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Dr Saiyidi Mat Roni

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5606
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.455  

Dr Saiyidi Mat Roni is a lecturer in accounting at School of Business and Law.

Key Research Areas

  • Accounting
  • Information systems
  • Management


Saiyidi Mat Roni was a lecturer in accounting at a Malaysian public university for 17 years prior to joining ECU.

Theme Two: Society and Culture; Accounting, Information systems, management

  • Member of Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand


  • Doctor Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2015.
  • Master of Accountancy, Malaysia, 2009.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Merga, MK., Mat Roni, S. (2025). School library professionals’ perspectives on current and future workforce challenges. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 2025(Article in press), TBD.
  • Wilk, V., Stocco, F., Mat Roni, S., Jie, F. (2025). An Updated Social Media Users’ Crisis Response Framework. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, ahead of print(ahead of print), ahead of print.

Journal Articles

  • Appiagyei, K., Djajadikerta, H., Mat Roni, S. (2023). The impact of corporate governance on integrated reporting (IR) quality and sustainability performance: evidence from listed companies in South Africa. Meditari Accountancy Research, 31(4), 1068-1092.
  • Kamran, M., Djajadikerta, H., Mat Roni, S., Xiang, E., Butt, P. (2023). Board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility in an international setting. Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 13(2), 240-275.
  • Wilk, V., Mat Roni, S., Jie, F. (2023). Social Media Users Perspectives on the Supply Chain: Positivity amongst Negativity During COVID-19 Panic Buying in Australia. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 16(2), 262-287.

Book Chapters

  • Othman, R., Othman, R., Chan, S., Mat Roni, S., Ameer, R. (2022). Higher Education Students’ Online Learning Attitudes and Academic Performance: International Experience With COVID-19. Handbook of Research on Teacher and Student Perspectives on the Digital Turn in Education (213-236). IGI Global.
  • Mat Roni, S., Djajadikerta, H., Trireksani, T. (2022). The non-malicious risky behavior in the enterprise information system security. Next-Generation Enterprise Security and Governance (69-81). CRC Press.

Journal Articles

  • Wilk, V., Mat Roni, S., Jie, F. (2022). Supply chain insights from social media users’ responses to panic buying during COVID-19: the herd mentality.. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2022(Ahead of print), 1-17.
  • Goh, E., Mat Roni, S., Bannigidadmath, D. (2022). Thomas Cook(ed): Using Altman’s z-score analysis to examine predictors of financial bankruptcy in tourism and hospitality businesses. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 34(3), 475-487.
  • Donkor, A., Djajadikerta, H., Mat Roni, S., Trireksani, T. (2022). Integrated reporting quality and corporate tax avoidance practices in South Africa’s listed companies. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 13(4), 899-928.
  • Tuan Mat, TZ., Mohd Saad, NA., Arshad, R., Mat Roni, S., Tajul Urus, S. (2022). Accountability through budget performance: a study on budget adequacy and participation of Malaysian local government. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 14(1), 86-105.


Journal Articles

  • Kazemian, S., Djajadikerta, H., Mat Roni, S., Trireksani, T., Mohd-Sanusi, Z. (2021). Accountability via social and financial performance of the hospitality sector: The role of market orientation. Society and Business Review, 16(2), 238-254.
  • Othman, R., Laswad, F., Mat Roni, S. (2021). Academic Adjustments and Learning Experiences of Government-Sponsored Accounting Students in a Foreign University. Accounting Education: An International Journal, 30(5), 472-494.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Malpique, A. (2021). Do secondary English teachers have adequate time and resourcing to meet the needs of struggling literacy learners?. English in Education, 55(4), 351-367.
  • Donkor, A., Djajadikerta, H., Mat Roni, S. (2021). Impacts of combined assurance on integrated, sustainability and financial reporting qualities: Evidence from listed companies in South Africa. International Journal of Auditing, 25(2), 475-507.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Malpique, A. (2021). School leadership and whole- school support of struggling literacy learners in secondary schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 49(3), 534-550.
  • Merga, M., Malpique, A., Mat Roni, S., Valcan, D., Ledger, S. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on writing instruction in Australia. Issues in Educational Research, 31(4), 1138-1155.
  • Mason, S., Merga, M., Gonzalez Canche, M., Mat Roni, S. (2021). The internationality of published higher education scholarship: how do the 'top' journals compare?. Journal of Informetrics, 15(2), Article number 101155.
  • Djajadikerta, H., Trireksani, T., Ong, T., Mat Roni, S., Kazemian, S., Zhang, A., Noor, AH., Ismail, S., Ahmad, MA., Azhar, Z., Shahbudin, AS., Maradona, AF., Yanto, H., Wahyuningrum, IF. (2021). Australian, Malaysian and Indonesian Accounting Academics' Teaching Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, 15(2), 103-113.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Loh, CE., Malpique, A. (2021). Revisiting Collaboration Within and Beyond the School Library: New Ways of Measuring Effectiveness. Journal of Library Administration, 61(3), 332 - 346.
  • Kazemian, S., Djajadikerta, H., Said, J., Mat Roni, S., Trireksani, T., Alam, MM. (2021). Corporate governance, market orientation and performance of Iran’s upscale hotels. Tourism and Hospitality Research: the Surrey quarterly review, 21(3), 344-357.
  • Donkor, A., Djajadikerta, H., Mat Roni, S. (2021). Board gender diversity and integrated reporting quality: Evidence from South Africa. Accountancy Business and the Public Interest, 20(2021), 248-265.

Journal Articles

  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Mason, S. (2020). Should Google Scholar be used for benchmarking against the professoriate in education?. Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy, 125(3), 2505-2522.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Mason, S. (2020). Teachers’ perceptions of their preparedness for supporting struggling literacy learners in secondary English classrooms. English in Education, 54(3), 265-284.

Journal Articles

  • Mat Roni, S., Merga, M. (2019). The influence of extrinsic and intrinsic variables on children’s reading frequency and attitudes: An exploration using an artificial neural network. Australian Journal of Education, 63(3), 270-291.
  • Samad, K., Rahman, N., Mat Roni, S., Roseli, N., Arham, A. (2019). Tax perceived as barrier to innovation. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue), 493-497.

Journal Articles

  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S. (2018). Characteristics, preferences and motivation of avid non-fiction readers. Collection and Curation, 37(2), 50-59.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S. (2018). Empowering parents to encourage children to read beyond the early years. The Reading Teacher: a journal of the International Reading Association, 72(2), 213-221.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S. (2018). Parents as social influences encouraging book reading: Research directions for librarians' literacy advocacy. Journal of Library Administration, 58(7), 674-697.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S. (2018). Children’s perceptions of the importance and value of reading. Australian Journal of Education, 62(2), 135-153.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Mat Roni, S., Djajadikerta, H., Trireksani, T. (2017). Moderators in an equation: How organisational culture and information system complexity add moderating effects in Theory of Planned Behaviour. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Business, Management, Law and Education (BMLE-17) (233-238). Business, Education and Law Research Group.
  • Salleh, N., Mohd Noor, AH., Mat Roni, S. (2017). Waqf-based endowment and entrepreneurial intention among students in institutes of higher learning. 23rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. Book of Proceedings (701-709). University of Warsaw.
  • Ibrahim, MT., Mat Roni, S. (2017). Partial Least Square Approach to Second Order Factor in Behavioural Study of Accounting Information System. SHS Web of Conferences (1-7). EDP Sciences.
  • Jayiddin, NF., Jamil, A., Mat Roni, S. (2017). Capital Structure Influence on Construction Firm Performance. SHS Web of Conferences (p.9). EDP Sciences.
  • Mat Roni, S., Djajadikerta, H., Trireksani, T. (2017). Does organisational culture affect dysfunctional behaviour in information system security?. Proceedings of the 18 Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference 2017 (176-184).

Journal Articles

  • Booth, S., Merga, M., Mat Roni, S. (2016). Peer-mentors reflect on the benefits of mentoring: An autoethnography. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11(2016), 383-402.

Research Projects

  • Extending the Social Media Users Crisis Response Framework with Online Brand Advocacy: Evidence from the COVID-19 affected supply chain crisis., Edith Cowan University, Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant Scheme 2022 (Stream 2), 2023 ‑ 2024, $14,492.
  • Impacts of accounting students' perceived career goals and expectations on their approaches to learning , Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand, AFAANZ - Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $3,800.

Research Student Supervision

No data available

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Combined assurance, firm reporting and market consequences: The mediating roles of board monitoring intensity and integrated reporting quality
  • Master of Business by Research, Exploring the Barriers and Identifying Strategies for Express Courier Services in Implementing Crowdsourced Last Mile Delivery: A Study Based on the Express Courier Industry in Sri Lanka
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Evaluating integrated reporting quality, its determinants and its effect on sustainability in a mandatory reporting environment
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Performance: The Role of Country Characteristics
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Impact of the quality of internal audit function and the internal audit outsourcing/co-sourcing on external audit fees: Evidence from listed companies in Australia
  • Master of Business by Research, Exploring the barriers for express courier services in using crowdsourced last mile delivery
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