What is G8@ECU?
The G8@ECU program offers current G8 employees the opportunity to gain further qualifications in early childhood education. Through sponsorship, funding and a comprehensive support program from G8, participants can enrol into ECU’s School of Education Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies).
After this degree, G8 will continue to support employees' seamless transition into the early childhood teaching profession with ongoing teacher registration mentorship and opportunities for further professional development and career progression.
About ECU’s Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Studies) course
This course has been designed so that students see how young children grow, develop and learn in the context of their families and communities and in a range of educational settings from birth to age eight. Each year of the course has been developed to build on the previous and concentrates in the main, on the professional knowledge and skills needed for the age group professional experience culminating at the end of each year.
A key feature of this course is the equal emphasis given to both the theoretical groundings of early childhood education, policy and regulatory processes and the practical application of knowledge and skills across early childhood settings. The course allows students to make the connection between theory and practice while building both professional and generic employability skills in early learning settings. In addition, students have the opportunity to tailor their learning experience by specialising in curriculum or pedagogical areas of particular interest in their fourth year.
Frequently asked questions
Contact us
For more information about G8@ECU.
ECU's School of Education
Dr Julie Boston
Email: education_shortcourse@ecu.edu.au

G8 Education
Study Pathways Team
Email: studypathways@g8education.edu.au