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Adjunct Lecturer Dr Joseph Scott

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details

Joseph is an Adjunct Lecturer in Health and Physical Education at the School of Education.


Dr Joseph (Joe) Scott is an Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Education at Edith Cowan University. He is also currently a Lecturer in Health and Physical Education (HPE) at the University of Sunshine Coast at the School of Education and Tertiary Access. He completed his PhD at University of Newcastle within the Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition. In 2021, he was awarded Fellow status with the international Higher Education Academy (HEA). Dr Scott is accredited to supervise both Master’s and PhD research higher degree students. His program of research focuses on implementing multifaceted approaches that promote physical and mental health of children and adolescents including increasing teachers ability to enhance youth health.

Professional associations

  • Board Member - Australian Health Promoting Schools Committee
  • Member - Australian Council for Health and Physical Education Queensland (ACHPER QLD)
  • Past President - Australian Council for Health, Physical Education Western Australia (ACHPER WA)
  • Member - Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition (PRCPAN), The University of Newcastle

Awards and recognition

University and National Teaching awards

  • 2020 - Nominated for best co-published paper with an ECU School of Education team, Inaugural Research Awards School of Education, Edith Cowan University
  • 2020 - Edith Cowan University, School of Education: TRS Travel grant award for national conference
  • 2019 - Edith Cowan University, School of Education, TRS Travel grant award for international conference
  • 2017 - Recommendation for award of excellence, PhD Thesis, University of Newcastle

Research areas and interests

  • Physical activity (promotion and measurement)
  • Physical literacy
  • Physical Education (PE) (pedagogy and curriculum)
  • Sun safety
  • Mental health (in children and adolescents)
  • Nutrition
  • Teachers as health promoters


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education, The University of Newcastle, 2017.
  • Bachelor of Health and Physical Education, The University of Newcastle, 2008.
  • Bachelor of Teaching, The University of Newcastle, 2008.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Milford, S., Vernon, L., Scott, J., Johnson, N. (2025). Exploring parent self-efficacy in children's digital device use: Understanding shame and self-stigma through a mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Child Computer Interaction, 43(March), Article number 100718.

Journal Articles

  • Milford, S., Vernon, L., Scott, J., Johnson, N. (2024). Parent Self-Efficacy and Its Relationship with Children’s Screen Viewing: A Scoping Review. Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies, 2024(2024), article number 8885498.

Journal Articles

  • Kelly, HT., Smith, JJ., Verdonschot, A., Kennedy, SG., Scott, J., McKay, H., Nathan, N., Sutherland, R., Morgan, PJ., Salmon, J., Penney, D., Boyer, J., Lloyd, RS., Oldmeadow, C., Reeves, P., Pursey, K., Hua, M., Longmore, S., Norman, J., Voukelatos, A., Zask, A., Lubans, DR. (2023). Supporting adolescents’ participation in muscle-strengthening physical activity: protocol for the ‘Resistance Training for Teens’ (RT4T) hybrid type III implementation–effectiveness trial. BMJ Open, 13(11), Article number e075488.
  • Nicholas, J., Mills, B., Hansen, S., Bright, S., Scott, J., Ridout, I., Watson, J., Boyd, H., Brook, L., Hopper, L. (2023). Sideffect GamePlan: Development of an alcohol and other drug serious game for high school students using a systematic and iterative user-centred game development framework. Computers in Human Behavior, 145(2023), article number 107774.
  • Main, S., Byrne, M., Scott, J., Sullivan, K., Paolino, A., Slater, E., Boron, J. (2023). Primary specialisations in Australia: graduates’ perceptions of outcome and impact. The Australian Educational Researcher, 50(2), 371–390.
  • Scott, J., Vernon, L., Metse, AP. (2023). The International Framework for School Health Promotion: Supporting Young People Through and After the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of School Health, 93(10), 920-929.
  • Metse, A., Eastwood, P., Ree, M., Lopresti, A., Scott, J., Bowman, J. (2023). Sleep health of young adults in Western Australia and associations with physical and mental health: A population-level cross-sectional study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47(4), article number 100070.
  • Hogan, J., Penney, D., O'Hara, E., Scott, J. (2023). Stakeholder perceptions of the feasibility of e-portfolio-based assessment of physical literacy in primary health and physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2023(Article in press), 17 pages.

Journal Articles

  • Milford, S., Vernon, L., Scott, J., Johnson, N. (2022). An Initial Investigation into Parental Perceptions Surrounding the Impact of Mobile Media Use on Child Behavior and Executive Functioning. Human Behaviour and Emerging Technologies, 2022(16 March 2022), Article number 1691382.

Journal Articles

  • Scott, J., Johnston, R., Bear, N., Gregory, S., Blane, S., Strickland, M., Darby, J., Gray, E. (2021). Targeted Teacher Education to Improve Primary Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge and Understanding of UV and Effective Sun Protection Measures for Children. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 46(3), 53-73.
  • Scott, J., Johnston, R., Blane, S., Strickland, M., Darby, J., Gray, E. (2021). Investigating primary preservice teachers’ ultraviolet radiation awareness and perceived ability to teach sun safety. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(S2), 178-184.
  • Scott, J., Hill, S., Barwood, D., Penney, D. (2021). Physical literacy and policy alignment in sport and education in Australia. European Physical Education Review, 27(2), 328-347.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Scott, J., Hansen, V., Morgan, PJ., Plotnikoff, RC., Lubans, DR. (2018). Young people’s perceptions of the objective physical activity monitoring process: A qualitative exploration. Health Education Journal, 77(1), 3-14.

Journal Articles

  • Scott, J., Rowlands, A., Cliff, D., Morgan, PJ., Plotnikoff, RC., Lubans, DR. (2017). Comparability and feasibility of wrist-and hip-worn accelerometers in free-living adolescents. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(12), 1101–1106.

Journal Articles

  • Lubans, DR., Plotnikoff, RC., Miller, A., Scott, J., Thompson, D., Tudor-Locke, C. (2015). Using Pedometers for Measuring and Increasing Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: The Next Step. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 9(6), 418-427.
  • Scott, J., Morgan, PJ., Plotnikoff, RC., Lubans, DR. (2015). Reliability and validity of a single-item physical activity measure for adolescents. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(8), 787-793.

Journal Articles

  • Scott, J., Morgan, PJ., Plotnikoff, RC., Trost, SG., Lubans, DR. (2014). Adolescent pedometer protocols: Examining reactivity, tampering and participants' perceptions. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(2), 183-190.

Research Projects

  • Reducing children's risk of developing skin cancer: Improving the approach to sun protection in WA primary schools., Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2019, 2019 ‑ 2020, $14,968.
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