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Dr Eerang Park

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5462
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.241  

Dr Eerang Park is Vice Chancellor's Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer of Tourism at the School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Food tourism; Gastronomy tourism
  • Tourism and community development
  • Slow city movement and tourism
  • Tourist experience
  • Tourism in Asia


Dr Eerang Park joined the School of Business and Law in 2020. She previously worked at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, University of Lincoln in the UK, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in Hong Kong. During her time in New Zealand, she served as a director of the postgraduate programmes in tourism management and developed collaborative tourism research projects with the industry partners including Hutt City Council and ZEALANDIA eco-sanctuary.

Her scholarly interests and research expertise are within the three themes: community engagement and tourism development, foodscape and food tourist experience, and social sustainability of tourism. Her research involves multi-stakeholders’ perspectives, and she has pioneered research in the context of the global slow-city movement and tourism in the peripheral Asian regions. Her research publications appear at top-tier tourism journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research.

Theme two: Society and Culture; Diverse, equitable, informed and productive communities, schools and workplaces, Creativity, and Social transformation

2019 - Visiting professor in tourism management, Mahidol University International College, Bangkok, Thailand

2019 - Outstanding Paper, Emerald Literati Awards

2019 - Vice Chancellor's Early Career Research Excellence Award, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

2014 - Best Paper Award, the 4th International Conference on Tourism Research (4ICTR), Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

2014 - Best Paper Award,Global Events Congress VI, Adelaide, South Australia

  • Anatolia, an International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
  • Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
  • Tourism Management Perspectives
  • External Moderator (2017–current), BA Event Management, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand


  • Doctor of Hotel and Tourism Management, Hong Kong (SAR of China), 2013.

Research Outputs

Book Chapters

  • Kim, S., Xu, M., Park, E. (2024). Food taste experiences and gastrophysics: gender matters?. Handbook on Food Tourism (259-271). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Park, E., Kim, S., Klarin, A. (2024). What we know of food tourism: systematic review of the literature using informetric analysis and directions for future research. Handbook on Food Tourism (288-306). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Widyanata, A., Park, E. (2024). Characteristics of place for food destinations: A foodscape perspective. Handbook on Food Tourism (48-60). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Kim, S., Park, E. (2022). Identifying film tourism impacts on grassroots communities: implications for film tourism development and community planning. Tourism Recreation Research, 2022(article in press), 1-5.
  • Park, E., Kim, S., Xu, M. (2022). Hunger for learning or tasting? An exploratory study of food tourist motivations visiting food museum restaurants. Tourism Recreation Research, 47(2), 130-144.
  • Klarin, A., Park, E., Kim, S. (2022). The slow movements: Informetric mapping of the scholarship and implications for tourism and hospitality. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2022(article in press), 1-19.
  • Park, E., Widyanta, A. (2022). Food tourism experience and changing destination foodscape: An exploratory study of an emerging food destination. Tourism Management Perspectives, 42(2022), article number 100964.

Journal Articles

  • Park, E., Muangasame, K., Kim, S. (2021). ‘We and our stories’: Constructing food experiences in a UNESCO gastronomy city. Tourism Geographies: an international journal of tourism place, space and the environment, 2021(Article in Press), 32p..
  • Kim, S., Park, E. (2021). An integrated model of social impacts and resident’s perceptions: From a film tourism destination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2021(Article in Press), 28p..
  • Kim, S., Park, E., Fu, Y., Jiang, F. (2021). The cognitive development of food taste perception in a food tourism destination: A gastrophysics approach. Appetite, 165(1 October 2021), Article number 105310.

Journal Articles

  • Kim, S., Park, E., Xu, M. (2020). Beyond the authentic taste: The tourist experience at a food museum restaurant. Tourism Management Perspectives, 36(October 2020), Article number 100749.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Soukhathammavong, B., Park, E. (2019). The authentic souvenir: What does it mean to souvenir suppliers in the heritage destination?. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 72(June 2019), 105-116.
  • Boo, S., Park, E. (2019). Locals’ experiences of hotel special event packages and their purchase intention of hotel room nights. Event Management: an international journal, 23(3), 287-301.
  • Kim, S., Park, E., Lamb, D. (2019). Extraordinary or ordinary? Food tourism motivations of Japanese domestic noodle tourists. Tourism Management Perspectives, 29(January 2019), 176-186.

Book Chapters

  • Kim, S., Suri, G., Park, E. (2018). Change in local residents' perceptions and attitudes towards the impact of film tourism: the case of Eat Pray Love(EPL) film tourism in Ubud, Bali. Film tourism in Asia: evolution, transformation and trajectory (125-138). Springer.
  • Park, E. (2018). Histogram-based colour image analysis on tourism photography. Handbook of research methods for tourism and hospitality management (278-291). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Kim, S., Park, E., Kang, B. (2018). The Noodle Grand Prix as a regional food industrial heritage festival: A Japanese case study. Exhibitions, Trade Fairs and Industrial Events (119-132). Routledge.
  • Park, E., Kim, S. (2018). Supporting the industry or just consuming leisure? The case of industrial festivals and events in Jeonju, South Korea. Exhibitions, Trade Fairs and Industrial Events (161-172). Routledge.
  • Park, E., Phandanouvong, T., Xaysena, P., Kim, S. (2018). Empowerment, participation and barriers. Ethnic minority community-based ecotourism development in Lao PDR. Tourism and ethnodevelopment: Inclusion, empowerment and self-determination (139-152). Routledge.
  • Park, E. (2018). The impacts of film tourism on place change and tourist experience: A lesson from Eat Pray Love in Bali, Indonesia. Film tourism in Asia: Evolution, transformation, and trajectory (107-123). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Park, E., Kim, S. (2018). Are we doing enough for visual research in tourism? The past, present, and future of tourism studies using photographic images. International Journal of Tourism Research, 20(4), 433-441.
  • Ellis, A., Park, E., Kim, S., Yeoman, I. (2018). What is food tourism?. Tourism Management: research, policies, practice, 68(October), 250-263.
  • Yoo, C., Yoon, D., Park, E. (2018). Tourist motivation: An integral approach to destination choices. Tourism Review, 73(2), 169-185.
  • Park, E., Phandanouvong, T., Kim, S. (2018). Evaluating participation in community-based tourism: a local perspective in Laos. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(2), 128-132.

Conference Publications

  • Kim, S., Park, E. (2018). Japanese Udon Noodle Tourists: What Matters?. Proceedings of 8th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management (AHTMM) conference (155-165). University of Thai Chamber of Commerce (UTCC) and Washington State University.

Conference Publications

  • Kim, S., Park, E., Suri, G. (2017). Impacts of Eat Pray Love (EPL) film tourism and local communities in Ubud, Bali. 15th APacCHRIE Proceeding Book (Asia-Pacific Council on Hotel Restaurant and Institutional Education) The future of hospitality and tourism: Opportunity and challenges (82-92). International Bali Institute of Tourism.
  • Park, E. (2017). A longitudinal analysis of film tourism impact on Bali. Proceedings of the 15th APac CHRIE Annual Conference (408-416). International Bali Institute of Tourism.
  • Soukhathammavong, B., Park, E. (2017). Suppliers' perspectives on authentic souvenir products: A case of Luang Prabang, Laos. Proceedings of the Fifth TTRA APac Conference, Hong Kong, China (32-43). Travel and Tourism Research Association.

Journal Articles

  • Park, E., Kim, S. (2016). The potential of Cittaslow for sustainable tourism development: enhancing local community's empowerment. Tourism Planning and Development, 13(3), 351-369.

Journal Articles

  • McKercher, B., Wang, D., Park, E. (2015). Social impacts as a function of place change. Annals of Tourism Research, 50(January 01, 2015), 52-66.
  • McKercher, B., Shoval, N., Park, E., Kahani, A. (2015). The [limited] impact of weather on tourist behaviour in an urban destination. Journal of Travel Research, 54(4), 442-455.
  • Kim, S., Park, E. (2015). First-time and repeat tourist destination image: the case of domestic tourists to Weh Island, Indonesia. Anatolia: an international journal of tourism and hospitality research, 26(3), 421-433.

Conference Publications

  • Park, E., Xaysena, P., Kim, S. (2015). The influence of local community’s empowerment on its perception towards community-based ecotourism in the protected area. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism (ICOT2015) (312-323). International Association for Tourism Policy.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Reframing the foodscape in a food tourism destination: from a symbolic social interaction perspective

Principal Supervisor

  • Co-creation experience and foodscape in tourism: A case study of Yogyakarta
  • Suppliers' perpectives of the authenticity in souvenir products: A case study of Luang Prabang, Laos
  • The motivation of the Chinise post-90s generation for travelling abroad

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy: Landscape aesthetics, tourism and change: Case studies in Nepal
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