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MARS Centre Industry Engagement Event

Wednesday, 11 December 2024


In January, the MARS centre hosted an industry event at Doubletree by Hilton, attracting over 150 attendees from across the mining sector. The event provided a valuable platform for discussing emerging research and educational initiatives within the centre.

The event served as a great networking opportunity, allowing participants to gain insights into the latest research trends and developments with key experts and explore innovative approaches to workplace safety and wellbeing.

A highlight of the event was the keynote speaker Professor Michael Quinlan, who delivered an interesting and compelling presentation on the increasing reliance on contract labour in the global mining sector. Professor Quinlan explored the critical implications for occupational health and safety, emphasizing the importance of strategic management mitigating high-hazard risks.

MARS Centre members Professor Tim Bentley and Associate Professor Marcus Cattani also delivered insightful presentations which further underscored the centre’s commitment to advancing research and understanding in the mining sector.

The MARS Centre looks forward to building upon the success of this event, continuing to expand its network and gather expert perspectives to create a safer workplace in the mining sector.


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