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Professor Peter Galvin

Associate Dean

Staff Member Details
Mobile: 0406 434 760
Campus: Joondalup  

Peter Galvin is the Associate Dean, Research, and a Professor of Strategic Management in the School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Business Strategy
  • Competitive Dynamics
  • Dynamic Capabilities
  • Innovation
  • Organization Design


Peter Galvin was attracted to ECU as an institution that really cares for students whilst simultaneously valuing research. As Associate Dean, Research for SBL, Peter is keen to develop and implement strategies that will support the further development of the School’s rapidly growing research prowess. Prior to taking on the ADR role, Peter was the MBA Director and oversaw a series of significant changes to the MBA degree and its delivery model.

Before joining ECU, Peter was employed at Curtin University and has also held roles at Northumbria University (UK), California Polytechnic State University and Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has also held Visiting positions at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Giessen University (Germany), ESC Toulouse (France), Ilmenau Technical University (Germany) and ESC La Rochelle (France).

Peter has won Faculty, University and National level teaching awards, and has been an assessor for the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC). He has published a number of textbooks with the latest being the 6th edition of Strategic Management by Hubbard, Rice and Galvin through Pearson.

Peter is an active researcher with publications in a wide variety of journals ranging from Journal of Business Ethics through to Managerial and Decision Economics. His most recent work considers issues pertaining to the boundary of the firm, dynamic capabilities and modular architectures. Between 2011 and 2014, Peter was the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Management & Organization. Peter has graduated over 20 doctoral students as lead supervisor.

Peter received his PhD and a B.Com(Hons) from the University of Western Australia. Prior to entering academia, Peter worked in management consulting both locally and on the east coast of Australia.

2014 - Life Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management

2009 - University Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) National Citation for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning’

  • Life Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
  • Member, British Academy of Management
  • Member, Academy of Management (USA)


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 1998.
  • Bachelor of Commerce, The University of Western Australia, 1992.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Sanchez, R., Galvin, P., Bach, N. (2023). How Design Rules Emerge And Evolve: A Coevolutionary Architectural Perspective On Firm And Industry Organization. Industrial and Corporate Change, 32(1), 28-46.

Journal Articles

  • Burton, N., Galvin, P. (2022). The effect of technology and regulation on the co-evolution of product and industry architecture. Industrial and Corporate Change, 31(4), 1056-1085.
  • Burton, N., Galvin, P. (2022). Modularity, value and exceptions to the mirroring hypothesis. Journal of Business Research, 151(2022), 635-650.

Journal Articles

  • Galvin, P., Klarin, A., Nyuur, R., Burton, N. (2021). A bibliometric content analysis of do-it-yourself (DIY) science: where to from here for management research?. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 33(10), 1255-1266.
  • Galvin, P., Tywoniak, S., Sutherland, J. (2021). Collaboration and opportunism in megaproject alliance contracts: the interplay between governance, trust and culture. International Journal of Project Management, 39(4), 394-405.
  • Meissner, D., Burton, N., Galvin, P., Sarpong, D., Bach, N. (2021). Understanding cross border innovation activities: The linkages between innovation modes, product architecture and firm boundaries. Journal of Business Research, 128(May 2021), 762-769.

Journal Articles

  • Bach, N., Galvin, P. (2020). A third dimension in the mirror? How senior managers design products and organizations. SC: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 29(1), 25-33.
  • Galvin, P., Burton, N., Singh, P., Sarpong, D., Bach, N., Teo, S. (2020). Network rivalry, Competition and Innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161(December 2020), article number 120253.
  • Galvin, P., Burton, N., Nyuur, R. (2020). Leveraging inter-industry spillovers through DIY laboratories: Entrepreneurship and innovation in the global bicycle industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 160(November 2020), Article number 120235.
  • Burton, N., Galvin, P. (2020). Component complementarity and transaction costs: the evolution of product design. Review of Managerial Science, 14(4), 845–867.
  • Galvin, P., Burton, N., Bach, N., Rice, J. (2020). How the rate of change and control of a modular product architecture impact firm‐level outcomes. SC: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance, 29(1), 67-76.

Journal Articles

  • Burton, N., Galvin, P. (2019). Using template and matrix analysis: A case study of management and organisation history research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 14(4), 393-409.
  • Galvin, P., Tywoniak, S. (2019). How organizational boundary choices impact capability development. Construction Management and Economics, 37(12), 712-726.

Journal Articles

  • Burton, N., Galvin, P. (2018). When do product architectures mirror organisational architectures? The combined role of product complexity and the rate of technological change. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 30(9), 1057-1069.

Conference Publications

  • Galvin, P., Burton, N. (2018). Firm boundaries revisited: how firms can alter transaction costs through design choices. BAM2018 Proceedings (1-38). British Academy of Management.

Journal Articles

  • Galvin, P., Rice, J., Liao, T. (2015). Can a Darwinian nomenclature help reconcile alternative perspectives of the dynamic capabilities view?. Journal of Management and Organization, 21(5), 695-700.
  • Geneste, L., Galvin, P. (2015). Trust and knowledge acquisition by small and medium-sized firms in weak client–firm exchange relationships. International Small Business Journal, 33(3), 277-289.
  • Rice, J., Liao, T., Galvin, P., Martin, N. (2015). A configuration-based approach to integrating dynamic capabilities and market transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve firm performance. International Small Business Journal, 33(3), 231–253.

Journal Articles

  • Rice, J., Galvin, P., Martin, N., Huang, F. (2014). Openness and Appropriation: Empirical Evidence From Australian Businesses. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 61(3), 488-498.
  • Galvin, P., Rice, J., Liao, T. (2014). Applying a Darwinian model to the dynamic capabilities view: Insights and issues. Journal of Management and Organization, 20(2), 250-263.

Research Projects

  • Mapping and Critical Appraisal of the Evidence in Women’s Research, Australian Institute of Sport, Research Grant, 2024 ‑ 2027, $360,000.
  • Building the Modular Residential Housing Construction Industry in WA, City of Bunbury, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $6,000.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, An Exploration of Director Expertise in Board Decision-making
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Examining Emotional Impacts of Supervisory Behaviours Post Royal Commission: A Dual Perspective Analysis on Employees and Managers in the Australian Financial Services Industry

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Delving into the diversification and performance relationship: Building a more nuanced understanding through the inclusion of new contextual variables
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Nascent Technology Ventures Commercialization: A Framework for Capability Development and Business Model Transitions
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