Helen is an Associate Professor and Researcher in the School of Education.
Helen has a background in primary education and has worked and researched in literacy and socially just education since 2007. Prior to this Helen worked for eight years supporting children with literacy and numeracy difficulties. Helen completed her PhD in 2019 in which she investigated the use of culturally diverse literature to support principles of diversity in early years education. The outcomes of her work have been published in internationally renowned journals garnering extensive international print and digital media coverage. Helen’s work has impacted classroom culture, teacher practice and children’s engagement in reading.
In 2022 Helen was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to travel to the USA and UK to carry out her project: To enhance expertise in children's books as vehicles for disrupting prejudice and discrimination. Helen officially became a Churchill Fellow in November 2023.
Current teaching
- LAN6260 - Foundations of Literacy Learning
- LAN6280 - English in the Middle Years of School
- LIT4260/6260 Children's Literature in the Classroom
Professional Associations
- Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)
- Primary English Teaching Association of Australia (PETAA) - Board President
- Children's Book Council of Australia, WA Branch (CBCAWA)
- Golden Key International Honour Society
- International Literacy Association (Member)
Awards and Recognition
National and International Awards
- 2023 - Churchill Fellow
- 2022 - Australian Educational Publishing Awards - Second Place (Highly Commended) in the Primary Reference Resource Category for Transforming Practice: Transforming lives through diverse children’s literature
University and National Teaching Awards
- 2022 - Edith Cowan University School of Education Teaching and Learning Award - Enhancing the capabilities of ITE Preservice teachers (PSTs) for Teaching children with diverse needs through targeted learning of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
- 2012 - ECU Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
- 2011 - ECU Dean's Prize, Faculty of Education and Arts
- 2011 - ECU State School Teachers' Union of WA prize
National and international Research Awards
- 2022 - Edith Cowan University School of Education Research Awards - Best Paper with and International Partnership
- 2021 - Edith Cowan University School of Education Research Awards - Best Paper from an Early Career Researcher
- 2020 - Edith Cowan University Early and Mid Career Symposium - Best Presentation for Research in Society and Culture
- 2020 - Edith Cowan University - Best Research Media Campaign by an Early Career Researcher
- 2020 - Edith Cowan University School of Education Research Awards - Best Paper from an Early Career Researcher
- 2020 - Edith Cowan University School of Education Research Awards - Winner of Equity and Inclusion within education Program of Research
Research Interests
- Children's literature to support principles of diversity - (current focus in early childhood)
- Children's literature and its importance in the social and emotional development of the child
- Diversity and inclusivity
- Effective literacy instruction across the curriculum