Our consultative committee’s members are experts in education, represent education providers, employers, graduates and community leaders. The committee's work with the School of Education helps ensure the strongest possible academic and professional preparation of the next generation of outstanding teachers who are responsive to the learning needs of young people and the community.
Early Childhood Studies
- Ms Wendy Gorman (Chair), ECS Consultant, Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA).
- Professor Caroline Mansfield, Executive Dean, ECU School of Education.
- Associate Professor Gill Kirk, Associate Dean (Early Childhood Studies), ECU School of Education.
- Associate Professor Paula Mildenhall, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), ECU School of Education.
- Dr Amelia Ruscoe, Course Coordinator Bachelor of Education, ECU School of Education.
- Dr Fiona Boylan, Course Coordinator Master of Teaching (Early Childhood Studies), ECU School of Education.
- Ms Wendy Harmon, Course Coordinator Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies), ECU School of Education.
- Ms Wendy Manners, Early Years Consultant, Catholic Education WA (CEWA).
- Ms Asha Rojhan, Past Student Employed as Kindergarten Teacher, Christchurch Grammar School.
- Ms Nadia Wilson Ali, National Director of Education, Think Childcare Limited.
- Mr Todd Dawson, State Manager, Goodstart.
- Ms Stephanie Jackiewicz, Executive Manager Early Learning and Care, Wanslea.
- Ms Kristy Howson, Early Childhood Consultant, The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA).
- Mr Andrew Gorton , Principal, Alkimos Primary School, Education Department of Western Australia.
- Niel Smith (Chair), President, Western Australian Primary Principals Association (WAPPA).
- Professor Caroline Mansfield, Executive Dean, ECU School of Education.
- Associate Professor Matt Byrne, Associate Dean (Primary), ECU School of Education.
- Associate Professor Paula Mildenhall, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), ECU School of Education.
- Mr Christopher Brackenreg, Principal, Beaumaris Primary School.
- Meika Pfeiffer-Gough, Manager of Leadership and Teaching Excellence, Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA).
- Mr Mark Marando, Principal, Whitford Catholic Primary School, Catholic Primary Principals' Association.
- Ms Wendy Manners, Early Years Consultant, Catholic Education WA (CEWA).
- Ms Mandy Hudson, The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA).
- Mr Lou Zeid, North Metro Regional Education Office.
- Mr Richard Lobb (Chair), Manager, Professional Practice Programs, Education Department of Western Australia.
- Associate Professor Anne Coffey, Associate Dean (Secondary), ECU School of Education.
- Associate Professor Paula Mildenhall, Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching), ECU School of Education.
- Dr Sarah Jefferson, Course Coordinator Bachelor of Education (Secondary), ECU School of Education.
- Ms Carli Sandbrook, Course Coordinator Professional Experience (Secondary), ECU School of Education.
- Ms Deborah Doyle, Deputy Principal, Ashdale Secondary College.
- Ms Helen Maitland, Balcatta Senior High School.
- Ms Melissa Gillett, President, Western Australian Secondary School Executives Association (WASSEA).
- Mr Mark Antulov, Principal, Ursula Le Frayne Catholic College, Catholic Education WA (CEWA).
- Ms Samantha Mitchell, Dance/Drama Teacher, Newman College.
- Mr John Burke, Principal, Bob Hawke College.
- Dr James Kent, Principal, Churchlands Senior High School.
- Ms Donella Beare, Principal, St Stephen's School.
- Ms Kelly Summers, Principal, Lynwood Senior High School.