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Associate Professor Mehran Nejati Ajibisheh

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2757
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO2.372  

Mehran Nejati is an Associate Professor at ECU School of Business and Law, and a core member of the ECU Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Key Research Areas

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Business Sustainability and Responsible Management
  • Ethical Leadership
  • Green Human Resource Management


Associate Professor Mehran Nejati formerly held the position of the MBA Director at ECU School of Business and Law in 2017, and the Director of PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) and Sustainability at ECU School of Business and Law (2019-2022). He was also formerly a member of the University’s Climate Initiative Taskforce and a member of the Business Advisory Board to ECU Enactus team.

Prior to joining Edith Cowan University, Dr. Mehran Nejati was the Program Manager for Research and Consultancy and a Senior Lecturer at Graduate School of Business, University of Science Malaysia (USM). He has also held visiting appointments at the University of Adelaide Business School and Flinders Business School, Australia. He serves as the editorial board member of several international academic journals.

Associate Professor Nejati has demonstrated research excellence in business and management field and has been recognised for his research contributions on various occasions including Outstanding Publication Award 2016, Certified Sentinels of Science Award 2016, and ANZMAC 2015 Best Reviewer Award. He has taught various subjects across business and management discipline on Business Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, New Product Development, Business Statistics, Research Methods, Strategic Management, and Marketing. He has taught in face-to-face and online modes, and has received excellent student and peer evaluation for his teaching. Apart from his research and teaching activities, he is often invited as a trainer for quantitative research methodology and data analysis workshops on structural equation modelling, partial least squares (PLS), and analysis software such as AMOS and SmartPLS.

National and International Awards

  • 2022 - Carbon Literacy Action Day Catalyst Awards
  • 2021 - PRME Award for Excellence in Reporting (First time SIP Report)
  • 2016 - Certified Sentinels of Science Award 2016 (Field of Business, Management, and Accounting)
  • 2016 - Outstanding Paper Award (Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence)
  • 2015 - ANZMAC 2015 Best Reviewer Award (Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy)
  • 2015 - Outstanding Publication Award (Graduate School of Business, USM)
  • 2014 - USM Sanggar Sanjung Award for Research Excellence

University and National Teaching & Research Awards

  • 2018 - People's Choice Award in One Minute to Pitch It Competition (ECU Research Week)
  • 2015 - Rising Star Award 2015 (Graduate School of Business, USM)
  • 2015 - Innovation Award (Graduate School of Business, USM)
  • 2015 - Staff of the Month (June 2015) Award  (Graduate School of Business, USM)
  • 2015 - Staff of the Month (March 2015) Award (Graduate School of Business, USM)

National and International Research Positions

  • 2016 - Visiting Researcher, Adelaide Business School, University of Adelaide, Australia
  • 2016 to present – Honorary Lecturer, Graduate School of Business, University of Science Malaysia (USM)
  • 2015 - Visiting Researcher, Flinders Business School, Flinders University, Australia
  • Certified Six Sigma Green Belt by American Society for Quality (ASQ)
  • Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist (CSRS)
  • Member of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC)
  • Academic member of the Academy of Management (AOM)


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Malaysia, 2013.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Suleman, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Shafaei Darastani, A., Redmond, J. (2025). Green human resource management practices in the hospitality and tourism industry: An integrative multilevel systematic review. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 62(March 2025), 46-56.

Book Chapters

  • Godden, N., Beardman, G., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Yallup Farrant, J., Scott, E., Scoffern, L., Khan, J., Northover, J., Winmar, L., Ugle, P., Mulholland, K., Anderson, S., Parkin, J., Morrison-Saunders, A. (2024). Centring Country and community in the transition of Collie, Western Australia. Regional Energy Transitions in Australia: From Impossible to Possible (69-93). Routledge.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2024). Nexus Between Green Human Resource Management, Environmental Culture, Meaningful Work, and Organisational Pride: Empirical Evidence from Australia. Green Human Resource Management: A View from Global South Countries (245–257). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Rasoolimanesh, SM., Tan, P., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2024). Corporate social responsibility and brand loyalty in private higher education: mediation assessment of brand reputation and trust. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 34(1), 156-177.
  • Ahmad, R., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Farr-Wharton, B., Bentley, T. (2024). Impact of Leadership on Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 31(3), 338-367.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2024). Creating Meaningful Work For Employees: The Role Of Inclusive Leadership. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 35(2), 189-211.
  • Ordonez-Ponce, E., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Ahmad, R. (2024). Education for sustainable development: an assessment of Australian and Canadian business schools. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 2024(Article in press), 18 pages.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Omari, M., Sharafizad, F. (2024). Inclusive Leadership and Workplace Bullying: A Model of Psychological Safety, Self-Esteem, and Embeddedness. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 31(1), 41-58.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2024). Green human resource management and employee innovative behaviour: does inclusive leadership play a role?. Personnel Review, 53(1), 266-287.


  • Burton, M., Pauli, N., Clifton, J., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Kim, MK., Rogers, A. (2024). Community values for environmental assets in Cockburn Sound. Online. Western Australian Marine Science Institution.

Book Chapters

  • Beardman, G., Godden, N., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Yallup Farrant, J., Scoffern, L., Khan, J., Northover, J., Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). Just Transitions From Fossil Fuels to a Regenerative and Renewable Future: Challenges and Opportunities. Achieving Net Zero: Challenges and Opportunities (177-201). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2023). The Role Of Inclusive Leadership In Fostering Organisational Learning Behaviour. Management Research Review: Communication of emergent international management research, 46(12), 1661-1678.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2023). Why do employees respond differently to corporate social responsibility? A study of substantive and symbolic corporate social responsibility. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(4), 2066-2080.
  • Rasoolimanesh, SM., Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Tan, PL. (2023). Corporate social responsibility and international students mobility in higher education. Social Responsibility Journal, 19(9), 1632-1653.


  • Boodja, W., Godden, N., Beardman, G., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Scott, E., Yallup Farrant, J., Scoffern, L., Northover, J., Khan, J., Winmar, L., Ugle, P., Mulholland, K., Parkin, J., Anderson, S., Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). A just transition for Collie that leaves no one behind: A community-led social justice analysis of Collie’s transition. online. Climate Justice Union WA and Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.
  • Boodja, W., Godden, N., Beardman, G., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Scott, E., Yallup Farrant, J., Scoffern, L., Northover, J., Khan, J., Winmar, L., Ugle, P., Mulholland, K., Parkin, J., Anderson, S., Morrison-Saunders, A. (2023). Community Report: A Just Transition for Collie that leaves no one behind: A community-led social justice analysis of Collie’s transition. Online. Climate Justice Union WA and Edith Cowan University Centre for People, Place and Planet.

Journal Articles

  • Seet, P., Jogulu, U., Cripps, H., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2022). Transforming self-perceived self-employability and entrepreneurship among mothers through mobile digital sharing economy platforms: an exploratory case study. Personnel Review, 2022(ahead-of-print), 1-29.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Brown, M., Shafaei Darastani, A., Seet, P. (2021). Employees’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: are they uniquely related to turnover intention?. Social Responsibility Journal, 17(2), 181-197.

Journal Articles

  • Yusoff, YM., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Kee, DM., Amran, A. (2020). Linking Green Human Resource Management Practices to Environmental Performance in Hotel Industry. Global Business Review, 21(3), 663-680.
  • Ramasamy, S., Singh, KS., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2020). Linking human values to consumer CSR perception: The moderating role of consumer skepticism. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(4), 1958-1971.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Salamzadeh, Y., Loke, C. (2020). Can ethical leaders drive employees’ CSR engagement?. Social Responsibility Journal, 16(5), 655-669.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Yusoff, YM. (2020). Green human resource management: A two-study investigation of antecedents and outcomes. International Journal of Manpower, 41(7), 1041-1060.


  • Bentley, T., Farr-Wharton, B., Omari, M., Vassiley, A., Onnis, L., Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Pooley, JA., Devine, A., De Almeida Neto, A. (2020). Flexible work and psychological safety - Best practice to advance psychologically safe solutions from alternate locations: A report on findings from interviews with NSW flexible employees and managers: Phase 2 Report. Australia. Centre for Work Health and Safety NSW.

Journal Articles

  • Su, L., Huang, S., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2019). Perceived justice, community support, community identity and residents' quality of life: Testing an integrative model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 41(December 2019), 1-11.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Maadad, N. (2019). Brand equity of academics: demystifying the process. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 29(1), 121-133.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Razak, NA. (2019). One size does not fit all: multi-group analysis of international students’ cross-cultural adaptation using MICOM. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 42(5), 536-552.

Book Chapters

  • Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Ooi, SK., Darus, F. (2018). Exploring Issues and Challenges of Green Financing in Malaysia: Perspectives of Financial Institutions. Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Accountability Reporting Systems: A Global Approach (255-266). Springer.
  • Yusoff, YM., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2018). A Conceptual Model of Green HRM Adoption Towards Sustainability in Hospitality Industry. Driving Green Consumerism Through Strategic Sustainability Marketing (229-250). IGI Global.

Journal Articles

  • Nejatian, M., Zarei, MH., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Zanjirchi, SM. (2018). A hybrid approach to achieve organizational agility: An empirical study of a food company. Benchmarking: an international journal, 25(1), 201-234.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2018). Leading by example: the influence of ethical supervision on students’ prosocial behavior. Higher Education, 75(1), 75-89.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Abd Razak, N. (2018). A model of psychological well-being among international students. Educational Psychology: an international journal of experimental educational psychology, 38(1), 17-37.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Abd Razak, N. (2018). Out of sight, out of mind: Psychological consequences of attachment and adjustment attitude. Studies in Higher Education, 43(2), 251-268.

Journal Articles

  • Ooi, SK., Amran, A., Goh, S., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2017). Perceived Importance and Readiness of Green HRM in Malaysian Financial Services Industry. Global Business and Management Research: an International Journal, 9(4s), 457-474.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Quazi, A., Amran, A., Ahmad, NH. (2017). Social Responsibility and Performance: Does Strategic Orientation Matter for Small Businesses?. Journal of Small Business Management, 55(S1), 43-59.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Rabiei, S., Jabbour, CJ. (2017). Envisioning the invisible: Understanding the synergy between green human resource management and green supply chain management in manufacturing firms in Iran in light of the moderating effect of employees' resistance to change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 168(1), 163-172.
  • Amran, A., Fauzi, H., Purwanto, Y., Darus, F., Yusoff, H., Zain, MM., Naim, DM., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2017). Social responsibility disclosure in Islamic banks: a comparative study of Indonesia and Malaysia. Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, 15(1), 99-115.
  • Dinkoksung, S., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2017). Revitalizing Ban Kaset Puttana village through community-based tourism. Tourismos: an international multidisciplinary journal of tourism, 12(1), 79-100.

Journal Articles

  • Darus, F., Yusoff, H., Zain, MM., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2016). Exploring corporate social responsibility of Takaful organisations through the lenses of an Islamic CSR framework. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 17(2), 263-278.
  • Darus, F., Mad, S., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Yusoff, R. (2016). When quality matters! CSR disclosure and value creation. International Journal of Economics and Management, 10(Special issue 2), 285-302.
  • Quazi, A., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2016). Conceptualizing and measuring consumer social responsibility: A neglected aspect of consumer research. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40(1), 48-56.
  • Alawi, NA., Rahman, AA., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2016). Does family group affiliation matter in CSR reporting? Evidence from Yemen. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(1), 12-30.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Razak, NA., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2016). Integrating two cultures successfully: Factors influencing acculturation attitude of international postgraduate students in Malaysia. Journal of Research in International Education, 15(2), 137-154.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Shafaei, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Quazi, A., Von Der Heidt, T. (2016). ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do’ Do international students’ acculturation attitudes impact their ethical academic conduct?. Higher Education, 71(5), 651-666.
  • Magbool, MA., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Jayaraman, K. (2016). Corporate sustainable business practices and talent attraction. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 7(4), 539-559.
  • Darus, F., Yusoff, H., Mohamed, N., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2016). Do governance structure and financial performance matter in CSR reporting?. International Journal of Economics and Management, 10(Special issue 2), 267-284.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Nejati, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2015). The Influence of sustainability on students' perceived image and trust towards university. International Journal of Management in Education, 9(4), 411-425.
  • Ramayah, T., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2015). Modelling predictors of blog stickiness and retention by university students. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 20(3), 15-27.
  • Saeida Ardakani, S., Nejatian, M., Farhangnejad, MA., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2015). A fuzzy approach to service quality diagnosis. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 33(1), 103-119.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Mohamed, B., Omar, SI. (2015). The influence of perceived environmental impacts of tourism on the perceived importance of sustainable tourism. E-review of Tourism Research, 12(1-2), 99-114.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Amran, A., Tan Yi Wen, G. (2015). Cause-related marketing: Uncovering the myth. International Journal of Management Practice, 8(1), 57-69.

Conference Publications

  • Quazi, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Amran, A. (2015). Conceptualizing and Measuring Consumer Rights. The Australasian Marketing Journal: 2015 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings (326-332). ANZMAC.

Book Chapters

  • Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility Perception Among Developing Country SMEs: An Exploratory Study. Ethics, Governance and Corporate Crime: Challenges and Consequences (85-104). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Amran, A., Ahmad, NH. (2014). Examining stakeholders' influence on environmental responsibility of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and its outcomes. Management Decision, 52(10), 2021-2043.
  • Nurul Adsar, MM., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2014). Human capital reporting: Evidences from the banking sector of Bangladesh. International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 11(3), 244-258.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Mohamed, B., Omar, SI. (2014). Locals' perceptions towards the impacts of tourism and the importance of local engagement: A comparative study of two islands in Malaysia. Tourism, 62(2), 135-146.
  • Darus, F., Fauzi, H., Purwanto, Y., Yusoff, H., Amran, A., Zain, MM., Naim, DM., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2014). Social responsibility reporting of Islamic banks: Evidence from Indonesia. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 9(4), 356-380.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Badaruddin, M., Omar, SI. (2014). Environmental impacts of tourism on locals' perceived importance of sustainable tourism. Tourismos: an international multidisciplinary journal of tourism, 9(2), 147-160.
  • Najib Moqbel, W., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2014). Evaluating the association between financial stakeholder pressure and stakeholder integration: a study of palm oil companies. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 13(2), 209-224.
  • Salamzadeh, Y., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Salamzadeh, A. (2014). Agility path through work values in knowledge-based organizations: A study of virtual universities. Revista Innovar, 24(53), 177-186.
  • Darus, F., Amran, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Yusoff, H. (2014). Corporate social responsibility towards the community: Evidence from Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia. International Journal of Green Economics, 8(3-4), 273-287.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati, M., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2013). Assessment of sustainable university factors from the perspective of university students. Journal of Cleaner Production, 48(2013), 101-107.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Moghaddam, PP. (2013). The effect of hedonic and utilitarian values on satisfaction and behavioural intentions for dining in fast-casual restaurants in Iran. British Food Journal, 115(11), 1583-1596.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Amran, A. (2012). Does ownership type cause any difference in the perception of Malaysian SME owners/managers towards corporate social responsibility?. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 7(1), 63-81.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Moghaddam, PP. (2012). Gender differences in hedonic values, utilitarian values and behavioural intentions of young consumers: insight from Iran. Young Consumers, 13(4), 337-344.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Ghasemi, S. (2012). Corporate social responsibility in Iran from the perspective of employees. Social Responsibility Journal, 8(4), 578-588.
  • Amran, A., Ooi, SK., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Zulkafli, AH., Lim, BA. (2012). Relationship of firm attributes, ownership structure and business network on climate change efforts: Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 19(5), 406-414.
  • Shafaei Darastani, A., Nejati Ajibisheh, M. (2012). Does students’ empowerment influence their commitment?. International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 3(4), 305-313.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Salamzadeh, Y., Salamzadeh, A. (2011). Ecological purchase behaviour: Insights from a Middle Eastern country. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 10(4), 417-432.
  • Damoori, D., Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Ghasemi, S. (2011). Environmental perceptions across nations. Technics Technologies Education Management, 6(2), 235-240.
  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Amran, A., Shahbudin, AS. (2011). Attitudes towards business ethics: A cross-cultural comparison of students in Iran and Malaysia. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 6(1), 68-82.

Journal Articles

  • Nejati Ajibisheh, M., Nejati, M., Shafaei Darastani, A. (2009). Ranking airlines' service quality factors using a fuzzy approach: Study of the Iranian society. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 26(3), 247-260.

Research Projects

  • Enhancing disaster resilience and climate justice in the Western Australian community services sector, Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2027, $892,362.
  • Climate justice toolkit , Lotterywest, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $362,071.
  • Community values for changes in environmental conditions, Western Australian Marine Science Institution, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2024, $135,000.
  • A Just Transition for Collie that leaves no-one behind, Climate Justice Union WA, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2023, $7,906.
  • Sustainability Higher Education in Australia and Canada. A Comparative Analysis and Best Practice, The Association for Commonwealth Universities, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $3,022.
  • Flexible work and psychological safety: best practice to advance psychologically safe work from alternate locations, NSW Government, Understanding the Changing World of Work (Tender), 2020 ‑ 2021, $135,157.
  • Ready for the Age of Digital Disruption: Challenges and Opportunities for Outer Suburban SMEs , Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2018, 2018 ‑ 2020, $20,000.
  • Transforming Underemployed Women Professionals to Mumpreneurs: Exploring Opportunities to Overcome Labour Market Failure and Unlocking Human Capital through Disruptive Innovation, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2017 Open Round, 2017 ‑ 2019, $83,312.
  • Understanding the Employee-related Outcomes of Corporate Social Responsibility, Edith Cowan University, ECU Collaboration Enhancement Scheme - 2017 Round 1, 2017 ‑ 2018, $3,800.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Role of Green Human Resource Management Practices in Fostering Employee Green Behaviours and Sustainable Organisational Outcomes: The Moderating Role of CSR, Ethical Leadership, and Inclusive Leadership
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating Green Human Resource Management Practices in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Insights from Ghana

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The potential of solar energy technologies towards expediting renewable energy transitions in Ghana. A social acceptance perspective.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The impact of telecommuting, awareness, and self-determination on worker performance and well-being

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Employees' perception of corporate social responsibility, ethical leadership, CSR skepticism and meaningfulness at work: An empirical study of companies in Bhutan
  • Doctor of Philosophy: The Relationship between Music Engagement and Ethical Decision-Making among the Owners/Managers in Service Sector
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring the effects of ethical leadership on the intention of unethical pro-organisational behaviour in the public sector context
  • Professional Doctorate: Organisational pride as a mediator between perceived CSR and employee outcomes
  • Professional Doctorate: Linking Green Human Resource Management Practices to Environmental Performance in Malaysia's Hotel Industry: The Mediating Role of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour towards Environment
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