, Constable Care - Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $80,791.
  • Sponsorship of Research Fellow, Ngala Community Services, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $19,472.
  • Determinants of Post-Secondary School Choices and Destinations of African High School Students in Australia, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2017, 2017 ‑ 2019, $20,200.
  • Peer Mentoring Approaches to Violence Prevention Among African Youth in Western Australia: Impact Assessment of the "Stop the Violence" Project, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2017 Open Round, 2017 ‑ 2018, $45,990.
  • Only Social Impact Assessment of a Deregulated University System on Prospective University Students in Rural Western Australia- Phase II, Edith Cowan University, School of Arts and Humanities Research Grant Scheme 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $13,611.
  • The Other Side of Formal Employment: Women who have returned to their villages after Export Processing Zone Employment in Sri Lanka., Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, AusAID - Australian Development Research Awards, 2013 ‑ 2017, $413,779.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Preparing from retirement: A qualitative study of African-Australians living in Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The impact of Road Infrastructure on Urban Livelihoods: A Case Study of the Pokuase Interchange, Accra, Ghana
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Unravelling ground realities of Australia's International Development Aid in the Pacific Region: The Case of the Solomon Islands
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Second hand goods exports to West Africa: motivations and implications

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Grandparent Kinship Care in Ghana: Family Violence and Ecosystem Support in Diverse Family Structure

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Values and Acculturation Experiences in Alcohol and Other Drug Use, and Mental Health of African-Australian Youth.

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The dilemmas of regional development in Ghana: An ethnographic analysis of the North
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Sources of Sexual Knowledge and Information and Sexual Attitudes of Men in Kenya
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Towards active ageing: A comparative study of experiences of older Ghanaians in Australia and Ghana
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Social impact of climate change and occupational heat stress and adaptation strategies of mining workers in Ghana
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Multinational Federalism and Secessionism in Ethiopia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Police engagement with African communities in Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Rights-based approach to poverty reduction: The Ghanaian experience
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Women in district assemblies in Ghana: Gender construction, resistance and empowerment.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Gender and nursing in a developing country: Workplace violence, career progression, job satisfaction and emigration intentions among Ghanaian nurses.
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