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Dr Kim Feddema


Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2796
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.203  

Kim has previously been employed in both academic roles (at the University of Western Australia) and in various industry roles, including as a social media consultant for City of Cockburn and the Bee Industry Council of Western Australia and as a primate keeper for Perth Zoo.

She has a professional background in both digital marketing and zoology.

2022 – Wiley Top Cited Article (Journal of Consumer Behaviour)

2022 – UWA Dean’s Prize – Recognition of an Outstanding Thesis

2021 – UWA Business School, Best PhD Paper Award

My main research interests are in the intersection of marketing and conservation. Specifically, I work in cross-disciplinary research teams to explore how service and digital marketing theory can be applied to the global issue of wildlife trade.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2022.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Nekaris, K., Balestri, M., Feddema, K. (2024). Advancing primate conservation: a global collection of education and outreach initiatives. Folia Primatologica, 95(4-6), 263-270.
  • Morcatty, T., Su, S., Siriwat, P., Andersson, AA., Atoussi, S., Feddema, K., Henriques, S., Janssen, J., Karve, A., Pytka, J., Thompson, RM., Nijman, V., Wright, J., Roberts, DL. (2024). Navigating ethical challenges in online wildlife trade research. Conservation Biology, 38(5), Article number e14341.

Book Chapters

  • Aldrich, B., Feddema, K., Fourage, A., Nekaris, K., Shanee, S. (2023). Primate Portrayals: Narratives and Perceptions of Primates in Entertainment. Primates in Anthropogenic Landscapes (307-326). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Quarles, L., Feddema, K., Campera, M., Nekaris, K. (2023). Normal redefined: Exploring decontextualization of lorises (Nycticebus & Xanthonycticebus spp.) on social media platforms. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 4(2023), article number 1067355.
  • Nijman, V., Morcatty, T., El Bizri, H., Al-Razi, H., Ang, A., Ardiansyah, A., Atoussi, S., Bergin, D., Bell, S., Braga-Pereira, F., Campera, M., Das, N., Silva, F., Feddema, K., Foreman, G., Fourage, A., Gnanaolivu, S., Hansen, M., Račevska, E., Rapone, B., Regmi, G., Shepherd, C., Shukhova, S., Siriwat, P., Smith, J., Mir Mohamad Tabar, S., Tavares, A., Weldon, A., Wilson, A., Yamaguchi, N., Zhang, M., Svensson, M., Anne-Isola Nekaris, K. (2023). Global online trade in primates for pets. Environmental Development, 48(TBD), article number 100925.

Journal Articles

  • Nijman, V., Morcatty, T., Feddema, K., Campera, M., Nekaris, K. (2022). Disentangling the Legal and Illegal Wildlife Trade–Insights from Indonesian Wildlife Market Surveys. Animals, 12(5), article number 628.

Journal Articles

  • Harrigan, M., Feddema, K., Wang, S., Harrigan, P., Diot, E. (2021). How trust leads to online purchase intention founded in perceived usefulness and peer communication. Journal of Consumer Behaviour: an international research review, 20(5), 1297-1312.
  • Morcatty, T., Feddema, K., Nekaris, K., Nijman, V. (2021). Online trade in wildlife and the lack of response to COVID-19. Environmental Research, 193(2021), article number 110439.
  • Feddema, K., Harrigan, P., Wang, S. (2021). The Dark Side of Social Media Engagement: An Analysis of User-Generated Content in Online Wildlife Trade Communities. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 25(2021), 1-35.
  • Nijman, V., Smith, J., Foreman, G., Campera, M., Feddema, K., Nekaris, K. (2021). Monitoring the trade of legally protected wildlife on facebook and instagram illustrated by the advertising and sale of apes in indonesia. Diversity, 13(6), article number 236.
  • Feddema, K., Nekaris, K., Nijman, V., Harrigan, P. (2021). Re-evaluating the notion of value in wildlife trade research from a service marketing perspective. Biological Conservation, 2021(2021), article number 109060.

Book Chapters

  • Feddema, K., Nekaris, K. (2020). Online Imagery and Loris Conservation. Evolution, Ecology and Conservation of Lorises and Pottos (362-373). Cambridge University Press.

Journal Articles

  • Feddema, K., Harrigan, P., Nekaris, K., Maghrifani, D. (2020). Consumer engagement behaviors in the online wildlife trade: Implications for conservationists. Psychology and Marketing, 37(12), 1755-1770.

Research Projects

  • Using co-design principles to drive participation in the biosecurity management strategy against varroa mites (Varroa destructor and V. jacobsoni) in Western Australia, Western Australian Apiarists' Society, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $5,000.
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