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Associate Professor Claire Lambert

Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning)

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5587
Campus: Joondalup  

Associate Professor Claire Lambert is the Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning in the School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Graduate employability, career development learning and professional identity development
  • Retailing
  • Food marketing and child consumers
  • Online brand community consumer behaviour
  • Customer engagement
  • Franchising
  • Consumer behavior


Claire earned her PhD from the University of Western Australia, where she also completed her undergraduate studies with honours. Before transitioning into academia, she accumulated over 20 years of industry experience in marketing, sales, and management roles, working with national and international companies such as McDonald’s, Coles Group, and Newell Rubbermaid.

While serving as WA State Sales Manager, Claire began lecturing at ECU on a sessional basis, later becoming a full-time lecturer in 2011. She maintains strong industry connections and is a Certified Practicing Marketer with the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI).

Claire has extensive experience in teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate courses and has played a key role in curriculum development. She is committed to enhancing teaching and learning outcomes, continuously driving improvements in teaching practices and student experiences. Her research interests focus on career development and supporting smooth transitions for graduates into the workforce.

Her exceptional contributions to student learning have earned her numerous accolades, including a National Award for University Teaching and several Vice Chancellor Staff Excellence Awards.

  • 2023 - Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, International Entrepreneurial Partnerships Program Team, School of Business and Law, Vice-Chancellor Staff Excellence Award.
  • 2023 - Outstanding Commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advancement,National Indigenous Business Summer School WA (NIBSSWA) Organising Committee, School of Business and Law, Vice-Chancellor Staff Excellence Award.
  • 2021 – Innovative Teaching and Learning Practice Award, School of Business and Law Dean Award.
  • 2021 – Citation of Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, Australian Awards for University Teaching [AAUT]
  • 2020 – Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning, Vice-Chancellor Staff Excellence Award.
  • 2020 – Business Services Discipline Award, School of Business and Law Dean Award.
  • 2017 – Acciate Dean Teaching and Learning Award for impact on Teaching, School of Business and Law Dean Award.
  • 2014 – Faculty Service Dean Award, School of Business and Law Dean Award.
  • Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy
  • Australian Institute of Marketing


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2009.
  • Bachelor of Commerce with Second Class Honours, The University of Western Australia, 2002.
  • Bachelor of Commerce, The University of Western Australia, 1999.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Jackson, D., Lambert, C., Tofa, M., Bridgstock, R., Sibson, R. (2024). Career resources and securing quality work: graduate perspectives. Studies in Continuing Education, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Jackson, D., Bridgstock, R., Lambert, C., Tofa, M., Sibson, R. (2024). Subjective career success among new graduates and the role of personal factors. Education and Training, 66(6), 964-980.
  • Balsarini, P., Lambert, C. (2024). The Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Franchise Networks: Exploring the Role of Franchisee Associations. Administrative Sciences, 14(1), article number 2.
  • Lambert, C., Fong-Emmerson, M., Coetzee, S., D'alessandro, S. (2024). Enhancing Marketing Students’ Indigenous Cultural Competencies Through a Decolonisation and Authentic Assessment Approach. Australasian Marketing Journal, 32(3), 203-211.
  • Jackson, D., Lambert, C., Sibson, R., Bridgstock, R., Tofa, M. (2024). Student employability-building activities: participation and contribution to graduate outcomes. Higher Education Research and Development, 43(6), 1308-1324.

Journal Articles

  • Jackson, D., Lambert, C. (2023). Adolescent Parent Perceptions On Sustainable Career Opportunities And Building Employability Capitals For Future Work. Educational Review, 2023(article in press), TBD.

Journal Articles

  • Wilk, V., Lambert, C., Meek, S. (2022). Online Brand Detraction in an Online Opinion Platform. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 107(October 2022), Article number 103345.
  • Maccarthy, M., Morgan, A., Lambert, C. (2022). Congregating as a Social Phenomenon; the Social Glue that Binds. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 13(2), 235-246.
  • Balsarini, P., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2022). Why franchisors recruit franchisees from the ranks of their employees. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 30(2), 180-200.
  • Costello, L., Dare, J., Dontje, M., Lambert, C., Straker, L. (2022). Applying the 4Ps of social marketing to retain and engage participants in longitudinal cohort studies: generation 2 Raine study participant perspectives. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22(1), article number 288.

Journal Articles

  • Balsarini, P., Lambert, C., Ryan, M., Maccarthy, M. (2021). Subjective Knowledge, Perceived Risk, and Information Search when Purchasing a Franchise: A Comparative Exploration from Australia. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(8), Article Number 338.
  • Lambert, C., Goh, E. (2021). To toy or not to toy in supermarket instant reward programs. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(2), 513-525.
  • Meek, S., Wilk, V., Lambert, C. (2021). A big data exploration of the informational and normative influences on the helpfulness of online restaurant reviews. Journal of Business Research, 125(March 2021), 354-367.

Journal Articles

  • Meek, S., Ogilvie, M., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2019). Contextualising social capital in online brand communities. Journal of Brand Management, 26(4), 426-444.
  • Meek, S., Ryan, M., Lambert, C., Ogilvie, M. (2019). A multidimensional scale for measuring online brand community social capital (OBCSC). Journal of Business Research, 100(2019), 234-244.

Journal Articles

  • Meek, S., Lambert, C., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2018). Social capital: An influence on critical to success factors in online brand communities. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 14(3), 268-288.

Conference Publications

  • Balsarini, P., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2018). Internally Recruited Franchisees’ Franchise Buyer Decision Process. Connect. Engage. Transform ANZMAC 2018 - Conference Proceedings (22-25). University of Adelaide.
  • Lambert, C., Riebe, L. (2018). Do Marketing Students Enjoy or Avoid Teamwork?. Connect. Engage. Transform ANZMAC 2018 - Conference Proceedings (463-466). University of Adelaide.
  • Lambert, C., Lee, A. (2018). VIDEOTISEMENTS: AN EMERGING ADVERTISING MEDIUM TARGETING CHILDREN. Global Marketing Conference Proceedings (135-140). Changwon National University.
  • Maboud, M., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2018). The customers’ intention of using loyalty programs. Connect. Engage. Transform ANZMAC 2018 - Conference Proceedings (164-167). University of Adelaide.

Book Chapters

  • Mizerski, D., Wang, S., Lee, A., Lambert, C. (2017). Young children as consumers: Their vulnerability to persuasion and its effect on their choices. Routledge International Handbook of Consumer Psychology (327-346). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Darley, T., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2017). Grey Nomads’ caravanning use of social networking sites. Journal of Information Technology and Tourism, 17(4), 379-398.

Conference Publications

  • Hussain, S., Ryan, M., Cripps, H., Lambert, C. (2017). Role of social media in handling a crisis situation: A case study of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). The proceedings of 2nd Business Doctoral & Emerging Scholars Conference (97-102). Edith Cowan Univerity.

Conference Publications

  • Meek, S., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M., Lambert, C. (2016). Online Brand Communities: The Key to making them Succeed.. Marketing in a Post-Disciplinary Era (952-958). University of Canterbury.


  • Powell, R., Ryan, M., Lambert, C., Cooper, T., Giles, M., Hope, C. (2016). Report for WA Music: Preliminary Economic Impact of the Music Industry in WA. Joondalup, WA. Edith Cowan University.


Conference Publications

  • Fanning, S., Lambert, C., Maccarthy, M. (2012). Validating an old Classic: Deconstructing the Sporting Pyramid using Holt’s Typology of Consumption. Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2012 Proceedings (7). Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, University of South Australia.

Conference Publications

  • Lambert, C., Mizerski, R. (2011). Kids, Toys and Fast Food: An Unhealthy Mix?. Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2011: Proceedings (7). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Research Projects

  • Supporting higher education students in their transition to work, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA), Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $4,960.
  • The economic and social impacts of contemporary music in Western Australia (WAM project), Edith Cowan University, ECU Capability Enhancement Scheme - 2015 or earlier, 2015 ‑ 2016, $18,410.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Luxury Fashion Repurchase Intentions Among Chinese Gen Y: Investigating Consumer Attitudes and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring the influencing factors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in undertaking higher education and the effectiveness of Western Australian universities’ marketing strategies

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Passive vs Purposeful: Exploring Generation Z's Early Superannuation Journey

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Internally recruited franchisees: preconditions, decision processes and outcomes

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding influences on the critical-to-success factors in online brand communities

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Influence of Social Interactions on Tourist Experience and Tourist Satisfaction: A Study of Group Package Tours in Vietnam
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A consumer-based brand equity model for the luxury and upscale hotel sector
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