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Associate Professor Marie Ryan

Associate Dean

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5784
Mobile: 0414 327 103
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.234  

Associate Professor Marie Ryan is the Associate Dean (Business Services) in the School of Business and Law

Key Research Areas

  • Impact of attachment on consumption behaviour.
  • Community branding of local produce.
  • Consumer behaviour.
  • Place, people and object attachment.
  • Multivariate analysis, teaching and learning research.
  • Small business development in rural centres.


Marie is an Associate Professor, and Associate Dean of Business Services, including the disciplines of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Hospitality and Tourism, Sport, Recreation and Event Management. Marie has been in teaching positions for over 20 years at ECU and other West Australian Universities. Prior to her academic career, Marie had a background in industry in marketing research as a provider of research and buyer for international organisations and federal government departments. Marie’s research interests broadly focus on topics including research methodologies, consumer behaviour, tourism (heritage, volunteer, niche), sense of place, student learning. Marie has considerable publications in international journals and presented papers at international and national conferences. Recent research projects include niche tourism, fee compliance, value in hospitality small businesses and food security.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2007.
  • Master of Business, Curtin University of Technology, 1992.
  • Bachelor of Commerce (First Class Honours), The University of Western Australia, 1984.

Research Outputs


  • Morgan, A., Fong-Emmerson, M., D'alessandro, S., Ryan, M., Palmyre, T., Lemerle, R. (2024). A way to go: Diversity, equity and inclusion in WA's marketing industry. WA. The Western Australia Marketing Association.

Journal Articles

  • Balsarini, P., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2022). Why franchisors recruit franchisees from the ranks of their employees. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 30(2), 180-200.
  • Madugoda Gunaratnege, S., Cripps, H., Meek, S., Ryan, M. (2022). A comparison of Australians, Chinese and Sri Lankans’ payment preference at Point-of-Sale. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 40(1), 18-32.
  • Hussain, S., Seet, P., Ryan, M., Iranmanesh, M., Cripps, H., Salam, A. (2022). Determinants of Switching Intention in the Electricity Markets - An Integrated Structural Model Approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 69(November 2022), article number 103094.

Journal Articles

  • Butcher, L., O'Sullivan, T., Ryan, M., Lo, J., Nyanjom, J., Wilkins, H., Devine, A. (2021). To dine in or not to dine in: A comparison of food selection and preparation behaviours in those with and without food security. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(S2), 267-282.
  • Balsarini, P., Lambert, C., Ryan, M., Maccarthy, M. (2021). Subjective Knowledge, Perceived Risk, and Information Search when Purchasing a Franchise: A Comparative Exploration from Australia. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(8), Article Number 338.

Journal Articles

  • Cooper, SL., Butcher, L., Scagnelli, SD., Lo, J., Ryan, M., Devine, A., O'Sullivan, T. (2020). Australian Consumers Are Willing to Pay for the Health Star Rating Front-of-Pack Nutrition Label. Nutrients, 12(12), Article number 3876.

Journal Articles

  • Butcher, L., O'Sullivan, T., Ryan, M., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2019). Utilising a multi-item questionnaire to assess household food security in Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 30(1), 9-17.
  • Meek, S., Ogilvie, M., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2019). Contextualising social capital in online brand communities. Journal of Brand Management, 26(4), 426-444.
  • Meek, S., Ryan, M., Lambert, C., Ogilvie, M. (2019). A multidimensional scale for measuring online brand community social capital (OBCSC). Journal of Business Research, 100(2019), 234-244.
  • Butcher, L., Ryan, M., O'Sullivan, T., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2019). Food-Insecure Household’s Self-Reported Perceptions of Food Labels, Product Attributes and Consumption Behaviours. Nutrients, 11(4), Article number 828.

Journal Articles

  • Ogilvie, M., Ng, D., Xiang, D., Ryan, M., Yong, J. (2018). Using traditional rituals in hospitality to gain value: A study on the impact of Feng Shui. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72(June), 1-9.
  • Butcher, L., Ryan, M., O'Sullivan, T., Lo, J., Devine, A. (2018). What Drives Food Insecurity in Western Australia? How the Perceptions of People at Risk Differ to Those of Stakeholders. Nutrients, 10(8), article no.1059.
  • Sibson, R., Scherrer, P., Ryan, M. (2018). ‘I think it adds value, but I don’t use it’: use, perceptions and attitudes of outdoor exercise equipment in an urban public park. Annals of leisure research, 21(1), 58-73.
  • Kitney, S., Stanway, A., Ryan, M. (2018). Volunteer tourism motivations of the Marine Conservation Cambodia project. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(10), 1091-1096.
  • Meek, S., Lambert, C., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2018). Social capital: An influence on critical to success factors in online brand communities. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 14(3), 268-288.

Conference Publications

  • Maboud, M., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2018). The customers’ intention of using loyalty programs. Connect. Engage. Transform ANZMAC 2018 - Conference Proceedings (164-167). University of Adelaide.
  • Balsarini, P., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2018). Internally Recruited Franchisees’ Franchise Buyer Decision Process. Connect. Engage. Transform ANZMAC 2018 - Conference Proceedings (22-25). University of Adelaide.

Journal Articles

  • Coetzer, A., Ryan, M., Susomrith, P., Suseno, Y. (2017). Challenges in addressing professional competence expectations in human resource management courses. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 55(4), 454-475.
  • Darley, T., Lambert, C., Ryan, M. (2017). Grey Nomads’ caravanning use of social networking sites. Journal of Information Technology and Tourism, 17(4), 379-398.
  • Powell, R., Ryan, M., Lamb, S. (2017). The impact of the mining boom on the dining industry in Western Australia. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 23(2), 243-260.

Conference Publications

  • Hussain, S., Ryan, M., Cripps, H., Lambert, C. (2017). Role of social media in handling a crisis situation: A case study of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). The proceedings of 2nd Business Doctoral & Emerging Scholars Conference (97-102). Edith Cowan Univerity.
  • Ogilvie, M., Ng, D., Xiang, D., Ryan, M., Djajadikerta, H., Yong, J. (2017). Feng Shui: Traditional Rituals Impacting Business. ANZMAC 2017 Marketing for Impact. Conference Proceedings (1005-1008).

Journal Articles

  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2016). Visual Images as a data capture instrument: Understanding the true meaning. World Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 121-131.

Conference Publications

  • Meek, S., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M., Lambert, C. (2016). Online Brand Communities: The Key to making them Succeed.. Marketing in a Post-Disciplinary Era (952-958). University of Canterbury.

Journal Articles

  • Pearce, J., Ryan, M., Moore, SA., Beckley , LE. (2015). The Effect of Place Attachment on Pro-environment Behavioral Intentions of Visitors to Coastal Natural Area Tourist Destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 54(6), 730-743.

Journal Articles

  • Marchioro, G., Ryan, M., Perkins, T. (2014). Implementing an interdisciplinary student centric approach to work-integrated learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 15(4), 359 - 368.

Conference Publications

  • Huhne, L., Cripps, H., Ryan, M. (2014). Planning a Wedding: Consumption behaviour of Bridal Magazines and Website Usage. ANZMAC Annual Conference 2014 (398-404). ANZMAC.
  • Cripps, H., Pearce, J., Ryan, M. (2014). Photo Elicitation: Understanding Factors Contributing to a Successful Public Marina in Western Australia?. ANZMAC Annual Conference 2014 (794 - 800). ANZMAC.
  • Parry, S., Ryan, M., Cripps, H. (2014). Exploring Attitudes toward Product Placement in Film: A Study of Western Australian Students. ANZMAC Annual Conference 2014 (53-59). ANZMAC.

Journal Articles

  • Pearce, J., Valesini, FJ., Moore, SA., Beckley, LE., Ryan, M. (2013). The Relation Between Place Attachment and Management Preferences of Visitors at Remote Coastal Campsites in Western Australia. Visitor Studies, 16(1), 39-58.
  • Pearce, J., Moore, SA., Ryan, M., Beckley, LE. (2013). A Photo-elicitation Approach to Exploring the Place Meanings Ascribed by Campers to the Ningaloo Coastline, North-western Australia. Australian Geographer, 44(2), 143-160.

Conference Publications

  • Hart, D., Fu, E., Marchioro, G., Ryan, M. (2012). Education Evolution: A Qualitative Study of Student Perception. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference (20). Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.

Journal Articles

  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2011). Lipstick: More than a Fashion Trend. Research Journal of Social Science and Management, 1(6), 117-128.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2011). Uncovering hidden meanings, values and insights through photos. e journal of Business Research methods, 9(1), 25-34.
  • Marchioro, G., Ryan, M., Cripps, H. (2011). Student enfranchisement in business undergraduate studies. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 12(2), 103-110.

Conference Publications

  • Maccarthy, M., Thomson, K., Fanning, S., Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2011). Appreciating Guns: A Marketers Perspective. Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2011: Proceedings (8). Edith Cowan University.
  • Fanning, S., Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M., Mizerski, K., Maccarthy, M., Cripps, H. (2011). Photos as Mirrors in Sport. The Proccedings of the 10th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (189-197). Academic Publishing Limited.
  • Marchioro, G., Ryan, M., Perkins, T. (2011). Integrating the academic experience: An inter-disciplinary approach to the authentic marketing research experience. Australia New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2011: Proceedings (1-7). Edith Cowan University.
  • Tonge, J., Moore, S., Ryan, M., Beckley, L. (2011). Using photo-elicitation to explore place attachment in a remote setting. The Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (629-637). Academic Publishing Limited.

Journal Articles

  • Sibson, R., Scherrer, P., Ryan, M., Henley, N., Sheridan, L. (2010). Is Physical Activity Leisure or Work? Exploring the leisure-tourism–physical activity relationship with holidaymakers on Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Annals of leisure research, 13(4), 652-678.
  • Scherrer, P., Sheridan, L., Sibson, R., Ryan, M., Henley, N. (2010). Employee engagement with a corporate physical activity program: the global corporate challenge. International Journal of Business Studies (ECU), 18(1), 125-139.
  • Ryan, M., Mizerski, K. (2010). Place branding for sustainable futures: A case study. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 6(1), 49-57.

Conference Publications

  • Marchioro, G., Ryan, M. (2010). Multi Research Methods Using Captive Respondents. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Research Methods in Business and Management ECRM 2010 (303-309). Academic Conferences International.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2010). Uncovering Hidden Meanings, Values and Insights Through Photos. The 9th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (487-495). Academic Publishing Limited.
  • Marchioro, G., Ryan, M., Cripps, H. (2010). Work experience: Business students’ voice!. Work Integrated Learning – Responding to Challenges: Proceedings of the 2010 ACEN National Conference (296-304). Australian Collaborative Education Network.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2010). Overseas students in Australia: An experiential view. Overseas students in Australia: An experiential View (7 p.). Edith Cowan University.


  • Ryan, M. (2009). Place: What Makes it Special?. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.

Journal Articles

  • Ryan, M. (2009). Mixed Methodology Approach to Place Attachment and Consumption Behaviour: a Rural Town Perspective. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 7(1), 107-116.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Mizerski, K. (2009). Monastic traditions: Developing a New Norcia Brand. Advances in Marketing: Embracing Challenges & Change - A Global Perspective Proceedings (304-308). Society for Marketing Advances.
  • Ryan, M., Marchioro, G. (2009). Exploring the use of textbooks with first year students: are they springboards for learning. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009) (8p.). Inti University.

Journal Articles

  • Scherrer, P., Henley, N., Sheridan, L., Sibson, R., Ryan, M. (2008). Maintaining Momentum: The Challenge of a Workplace Physical Activity Program to Sustain Motivation and Activity. Journal of Research for Consumers, xx(14), 1-12.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Marchioro, G. (2008). A Model for Experiential Learning and Community Engagement in Marketing Research. Proceedings of the IASK International Conference Teaching and Learning 2008 (734-740). International Association for the Scientific Knowledge.
  • Marchioro, G., Ryan, M. (2008). Textbooks: Fast Food or Dine-In? Preliminary Views. ANZMAC 2008 - Marketing: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat (1-7). Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M., Bevilaqua, A. (2008). Teaching Marketing Research: Using a Bridging Vehicle to Increase Deep Learning. Proceedings of the IASK International Conference Teaching and Learning 2008 (208-213). International Association for the Scientific Knowledge.
  • Ryan, M., Marchioro, G. (2008). Community Engagement as a Teaching and Learning Tool. ANZMAC 2008 - Marketing: Shifting the Focus from Mainstream to Offbeat (7 pages). Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Soutar, G. (2007). Spending behaviour - A comparison between Town and Shire residents. ANZMAC 2007: Reputation, Responsibility & Relevance (2314-2321). ANZMAC.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M., Bevilacqua, A. (2007). Using a bridging vehicle to increase deep learning: A videography teaching study. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2007:3Rs, reputation responsibility relevance (3322-3327). University of Otago, School of Business, Dept. of Marketing.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Mizerski, K. (2006). Monastic Traditions: Developing a 'Typical' Brand. Advancing Theory. Maintaining Relevance. (1-7). ANZMAC.

Book Chapters

  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2005). The preference for group work - not always the case: a case study. Communication Skills in University Education (150-158). Pearson.
  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2005). Students' preference for tertiary project presentation: the increasing role of videography as a teaching tool. Communication Skills in University Eduction (170-178). Pearson.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2005). The preference for group work - not always the case: A case study. Communication Skills in University Education (150-158). Pearson Education.
  • Roberts, M., Ryan, M. (2005). The influence of cause-related marketing on purchase behaviour. Broadening the Boundaries (89-94). ANZMAC.
  • Price, L., Leong, E., Ryan, M. (2005). Motivations for Social Internet Use. Broadening the Boundaries (264-269). ANZMAC.
  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2005). Students' preference for tertiary project presentation: the increasing role of videography as a teaching tool. Communication Skills in University Education (170-178). Person Education.
  • Price, L., Leong, E., Ryan, M. (2005). Predicting attachment to online communities. Broadening the Boundaries: Proceedings of the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference (128-134). ANZMAC.

Conference Publications

  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M. (2004). Videography as a teaching tool: A case analysis. Conference Proceedings for ANZMAC 2004: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities (0). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.
  • Vudrag, S., Ryan, M. (2004). The health and economic benefits of promoting and adopting the Mediterranean diet in Australia. Conference Proceedings for ANZMAC 2004: Marketing Accountabilities and Responsibilities (0). ANZMAC.
  • McKenzie, FH., Ryan, M. (2004). Monastic traditions: Lessons for wine tourism communities. Proceedings of the International Wine Tourism Conference (0). Vineyard Publishing.
  • Ogilvie, M., Ryan, M., Jackson, A. (2004). International Students' Preference for Videography: Preliminary Findings. ANZMAC 2004 : marketing accountabilities and responsibilities (0). Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.

Journal Articles

  • Ryan, M., McKenzie, FH. (2003). A monastic tourist experience: the packaging of a place. Tourism Geographies, 5(1), 54-70.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M. (2003). Place attachment and consumption behaviour. Marketing across borders and boundaries (45-49). Curtin University.

Journal Articles

  • Ogilvie, M., Pettigrew, S., Ryan, M. (2002). Self Introspection as a Research Method in Exploring Consumption Behaviour at a Special Event.. Qualitive Research Journal., 2, 47-45.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2002). A Sense of Home.. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. (). Deakin University, VIC.
  • Ryan, M., Langridge, S. (2002). Motivations to Volunteer in Selected Service Organisations.. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference. (). ANZMAC.

Journal Articles

  • Thomas, R., Ryan, M., Soutar, G. (2001). The Selling Orientation-Customer Orientation (S.O.C.O.) Scale: A Proposed Short Form. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, XXI, 63-69.
  • Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2001). Examining the Effects of Environmental Interchangeability with Overseas Students: A Cross Cultrual Comparison. Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 13, 63-73.
  • Pettigrew, S., Ryan, M., Ogilvie, M. (2001). New Year's Eve Consumption Plans: Consumer's Consumption Priorities on the Eve of 2000. Australian Marketing Journal, 9, 66-75.

Conference Publications

  • Ryan, M., Limkrailassiri, P. (2001). Percetions of gambling on the internet: a simulated study. Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice (0). Massey University, New Zealand.
  • James, K., Ryan, M. (2001). Attitudes toward female sports stars as endorsers. Bridging Marketing Theory and Practice (0). Massey University, New Zealand.

Research Projects

  • Exploring diversity and inclusion in the marketing industry, Western Australian Marketing Association, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $9,000.
  • The economic and social impacts of contemporary music in Western Australia (WAM project), Edith Cowan University, ECU Capability Enhancement Scheme - 2015 or earlier, 2015 ‑ 2016, $18,410.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Passive vs Purposeful: Exploring Generation Z's Early Superannuation Journey

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, An analysis of luxury consumption in China after the global pandemic of COVID-19 of 2020
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring the influencing factors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in undertaking higher education and the effectiveness of Western Australian universities’ marketing strategies

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, A moment to give, no moment to take: A mixed-methods study on volunteer tourism.
  • Master of Business by Research, Exploring the factors that affect hotel senior managers' intentions towards future crisis planning: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The relationship between place attachment and return visits to heritage sites: A case study of ras al khaimah
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A consumer-based brand equity model for the luxury and upscale hotel sector
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Customer switching intention in the retail energy markets in Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Understanding influences on the critical-to-success factors in online brand communities
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Consumer’s payment preference at Point-of-Sale (POS) in Australia, China and Sri Lanka
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Creating persuasive messages to promote abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Internally recruited franchisees: preconditions, decision processes and outcomes
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An investigation of the associated factors and measurement of food insecurity in Australia
  • Master of Business, Where are the active citizens of tomorrow? We need them now...
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