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Professor Sam Huang

Professor of Tourism & Services Marketing

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2742
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.233  

Professor Sam Huang is a Professorial Research Fellow and Head of SBL Centre for Tourism Research (SBLCTR) in the School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Tourism
  • Destination marketing
  • Chinese tourists


Professor Sam Huang is a research professor in tourism and services marketing in the School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University (ECU). Prior to joining ECU, he worked in the School of Management at University of South Australia from 2007 to 2016. Sam obtained his PhD from the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Before pursuing an academic career, he was a central government official in Beijing working for China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) for 7 years. He also worked for an UNWTO Expert Panel for China’s Best Tourism City Standard formulation project. He was an invited research fellow and policy advisor in the Development Research Centre of Anhui Provincial Government in China.

Professor Huang is internationally recognized as a prolific tourism researcher and one of the world leading scholars researching China tourism. His publications frequently appear in top tourism, hospitality, and business management journals. Professor Huang is a founding fellow of the International Association for China Tourism Studies (IACTS). He is the founder of the Australia-China Tourism Forum. Professor Huang is a visiting professor to a number of Chinese universities including Sun Yat-sen University and Jinan University in Guangzhou, and Beijing International Studies University in Beijing, and Sichuan University in Chengdu. Influent in Mandarin Chinese and with both industry and academic experiences in China, Hong Kong and Australia, Sam is ideally positioned to bridge the tourism academia and industries between China and Australia.

2020 - Highest Impact Publication Award, (ECU School of Business and Law)

2020 - Excellence in Research Award, (ECU School of Business and Law)

2019 - Excellence in Research Award (ECU School of Business and Law)

2019 - Highest Impact Publication Award (ECU School of Business and Law)

2018 - Mentorship in Research Award (ECU School of Business and Law)

2018 - Highest Impact Publication Award (ECU School of Business and Law)

2015 - Research Excellence Commendation Award  (UniSA Business School)

2014 - Top Mid Career Researcher Award (UniSA Business School)

2013 - 5-Year Supported Researcher (Bronze) Award (UniSA)

2011 - ECR Research Excellence Award (UniSA Business School)

2010 - The Gary Crilley Researcher of the Year Award

2010 - Early Career Researcher International Travel Award (UniSA)

  • International Association for China Tourism Studies (IACTS)
  • Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE)
  • International Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE)
  • Asia Pacific Council of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (APacCHRIE)


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Hong Kong (SAR of China), 2007.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Huang, S., Wang, A., Qu, H. (2025). The influence of peer-to-peer accommodation platforms' green marketing on consumers' pro-environmental behavioural intention. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2024(Article in press), 21 pages.
  • Huang, S., Shao, Y., Zhang, D. (2025). What drives citations in tourism research?. Annals of Tourism Research, 110(2025), article number 103870.
  • Huang, S. (2025). A comprehensive science mapping of tourism and hospitality research: Tribes, territories and networks. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 36(2025), article number 100523.
  • Xie, C., Zhang, K., Zhang, J., Huang, S. (2025). Driving factors and spatio-temporal evolution of tourist accident clusters in Chinese outbound tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 2025(Article in press), 19 pages.
  • Xie, C., Wang, M., Zhang, J., Huang, S., Yu, J. (2025). The tourist metasafety framework (TMF): Toward a holistic understanding of tourist safety. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 107(2025), article number 105071.
  • Zhou, B., Wang, Y., Huang, S., Qiao, G. (2025). Perceived benefits and tourist willingness to pay more in national forest parks: The moderating roles of ecocentrism, collectivism, and power distance. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 2025(Article in press), 17 pages.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Shao, Y., Huang, S., Huo, T., Huang, R., Li, Z. (2024). Impact of psychic distance stimuli on international tourist flows: A cross-country analysis. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 32(2024), article number 100853.
  • Zhang, J., Xie, C., Lai, F., Huang, S. (2024). The behavioral contagion effect of tourists’ risk decision-making. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 59(2024), 1-13.
  • Xie, C., Li, B., Zhang, J., Li, X., Huang, S. (2024). Effects of risk message on loneliness and travel intention: roles of conflictive family atmosphere and risk propensity in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(6), 954-971.
  • Luo, J., Huang, S., Jiao, R., Li, Z. (2024). A gender perspective analysis of Chinese nationals' leisure time allocation: Family life cycle versus demographic determinants. Journal of Leisure Research, 55(2), 185-207.
  • Zhang, J., Xie, C., Huang, S. (2024). Resilient leadership in hospitality and tourism enterprises: conceptualization and scale development. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(4), 1299-1326.
  • Huang, S., Wang, A., Xu, J., Wang, J. (2024). Effects of protection motivation and travel anxiety on staycation intention: a cross-country examination. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(5), 720-738.
  • Huang, S., Qu, H., Wang, A. (2024). Impact of green marketing on peer-to-peer accommodation platform users' repurchase intention and positive word-of-mouth: mediation of trust and consumer identification. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(3), 691-712.
  • Huang, D., Chen, Q., Huang, S., Liu, X. (2024). Consumer intention to use service robots: a cognitive-affective-conative framework. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(6), 1893-1913.
  • Tao, C., Huang, S., Wang, J., Qiao, G. (2024). Accessible tourism: tourists with physical disability - segmentation based on perceived travel barriers. Tourism Review, 2024(Article in press), 23 pages.
  • Akosa, F., Huang, S., Ali Abadi, H., Wen, J. (2024). Hotel career research: A systematic literature review. Current Issues in Tourism, 2024(Article in press), 15 pages.
  • Zhou, B., Wang, L., Huang, S., Huang, M. (2024). Personal development of marathon tourists: Scale development and validation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 61(2024), 78-90.
  • He, X., Ye, C., Huang, S., Su, L. (2024). The "Green Persuasion effect" of Negative Messages: How and When Message Framing influences Tourists' Environmentally Responsible Behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 2024(Article in press), 19 pages.
  • Yu, J., Xie, C., Huang, S. (2024). Value co-creation in live streaming through tourism scenes: a contextual marketing perspective. Internet Research, 2024(Article in press), 29 pages.
  • Huang, D., Huang, S. (2024). Airbnb exits China: insights from platform competition. Tourism Review, 79(7), 1318-1329.
  • Wang, A., Huang, S., Kim, E., Xu, J. (2024). Enhancing Consumers’ Repurchase Intention in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation Following a Dual Processing Model: A Principal–Agent Perspective. Journal of Travel Research, 63(5), 1127–1149.
  • Gu, Q., Ye, BH., Huang, S., Wong, MS., Wang, L. (2024). Spatial structure and influencing factors of an emerging wine tourism network: a case study of the Ningxia wine region. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(8), 2675-2702.
  • Chen, G., Xu, J., Huang, S. (2024). Gastronomy tourism destinations: developing a scale to measure tourists' perceived attributes. Tourism Review, 2024(Article in press), 18 pages.
  • Yu, J., Xie, C., Lau, H., Huang, S., Fang, X. (2024). The impacts of school support and hotel support on hotel interns’ career growth: The mediation of role clarity and occupational identification. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 35(2024), article number 100507.
  • Raisi Varkani, H., Barratt-Pugh, L., Baggio, R., Willson, G., Huang, S., Esfandiar, K. (2024). Developing a weighted model to measure knowledge diffusion in a tourism destination network. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 29(4), 477-494.
  • Wang, A., Huang, S., Kim, E., Xu, J. (2024). Effects of Consumer–Host Social Interactionand Trust on Peer-to-Peer AccommodationConsumers’ Repurchase Intentions:A Trust-Transfer Perspective. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2024(Article in press), 14 pages.
  • Xie, C., Fang, X., Yu, J., Huang, S. (2024). How can aesthetic value and travel inspiration lead to audience's intention to share short-form travel videos? A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis study. Current Issues in Tourism, 27(21), 3495-3513.
  • Qiao, G., Huang, S., Vorobjovas-Pinta, O. (2024). Seeking tourism in a social context: an examination of Chinese rural migrant workers' travel motivations and constraints. Leisure Studies, 43(4), 608-623.
  • Zhang, J., Xie, C., Huang, S. (2024). The effect of resilient leadership on employee resilience during a crisis in tourism & hospitality firms: A self-determination perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 122(2024), article number 103886.

Journal Articles

  • Yu, J., Xie, C., Huang, S., Guo, C. (2023). Configuring the value-versus-attachment combinations in determining consumer purchase intention in tourism e-commerce live streaming: a fsQCA approach. Current Issues in Tourism, 26(18), 3023-3039.
  • Xie, C., Zhang, J., Huang, S. (2023). Effect of risk message framing on tourists' travel intention: Roles of resilience and impulsivity. Journal of Travel Research, 62(4), 802-819.
  • Li, Z., Huang, J., Huang, S., Huang, D. (2023). Perceived barriers and negotiation of using peer-to-peer accommodation by Chinese consumers in the COVID-19 context. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(4), 1264-1283.
  • Gu, Q., Li, M., Huang, S. (2023). An exploratory investigation of technology-assisted dining experiences from the consumer perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(3), 1010-1029.
  • Li, Z., Long, M., Huang, S., Duan, Z., Hu, Y., Cui, R. (2023). Effects of inertia and switching costs on customer retention: a study of budget hotels in China. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(3), 1030-1050.
  • Xu, G., Huang, Y., Huang, S. (2023). Informational justice and employee knowledge hiding behaviours: Mediation of organizational identification and moderation of justice sensitivity. Heliyon, 9(4), article number e14697.
  • Qiao, G., Song, H., Prideaux, B., Huang, S. (2023). The Unseen Tourism: Travel Experience Of People With Visual Impairment. Annals of Tourism Research, 99(2023), article number 103542.
  • Xie, C., Yu, J., Huang, S., Zhang, K., Yang, DO. (2023). The ?Magic Of Filter? Effect: Examining Value Co-Destruction Of Social Media Photos In Destination Marketing. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 98(2023), article number 104749.
  • Huang, S., Wang, A., Qu, H. (2023). Impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on peer-to-peer accommodation consumers’ repurchase intention and switching intention. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 32(7), 893-916.
  • Xie, C., Fan, L., Zhang, J., Huang, S. (2023). The effect of risk message framing on tourist safety behavior: A heuristic-systematic model perspective. Tourism Management Perspectives, 48(2023), article number 101173.
  • Zhou, B., Wang, L., Huang, S., Xiong, Q. (2023). Impact of perceived environmental restorativeness on tourists' pro-environmental behavior: Examining the mediation of place attachment and the moderation of ecocentrism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 56(September 2023), 398-409.
  • Yu, Z., Guo, K., Huang, S., Li, Z., Du, Y., Yu, M. (2023). Tourist emotion-learning nexus: A case of Sertar, China. Annals of Tourism Research, 102(September 2023), Article number 103618.
  • Huang, S., Wang, A. (2023). COVID-19 two years on: a review of COVID-19-related empirical research in major tourism and hospitality journals. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(2), 743-764.
  • Huang, S., Xu, J., Wang, J. (2023). Cross-cultural validation of the Chinese cultural value scale in tourism. Heliyon, 9(11), Article number e22474.
  • Zhang, J., Xie, C., Lin, Z., Huang, S. (2023). Effects of risk messages on tourists’ travel intention: Does distance matter?. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 55(TBD), 169-184.
  • Fang, X., Xie, C., Yu, J., Huang, S., Zhang, J. (2023). How do short-form travel videos trigger travel inspiration? Identifying and validating the driving factors. Tourism Management Perspectives, 47(June 2023), Article number 101128.
  • Son, IS., Huang, S. (2023). Understanding the Critical Factors Driving Event Leveraging: Perspectives from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Event Management: an international journal, 27(3), 423-435.
  • Fan, L., Xie, C., Zhang, J., Huang, S., Wang, A. (2023). Hotel digital capability: Dimensionality and measurement. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 57(2023), 225-235.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S., Teo, S. (2023). Effect Of Empowering Leadership On Work Engagement Via Psychological Empowerment: Moderation Of Cultural Orientation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 54(2023), 88-97.

Book Chapters

  • Huang, S. (2022). Tourist motivation: a critical overview. Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience (200-211). Routledge.
  • Bao, J., Huang, S. (2022). Hospitality and tourism education in China: an overview. Hospitality and Tourism Education in China: Development, Issues and Challenges (1-19). Routledge.
  • Huang, S., Bao, J. (2022). Critical issues, challenges and future prospects. Hospitality and Tourism Education in China: Development, Issues and Challenges (213-226). Routledge.
  • Bao, J., Chen, G., Huang, S. (2022). Tourism research in China. Hospitality and Tourism Education in China: Development, Issues and Challenges (193-212). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Yang, Y., Huang, S., Li, W., Zhong, F., Lan, T. (2022). Does government efficiency mitigate the effect of natural disasters on tourist arrivals. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(13), 2177-2191.
  • Xie, C., Yu, J., Huang, S., Zhang, J. (2022). Tourism e-commerce live streaming: Identifying and testing a value-based marketing framework from the live streamer perspective. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 91(August 2022), article number 104513.
  • Huang, L., Sun, W., Yang, Y., Huang, S., Qiu, Y. (2022). Opposite effects of bilateral media freedom on inbound tourism after natural disasters. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27(3), 246-258.
  • Xu, J., Wang, A., Zhang, J., Huang, S., Lu, X. (2022). Explaining customer satisfaction via hotel reviews: A comparison between pre- and post-COVID-19 reviews. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 53(2022), 208-213.
  • Hu, X., Huang, S., Chen, G., Hua, F. (2022). The effects of perceived destination restorative qualities on tourists' self-identity: A tale of two destinations. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 25(September 2022), Article Number 100724.
  • Xu, G., Wang, A., Han, X., Huang, S., Huang, D. (2022). The dark side of remote working during pandemics: Examining its effects on work-family conflict and workplace wellbeing. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 79(September 2022), article number 103174.
  • Yu, J., Xie, C., Huang, S. (2022). Effect of perceived job risk on organizational conflict in tourism organizations: Examining the roles of employee responsible behavior and employee silence. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 53(December 2022), 21-31.
  • Qiushi, G., Haobin, Y., Vu Huy, Q., Huang, S., Haiyan, S., Lidan, G., Lei, Z. (2022). A study on spatial network structure and influencing factors on emerging wine tourism destinations: A network analysis based quadratic assignment procedure. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 42(9), 1619-1626.
  • Son, IS., Krolikowski, C., Rentschler, R., Huang, S. (2022). Utilizing events for placemaking of precincts and main streets: current state and critical success factors. Event Management: an international journal, 26(2), 223-235.
  • Pearce, J., Huang, S., Dowling, R., Smith, AJ. (2022). Effects of social and personal norms, and connectedness to nature, on pro-environmental behavior: A study of Western Australian protected area visitors. Tourism Management Perspectives, 42(April 2022), article number 100966.
  • Sun, P., Huang, S., Yap, G. (2022). The Impact of Holiday Tourism Development on Tourism Total Factor Productivity: Evidence from China. Tourism Management Perspectives. Tourism Management Perspectives, 43(July 2022), article number 100993.

Journal Articles

  • Chen, G., Shi, H., Zhao, L., Huang, S. (2021). Are backpackers unique? A comparative analysis of the core self-evaluation between Chinese backpackers and mass tourists. Tourism Tribune, 36(10), 125-139.
  • Son, I., Huang, S., Padovan, D. (2021). Realising the goals of event leveraging: The tourism and hospitality SME perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 49(December 2021), 253-259.
  • Huang, S., Yu, Z., Shao, Y., Yu, M., Li, Z. (2021). Relative effects of human capital, social capital and psychological capital on hotel employees’ job performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(2), 490-512.
  • Qu, H., Leung, X., Huang, S., He, J. (2021). Factors affecting hotel interns' satisfaction with internship experience and career intention in China. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education, 28(June 2021), Article number 100311.
  • Ye, EM., Du, JT., Hansen, P., Ashman, H., Sigala, M., Huang, S. (2021). Understanding roles in collaborative information behaviour: a case of Chinese group travelling. Information Processing and Management, 58(4), Article number 102581.
  • Huang, S., Wen, J. (2021). Developing and validating a Chinese cultural value scale in tourism. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 86(October 2021), Article number 104327.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S. (2021). The effects of fashion lifestyle, perceived value of luxury consumption, and tourist–destination identification on visit intention: A study of Chinese cigar aficionados. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 22(December 2021), article number 100664.
  • Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Huang, S., Huang, L., Sun, W. (2021). Effects of air quality and weather conditions on Chinese tourists' emotional experience. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48(September 2021), 1-9.
  • Li, Z., Yu, Z., Huang, S., Zhou, J., Yu, M., Gu, R. (2021). The effects of psychological capital, social capital, and human capital on hotel employees' occupational stress and turnover intention. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 98(September 2021), Article number 103046.
  • Yang, Y., Ruan, Q., Huang, S., Lan, T., Wang, Y. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on tourists' real-time on-site emotional experience in reopened tourism destinations. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48(September 2021), 390-394.
  • Chen, G., Shi, H., Li, Z., Huang, S. (2021). Examining tourist gaze in a highly controlled destination: A study of Chinese tourists to North Korea. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 49(December 2021), 287-295.
  • Huang, S., Shao, Y., Zeng, Y., Liu, X., Li, Z. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 on Chinese nationals' tourism preferences. Tourism Management Perspectives, 40(Oct 2021), Article number 100895.
  • Huang, Z., Huang, S., Yang, Y., Tang, Z., Yang, Y., Zhou, Y. (2021). In pursuit of happiness: Impact of the happiness level of a destination country on Chinese tourists' outbound travel choices. International Journal of Tourism Research, 23(5), 713-725.
  • Gu, Q., Zhang , H., Huang, S., Zheng, F., Chen, C. (2021). Tourists' spatiotemporal behaviors in an emerging wine region: A time-geography perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 19(March 2021), Article number 100513.
  • Liu, S., Lai, D., Huang, S., Li, Z. (2021). Scale development and validation of anime tourism motivations. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(20), 2939-2954.
  • Fardous, J., Du, JT., Hansen, P., Choo, KR., Huang, S. (2021). Group trip planning and information seeking behaviours by mobile social media users: A study of tourists in Australia, Bangladesh and China. Journal of Information Science, 47(3), 323-339.
  • Luo, J., Huang, S., Wang, R. (2021). A fine-grained sentiment analysis of online guest reviews of economy hotels in China. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 30(1), 71-95.
  • Li, Z., Chen, H., Huang, S., Wanichwasin, P., Cui, R. (2021). Resident perceptions of Chinese tourists in Thailand. Tourism Review, 76(5), 1154-1163.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Li, Z., Shu, H., Tan, T., Huang, S., Zha, J. (2020). Does the Demographic Structure Affect Outbound Tourism Demand? A Panel Smooth Transition Regression Approach. Journal of Travel Research, 59(5), 893-908.
  • Li, Y., Huang, S., Song, L. (2020). Opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship in the hospitality sector: Examining the institutional environment influences. Tourism Management Perspectives, 34(April 2020), Article number 100665.
  • Tao, C., Huang, S., Brown, G. (2020). The impact of festival participation on ethnic identity: The case of Yi Torch Festival. Event Management: an international journal, 24(4), 527-536.
  • Shao, Y., Huang, S., Wang, Y., Li, Z., Luo, M. (2020). Evolution of international tourist flows from 1995 to 2018: A network analysis perspective. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36(October 2020), Article number 100752.
  • Wang, R., Luo, J., Huang, S. (2020). Developing an artificial intelligence framework for online destination image photos identification. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 18(December 2020), Article number 100512.
  • Zuo, B., Huang, S. (2020). A Structural Change and Productivity Perspective of Tourism’s Contribution to Economic Growth: The Case of Zhangjiajie in China. Journal of Travel Research, 59(3), 465-476.
  • Huang, S., Pearce, J., Wen, J., Dowling, R., Smith, AJ. (2020). Segmenting Western Australian national park visitors by perceived benefits: A factor-item mixed approach. International Journal of Tourism Research, 22(6), 814-824.
  • Wen, J., Yu, C., Huang, S., Goh, E. (2020). Perceived constraint and negotiation of Chinese outbound senior tourists. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 31(1), 149-153.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S., Goh, E. (2020). Effects of perceived constraints and negotiation on learned helplessness: A study of Chinese senior outbound tourists. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 78(June 2020), Article number 104059.
  • Wang, J., Luo, Q., Huang, S., Yang, R. (2020). Restoration in the exhausted body? Tourists on the rugged path of pilgrimage: Motives, experiences, and benefits. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 15(March 2020), Article number 100407.
  • Huang, L., Yin, X., Yang, Y., Luo, M., Huang, S. (2020). “Blessing in disguise”: the impact of the Wenchuan earthquake on inbound tourist arrivals in Sichuan, China. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 42(March 2020), 58-66.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S. (2020). Chinese tourists’ motivations of visiting a highly volatile destination: a means-end approach. Tourism Recreation Research, 45(1), 80-93.
  • Cui, R., Huang, S., Chen, H., Zhang, Q., Li, Z. (2020). Tourist inertia in satisfaction-revisit relation. Annals of Tourism Research, 82(May 2020), article number 102771.
  • Gu, Q., Qiu, H., King, BE., Huang, S. (2020). Understanding the wine tourism experience: The roles of facilitators, constraints, and involvement. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 26(2), 211-229.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S. (2020). Backpacker tourism: a perspective article. Tourism Review, 75(1), 158-161.
  • Chen, G., Zhao, L., Huang, S. (2020). Backpacker identity: Scale development and validation. Journal of Travel Research, 59(2), 281-294.


Journal Articles

  • Xu, F., Huang, S., Li, S. (2019). Time, money, or convenience: what determines Chinese consumers' continuance usage intention and behavior of using tourism mobile apps?. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(3), 288-302.
  • Huang, S., Yu, Z., Li, Z. (2019). Australia's national government grants in tourism research. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 30(4), 629-631.
  • Huang, S., Van Der Veen, R. (2019). The moderation of gender and generation in the effects of perceived destination image on tourist attitude and visit intention: A study of potential Chinese visitors to Australia. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 25(3), 375-389.
  • Su, L., Huang, S., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2019). Perceived justice, community support, community identity and residents' quality of life: Testing an integrative model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 41(December 2019), 1-11.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S., Ying, T. (2019). Relationships between Chinese cultural values and tourist motivations: A study of Chinese tourists visiting Israel. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 14(December 2019), Article number 100367.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S. (2019). Chinese Tourists Visiting Volatile Destinations: Integrating Cultural Values into Motivation-based Segmentation. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(4), 520-540.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S. (2019). The effects of push and pull travel motivations, personal values, and destination familiarity on tourist loyalty: a study of Chinese cigar tourists to Cuba. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 24(8), 805-821.
  • Huang, S., Crotts, J. (2019). Relationships between Hofstede's cultural dimensions and tourist satisfaction: A cross-country cross-sample examination. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 72(June 2019), 232-241.
  • Lu, Y., Chen, G., Huang, S., Bao, J. (2019). Understanding Chinese tourists' perceptions of Cantonese as a regional dialect. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 71(April 2019), 127-136.
  • Chen, G., Xi, W., Huang, S., Hu, X. (2019). Influences of coastal resort vacationers' environmental and climate satisfactions on their perceived destination restorative qualities. Resources Science, 41(3), 430-440.
  • Gu, Q., Huang, S. (2019). Profiling Chinese wine tourists by wine tourism constraints: A comparison of Chinese Australians and long-haul Chinese tourists in Australia. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(2), 206-220.
  • Liu, Z., Huang, S., Liang, S. (2019). Does brand personification matter in consuming China's tourism real estate products? A new perspective on brand personality, self-congruity and brand loyalty. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(4), 435-454.
  • Bao, J., Huang, S., Chen, G. (2019). Forty years of China tourism research: Reflections and Prospects. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(3), 283-294.
  • Huang, S., Wei, X. (2019). Offline versus online travel experience sharing: the national profile of China. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(2), 183-189.
  • Wen, J., Huang, S., Hou, P. (2019). Emotional intelligence, emotional labor, perceived organizational support, and job satisfaction: A moderated mediation model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81(August 2019), 120-130.
  • Su, L., Huang, S., Pearce, J. (2019). Toward a model of destination resident-environment relationship: the case of Gulangyu, China. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 36(4), 469-483.
  • Volgger, M., Huang, S. (2019). Scoping irresponsible behaviour in hospitality and tourism: widening the perspective of CSR. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(6), 2526-2543.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S., Hu, X. (2019). Backpacker Personal Development, Generalized Self-Efficacy, and Self-Esteem: Testing a Structural Model. Journal of Travel Research, 58(4), 680-694.
  • Huang, S., Chen, G., Luo, X., Bao, J. (2019). Evolution of tourism research in China after the Millennium: Changes in Research Themes, Methods, and Researchers. Journal of China Tourism Research, 15(3), 420-434.
  • Tao, B., Goh, E., Huang, S., Moyle, B. (2019). Travel constraint perceptions of people with mobility disability: a study of Sichuan earthquake survivors. Tourism Recreation Research, 44(2), 203-216.

Conference Publications

  • Ye, E., Du, J., Hansen, P., Ashman, H., Sigala, M., Huang, S. (2019). Young Chinese tourists' motivations to engage in collaborative information behaviour for group holidays. Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems: Secure ICT Platform for the 4th Industrial Revolution, PACIS 2019 (1-8). Association for Information Systems.

Book Chapters

  • Huang, S., Gao, H. (2018). Developing Australia's food and wine tourism towards the Chinese visitor market. Food, Wine and China: A tourism perspective (100-120). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Wei, X., Huang, S., Yap, G., Wu, X., Taivan, A. (2018). The influence of national holiday structure on domestic tourism expenditure: Evidence from China. Tourism Economics: the business and finance of tourism and recreation, 24(7), 781-800.
  • Huang, S. (2018). China Tourism Research: Observations, thoughts and recommendations from an overseas scholar. Tourism and Hospitality Prospects, 2(5), 1-10.
  • Pearce, J., Huang, S., Su, L. (2018). How does destination social responsibility contribute to environmentally responsible behaviour? A destination resident perspective. Journal of Business Research, 86(May 2018), 179-189.
  • Huang, S., Chen, G. (2018). Perceived personal development benefits from backpacking: A cross-cultural comparison. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 18(4), 275-286.
  • Su, L., Huang, S., Huang, J. (2018). Effects Of Destination Social Responsibility and Tourism Impacts On Residents’ Support For Tourism and Perceived Quality Of Life. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 42(7), 1039-1057.
  • Gu, Q., Zhang, HQ., King, B., Huang, S. (2018). Wine tourism involvement: a segmentation of Chinese tourists. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 35(5), 633-648.
  • Xu, J., Huang, S. (2018). Exploring Mainland Chinese students’ motivations of re-visiting Hong Kong as a familiar place and their links to student life experiences. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 7(March), 50-57.
  • Zuo, B., Huang, S. (2018). Revisiting the tourism-led economic growth hypothesis: the case of China. Journal of Travel Research, 57(2), 151-163.
  • Huang, S., Wei, X. (2018). Chinese outbound travel: Understanding the socioeconomic drivers. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(1), 25-37.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S. (2018). Understanding Chinese Cultural Tourists: Typology and Profile. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 35(2), 162-177.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S. (2018). Towards an improved typology approach to segmenting cultural tourists. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(2), 247-255.
  • Huang, S., Van Der Veen, R., Song, Z. (2018). The impact of coping strategies on occupational stress and turnover intentions among hotel employees. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 27(8), 926-945.
  • Wang, W., Yi, L., Wu, M., Pearce, PL., Huang, S. (2018). Examining Chinese adult children's motivations for traveling with their parents. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 69(December 2018), 422-433.
  • Liu, Z., Yin, J., Huang, S. (2018). Managing tourism impacts in China's wetlands: a total relationship flow management perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(3), 231-244.

Conference Publications

  • Pearce, J., Huang, S., Crotts, J., Gu, Q. (2018). Examining the connection of wine tourism to wine export in China: The case of Margaret River. Get Smart: Paradoxes and Possibilities in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Education and Research (665-669). Newcastle Business School, The University of Newcastle.

Journal Articles

  • Chen, G., Huang, S. (2017). Toward a theory of backpacker personal development: Cross-cultural validation of the BPD scale. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 59(1 April), 630-639.
  • Hosany, S., Prayag, G., Van Der Veen, R., Huang, S., Deesilatham, S. (2017). Mediating Effects of Place Attachment and Satisfaction on the Relationship between Tourists’ emotions and Intention to Recommend. Journal of Travel Research, 56(8), 1079-1093.
  • Li, X., Huang, S., Song, C. (2017). China’s outward foreign direct investment in tourism. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 59(April 2017), 1-6.
  • Yang, S., Huang, S., Shen, G. (2017). Modelling Chinese consumer choice behavior with budget accommodation services. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 11(3), 341-354.
  • Gao, H., Huang, S., Brown, G. (2017). The influence of face on Chinese tourists gift purchase behaviour: The moderating role of the gift giver-receiver relationship. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 62(October 2017), 97-106.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S., Zhang, D. (2017). Understanding Chinese vacationers' perceived destination restorative qualities: Cross-cultural validation of the perceived destination restorative qualities scale. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 34(8), 1115-1127.
  • Yang, X., Li, G., Huang, S. (2017). Perceived online community support, member relations, and commitment: Differences between posters and lurkers. Information and Management, 54(2), 154-165.
  • Gross, MJ., Huang, S., Ding, Y. (2017). Chinese hotel firm internationalisation: Jin Jiang's joint venture acquisition. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(11), 2730-2750.
  • Li, Y., Huang, S. (2017). Hospitality service climate, employee service orientation, career aspiration and performance: a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 67(July 2017), 24-32.
  • Lui, B., Huang, S., Fu, H. (2017). An application of network analysis on tourist attractions: The case of Xinjiang, China. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 58(Feb 2017), 132-141.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Zuo, B., Huang, S., Lui, L. (2016). Tourism as an agent of political socialization. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(2), 176-185.
  • Lui, Z., Huang, S., Hallak, R., Liang, M. (2016). Chinese consumers' brand personality perceptions of tourism real estate firms. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 52(online), 310-326.
  • Hsu, C., Huang, S. (2016). Reconfiguring Chinese cultural values and their tourism implications. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 54(June 01), 230-242.
  • Chen, G., Huang, S., Bao, J. (2016). The multiple logics of tourism development in China. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(12), 1655-1673.
  • Huang, S., Afsharifar, A., Van Der Veen, R. (2016). Examining the moderating role of prior knowledge in the relationship between destination experiences and tourist satisfaction. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 22(4), 320-334.
  • Huang, S., Chen, G. (2016). Current state of tourism research in China. Tourism Management Perspectives, 20(1 Oct), 10-18.
  • Luo, X., Huang, S. (2016). A comparative study between Chinese and Western backpackers: seeing with the host gaze. Tourism Tribune, 31(11), 32-41.


  • Huang, S., Chen, G. (2015). Tourism Research in China: Themes and Issues. Tourism Essentials, 3, 152. Channel View Publications.

Book Chapters

  • Nguyen, I., Huang, S. (2015). Mainland Chinese outbound tourism to Australia: Recent progress. Chinese outbound tourism 2.0 (133-149). Apple Academic Press.

Journal Articles

  • Huang, S., Weiler, B., Assaker, G. (2015). Effects of interpretive guiding outcomes on tourist satisfaction and behavioral intention. Journal of Travel Research, 54(3), 344-358.
  • Su, L., Huang, S., Van Der Veen, R., Chen, X. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Reputation, Customer Emotions and Behavioral Intentions: A Structural Equation Modelling Analysis. Journal of China Tourism Research, 10(4), 511-529.
  • Huang, S., Lee, IS. (2015). Motivations for attending a multicultural festival: visitor ethnicity matters. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 26(1), 92-95.
  • Luo, X., Huang, S., Brown, G. (2015). Backpacking in China: A netnographic analysis of Donkey Friends' travel behaviour. Journal of China Tourism Research, 11(1), 67-84.
  • Su, L., Huang, S., Chen, X. (2015). Effects of Service Fairness and Service Quality on Tourist Behavioral Intentions and Subjective Well-being. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 32(3), 290-307.
  • Fu, H., Wu, DC., Huang, S., Song, H., Gong, J. (2015). Monetary or nonmonetary compensation for service failure? A study of customer preferences under various loci of causality. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46(2015), 55-64.
  • Huang, S., Keating, B., Kriz, A., Hueng, V. (2015). Chinese outbound tourism: an epilogue. Journal of travel and Tourism Marketing. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 32(1-2), 153-159.
  • Li, Y., Fu, H., Huang, S. (2015). Does conspicuous decoration style influence customer's intention to purchase? The moderating effect of CSR practices. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51(2015), 19-29.
  • Hsu, C., Liu, Z., Huang, S. (2015). Acquiring Intangible Resources through Entrepreneurs’ Network Ties: A Study of Chinese Economy Hotel Chains. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly: hospitality leadership through learning, 56(3), 273-284.
  • Brown, G., Huang, S. (2015). Interpreting tourism at Olympic sites: a cross-cultural analysis of the Beijing Olympic Green. International Journal of Tourism Research, 17(4), 364-374.
  • Lee, IS., Huang, S. (2015). Understanding motivations and benefits of attending a multicultural festival. Tourism Analysis, 20(2), 201-213.
  • Luo, X., Brown, G., Huang, S. (2015). Host perceptions of backpackers: Examining the influence of intergroup contact. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 50(October 2015), 292-305.
  • Keating, B., Huang, S., Kriz, A., Hueng, V. (2015). A systematic review of the Chinese outbound tourism literature: 1983-2012. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 32(1-2), 2-17.
  • Wang, Y., Huang, S., Kim, AK. (2015). Toward a framework integrating authenticity and integrity in heritage tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 23(10), 1468-1481.
  • Wei, X., Huang, S., Stodolska, M., Yu, Y. (2015). Leisure time, leisure activities and happiness in China: Evidence from a nationwide survey. Journal of Leisure Research, 47(5), 556-576.


  • Huang, S., Sun, X. (2014). Economy hotels in China: A glocalised innovative hospitality sector. Routledge Contemporary China series, 179. Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Huang, S., Liu, Z., Hsu, C. (2014). Customer Experiences with Economy Hotels in China: Evidence from mystery guests. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 23(3), 266-293.
  • Chen, G., Bao, J., Huang, S. (2014). Developing a scale to measure backpackers’ personal development. Journal of Travel Research, 53(4), 522-536.
  • Zou, T., Huang, S., Ding, P. (2014). Toward a community-driven development model of rural tourism: The Chinese experience. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(3), 261-271.
  • Li, G., Yang, X., Huang, S. (2014). Effects of social capital and community support on online community members' intention to create user-generated content. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 15(3), 190-199.
  • Chen, G., Bao, J., Huang, S. (2014). Segmenting Chinese backpackers by travel motivations. International Journal of Tourism Research, 16(4), 355-367.

Book Chapters

  • Huang, S., Ryan, C., Yang, C. (2013). Local Governments’ roles in developing tourism. Tourism in China: Destinations, Planning and Experiences (190-207). Channel View Publications.
  • Huang, S., Ryan, C. (2013). Policy implementation, destination evolution, and resident perceptions of MICE tourism. Tourism in China: Destinations, Planning and Experiences (115-128). Channel View Publications.
  • Ryan, C., Huang, S. (2013). Chinese tourism research: an international perspective. Tourism in China: Destinations, Planning and Experiences (304-315). Channel View Publications.

Journal Articles

  • Gross, M., Gao, H., Huang, S. (2013). China hotel research: A systematic review of the English language academic literature. Tourism Management Perspectives, 6(April), 68-78.
  • Gross, M., Huang, S. (2013). The domestic development experience of a hotel firm 'with Chinese characteristics': the case of Jin Jiang. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly: hospitality leadership through learning, 54(2), 211-224.

Journal Articles

  • Hsu, C., Lui, Z., Huang, S. (2012). Managerial ties in economy hotel chains in China: Comparison of different ownership types during entrepreneurial processes. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(3), 477-495.
  • Hsu, C., Huang, S. (2012). An extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior Model for tourists. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 36(3), 390-417.
  • Huang, S. (2012). Similar exercises, different consequences: An examination of tourism research in national research assessment frameworks. Tourism Management Perspectives, 2-3(April), 13-18.
  • Assaker, G., Huang, S., Hallak, R. (2012). Applications of partial least squares structural equation modeling in tourism research: A methodological review. Tourism Analysis, 17(5), 679-686.
  • Wang, X., Huang, S., Zou, T., Yan, H. (2012). Effects of the high speed rail network on China's regional tourism development. Tourism Management Perspectives, 1(1), 34-38.

Journal Articles

Research Projects

  • Visitors’ visual and emotional responses to destination marketing campaigns of the city of Joondalup, City of Joondalup, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $5,000.
  • Ancient Cultures Meet Research Paper - understanding Chinese travellers' perceptions and demand for Australian First Nations tourism experiences, Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $60,352.
  • Can responsible service production lead to responsible consumption? A cross-cultural examination of consumer responses to P2P accommodation platforms’ green marketing and CSR behaviours., Guangzhou Senman Enterprise Management Consulting Co. Ltd, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $10,000.
  • Digital technology-based high quality development of the Yellow River National Cultural Park and international communication of the Yellow River culture, Henan University, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $46,069.
  • A toolkit for promoting mental health and wellbeing in hospitality, Healthy Mind Menu, Grant, 2023, $18,164.
  • Travel attitudes and intentions in the COVID context: A cross-cultural study of Australian and Chinese consumers, Dalian Zhangle Technology Co Ltd, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $15,000.
  • Examine consumers' booking intention of Airbnb, Dalian Zhangle Technology Co Ltd, Grant, 2021, $10,000.
  • Western Australia's place in the Chinese outbound tourism market boom., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Engagement Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $22,000.
  • A review and critique of tourism industry policies in Australia and New Zealand, Shanghai Spring International Travel Service Co. Ltd, Grant, 2020, $2,136.
  • Would history repeat itself? Comparing Chinese tourism with Japanese tourism in Australia , Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme - 2017 Round 1, 2017 ‑ 2018, $2,820.
  • Tourism Research Australia: A division of Australian Trade and Investment Commission Survey into the barriers that restrict regional dispersal of Chinese independent travellers (holiday makers) in Australia., Australian Trade and Investment Commission, Approach to Market, 2017 ‑ 2018, $13,895.
  • Souvenir, Place Attachment and Self-Identity: A Chinese discourse, Edith Cowan University, School of Business & Law Markets & Services Research Centre Grant, 2017, $3,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Migrant Residents’ Pro-Destination Marketing Behaviours Towards Their Residential Place: A Case Study of Chinese Migrant Residents in Western Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, How does metaphorical message contribute to tourist low-carbon behaviour?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The impact of virtual influencer endorsements in short travel videos on viewers' behavioural intentions
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding Hotel Employee Career Behaviour: Developing and Testing an Integrative Model in the Ghana Hotel Industry

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Influence of Social Interactions on Tourist Experience and Tourist Satisfaction: A Study of Group Package Tours in Vietnam
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Examining the effects of sensory visitor experience and expectation confirmation on visitor emotions: The moderating role of mood

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Inter-organisational transfer of knowledge in tourism
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