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Dr Ashlee Morgan

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2869
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.248  

Dr Ashlee Morgan is the Coordinator for SBL International and a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Marketing
  • Sponsorship
  • Sport management
  • Women in sport


Ashlee has a strong background in Marketing and Sport Business, she has previously held positions at the University of Technology Sydney and Curtin University.

Ashlee's expertise lies in the realm of sport marketing and management, where she utilises her extensive knowledge of sports governance, commercialisation, and corporate social responsibility to promote ethical decision-making and implement sound business practices across the sport industry.

Her research focuses on two key areas. Firstly, sport business, which includes marketing, sponsorship, commercial strategy, digital media marketing and corporate governance. Secondly, social impact and responsible management, encompassing ethical decision-making, responsible governance, and diversity, equity, and inclusion in sport and events.

Ashlee was involved in the development and growth of women’s AFL in Sydney and was the first female appointed representative on AFL Sydney’s Strategic Advisory Board. Ashlee is currently a Director on the Triathlon WA Board.

As an advocate for ethical business decision-making and social impact, she strives to foster transparency and integrity, ensuring sport organisations prioritise ethical practices to benefit of athletes, fans and society as a whole.

  • 2020 - Business Services Discipline Award, School of Business and Law, ECU
  • 2014 - New Researcher Award. European Association for Sport Management International Conference, Coventry, UK.
  • 2014 - Student Research Award. Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand International Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
  • 2013 - Outstanding Paper Award. European Academy of Management International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Technology, Sydney, 2013.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Wilk, V., Morgan, A., Willson, G., Sibson, R. (2024). Framing theory insights: the co-existence of frame coupling and frame mirroring in social media and online news about a disaster-affected destination. Tourism Recreation Research, 2024(Article in press), 19 pages.
  • Best, A., Sibson, R., Morgan, A. (2024). Technology adoption and use in not-for-profit sport: a case study of an Australian state sporting association. Managing Sport and Leisure, 29(2), 273-291.


  • Morgan, A., Fong-Emmerson, M., D'alessandro, S., Ryan, M., Palmyre, T., Lemerle, R. (2024). A way to go: Diversity, equity and inclusion in WA's marketing industry. WA. The Western Australia Marketing Association.

Journal Articles

  • Merrick, N., Badenhorst, M., Morgan, A., Fortington, L. (2023). Community perspectives on spinal cord injury in rugby union: facts and fears. Science and Medicine in Football, 2023(Article in press), 10 pages.



  • Schulenkorf, N., Schlenker, K., Rammal, H., Welty Peachey, J., Morgan, A. (2022). Managing and Leveraging Events: Business and Social Dimensions. Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Sibson, R., Morgan, A. (2022). Digital literacy capabilities and curriculum design in sport management programmes. Sport Management Education: Global Perspectives and Implications for Practice (7-20). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Kerr, A., Morgan, A. (2022). “All in One Rhythm”: Measuring the National Team Identification of Host Residents and Event Sport Tourists at the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Event Management: an international journal, 26(3), 453-472.
  • Morgan, A., Wilk, V. (2022). Sport Organizations and Reconciliation in Australia. Sport in Society, 25(11), 2339-2364.
  • Maccarthy, M., Morgan, A., Lambert, C. (2022). Congregating as a Social Phenomenon; the Social Glue that Binds. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 13(2), 235-246.
  • Morgan, A., Sibson, R., Jackson, D. (2022). Digital Demand and Digital Deficit: Conceptualising digital literacy and gauging proficiency among higher education students. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 44(3), 258-275.

Journal Articles

  • Willson, G., Wilk, V., Sibson, R., Morgan, A. (2021). Twitter content analysis of the Australian bushfires disaster 2019-2020: futures implication. Journal of Tourism Futures, 7(3), 350-355.
  • Morgan, A., Wilk, V. (2021). Social media users’ crisis response: A lexical exploration of social media content in an international sport crisis. Public Relations Review, 47(4), Article number 102057.
  • Morgan, A., Wilk, V., Sibson, R., Willson, G. (2021). Sport event and destination co-branding: Analysis of social media sentiment in an international, professional sport event crisis. Tourism Management Perspectives, 39(July 2021), Article number 100848.
  • Kim, S., Morgan, A., Assaker, G. (2021). Examining the relationship between sport spectator motivation, involvement, and loyalty: a structural model in the context of Australian Rules football. Sport in Society, 24(6), 1006-1032.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Willson, G., McIntosh, A., Morgan, A., Sanders, D. (2018). Terminal illness and tourism: a review of current literature and directions for future research. Tourism Recreation Research, 43(2), 268-272.

Book Chapters

  • Fujak, H., Frawley, S., Morgan, A. (2017). Broadcasting and sport mega-events. Managing Sport Mega-Events (89-104). Routledge.
  • Morgan, A., Frawley, S., Fujak, H., Cobourn, S. (2017). Sponsorship and sport mega-events. Managing Sport Mega-Events (105-120). Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Tremayne, P., Morgan, A. (2016). Attention, Centering, and Being Mindful: Medical Specialties to the Performing Arts. Mindfulness and Performance (389-411). Cambridge University Press.
  • Morgan, A., Adair, D., Taylor, T., Hermens, A. (2016). Tensions within inter-organizational alliances: A sponsorship case study. Governance Issues in Strategic Alliances (201-223). Information Age Publishing.

Journal Articles

  • Morgan, A., Adair, D., Taylor, T., Hermens, A. (2014). Sport Sponsorship Alliances: Relationship Management for Shared Value. Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 4(4), 270-283.

Research Projects

  • Mapping and Critical Appraisal of the Evidence in Women’s Research, Australian Institute of Sport, Research Grant, 2024 ‑ 2027, $360,000.
  • More sport, Their way! Promoting women's informal sport participation in WA, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Health Promotion Research - Exploratory Research Grants, 2024 ‑ 2025, $88,154.
  • Australian Centre for Research into Injury in Sport and its Prevention (ACRISP), International Olympic Committee, Research Centres for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health, 2019 ‑ 2024, $409,674.
  • Exploring diversity and inclusion in the marketing industry, Western Australian Marketing Association, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $9,000.
  • Research to support the development of an Aboriginal arts and culture training framework., Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of Western Australia Aboriginal Corporation, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $31,500.
  • Climate Responsible Sponsorship Code, Climate Council, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $29,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Millennials' and generation Z's sustainable fashion purchasing: The role of brand marketing communications, perceived brand authenticity, and customer brand engagement

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Technology adoption and sport business: An investigation of state sporting associations and clubs in Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Business by Research, An Exploratory Study of the Digital Literacy of Academics in Western Australian Business Schools

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Fallen warriors: Spinal cord injury and rugby union in Australia
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