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Associate Professor Andrew Jones

Associate Professor

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5285
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO8.406  

Andrew is an Associate Professor in the School of Education.


Andrew is an educator with over 30 years’ experience immersed in academic and school based teaching and leadership positions in both the UK and Australia. During his career he has held a number of leadership positions in a variety of different and diverse educational contexts. These include Associate Dean of Secondary Education and Secondary Education Programme Director in the School of Education (SoE) at Edith Cowan University (ECU), a Principal Curriculum Consultant at the Curriculum Council of WA and Manager of various School Drug Education Branches at the Department of Education WA. He is a former Head of Department at three secondary high schools in the UK and Australia and a past President of the Australian Council of Health, Physical Education and Recreation WA. His research interests centre on policy development and enactment, and innovation in curriculum and pedagogy in senior secondary physical education.

Professional associations

  • 2005 - Australian Council of Health and Physical Education WA (ACHPER)

Awards and recognition

  • Australian Council of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) Tertiary Achievement Award, 2009
  • ECU School of Education Research Medal, 2017
  • Western Australian Institute for Educational Research (WAIER) – Postgraduate Research Award, 2017

Research interests

  • Educational policy design and implementation
  • Digital assessment in senior school
  • Pedagogies to support senior school physical education


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2017.
  • Master of Education, Cambridge University, England, 1996.
  • Bachelor of Education with Honours Class II Division I, England, 1987.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Dhakal, S., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2024). Continuous professional development strategies of Nepali secondary principals: navigating challenges in changing times. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 2024(2024), TBD.
  • Dhakal, S., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2024). From Perspectival Myopia to Professional Transformation: An Autoethnographic Retrospection of a High School Principal from Nepal. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 2024(Article in Press), 17 pages.
  • Clark, C., Penney, D., Whittle, R., Jones, A. (2024). Gendered pedagogy in senior secondary physical education curriculum enactment. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 15(3), 305-323.

Journal Articles

  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). How Ghanaian secondary visual arts teachers perceive the role of creativity in their teaching. International Journal of Education Through Art, 19(2), 175-193.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). Creativity and initial teacher education: Reflections of secondary visual arts teachers in Ghana. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 7(1), Article number 100385.
  • Barwood, D., O'Rourke, J., Penney, D., Jones, A., Thomas, J. (2023). Professional teaching standards and inclusion in teacher education: insights from a hearing-impaired Health and Physical Education pre-service teacher’s professional experience. Sport, Education and Society, 28(2), 173-187.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). Gauging Ghanaian secondary visual arts teachers’ levels of creativity: Four C trajectory of creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 46(September 2023), Article number 101318.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). Exploring creative pedagogical practices in secondary visual arts programmes in Ghana. Curriculum Journal, 34(4), 558-577.
  • Dhakal, S., Jones, A., Lummis, G. (2023). Leadership as a challenging opportunity: Nepali secondary principals’ contextual understandings and perception of their roles. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2023(Article in press), 18 pages.
  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2023). An investigation into the role of innovative learning environments in fostering creativity in secondary visual arts programmes in Ghana. Journal of Creativity, 33(2), Article number 100054.

Journal Articles

  • Swanzy-Impraim, E., Morris, J., Lummis, G., Jones, A. (2022). Promoting creativity: Secondary visual art teachers’ perceptions and understanding of creativity in Ghana. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 45(September 2022), article number 101057.

Journal Articles

  • Barwood, D., Jones, A., O'Hara, E. (2020). Pre-Service teachers’ mobilising health literacy in sun safety education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 45(5), 62-73.

Journal Articles

  • Jones, A., Penney, D. (2019). Investigating the ‘integration of theory and practice’ in examination physical education. European Physical Education Review, 25(4), 1036–1055.
  • Barwood, D., Jones, A. (2019). Pre-service teachers, co-creating sun safety education for adolescents. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 10(3), 277-290.

Journal Articles

  • Barwood, D., Sanbrook, C., O'Rourke, J., Jones, A., Thomas, J. (2018). Blowing a whistle, how hard can it be? An exploration of practicum experiences for a pre-service health and physical education teacher with a hearing impairment. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 9(3), 270-285.

Conference Publications

  • Barwood, D., Brady, D., Jones, A., Strickland, M., Blane, S. (2017). Creating an understanding of the UV Index amongst pre-service teachers. Proceedings of the 30th ACHPER International Conference: Participation in an active and healthy life: Valuing the participant voice (46-53). Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.

Conference Publications

  • Jones, A., Penney, D. (2015). The integration of theory and practice as a central focus for senior schooling Physical Education. Proceedings of the 29th ACHPER International Conference: Values into Action - A Brighter Future (12-22). Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER).

Conference Publications

  • Jones, A., Penney, D. (2013). News from WA......(more than just iron ore and great footy teams) – policy principles to course design. A defining time in Health and Physical Education : Proceedings of the 28th ACHPER Intern ational Conference (64-73). Australian Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER).

Journal Articles

  • Penney, D., Jones, A., Newhouse, P., Campbell, A. (2012). Developing a digital assessment in senior secondary physical education.. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, November(2011), 1-28.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D., Newhouse, P., Jones, A., Campbell, A. (2011). Digital technologies: Enhancing pedagogy and extending opportunities for learning in senior secondary physical education?. Technologies for Enhancing Pedagogy, Engagement and Empowerment in Education: Creating Learning-Friendly Environments. (15-27). IGI Global.

Conference Publications

  • Penney, D., Gillespie, L., Jones, A., Newhouse, P., Campbell, A. (2011). Assessment in Senior Secondary Physical Education. Questions of Judgement.. Edited Proceedings of the 27th ACHPER International Conference (103-110). Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.


  • Newhouse, P., Penney, D., Lim, CP., Pagram, J., Jones, A., Cooper, M., Campbell, A. (2011). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: Third Year Report - Italian Studies. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
  • Newhouse, P., Penney, D., Jones, A., Campbell, A., Cooper, M. (2011). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: Third Year Report - Physical Education Studies. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
  • Newhouse, P., Williams, J., Penney, D., Pagram, J., Jones, A., Campbell, A., Cooper, M. (2011). Digital Forms of Assessment - Final Report. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.


  • Newhouse, P., Williams, J., Lim, CP., Penney, D., Pagram, J., Jones, A., Campbell, A., Cooper, M. (2010). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: Second Year Report. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.


  • Newhouse, P., Williams, J., Lim, CP., Penney, D., Pagram, J., Jones, A. (2009). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: First Year Report. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating the possibility of teacher identity transformation as a means of creating welcoming and inclusive classrooms for aborigianl students
  • Master of Education, What lessons can be learned about the use of the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework: Standard One in Relationships in Goldfields-Esperance regional schools of Western Australia?

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Education, Exploring multi-generational influences on parental decision making on communication modes for their children with permanent hearing loss
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Problematising national education goals

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Reimagining, Restructuring, and Revitalising School Leadership Philosophy in Nepal: A Critical Auto/ethnographic Case Study

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, An investigation of secondary student perceptions of fairness about assessment processes implemented by their teachers

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Searching for Equity in Positivity: A two-year case study of the effectiveness of the implementation of Positive Education in a West Australian public secondary school following a Year 7 cohort to Year 8.
  • Master of Education, Exploring teachers' use of physical activity in Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) senior secondary physical education
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Creativity and creative pedagogies in practice in visual arts at secondary schools: A case stuudy of Sekondi-Takoradi in Ghana
  • Master of Education, Content and Frames of ©WeChat and Chinese State Media A critical literacy reflection of the narratives during the early stage of COVID-19 pandemic
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