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Associate Professor Julia Morris

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 6289
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML16.145  

Julia is an Associate Professor and a Higher Degree by Research Coordinator in the School of Education, and an Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne.


Julia's research focuses on supporting industry engagement in real-world evaluation where evidence is used to drive educational practices, with recent research focused on learning environments.

Awards and recognition

National and international research awards

  • 2019 - Highly Commended for Best Paper in the Research Methodology in Education Special Interest Group at the British Educational Research Association Conference
  • 2017 - WA Institute for Educational Research Early Career Award
  • 2011 - Ignition: NAVA Prize for Professional Practice

Research areas and interests

  • Learning environments
  • Student Engagement
  • Applied research evaluation


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2015.
  • Bachelor of Arts Education, Edith Cowan University, 2011.
  • Bachelor of Creative Arts Major in Visual Arts, Edith Cowan University, 2011.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Merga, M., Mason, S., Morris, J. (2025). “I Really Try to Model Good Practices”: Reflecting on Journal Article Publication From Mid-Career. Learned Publishing, 38(2), Article number e1668.

Journal Articles

  • Fried, L., Lovering, C., Falconer, S., Francis, J., Johnston, R., Lombardi, K., Blue, L., Morris, J. (2024). Getting creative: Using art-based techniques to identify how arts organizations enhance young people’s well-being. Journal of Applied Arts and Health, 15(1), 51-66.
  • Morris, J., Imms, W. (2024). Flexible furniture to support inclusive education: developing learner agency and engagement in primary school. Learning Environments Research, 2024(Article in press), TBD.

Book Chapters

  • Morris, J., Imms, W., Dehring, A. (2023). The relationship among classroom furniture, student engagement and teacher pedagogy. Teachers as Researchers in Innovative Learning Environments: Case studies from Australia and New Zealand Schools (123-138). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). How Ghanaian secondary visual arts teachers perceive the role of creativity in their teaching. International Journal of Education Through Art, 19(2), 175-193.
  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., Ferguson, C., Lock, G., Hill, S., Nykiel, A. (2023). Balancing school improvement strategies with workload pressures: a participatory action research case study. Educational Action Research, 31(4), 633-652.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). Exploring creative pedagogical practices in secondary visual arts programmes in Ghana. Curriculum Journal, 34(4), 558-577.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). Creativity and initial teacher education: Reflections of secondary visual arts teachers in Ghana. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7(1), Article number 100385.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). Gauging Ghanaian secondary visual arts teachers’ levels of creativity: Four C trajectory of creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 46(September 2023), Article number 101318.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). An investigation into the role of innovative learning environments in fostering creativity in secondary visual arts programmes in Ghana. Journal of Creativity, 33(2), Article number 100054.

Book Chapters

  • Morris, J. (2022). ‘Doing’ history: Developing an arts program to engage female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australian students. Living Histories: Global Conversations in Art Education (82-102). Intellect.

Journal Articles

  • Paris, LF., Morris, J., Bailey, J. (2022). The Digital Sabbath and the Digital Distraction: Arts-Based Research Methods for New Audiences. Qualitative Report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research since 1990, 27(2), 427-447.
  • Williams, E., Morris, J. (2022). Integrating Indigenous perspectives in the drama class: Pre-service teachers’ perceptions and attitudes. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 51(1), 1-17.
  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Ferguson, C., Hill, S., Lock, G. (2022). Leadership teams supporting teacher wellbeing by improving the culture of an Australian secondary school. Issues in Educational Research, 32(1), 205-224.
  • Morris, J., Paris, L. (2022). Rethinking arts-based research methods in education: enhanced participant engagement processes to increase research credibility and knowledge translation. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 45(1), 99-112.
  • Morris, J., Imms, W. (2022). Designing and using innovative learning spaces: What teachers have to say. IUL Research, 3(6), 7-25.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2022). Promoting creativity: Secondary visual art teachers’ perceptions and understanding of creativity in Ghana. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 45(September 2022), article number 101057.

Journal Articles

  • Morris, J., Slater, E., Fitzgerald, M., Lummis, G., Van Etten, E. (2021). Using local rural knowledge to enhance STEM learning for gifted and talented students in Australia. Research in Science Education, 51(2021), 61–79.
  • Morris, J., Slater, E., Boston, J., Fitzgerald, M., Lummis, G. (2021). Teachers in conversation with industry scientists: Implications for STEM education. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 29(1), 46-57.
  • Slater, E., Norris, C., Morris, J. (2021). The validity of the Science Teacher Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI-B) for postgraduate, pre-service, primary teachers. Heliyon, 7(9), Article number e07882.
  • Morris, J., Imms, W. (2021). ‘A validation of my pedagogy’: How subject discipline practice supports early career teachers' identities and perceptions of retention. Teacher Development, 25(4), 465-477.
  • Mason, S., Morris, J., Merga, M. (2021). Institutional and supervisory support for the Thesis by Publication. Australian Journal of Education, 65(1), 55-72.


  • Imms, W., Morris, J. (2021). What evidence can be gathered that assists Haeata staff to positively impact student learning experiences through effective use of the school’s unique spatial arrangement?. Australia. Haeata Community Campus.
  • Morris, J. (2021). Participation and Retention in Senior Secondary Schooling: Final Report 2021. Australia. Sevenoaks Senior College.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Blannin, J., Mahat, M., Cleveland, B., Morris, J., Imms, W. (2020). Teachers as embedded practitioner-researchers in innovative learning environments. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 10(3), 99-116.
  • Chubko, N., Morris, J., McKinnon, D., Slater, E., Lummis, G. (2020). Digital storytelling as a disciplinary literacy enhancement tool for EFL students. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(6), 3587-3604.
  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., Lock, G., Ferguson, C., Hill, S., Nykiel, A. (2020). The role of leadership in establishing a positive staff culture in a secondary school. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 48(5), 802-820.
  • Mason, S., Merga, M., Morris, J. (2020). Typical scope of time commitment and research outputs of Thesis by Publication in Australia. Higher Education Research and Development, 39(2), 244-258.
  • Mason, S., Merga, M., Morris, J. (2020). Choosing the Thesis by Publication approach: motivations and influencers for doctoral candidates. The Australian Educational Researcher, 47(5), 857–871.
  • Merga, M., Mason, S., Morris, J. (2020). ‘What do I even call this?’ Challenges and possibilities of undertaking a thesis by publication. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44(9), 1245-1261.


  • Morris, J. (2020). Participation and Retention in Senior Secondary Schooling: Final Report 2020. Australia. Sevenoaks Senior College.
  • Morris, J., Imms, W. (2020). What impact does ‘innovative’ furniture have on student engagement and teacher practices?. Australia. Vasse Primary School and Beparta.

Journal Articles

  • Morris, J. (2019). The development of a student engagement instrument for the responding strand in visual arts. The Australian Educational Researcher, 46(3), 449-468.
  • Morris, J., Coleman, KS. (2019). Fluid identities in multiple cultural practices: How practice changes becoming teachers’ perceptions of themselves. Journal of Artistic and Creative Education, 13(1), 1-14.
  • Chubko, N., Morris, J., McKinnon, D., Slater, E., Lummis, G. (2019). SOLO taxonomy as EFL students' disciplinary literacy evaluation tool in technology-enhanced integrated astronomy course. Language Testing in Asia, 9(1), Article no.19.
  • Chubko, N., Morris, J., McKinnon, D., Slater, E., Lummis, G. (2019). Engaging adolescent Kyrgyzstani EFL students in digital storytelling projects about astronomy. Issues in Educational Research, 29(4), 1107-1130.
  • Merga, M., Mason, S., Morris, J. (2019). ‘The constant rejections hurt’: Skills and personal attributes needed to successfully complete a thesis by publication. Learned Publishing, 32(3), 271-281.


  • Morris, J., Campbell-Evans, G. (2019). Participation and Retention in Senior Secondary Schooling: Final Report 2019. Australia. Sevenoaks Senior College.

Book Chapters

  • Morris, J., Coleman, K., Toscano, M., Imms, W. (2018). A case for the impact of practice: The Teacher as Practitioner (TAP) report 2018. Community: Becoming with: Research catalogue of the seventh annual Teacher As Practitioner (72-84). University of Melbourne.

Journal Articles

  • Morris, J. (2018). Arts engagement outside of school: Links with Year 10 to 12 students’ intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy in responding to art. The Australian Educational Researcher, 45(4), 455-472.
  • Slater, E., Morris, J., McKinnon, D. (2018). Astronomy alternative conceptions in pre-adolescent students in Western Australia. International Journal of Science Education, 40(17), 2158-2180.
  • Morris, J., Imms, W. (2018). Validation of the TAP tool, an instrument measuring the impact of teacher retention intervention strategies. Education and Society, 36(2), 15-27.
  • Norris, C., Morris, J., Lummis, G. (2018). Preservice teachers’ self-efficacy to teach primary science based on ‘science learner’ typology.. International Journal of Science Education, 40(18), 2292-2308.
  • Merga, M., Mason, S., Morris, J. (2018). Early career experiences of navigating journal article publication: Lessons learnt using an autoethnographic approach. Learned Publishing, 31(4), 381-389.

Journal Articles

  • Lowe, G., Lummis, G., Morris, J. (2017). Pre-service primary teachers' experiences and self-efficacy to teach music: Are they ready?. Issues in Educational Research, 27(2), 314-329.
  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., Lock, G. (2017). Questioning art: Factors affecting students' cognitive engagement in responding. Issues in Educational Research, 27(3), 493-511.
  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., McKinnon, D., Heyworth, J. (2017). Measuring preservice teacher self-efficacy in music and visual arts: Validation of an amended science teacher efficacy belief instrument. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64(January 2017), 1-11.
  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Odgaard, J. (2017). The influence of ecological citizenship and political solidarity on Western Australian student teachers’ perceptions of sustainability issues. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 26(2), 135-149.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Morris, J., Imms, W., Coleman, K., Coleman, K. (2017). Teacher as Practitioner: Ebb and Flow. Heathcote Museum and Gallery.


  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Lock, G. (2017). Supporting Positive School Culture Through Interpersonal Engagement Phase Two Report. Australia. Kinross College, Hampton Senior High School, Mindarie Senior College.

Journal Articles

  • Main, S., O'Rourke, J., Morris, J., Dunjey, H. (2016). Focus on the journey, not the destination: Digital games and students with disability. Issues in Educational Research, 26(2), 315-331.
  • Townsend, A., McKinnon, D., Fitzgerald, M., Morris, J., Lummis, G. (2016). Educative curricula and PCK development driven by STEM professional learning in rural and remote schools: A longitudinal type IV case study. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 24(4), 1-17.
  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Lock, G. (2016). The Western Australian Art and Crafts Superintendents’ advocacy for years k-12 Visual Arts in education. History of Education Review, 45(1), 115-130.

Conference Publications

  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., Lock, G. (2016). Lessons Learnt From the History of Primary Visual Arts Education. Proceedings AARE National Conference 2016 (13p.). Australian Association for Research in Education.
  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Lock, G. (2016). Factors contributing to the development of positive secondary school staff relationships. Proceedings AARE National Conference 2016 (11p.). Australian Association for Research in Education.

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Morris, J. (2016). Pause: Washing Up and Pause: Walking By. Spectrum Project Space, and Joondalup Gallery, ECU.
  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., Imms, W., Grant, G. (2016). Resolutions: Creating Liminal Spaces, Teacher Artmaker Project. ECU Art Gallery Joondalup and University of Melbourne.


  • Morris, J. (2016). Towards ensuring a STEM workforce: Engaging industry to inspire and foster real-world STEM teacher learning. Australia. Edith Cowan University and Wesfarmers Chemicals, Energy and Fertilisers.
  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Lock, G. (2016). Supporting Positive School Culture Through Interpersonal Engagement Phase One Report. Australia. Kinross College, Hampton Senior High School, Mindarie Senior College.
  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Lock, G. (2016). Supporting Positive School Culture Through Interpersonal Engagement Phase One Report. Australia. Kinross College, Hampton Senior High School, Mindarie Senior College.

Journal Articles

  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Lock, G., Odgaard, J. (2015). Where Western Australian Graduate Diploma of Education Primary Students Source their Information on Sustainability. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(10), 51-65.
  • Paris, L., Boston, J., Morris, J. (2015). Facebook and the Final Practicum: The Impact of Online Peer Support in the Assistant Teacher Program. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(9), 157-175.
  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Lovering, C. (2015). Exploring the drama experiences of Western Australian pre-service primary teachers. NJ: Drama Australia Journal, 39(1), 19-30.

Conference Publications

  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., Lane, J. (2015). Exploring first-year pre-service teachers' experiences and expectations of media arts. AARE Conference Proceedings 2015 (14p.). AARE.

Journal Articles

  • Lummis, G., Morris, J., Paolino, A. (2014). An Investigation of Western Australian Pre-Service Primary Teachers' Experiences and Self-Efficacy in The Arts. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39(5), 50-64.
  • Morris, J., Lummis, G. (2014). Investigating the personal experiences and self-efficacy of Western Australian primary pre-service teachers in the visual arts. Australian Art Education, 36(1), 23-44.

Conference Publications

  • Lummis, G., Morris, J. (2014). The importance of positive arts experiences and self-efficacy in pre-service primary teacher education. Proceedings of the Joint Australia Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference (1-12). AARE.
  • Morris, J., Lummis, G., Lock, G. (2014). Diagnostically assessing Western Australian Year 11 students' engagement with theory in Visual Arts. Proceedings of the Joint Australian Association for Research in Education and New Zealand Association for Research in Education Conference 2014 (1-14). AARE.

Research Projects

  • Assessing the impact of furniture on teaching and learning: An Italian perspective, Instituto Nazionale Documentazione Innovazione Ricera Educativa (INDIRE), Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $72,169.
  • Innovative Learning Environments + Student Experience: The Evidence (Development Phase), Unspecified Funding Source, Unspecified - Multiple Funding sources, 2024 ‑ 2025, $75,000.
  • Co-designing and applying photovoice to capture the hidden world of Huntington's disease, Huntington's Australia, Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $13,591.
  • Participation and Retention in Senior Secondary Schooling, Sevenoaks Senior College, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2023, $105,170.
  • From Plans to Pedagogy: Developing spatial competency of teachers at Vasse Primary School , NorvaNivel Pty Ltd, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2023, $90,000.
  • Building positive school communities through participatory action research, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2015 (Round 2), 2015 ‑ 2018, $42,400.
  • Alice Springs - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Strategic Plan and STEAM capacity building, Northern Territory Government Department of Education, Tender, 2016 ‑ 2017, $69,753.
  • Thinking about Visual Arts: Exploring student engagement and assessment in responding to artworks and artists, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $23,000.
  • Towards ensuring a STEM workforce: Engaging industry to inspire and foster real‐world STEM teacher learning, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Scheme - 2016 Open Round, 2016 ‑ 2017, $35,622.
  • Educational pilot accommodating rehabilitation of WA Pilbara, Koodaideri Contracting Services Pty Ltd, Grant, 2015 ‑ 2016.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating Chinese language teaching for young learners in Australian primary schools: Beliefs and practices
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An investigation into transferable skills acquired through participation in an arts education
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Supporting Creative Media Education: A Mixed-Method Study of Post-Secondary Student Self-Efficacy
  • Master of Education, Can environments facilitate creative learning?

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Education, Children's perspectives of parent music education values in a community choir using narrative inquiry
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Yarning: Exploring the materiality and embodiment of sandalwood in Western Australia

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Education, Verbal and Nonverbal Communicative Approaches Used by Reading Teachers to Foster Student Reading for Pleasure in Secondary School
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Digital storytelling as an astronomy disciplinary literacy enhancement approach for adolescent Kyrgyzstani EFL students
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Aliwa! A Reimagined Journey. A stage play -and- Exploring a Nyoongar Theatre Text with Pre-Service Drama Teachers. An exegesis.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Creativity and creative pedagogies in practice in visual arts at secondary schools: A case stuudy of Sekondi-Takoradi in Ghana
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Western Australia Home Economics Teachers’ Perceptions of the Function and Relevance of Home Economics in the 21st Century: An Exploratory Review.

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating the Efficacy of Teaching Practicum Supervision in Bhutan
  • Master of Education, A/r/t + design one designer's experience as a a/r/tographer
  • Master of Education, Primary students' engagement with the visual arts and their transition into year 7
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring the impact of postgraduate preservice primary science education on students' self-efficacy
  • Master of Education, The perceived 'classroom readiness' and support of Western Australian primary graduate teachers

Adjunct Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Educative curricula and improving the science pck of teachers in middle school settings in rural and remote Australia
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