Professorial Research Fellows
- Professor Sam Huang (Professor of Tourism and Services Marketing)
- Professor S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh (Professor of Sustainable Tourism)
- Professor Sanjit K. Roy (Professor of Marketing and Service Science)
- Professor Steven D’Alessandro (Professor of Marketing)
- Professor Kerry Brown (Professor of Employment and Industry)
- Professor Irene de Pater (Professor of Business Psychology)
- Professor Gabriel Eweje (Professor of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability)
- Professor Denise Jackson (Director, Work Integrated Learning)
- Professor Jianxin (Kevin) Li (Professor of Information Systems)
- Professor Sanjit K. Roy (Professor of Marketing and Service Science)
- Professor Pi-Shen Seet (Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
- Professor Edward Wray-Bliss (Professor of Business Ethics)
- Professor Zhaoyong Zhang (Professor of Finance and Economics)
Associate Professors
- Associate Professor Mehran Nejati Ajibisheh
- Associate Professor Kate Blackwood
- Associate Professor Shannon Bosch
- Associate Professor Laurie Hughes
- Associate Professor Ferry Jie
- Associate Professor Michelle Gander
- Associate Professor Sangkyun (Sean) Kim
- Associate Professor Madeleine Ogilvie
- Associate Professor Prafula Pearce
- Associate Professor Janice Redmond
- Associate Professor Ruth Sibson (Director, Academic Studies)
- Associate Professor Simone Scagnelli (Associate Dean, Accounting and Finance)