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Dr Naoise McDonagh

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details

Dr Naoise McDonagh is the Director, Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Naoise publishes original research on international business and trade issues, including how domestic regulation, international trade agreements and geopolitics impact the international business environment. In addition, he teaches courses on international business at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in ECU's School of Business and Law.

Before joining Edith Cowan University, Naoise was a Lecturer in international political economy for three years at the Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide. He also served one year as President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, South Australia (2021-2022).

He completed his PhD at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, having previously studied in Ireland. Before entering academia, Naoise served two years in the Irish Defence Forces (2002-2004), followed by five years working in the private sector in Ireland.

He was delighted to have the opportunity to join ECU’s School of Business and Law in 2022. Through his research, Naoise aims to contribute to ECU's mission to impact society positively while also helping maintain the university's outstanding record for high-quality teaching outcomes. In addition, he looks forward to giving his best to his students, encouraging them to cultivate a lifelong love for learning while supporting them on their journey into their future careers.

Politics and International Trade; Geopolitics and International Business; Foreign Direct Investment Screening and National Security; Economic Sanctions and Business Risk; China and the World Economy.

  • Political economy of international business
  • Tensions between authoritarian and liberal forms of capitalism
  • Geopolitics and international trade
  • National security and investment screening regimes
  • World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research, (member)
  • Australian Institute of International Affairs, (member)
  • International Business
  • MBA, Strategic Management and International Competitiveness
  • Global Trade


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, New Zealand, 2019.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles


  • Draper, P., Freytag, A., Gao, H., McDonagh, N., Evenett, S. (2024). Industrial Subsidies as a Major Policy Response since the Global Financial Crisis: Consequences and Remedies. Berlin. G20 Insights.
  • Draper, P., Freytag, A., McDonagh, N., Menter, M. (2024). The Impact of Due Diligence Legislation on International Trade and Business: An Analysis of Potential Trade-Offs. Adelaide. Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide.

Book Chapters

  • McDonagh, N. (2023). Protection or Protectionism? Assessing the EU’s New Investment Screening Measures Against State-Driven Foreign Investment Risks. Weaponizing Investments (59-78). Springer.


  • Draper, P., Freytag, A., McDonagh, N., Matthias, M. (2023). The Political Economy of Due Diligence Legislation. Institute for International Trade. University of Adelaide.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Journal Articles


  • Draper, P., Freytag, A., Gao, H., Kautz, M., McDonagh, N., Menter, M., Tu, X. (2021). Domestic Distortions through Industrial Subsidies: Reframing the G20's Potential Perspective. Berlin. G20 Insights.
  • Draper, P., McDonagh, N. (2021). The missing anchor: Why the EU should join the CPTPP. Sydney. The Lowy Institute.

Journal Articles

Book Chapters

  • McDonagh, N. (2019). Tales of austerity, and a crisis of wealth distribution. Discourse Analysis and Austerity: Critical Studies from Economics and Linguistics (159-176). Routledge.

Journal Articles

Research Student Supervision

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