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Associate Professor Madeleine Ogilvie

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2308
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.243  

Associate Professor Madeline Ogilvie is the Chair-Elect Academic Board and the International Director in the School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Marketing: with a focus on semiotics, consumer research, consumption of appearance and new product development.
  • International education and qualitative research methodologies.


Madeleine Ogilvie currently serves as Chair of the Academic Board and is an Associate Professor in the field of Marketing in the School of Business and Law. She has worked in the higher education sector for 24 years and most recently as Associate Dean Teaching and Learning in the School of Business and Law. She has coordinated, taught and developed programs across a range of different disciplines at both the national and international level and worked extensively in the International Education market.  She has served on the Executive for the Australian Business Deans’ Council International Network and held roles including Associate Dean International and Client Manager China over her academic career. Madeleine is a registered TEQSA Expert and judge for the national Australian Awards for University Teaching.

Her major research interests are in the fields of semiotics, consumer research, visual research methodologies and new product development. Prior to working at ECU, Madeleine originally trained as a Registered Nurse at the Royal Melbourne Hospital before working extensively in the pharmaceutical industry for multinational organisations Roussel Uclaf, Novo Nordisk and Pharmacia in marketing and sales management roles. She has consulted for both public and private organisations on many facets of marketing and management.


  • Master of Business Administration, Curtin University of Technology.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2006.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Jackson, D., Riebe, L., Meek, S., Ogilvie, M., Kuilboer, A., Murphy, L., Collins, N., Lynch, K., Brock, M. (2023). Using an industry-aligned capabilities framework to effectively assess student performance in non-accredited work-integrated learning contexts. Teaching in Higher Education, 28(4), 802-821.


  • Jackson, D., Riebe, L., Meek, S., Ogilvie, M., Kuilboer, A., Murphy, L., Collins, N., Lynch, K., Brock, M., Russo, K. (2020). Enhancing graduate employability through the development of a capabilities framework and standardised assessment tools for work-integrated learning. Australia. Australian Business Deans Council.

Journal Articles

  • Meek, S., Ogilvie, M., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2019). Contextualising social capital in online brand communities. Journal of Brand Management, 26(4), 426-444.
  • Meek, S., Ryan, M., Lambert, C., Ogilvie, M. (2019). A multidimensional scale for measuring online brand community social capital (OBCSC). Journal of Business Research, 100(2019), 234-244.

Journal Articles

  • Ogilvie, M., Ng, D., Xiang, D., Ryan, M., Yong, J. (2018). Using traditional rituals in hospitality to gain value: A study on the impact of Feng Shui. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72(June), 1-9.
  • Meek, S., Lambert, C., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2018). Social capital: An influence on critical to success factors in online brand communities. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 14(3), 268-288.

Conference Publications

  • Ogilvie, M., Ng, D., Xiang, D., Ryan, M., Djajadikerta, H., Yong, J. (2017). Feng Shui: Traditional Rituals Impacting Business. ANZMAC 2017 Marketing for Impact. Conference Proceedings (1005-1008).

Journal Articles

  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2016). Visual Images as a data capture instrument: Understanding the true meaning. World Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 121-131.

Conference Publications

  • Meek, S., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M., Lambert, C. (2016). Online Brand Communities: The Key to making them Succeed.. Marketing in a Post-Disciplinary Era (952-958). University of Canterbury.

Journal Articles

  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2011). Uncovering hidden meanings, values and insights through photos. e journal of Business Research methods, 9(1), 25-34.
  • Ogilvie, M., Mizerski, K. (2011). Using semiotics in consumer research to understand everyday phenomena. International Journal of Market Research, 53(5), 651-668.
  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2011). Lipstick: More than a Fashion Trend. Research Journal of Social Science and Management, 1(6), 117-128.

Conference Publications

  • Fanning, S., Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M., Mizerski, K., Maccarthy, M., Cripps, H. (2011). Photos as Mirrors in Sport. The Proccedings of the 10th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (189-197). Academic Publishing Limited.
  • Maccarthy, M., Thomson, K., Fanning, S., Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2011). Appreciating Guns: A Marketers Perspective. Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2011: Proceedings (8). Edith Cowan University.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2010). Overseas students in Australia: An experiential view. Overseas students in Australia: An experiential View (7 p.). Edith Cowan University.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2010). Uncovering Hidden Meanings, Values and Insights Through Photos. The 9th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (487-495). Academic Publishing Limited.


  • Ogilvie, M. (2009). The meaning behind the mask: why women wear makeup. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.

Conference Publications

  • Ogilvie, M., Mizerski, K. (2009). Combining semiotic perspectives in consumer research. 8th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (244-252). Academic Publishing Limited.

Conference Publications

  • Hidayat, A., Mizerski, K., Ogilvie, M. (2008). Willingness To Buy Non-Deceptive Counterfeit Products: A Case Study Of Indonesian Consumers. ANZMAC 2008 - Marketing: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat (6). Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M., Bevilaqua, A. (2008). Teaching Marketing Research: Using a Bridging Vehicle to Increase Deep Learning. Proceedings of the IASK International Conference Teaching and Learning 2008 (208-213). International Association for the Scientific Knowledge.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M., Bevilacqua, A. (2007). Using a bridging vehicle to increase deep learning: A videography teaching study. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2007:3Rs, reputation responsibility relevance (3322-3327). University of Otago, School of Business, Dept. of Marketing.

Book Chapters

  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2005). Students' preference for tertiary project presentation: the increasing role of videography as a teaching tool. Communication Skills in University Eduction (170-178). Pearson.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2005). The preference for group work - not always the case: a case study. Communication Skills in University Education (150-158). Pearson.

Conference Publications

  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2005). Students' preference for tertiary project presentation: the increasing role of videography as a teaching tool. Communication Skills in University Education (170-178). Person Education.
  • Gunness, A., Ogilvie, M., Mizerski, K. (2005). E-buyers unveil it all. Proceedings 34th European Marketing Academy Conference Rejuvenating marketing: contamination, innovation, integration (0). Bocconi University.
  • Ogilvie, M., Jackson, A. (2005). Student designed exams and their impact on self centred learning - A case analysis. ANZMAC 2005: Broadening the Boundaries conference proceedings (151-157). University of Western Australia, Perth.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2005). The preference for group work - not always the case: A case study. Communication Skills in University Education (150-158). Pearson Education.

Conference Publications

  • Mizerski, K., Ogilvie, M. (2004). Students' Perceptions of Marketing. Conference Proceedings for ANZMAC 2004: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities (0). ANZMAC.
  • Gunness, A., Ogilvie, M. (2004). A multivariate analysis of spontaneous purchases online. ANZMAC 2004 : marketing accountabilities and responsibilities (0). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.
  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2004). Videography as a teaching tool: A case analysis. Conference Proceedings for ANZMAC 2004: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities (0). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.
  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M., Jackson, A. (2004). International Students' Preference for Videography: Preliminary Findings. ANZMAC 2004 : marketing accountabilities and responsibilities (0). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.
  • Gunness, A., Ogilvie, M. (2004). The Unplanned Internet Shopper: Women Lead the Way. 5th International WE-B (Working for e-Business) Conference Proceedings (7p). Edith Cowan University.
  • Ogilvie, M., Groves, R., Mizerski, K. (2004). Semiotics: Combining philosophies to gain added meaning. ANZMAC 2004 : marketing accountabilities and responsibilities (0). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Conference Publications

  • Gunness, A., McManus, P., Ogilvie, M. (2003). Exploring the Dynamic of Unplanned Purchases on the Web - Initial Findings. Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass - Marketing discoveries, Knowledge and Contribution (8 pages). ANZMAC.

Journal Articles

  • Ogilvie, M., Pettigrew, S., Ryan, M. (2002). Self Introspection as a Research Method in Exploring Consumption Behaviour at a Special Event.. Qualitive Research Journal., 2, 47-45.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2002). A Sense of Home.. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. (). Deakin University, VIC.

Journal Articles

  • Pettigrew, S., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2001). New Year's Eve Consumption Plans: Consumer's Consumption Priorities on the Eve of 2000. Australian Marketing Journal, 9, 66-75.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2001). Examining the Effects of Environmental Interchangeability with Overseas Students: A Cross Cultrual Comparison. Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 13, 63-73.

Conference Publications

  • Ogilvie, M., Kristensen-Bach, P. (2001). Why women wear lipstick: preliminary findings. Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice (0). Massey University, New Zealand.

Research Projects

  • Enhancing graduate employability through the development of a capabilities/skills framework and supervisor assessment tools to standardise industry feedback and inform work-integrated learning curriculum design., Australian Business Deans Council, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2020, $9,994.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Luxury Fashion Repurchase Intentions Among Chinese Gen Y: Investigating Consumer Attitudes and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploration and harnessing of local knowledge in grass roots participatory research: A case of women in the Zambian mining community.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding influences on the critical-to-success factors in online brand communities
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The meaning of things: Culture and consumption in a gun club.

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Immigration: A journey of consumer acculturation.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The relationship between place attachment and return visits to heritage sites: A case study of ras al khaimah

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The role of lawfulness attitudes and product characteristics toward willingness to buy non deceptive counterfeit branded products: The case study of Indonesian consumers.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Empowering stakeholders in community-based tourism development: The application of tourism optimisation management model (TOMM) to Pa Hin Ngam national Park, Tambon Banrai, Chaiyaphum Province, Thaila
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