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Associate Professor Janice Redmond

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2153
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.359  

Janice is an Associate Professor in the School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Small and medium business (SME)
  • SME business sustainability
  • SME response to climate change
  • Self-employment
  • Environmental education and training
  • Small and medium enterprise training and learning
  • Human resource management
  • Small business owners preparation for retirement


Janice has a significant background in the government and education sectors including working in the area of Human Resource Management with responsibility for recruitment and retention and case management.

Janice is currently involved in a number of collaborative projects locally, nationally and internationally including small business owners’ preparation for retirement including superannuation savings; small and medium enterprise sustainability; discretionary work effort and informal training and learning in small business.

Janice is a professional member of the Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI) and the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM). She was previously a member of the National Industry Working Party addressing National Resource Management issues for High Population Centres including SMEs and the Deputy Chair of Perth Region Natural Resource Management Light Industry Reference Group.

Theme Two: Society and Culture; Individual, economic, organisational, political and social transformation. As well as, Diverse, equitable, informed and productive communities, schools and workplaces

  • Australian Human Resources Institute
  • Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2004.
  • Master of Applied Science in Sports Science, Edith Cowan University, 1995.
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Sport Science, Edith Cowan University, 1992.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Ali Abadi, H., Ayentimi, DT., Redmond, J. (2024). Contextual Factors and Human Resource Development: Implications for workforce Nationalization in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries. Routledge Handbook on Business and Management in the Middle East (218–232). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Zhang, N., Seet, P., Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J. (2023). Relieving the Gambling Itch through Alcohol Consumption: The Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions on Australian Casino Patrons. Journal of Gambling Studies, 39(4), 1675-1697.
  • Zhao, F., Barratt-Pugh, L., Suseno, Y., Standen, P., Redmond, J. (2023). A framework for exploring digital entrepreneurship development from a social interaction perspective. Journal of General Management, 48(2), 115-126.
  • Coetzer, A., Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J., Lundy, J. (2023). Enhancing learning in small businesses. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(2), 470-490.

Journal Articles

  • Sharafizad, J., Redmond, J., Parker, C. (2022). The influence of local embeddedness on the economic, social, and environmental sustainability practices of regional small firms. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34(1-2), 57-81.
  • Zhao, F., Barratt-Pugh, L., Standen, P., Redmond, J., Suseno, Y. (2022). An exploratory study of entrepreneurial social networks in the digital age. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 29(1), 147-173.
  • Kodom-Wiredu, J., Coetzer, A., Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J. (2022). Informal learning research in hospitality and tourism: A systematic literature review. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 52(September 2022), 13-28.

Book Chapters

  • Zhang, N., Seet, P., Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J., Tan, W. (2021). Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurs. World Encyclopaedia of Entrepreneurship (1-21). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Journal Articles

  • Sharafizad, J., Redmond, J., Morris, R. (2020). Leadership/management factors impact on employee engagement and discretionary effort. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 23(1), 43-64.
  • Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J. (2020). Discretionary effort of regional hospitality small business employees: Impact of non-monetary work factors. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86(April 2020), Article number 102452.
  • Sharafizad, J., Redmond, J. (2020). Discretionary effort of higher education sector employees: motivators and inhibitors. Studies in Higher Education, 45(6), 1261-1279.

Journal Articles

  • Coetzer, A., Inma, J., Poisat, P., Redmond, J., Standing, C. (2019). Does job embeddedness predict turnover intentions in SMEs?. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(2), 340-361.

Journal Articles

  • Coetzer, A., Inma, J., Poisat, P., Redmond, J., Standing, C. (2018). Job embeddedness and employee enactment of innovation-related work behaviours. International Journal of Manpower, 39(2), 222-239.

Journal Articles

  • Millsteed, J., Redmond, J., Walker, E. (2017). Learning management by self-employed occupational therapists in private practice. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 64(2), 113-120.
  • Redmond, J., Walker, E., Hutchinson, J. (2017). Self-employment: Is it a long-term financial strategy for women?. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(4), 362-375.

Journal Articles

  • Redmond, J., Wolfram Cox, J., Curtis, J., Kirk-Brown, A., Walker, B. (2016). Beyond Business as usual: how and (why) the habit discontinuity hypothesis can inform SME engagement in environmental sustainability practices. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 23(4), 426-442.
  • Millsteed, J., Redmond, J., Walker, E. (2016). Small business ownership for occupational therapists: key factors for success. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 27(4), 425-440.
  • Redmond, J., Walker, B. (2016). The value of energy audits for SMEs: An Australian example. Energy Efficiency, 9(5), 1053-1063.

Journal Articles

  • Wooltorton, S., Wilkinson, A., Horwitz, P., Bahn, S., Redmond, J., Dooley, J. (2015). Sustainability and action research in universities: Towards knowledge for organisational transformation. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 16(4), 424-439.

Journal Articles

  • Walker, B., Redmond, J. (2014). Changing the environmental behaviour of small business owners: The business case. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 30(2), 254-268.
  • Coetzer, A., Redmond, J., Bastien, V. (2014). Strength-based coaching: making the case for its adoption in small business. Development and Learning in Organisations: An International Journal, 28(3), 6-9.
  • Redmond, J., Walker, B., Parker, C., Simpson, M. (2014). Australian SMEs waste to landfill. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 21(3), 297-310.

Conference Publications

  • Coetzer, A., Redmond, J., Barrett, R. (2014). Job embeddedness and the importance of retaining small firm employees. Proceedings of the 28th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2014 (1-20). ANZAM.

Journal Articles

  • Coetzer, A., Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J. (2012). Using the critical incident technique to research decision making regarding access to training and development in medium-sized enterprises. The International Journal of Training Research, 10(3), 164-178.
  • Coetzer, A., Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J. (2012). Decision making regarding access to training and development in medium-sized enterprises: an exploratory study using the critical incident technique. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(4), 426-447.

Conference Publications

  • Redmond, J., Walker, B., Coetzer, A. (2012). Reviewing small business environmental management training programs. ICSB World Conference: Conference Proceedings (17). International Council for Small Business.

Journal Articles

  • Redmond, J., Walker, B. (2011). Environmental education and small business environmental activity. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 27(2), 238-248.
  • Coetzer, A., Redmond, J. (2011). Decision making regarding employee access to training and development in medium-sized enterprises: A proposed study employing the Critical Incident Technique. Small enterprise research: the journal of SEAANZ, 18(2), 119-129.
  • Paull, M., Redmond, J. (2011). Succession in community organisations: Newcomers and the ‘purple circle’. Third Sector Review, 17(2), 131-152.

Conference Publications

  • Redmond, J., Walker, B., Simpson, M., Parker, C., Morris, R. (2011). The Influence of Location on Small Firm Environmental Impact Management. Proceedings of the 25th ANZAM Conference 2011 (25). University of Canterbury.
  • Coetzer, A., Redmond, J., Sharafizad, J. (2011). Decision making regarding employee access to training and development in medium-sized enterprises. Proceedings of the 25th ANZAM Conference 2011 (23). University of Canterbury.

Journal Articles

  • Walker, B., Redmond, J., Giles, M. (2010). Preface to Special Issue: Environmental Sustainability and Business. International Journal of Business Studies (ECU), 18(1), 1-5.
  • Walker, B., Redmond, J., Morris, R. (2010). Is financial reward overriding good pedagogical practices?. People and Place, 18(2), 1-9.
  • Walker, B., Redmond, J., Giles, M. (2010). A Proposed Methodology to Promote Adoption of 'Green' Production by Small Firms. International Journal of Business Studies (ECU), 18(1), 39-48.

Journal Articles

  • Parker, CM., Redmond, J., Simpson, M. (2009). A review of interventions to encourage SMEs to make environmental improvements. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 27(2), 279-301.
  • Redmond, J., Walker, B. (2009). Environmental Education in Small Business: The Owner-Manager's Perspective. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 25(2009), 117-128.

Conference Publications

  • Henley, N., James, K., Redmond, J. (2009). Promoting physical activity to adolescent girls with positive self-talk. Academy of Marketing conference : putting marketing in its place, 6-9 July 2009 (7p.). Academy of Management.
  • Wang, C., Walker, B., Redmond, J., Breen, J. (2009). Contributions of home-based businesses to regional economic development. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference 2009 (24p.). Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.

Journal Articles

  • Walker, B., Redmond, J., Wang, C. (2008). Waste Recycling: Local Methods for Successful Interaction With Small Business. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 7(4), 363-382.
  • Redmond, J., Walker, B. (2008). A New Approach to Small Business Training: Community Based Education. Education and Training, 50(08-Sep), 697-712.
  • Wang, C., Walker, B., Redmond, J., Breen, J. (2008). Making Plans. Monash Business Review, 4(2), 28-31.
  • Redmond, J., Walker, B., Wang, C. (2008). Issues for small businesses with waste management. Journal of Environmental Management, 88(2), 275-285.
  • Walker, B., Wang, C., Redmond, J. (2008). Women and Work-Life Balance: Is Home-Based Business Ownership the Solution?. Equal Opportunities International - Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 27(3), 258-275.

Conference Publications

  • Parker, C., Redmond, J., Simpson, M. (2008). Intervention Strategies to Engage Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Environmental Good Practice. Proceedings of the SME Entrepreneurship Global Conference 2008 (20 p.). Monash University.
  • Wang, C., Barrett, R., Walker, B., Redmond, J. (2008). Who Gets The Nod? Gender Issues In Successor Selection. 31st Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference - Conference handbook (17p). Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
  • Wang, C., Walker, B., Redmond, J. (2008). Gender as a Predictor of Planning in Small Business. Proceedings of the SME Entrepreneurship Global Conference 2008 (1-20). Monash University.
  • Redmond, J., Walker, B., Wang, C., Simpson, M., Parker, C. (2008). The Impact Of Small Business On The Environment. 31st Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference - Conference handbook (15p). Perlex Associates.

Journal Articles

  • Walker, B., Redmond, J., Webster, B., Le Clus, M. (2007). Small business owners: too busy to train?. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 14(2), 294-306.
  • Wang, C., Walker, B., Redmond, J. (2007). Explaining the lack of strategic planning in SMEs: The importance of owner motivation. International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, 12(1), 1-16.

Conference Publications

  • Walker, B., Wang, C., Redmond, J. (2007). Gender Differences in Small Business Strategic Planning: Do Women Plan More Than Men?. Proceedings from the Inaugural International Women and Leadership Conference: Changes. Challenges. Choices. (354-369). Curtin University of Technology.

Journal Articles

  • Wang, C., Walker, B., Redmond, J. (2006). Ownership Motivation and Strategic Planning in Small Business. Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, 2(4), 26-50.

Conference Publications

  • Redmond, J., Walker, B., Wang, C. (2006). Small Business Environmental Management:: Rhetoric or Reality?. Proceedings of 29th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference: International Enterpreneurship (1-14). ISBE.

Journal Articles

  • James, K., Hsu, Y., Redmond, J., Hope, P. (2005). Cultural differences in physical acitivity of adolescents: Australia and Taiwan. Annals of Leisure Research, 8(1), 38-53.

Conference Publications

  • Walker, B., Webster, B., Millsteed, J., Hocking, J., Redmond, J. (2005). A conceptual framework for addressing the current skills shortage: human resource skills for small business owners. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ) (9p). SEAANZ.

Research Projects

  • Empowering Women in Western Australia to Achieve Economic Independence Through Entrepreneurship, Department of Communities (WA), Grants for Women Program, 2024 ‑ 2026, $75,000.
  • The retirement intentions and strategies of self-employed small business owner-managers, Small Business Development Corporation, Grant, 2016 ‑ 2017, $30,363.
  • The retirement savings challenge for self-employed women: Improving their financial literacy through translational research., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2016 (Round 1), 2016 ‑ 2017, $36,000.
  • Sustainable environmental management in Australian small firms, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2011 ‑ 2015, $215,000.
  • City of Joondalup Small Business Study, City of Joondalup, Grant, 2011 ‑ 2012, $33,041.
  • Older workers and self employment: what training and skills development do they need to succeed?, West Coast Institute of Training, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2011, $9,000.
  • SMEs and Environmental Management: Impact, Measurement and the Influence of Education, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2009 ‑ 2011, $92,024.
  • Identification of Small Business Management Skills and Competencies for Business Growth and Development, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2008 ‑ 2009, $49,964.
  • Environmental Management (EM) Skills Development of Light Industrial SMEs in Western Australia, Perth Region Natural Resource Management, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2009, $40,000.
  • Exploring small business learning needs for environmental education, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2008, $16,000.
  • Exploring environmental management education for small and medium sized enterprises, Edith Cowan University, Grant - Collaborative Research, 2006 ‑ 2008, $60,000.
  • Exploring the Skills Shortage and its Effects on Small Business Growth , Edith Cowan University, Grant - Faculty Industry Research Collaborative, 2008, $27,989.
  • Bellevue Sustainable Industry Project, Perth Region Natural Resource Management, Grant, 2005 ‑ 2007, $33,500.
  • Developing a predictive model of the growth intentions of home-based business (HBB) owner operators, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration - Grant, 2006 ‑ 2007, $44,402.
  • Investigating the planning practices of SMEs: Strategic or operational?, City of Swan, Grant, 2006, $34,740.
  • TravelSmart healthy employee project, Department of Environment Regulation WA, Grant, 2005 ‑ 2006, $10,000.

Research Student Supervision

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The relationship between service-oriented HR practices and employee behavioural and attitudinal reactions in Sri Lankan public sector organisations

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating Green Human Resource Management Practices in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Insights from Ghana
  • Master of Business by Research, Considering Complexity in Leadership Decision Making
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Passive vs Purposeful: Exploring Generation Z's Early Superannuation Journey
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Role of Green Human Resource Management Practices in Fostering Employee Green Behaviours and Sustainable Organisational Outcomes: The Moderating Role of CSR, Ethical Leadership, and Inclusive Leadership

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Management by Research, The influence of business incubation in developing new enterprises in Australia
  • Master of Management by Research, Creativity, design and management in Australian fashion enterprises
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Antecedents and Outcomes of Informal Learning in Ghanaian Hospitality Sector Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Mediating Role of Job Crafting
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Secondary employment by Western Australian police officers: Factors influencing multi job-holding and the relationship to organisational commitment

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Management by Research, The decision making processes of small business owner-managers: An environmental focus.
  • Master of Management by Research, Managing learning in the workplace: A study of the perceptions and practice of local government managers

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding New Venture Entry and Continuance Among Chinese Entrepreneurs
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding variety in small firm internationalization: The decision-making process of small manufacturing firms in Indonesia.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An exploratory examination of the factors influencing Indonesian SMEs' sustainability practices.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A model of management learning for occupational therapists in small business in Australia.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Ecocentrism and small businesses: Exploration and enhancement
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Maximising board governance effectiveness in small and medium sized Australian independent schools
  • Master of Management by Research, Is leadership the key to public sector retention in regional Western Australia? An exploratory study.
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