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Dr Jane Kirkham is a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Education
Jane is an Educational and Developmental Psychologist formerly employed as a Senior Psychologist at the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA). At ECU Jane is researching school wellbeing in a three-year (2024-2027) project entitled, “An interactional and holistic approach to fostering wellbeing in K-12 schools”. Her aim is to create new knowledge and to generate new understandings about optimal practices in promoting student and staff wellbeing in K-12 schools. The overarching question to guide this research is, “How do interconnected elements of a school ecological system interact to enable psychological wellbeing in students and staff?” In responding to this question Jane will be drawing upon knowledge gained in researching student motivation in her PhD, on her work as a School Psychologist, and on her extensive teaching experience in mainstream, gifted, and inclusive education at primary and secondary levels in Australia, United Kingdom, and in South Africa. Her research interests lie in the wellbeing, motivation, and engagement of school students and teachers.