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Associate Professor Ruth Sibson

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Campus: Joondalup  

Key Research Areas

  • Sport business development, tourism and event management
  • Social change, equity and development in local, community sport
  • Leisure, recreation and physical activity
  • Business Education


Ruth Sibson is an Associate Professor within the Sport Business and Event Management program and is the Director, Academic Studies in the School of Business and Law. Ruth has been teaching and researching in the area of sport and recreation management for the past 20 years, and has worked at the University of Newcastle, Stirling University (Scotland) and at ECU over this time.

Her research interests focus upon developing sport, recreation, event and tourism opportunities for all citizens and business education, and she has conducted a number of recent research projects in these areas.

Ruth maintains strong industry links through her teaching and research interests and recently led a Tourism, Festival and Event Management student study tour group to Edinburgh in conjunction with Edinburgh Napier University.

Ruth also maintains links with academic associations; she is currently the Treasurer of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Leisure Studies (ANZALS) and has been a regular attendee at their conferences. She is also a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Annals of Leisure Research, the ANZALS journal.

When not working, Ruth enjoys the active side of sport and recreation as a keen hockey player and gym member, as well as the more passive side of watching sport (but particularly the AFL and the West Coast Eagles) on TV.

2019 – ECU School of Business and Law, Business Services Discipline Award

2017 – Edith Cowan Athena SWAN Advancement Scheme Professional Development Award

2013 – ECU Academic Staff Award for the Best ePortfolio

2011 – ECU Vice-Chancellor's Award for Engagement in Teaching and Learning

2009 – ECU Faculty of Business and Law, Dean's Award for Exemplifying University Values

  • The Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Member
  • Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ), Member
  • Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies (ANZALS), Member
  • Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE), Member


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Newcastle, 2004.
  • Bachelor of Physical and Health Education (HONS) First Class, The University of Western Australia, 1997.
  • Bachelor of Physical and Health Education, The University of Western Australia, 1996.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Jackson, D., Lambert, C., Sibson, R., Bridgstock, R., Tofa, M. (2024). Student employability-building activities: participation and contribution to graduate outcomes. Higher Education Research and Development, 43(6), 1308-1324.
  • Wilk, V., Morgan, A., Willson, G., Sibson, R. (2024). Framing theory insights: the co-existence of frame coupling and frame mirroring in social media and online news about a disaster-affected destination. Tourism Recreation Research, 2024(Article in press), 19 pages.
  • Jackson, D., Bridgstock, R., Lambert, C., Tofa, M., Sibson, R. (2024). Subjective career success among new graduates and the role of personal factors. Education and Training, 66(6), 964-980.
  • Jackson, D., Lambert, C., Tofa, M., Bridgstock, R., Sibson, R. (2024). Career resources and securing quality work: graduate perspectives. Studies in Continuing Education, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Best, A., Sibson, R., Morgan, A. (2024). Technology adoption and use in not-for-profit sport: a case study of an Australian state sporting association. Managing Sport and Leisure, 29(2), 273-291.


Book Chapters

  • Sibson, R., Morgan, A. (2022). Digital literacy capabilities and curriculum design in sport management programmes. Sport Management Education: Global Perspectives and Implications for Practice (7-20). Routledge.
  • Sibson, R., Riebe, L. (2022). The role of ePortfolios in shaping professional identity and employability. Sport Management Education: Global Perspectives and Implications for Practice (45-57). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Stanway, A., Powell, R., Fradd, L., Sibson, R. (2022). Well-being, social and economic value of aquatic and leisure centres: a holistic model. Annals of leisure research, 25(2), 227-246.
  • Sibson, R., Stanway, A. (2022). Opening up perspectives on life: exploring the benefits of culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) sport and active recreation programs for participants. Managing Sport and Leisure, 27(3), 285-304.
  • Morgan, A., Sibson, R., Jackson, D. (2022). Digital Demand and Digital Deficit: Conceptualising digital literacy and gauging proficiency among higher education students. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 44(3), 258-275.

Journal Articles

  • Morgan, A., Wilk, V., Sibson, R., Willson, G. (2021). Sport event and destination co-branding: Analysis of social media sentiment in an international, professional sport event crisis. Tourism Management Perspectives, 39(July 2021), Article number 100848.
  • Willson, G., Wilk, V., Sibson, R., Morgan, A. (2021). Twitter content analysis of the Australian bushfires disaster 2019-2020: futures implication. Journal of Tourism Futures, 7(3), 350-355.

Journal Articles

  • Tower, J., McGrath, R., Sibson, R., Adair, D., Bevan, N., Brown, G., Foley, C., Fullagar, S., Gray, L., Hawkins, C., Jeanes, R., Kerr, R., Martin, K., Maxwell, H., McDonald, K., Peel, N., Reis, A., Xing, T., Yerbury, R., Zimmerman, JA. (2018). State of leisure studies in Australia and New Zealand. World Leisure Journal, 60(1), 58-66.
  • Sibson, R., Scherrer, P., Ryan, M. (2018). ‘I think it adds value, but I don’t use it’: use, perceptions and attitudes of outdoor exercise equipment in an urban public park. Annals of leisure research, 21(1), 58-73.

Book Chapters

  • Strampel, K., Sibson, R., Main, S. (2017). Professional Development to Support the Embedding of ePortfolios in Higher Education Programs. ePortfolios in Australian Universities (33-46). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Young, T., Sibson, R., Maguire, A. (2017). Educating managers for equity and social justice: Integrating Indigenous knowledges and perspectives in Australian sport, recreation and event management curricula. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 21(Part B), 135-143.

Conference Publications

  • Sibson, R., Roepen, D. (2016). Evaluating the use of a career ePortfolio in the development of business students’ professional identities. ePortfolios Australia Forum 2016: Connecting learning to the future (53-60). eLearning Services, Queensland University of Technology.
  • Sibson, R., Riebe, L. (2016). Developing professional identity through self-reflection using an ePortfolio app. ePortfolios Australia Forum 2016: Connecting learning to the future (43-52). Queensland University of Technology.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Rinaldi, G., Sanders, D., Sibson, R. (2013). The motivations and experiences of Australian Football League interstate sport tourists. Annals of Leisure Research, 16(1), 39-54.
  • Jackson, D., Sibson, R., Riebe, L. (2013). Delivering work-ready business graduates: Keeping our promises and evaluating our performance. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 4(1), 2-22.
  • Riebe, L., Sibson, R., Roepen, D., Meakins, K. (2013). Impact of industry guest speakers on business students' perceptions of employability skills development. Industry and Higher Education, 27(1), 55-66.

Journal Articles

  • Sibson, R. (2011). Career choice perceptions of undergraduate event, sport and recreation management students: An Australian case study. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 10(2), 50-60.

Conference Publications

  • Sibson, R., Russell, D. (2011). Sport, recreation and event management practicum placements: What do stakeholders expect?. Developing student skills for the next decade. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Teaching Learning Forum (12p.). Curtin University.

Journal Articles

  • Sibson, R., Scherrer, P., Ryan, M., Henley, N., Sheridan, L. (2010). Is Physical Activity Leisure or Work? Exploring the leisure-tourism–physical activity relationship with holidaymakers on Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Annals of leisure research, 13(4), 652-678.
  • Sibson, R. (2010). ‘I Was Banging My Head Against a Brick Wall:’ Exclusionary Power and the Gendering of Sport Organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 24(4), 379-399.
  • Scherrer, P., Sheridan, L., Sibson, R., Ryan, M., Henley, N. (2010). Employee engagement with a corporate physical activity program: the global corporate challenge. International Journal of Business Studies (ECU), 18(1), 125-139.
  • Sibson, R. (2010). Why Event, Sport and Recreation Management? A Western Australian study of undergraduate student degree choice. Annals of leisure research, 13(3), 376-394.

Journal Articles

  • Scherrer, P., Henley, N., Sheridan, L., Sibson, R., Ryan, M. (2008). Maintaining Momentum: The Challenge of a Workplace Physical Activity Program to Sustain Motivation and Activity. Journal of Research for Consumers, xx(14), 1-12.

Journal Articles

  • Sibson, R. (2005). BBQ's and Beers, or Cappuccinos? Globalisation, Field Hockey and Social Change. Annals of Leisure Research, 8(2-3), 124-141.

Conference Publications

  • Sibson, R. (2005). 'I think what they want is exposure': The sponsorship dynamics of local, grass-roots sport. TASA 2005 Conference, University of Tasmania (9p). The Sociological Association of Australia.

Research Projects

  • Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention (ACRISP), International Olympic Committee, Research Centres for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health, 2019 ‑ 2024, $409,674.
  • Supporting higher education students in their transition to work, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $4,960.
  • Global Corporate Challenge Qualitative Research Project, Centre for Heart Disease and Diabetes Prevention, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $5,168.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Technology adoption and sport business: An investigation of state sporting associations and clubs in Western Australia

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Business by Research, An Exploratory Study of the Digital Literacy of Academics in Western Australian Business Schools

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Business, A review of the policy development processes that relate to the inclusion of people with a disability in sport: Some Western Australian evidence

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Family life and leisure in new zealand: Leisure and parenting in heterosexual couples during pregnancy and first- time parenthood in christchurch, new zealand

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Business, Effectiveness in grass roots sport clubs: Some Western Australian evidence.
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