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Professor Dawn Penney

Vice Chancellor's Professorial Research Fellow

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2339
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML17.231  

Dawn is a professorial research fellow in the School of Education, leading research project developments addressing quality and equity in health and physical education, physical activity and sport.


Professor Dawn Penney is a leading figure in Health and Physical Education research nationally and internationally. Dawn has worked with government agencies, curriculum authorities, schools and sport organisations in collaborative research and evaluation projects addressing policy and curriculum development in health and physical education, and the provision of physical activity and sport for young people.

Much of Dawn’s research explores issues of equity and inclusion in education and sport and ultimately, seeks to enhance learning and participation opportunities for all young people. Her work in community sport challenges sporting agencies, governments, and schools to engage with emerging forms of participation that can support and strengthen community health, wellbeing and engagement. Dawn also has specialist knowledge in assessment policy and practices, with senior secondary physical education a particular focus for assessment research.

Dawn has held senior positions in universities in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. She is currently a Professorial Research Fellow at ECU, and also a Visiting Professor at Cardiff Metropolitan University/Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd and an Adjunct Professor of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy at Monash University. Dawn is a passionate and experienced supervisor of Masters and PhD students. Her experience beyond universities includes sport development and coach education. She is an active sport participant and community volunteer.

Professional associations

  • 2017 - Association for Physical Education (UK) Fellow
  • 2017 - Australian Association for Research in Education (member)
  • 2017 - British Educational Research Association (member)
  • 2016 - National Board Member, Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Research areas and interests

  • Health and Physical Education curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
  • Equity and inclusion in HPE, physical activity and sport
  • Leadership


  • Doctor of Philosophy, England.
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours, England.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Wilkinson, S., Penney, D. (2025). Ability grouping in primary physical education in England: Moving beyond binary discourses and practices. British Educational Research Journal, 2025(Article in press), 24 pages.

Journal Articles

  • Wilkinson, S., Stride, A., Penney, D. (2024). The hows and whys of gendered grouping practices in primary physical education in England. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2024(Article in press), 16 pages.
  • Wilkinson, SD., Penney, D. (2024). Students' preferences for setting and/or mixed- ability grouping in secondary school physical education in England. British Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 1804-1830.
  • Clark, C., Penney, D., Whittle, R., Jones, A. (2024). Gendered pedagogy in senior secondary physical education curriculum enactment. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 15(3), 305-323.
  • McCreery, K., Penney, D., Jeanes, R. (2024). Mothers, social capital and children’s physical literacy journeys in rural Australia. Sport, Education and Society, 2024(Article in press), 16 pages.
  • Jeanes, R., O'Connor, J., Penney, D., Spaaij, R., Magee, J., O'Hara, E., Lymbery, L. (2024). A mixed-method analysis of the contribution of informal sport to public health in Australia. Health Promotion International, 39(3), Article number daae048.
  • Evans, V., Aldous, D., Penney, D. (2024). Embodying policy work: an exploration of contexts, actions and meanings towards new possibilities for physical education teacher education (PETE). Sport, Education and Society, 2024(Article in press), 15 pages.
  • Aldous, D., Penney, D. (2024). The transformational possibilities of liberal vocationalism: a case study of post-year 10 Outdoor Education in Western Australia. Sport, Education and Society, 2024(Article in press), 17 pages.
  • Giles, J., Penney, D., O'Connor, J. (2024). Ability in physical education– No, I can’t discuss it! Insights from lower secondary physical education teachers in Western Australia. European Physical Education Review, 2024(Article in press), 19 pages.
  • Spaaij, R., Ravi, A., Magee, J., Jeanes, R., Penney, D., O'Connor, J. (2024). “Our Right to Play”: How Afghan Women Navigate Constraints, Agency, and Aspirations On and Off the Soccer Field. American Behavioral Scientist, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Wilkinson, SD., Penney, D. (2024). A national survey of ability grouping practices in secondary school physical education in England. Research Papers in Education, 39(5), 732-751.
  • Jeanes, R., Penney, D., O'Connor, J., Spaaij, R., O'Hara, E., Magee, J., Lymbery, L. (2024). Spatial justice, informal sport and Australian community sports participation. Leisure Studies, 43(6), 946-960.
  • O'Connor, J., Alfrey, L., Penney, D. (2024). Rethinking the classification of games and sports in physical education: a response to changes in sport and participation. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 29(3), 315-328.

Journal Articles

  • Pill, S., Penney, D., Williams, J., Cruickshank, V., Hyndman, B. (2023). A Figurational Perspective on the Influence of the Sport Education Model in Australia. Quest, 75(1), 50-62.
  • Barwood, D., O'Rourke, J., Penney, D., Jones, A., Thomas, J. (2023). Professional teaching standards and inclusion in teacher education: insights from a hearing-impaired Health and Physical Education pre-service teacher’s professional experience. Sport, Education and Society, 28(2), 173-187.
  • Penney, D., O'Hara, E., Lund, R. (2023). Enhancing quality and equity? Performance assessment validation in examination physical education in Western Australia. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 14(3), 288-305.
  • Lambert, K., Penney, D. (2023). ‘It was just as political as it was pragmatic’: the (in)formal roles and policy work of ‘curriculum leaders’ in a federated education context. Research Papers in Education, 38(4), 636-660.
  • Wilkinson, S., Penney, D. (2023). Examining gendered grouping practices in secondary school physical education in England. Physical Education Matters, 18(3), 41-44.
  • Spaaij, R., Magee, J., Jeanes, R., Penney, D., O'Connor, J. (2023). Informal sport and (non)belonging among Hazara migrants in Australia. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(17), 4352-4371.
  • Kelly, HT., Smith, JJ., Verdonschot, A., Kennedy, SG., Scott, J., McKay, H., Nathan, N., Sutherland, R., Morgan, PJ., Salmon, J., Penney, D., Boyer, J., Lloyd, RS., Oldmeadow, C., Reeves, P., Pursey, K., Hua, M., Longmore, S., Norman, J., Voukelatos, A., Zask, A., Lubans, DR. (2023). Supporting adolescents’ participation in muscle-strengthening physical activity: protocol for the ‘Resistance Training for Teens’ (RT4T) hybrid type III implementation–effectiveness trial. BMJ Open, 13(11), Article number e075488.
  • Hogan, J., Penney, D., O'Hara, E., Scott, J. (2023). Stakeholder perceptions of the feasibility of e-portfolio-based assessment of physical literacy in primary health and physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2023(Article in press), 17 pages.
  • Ives, B., Penney, D., O'Gorman, J., Nichol, AJ., Potrac, P., Nelson, L. (2023). Investigating policy enactment in community sport coaching: directions for future research. Sports Coaching Review, 2023(Article in press), 20 pages.
  • Wilkinson, S., Penney, D. (2023). Examining ability grouping practices in secondary school physical education in England. Physical Education Matters, 18(1), 37-40.
  • Wilkinson, S., Penney, D. (2023). A national survey of gendered grouping practices in secondary school physical education in England. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 2023(Article in press), -.

Journal Articles

  • Makopoulou, K., Penney, D., Neville, R., Thomas, G. (2022). What sort of ‘inclusion’ is Continuing Professional Development promoting? An investigation of a national CPD programme for inclusive physical education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 26(3), 245-262.
  • Wilkinson, S., Penney, D. (2022). Mixed-ability grouping in physical education: investigating ability and inclusivity in pedagogic practice. Sport, Education and Society, 27(7), 775-788.
  • Penney, D., Alfrey, L. (2022). Reading curriculum policy and (re)shaping practices: the possibilities and limits of enactment. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 13(3), 214-222.
  • Wilkinson, SD., Penney, D. (2022). ‘The participation group means that I'm low ability’: students’ perspectives on the enactment of ‘mixed-ability’ grouping in secondary school physical education. British Educational Research Journal, 48(5), 932-951.
  • Aldous, D., Evans, V., Penney, D. (2022). Curriculum reform in Wales: Physical education teacher educators' negotiation of policy positions. Curriculum Journal, 33(3), 495-514.

Journal Articles

  • Barwood, D., Spears, L., O'Hara, E., Penney, D. (2021). Deconstructing health and physical education teacher education: a mapping and analysis of programme structure and content in Australia. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 26(4), 417-432.
  • Lambert, K., Alfrey, L., O'Connor, J., Penney, D. (2021). Artefacts and influence in curriculum policy enactment: Processes, products and policy work in curriculum reform. European Physical Education Review, 27(2), 258-277.
  • Young, L., O'Connor, J., Alfrey, L., Penney, D. (2021). Assessing physical literacy in health and physical education. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 12(2), 156-179.
  • Scott, J., Hill, S., Barwood, D., Penney, D. (2021). Physical literacy and policy alignment in sport and education in Australia. European Physical Education Review, 27(2), 328-347.
  • Wilkinson, S., Penney, D. (2021). Setting policy and student agent in physical education: Students as policy actors. Sport, Education and Society, 26(3), 267-280.
  • Wilkinson, SD., Penney, D., Allin, L., Potrac, P. (2021). The enactment of setting policy in secondary school physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 26(6), 619-633.
  • O'Connor, J., Penney, D. (2021). Informal sport and curriculum futures: An investigation of the knowledge, skills and understandings for participation and the possibilities for physical education. European Physical Education Review, 27(1), 3-26.


  • Penney, D., O'Hara, E., Lund, R. (2021). SCSA Physical Education Studies Assessment Trial. Australia. School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
  • Penney, D., O'Hara, E., Atkin, J., Jeanes, R., Makopoulou, K. (2021). Schoolbased provision of physical activity for students with disability. Australia. NSW Department of Education.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D. (2020). Health Education policy and curriculum: Bernsteinian perspectives and a whole new Ball game. Social theory, health and education. Forging new insights in research (114-125). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Hammond, A., Penney, D., Jeanes, R. (2020). Sport coaches as policy actors: an investigation of the interpretation and enactment of disability and inclusion policy in swimming in Victoria Australia. Sport, Education and Society, 25(5), 570-585.
  • Lambert, K., Penney, D. (2020). Curriculum interpretation and policy enactment in health and physical education: Researching teacher educators as policy actors. Sport, Education and Society, 25(4), 378-394.

Book Chapters

  • O'Connor, J., Alfrey, L., Jeanes, R., Penney, D. (2019). Using a scale to explore pre-service physical education teachers' attitudes towards difference Methodological opportunities and tensions. Researching Difference In Sport And Physical Activity (85-98). Routledge.
  • Penney, D. (2019). Assessment in physical education. Debates in Physical Education (190-205). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Jones, A., Penney, D. (2019). Investigating the ‘integration of theory and practice’ in examination physical education. European Physical Education Review, 25(4), 1036–1055.
  • Jeanes, R., Spaaij, R., Penney, D., O'Connor, J. (2019). Managing informal sport participation: Tensions and opportunities. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 11(1), 79-95.
  • Hammond, A., Jeanes, R., Penney, D., Leahy, D. (2019). "I feel we are inclusive enough": Examining swimming coaches' understandings of inclusion and disability. Sociology of Sport Journal, 36(4), 311-321.
  • Alfrey, L., O'Connor, J., Phillipson, S., Penney, D., Jeanes, R., Phillipson, S. (2019). Attitudes of pre-service physical education teachers to healthism: Development and validation of the Attitude Towards Healthism Scale (ATHS). European Physical Education Review, 25(2), 424-437.


  • Hill, S., Penney, D., Lummis, G. (2019). Compulsory science and mathematics subjects in senior secondary school in other jurisdictions Final Report Volume 1. Australia. Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation.
  • Penney, D., O'Hara, E., Atkin, J., Schembri-Portelli, J. (2019). School Swimming and Water Safety Program Evaluative Assessment Final Report. Australia. NSW Department of Education.


  • Branson, CM., Marra, M., Franken, M., Penney, D. (2018). Leadership in higher education from a transrelational perspective. Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Brown, TD., Penney, D. (2018). Examination physical education: Policy, pedagogies and possibilities. Routledge studies in physical education and youth sport, 264. Routledge.

Book Chapters

Journal Articles

  • Franken, M., Branson, C., Penney, D. (2018). A theory-to-practice leadership learning arrangement in a university context. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 21(4), 491-505.
  • Pope, CC., Penney, D., Smith, TB. (2018). Overtraining and the complexities of coaches' decision-making: Managing elite athletes on the training cusp. Reflective Practice, 19(2), 145-166.
  • Penney, D., Jeanes, R., O'Connor, J., Alfrey, L. (2018). Re-theorising inclusion and reframing inclusive practice in physical education. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(10), 1062-1077.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D., Mitchell, S. (2017). Reforming curricula from the outside-in. Routledge handbook of physical education pedagogies (157-172). Routledge.
  • Penney, D. (2017). Policy and possibilities. Routledge handbook of physical education pedagogies (131-142). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Barwood, D., Penney, D., Cunningham, C. (2017). A paradox or a culture of acceptance? The idiosyncratic workforce delivering health education in lower secondary government schools in Western Australia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 8(3), 193-209.
  • Pill, S., Swabey, K., Penney, D. (2017). Investigating physical education teacher use of models based practice in Australian secondary PE. PHEnex Journal, 9(1), 19p..
  • Leahy, D., Penney, D., Welch, R. (2017). Schooling health: The critical contribution of curriculum in the 1980s. History of Education Review, 46(2), 224-235.
  • Penney, D. (2017). Big policies and a small world: An analysis of policy problems and solutions in physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 22(5), 569-585.
  • Brown, T., Penney, D. (2017). Interpretation and enactment of senior secondary physical education: Pedagogic realities and the expression of Arnoldian dimensions of movement. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(2), 121-136.


  • Leahy, D., Burrows, L., McCuaig, L., Wright, J., Penney, D. (2016). School health education in changing times: Curriculum, pedagogies and partnerships. Routledge Research in Education, 153. Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Branson, C., Franken, M., Penney, D. (2016). Reconceptualising middle leadership in higher education: A transrelational approach. Values and virtues in higher education: Critical perspectives (155-170). Routledge.
  • Cowie, B., Penney, D. (2016). Challenges, tensions and possibilities: An analysis of assessment policy and practice in New Zealand. Leadership of assessment, inclusion, and learning (287-304). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Bransom, C., Franken, M., Penney, D. (2016). Middle leadership in higher education: A relational analysis. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 44(1), 128-145.
  • Penney, D., McMahon, J. (2016). High-performance sport, learning and culture: New horizons for sport pedagogues?. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 21(1), 81-88.
  • Wilkinson, S., Penney, D., Allin, L. (2016). Setting and within-class ability grouping: A survey of practices in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 22(3), 336-354.
  • Wilkinson, SD., Penney, D. (2016). The involvement of external agencies in extra-curricular physical education: Reinforcing or challenging gender and ability inequities?. Sport, Education and Society, 21(5), 741-758.
  • O'Connor, JP., Penney, D., Alfrey, L., Phillipson, S., Phillipson, SN., Jeanes, R. (2016). The development of the stereotypical attitudes in HPE scale. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 41(7), 70-87.

Journal Articles

  • Franken, M., Penney, D., Branson, C. (2015). Middle leaders' learning in a university context. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37(2), 190-203.
  • Dinan Thompson, M., Penney, D. (2015). Assessment literacy in primary physical education. European Physical Education Review, 21(4), 485-503.
  • McMahon, JA., Penney, D. (2015). Sporting parents on the pool deck: Living out a sporting culture?. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(2), 153-169.
  • Penney, D., Petrie, K., Fellowes, S. (2015). HPE in Aotearoa New Zealand: The reconfiguration of policy and pedagogic relations and privatization of curriculum and pedagogy. Sport, Education and Society, 20(1), 42-56.

Conference Publications

  • Jones, A., Penney, D. (2015). The integration of theory and practice as a central focus for senior schooling Physical Education. Proceedings of the 29th ACHPER International Conference: Values into Action - A Brighter Future (12-22). Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER).


  • Hay, P., Penney, D. (2014). Assessment in physical education: A sociocultural perspective. Routledge studies in physical education and youth sport, 150. Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D., Cowie, B. (2014). Assessment: Power relations, P/political influences, and pedagogical change. Facing the big questions in teaching: Purpose, power and learning (73-80). Cengage Learning.

Journal Articles

  • Mainsbridge, C., Swabey, K., Fraser, S., Penney, D. (2014). Youth physical activity and health interventions: Ineffective and ill-conceived action?. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 5(2), 133-150.
  • Kidman, L., Penney, D. (2014). Promoting and supporting coaches' professional learning: Developing a community of practice. Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching, 1(1), 6-31.
  • O'Sullivan, M., Penney, D. (2014). Education: A space to survive and thrive?. Sport, Education and Society, 19(3), 343-351.
  • Petrie, K., Penney, D., Fellowes, S. (2014). Health and physical education in Aotearoa New Zealand: An open market and open doors?. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 5(1), 19-38.
  • Brown, M., Penney, D. (2014). Solo sailing: An "ordinary girl", voluntary risk-taking and (ir)responsibility. Sociology of Sport Journal, 31(3), 267-286.
  • Penney, D., Kidman, L. (2014). Athlete centered coaching: A time for reflection on meanings, values and practice. Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching, 1(1), 2-5.
  • Wilkinson, SD., Penney, D. (2014). The effects of setting on classroom teaching and student learning in mainstream mathematics, English and science lessons: A critical review of the literature in England. Educational Review, 66(4), 411-427.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D., Jones, A. (2013). Physical education studies. Digital Representations of Student Performance for Assessment (169-196). Sense Publishers.
  • Penney, D., Evans, J. (2013). Who is physical education for?. Debates in Physical Education (157-170). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Ang, SC., Penney, D. (2013). Promoting social and emotional learning outcomes in physical education: Insights from a school-based research project in Singapore. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 4(3), 267-286.
  • McMahon, J., Penney, D. (2013). Body pedagogies, coaching and culture: Three Australian swimmers' lived experiences. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 18(3), 317-335.
  • Penney, D. (2013). Points of tension and possibility: Boundaries in and of physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 18(1), 6-20.
  • Penney, D. (2013). From policy to pedagogy: prudence and precariousness; actors and artefacts. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 4(2), 189-197.
  • Brown, T., Penney, D. (2013). Learning 'in', 'through' and 'about' movement in senior physical education? The new Victorian Certificate of Education Physical Education. European Physical Education Review, 19(1), 39-61.
  • Gillespie, L., Penney, D., Pope, C. (2013). Untapped potential? Key competency learning and physical education. Teachers and Curriculum, 13(2013), 11-18.
  • McMahon, J., Penney, D. (2013). Using narrative as a tool to locate and challenge pre service teacher bodies in health and physical education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 38(1), 115-133.
  • McMahon, J., Penney, D. (2013). (Self-) surveillance and (self-) regulation: Living by fat numbers within and beyond a sporting culture. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 5(2), 157-178.

Conference Publications

  • Jones, A., Penney, D. (2013). News from WA......(more than just iron ore and great footy teams) – policy principles to course design. A defining time in Health and Physical Education : Proceedings of the 28th ACHPER Intern ational Conference (64-73). Australian Council for Health Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER).

Book Chapters

  • Evans, J., Davies, B., Penney, D. (2012). The social construction of teaching and learning: The politics of pedagogy. Learning and Teaching in Physical Education (9-19). Taylor & Francis.
  • Ang, SC., Penney, D., Swabey, K. (2012). Pursuing social and emotional learning outcomes through sport education: An Australian case study. Sport Education: International perspectives (116-132). Routledge.
  • Penney, D. (2012). Inclusion in National Curriculum policy and physical education. Equity and difference in physical education, youth sport and health: A narrative approach (72-77). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • McMahon, J., Penney, D., Dinan-Thompson, M. (2012). 'Body practices-exposure and effect of a sporting culture?' Stories from three Australian swimmers. Sport, Education and Society, 17(2), 181-206.
  • Penney, D., Jones, A., Newhouse, P., Campbell, A. (2012). Developing a digital assessment in senior secondary physical education.. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, November(2011), 1-28.
  • Pill, S., Penney, D., Swabey, K. (2012). Rethinking sport teaching in physical education: A case study of research based innovation in teacher education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37(8), 118-138.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D. (2011). Education, health and wellbeing. Health and well-being: A social and cultural perspective (13-24). Nova Science Publishers.
  • Penney, D., Newhouse, P., Jones, A., Campbell, A. (2011). Digital technologies: Enhancing pedagogy and extending opportunities for learning in senior secondary physical education?. Technologies for Enhancing Pedagogy, Engagement and Empowerment in Education: Creating Learning-Friendly Environments. (15-27). IGI Global.
  • Hay, P., Penney, D. (2011). Inclusivity and physical education: Moving beyond the rhetoric. Issues and Controversies in Physical Education: Policy, Power and Pedagogy (92-102). Pearson New Zealand.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Penney, D., Gillespie, L., Jones, A., Newhouse, P., Campbell, A. (2011). Assessment in Senior Secondary Physical Education. Questions of Judgement.. Edited Proceedings of the 27th ACHPER International Conference (103-110). Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.


  • Newhouse, P., Penney, D., Jones, A., Campbell, A., Cooper, M. (2011). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: Third Year Report - Physical Education Studies. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
  • Newhouse, P., Williams, J., Penney, D., Pagram, J., Jones, A., Campbell, A., Cooper, M. (2011). Digital Forms of Assessment - Final Report. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
  • Newhouse, P., Penney, D., Lim, CP., Pagram, J., Jones, A., Cooper, M., Campbell, A. (2011). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: Third Year Report - Italian Studies. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.


  • Newhouse, P., Williams, J., Lim, CP., Penney, D., Pagram, J., Jones, A., Campbell, A., Cooper, M. (2010). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: Second Year Report. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.


  • Newhouse, P., Williams, J., Lim, CP., Penney, D., Pagram, J., Jones, A. (2009). Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses: First Year Report. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D. (2006). Pursuing HPE outcomes through Sport Education and School Sport. Teaching Health and Physical Education in Australian Schools (173-179). Pearson.
  • Penney, D. (2006). Curriculum Construction and Change. The Handbook of Physical Education (565-579). Sage.
  • Murdoch, G., Penney, D. (2006). Using Video to Develop Skills, Strategies and Tactics. Physical Education Studies: A Resource for units 1A and 1B (429-448). B & G Resources Enterprises.
  • Penney, D. (2006). Coaching as a teacher: New acknowledgements in practice. The Sports Coach as Educator: Reconceptualising Sports Coaching (25-36). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Kim, J., Penney, D., Cho, M., Choi, H. (2006). 'Not business as usual': Sport education pedagogy in practice. European Physical Education Review, 12(3), 361-379.
  • Yek, TM., Penney, D. (2006). Curriculum as praxis: Ensuring quality technical education in Singapore for the 21st century. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 14(26), 1-28.
  • Penney, D. (2006). Physical Education: Realising lifelong potential. ACHPER Healthy Lifestyles Journal, 53(1), 22-26.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D., Clarke, G. (2005). Inclusion in sport education. Sport Education in Physical Education: Research Based Practice (41-54). Routledge.
  • Penney, D., Clarke, G. (2005). Sport Education and Lifelong Learning. Sport Education in Physical Education. Research Based Practice (99-108). Routledge.
  • Penney, D., Kinchin, GD., Quill, M. (2005). Assessment and Sport Education. Sport Education in Physical Education: Research Based Practice (55-70). Routledge.
  • Penney, D., Wilkie, B. (2005). Sport Education and Outdoor Adventurous Activities. Sport Education in Physical Education. Research Based Practice (206-213). Routledge.
  • Scrivener, E., Penney, D. (2005). Sport Education in key stage 4 swimming. Sport Education in Physical Education. Research Based Practice (187-205). Routledge.
  • Penney, D., Clarke, G., Quill, M. (2005). Researching Sport Education: Partnerships in action. Sport Education in Physical Education: Research Based Practice (23-37). Routledge.
  • Penney, D., Clarke, G. (2005). New Relationships, New Futures. Sport Education in Physical Education. Research Based Practice (229-239). Routledge.
  • Penney, D., Quill, M. (2005). Sport Education and cross-curricular learning. Sport Education in Physical Education: Research Based Practice (71-83). Routledge.
  • Kinchin, GD., Penney, D., Clarke, G. (2005). Sport Education in teacher education. Sport Education in Physical Education. Research Based Practice (217-228). Routledge.
  • Penney, D., Clarke, G., Quill, M. (2005). Sport Education, Citizenship and Leadership. Sport Education in Physical Education. Research Based Practice (84-97). Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Penney, D. (2005). Jam Donuts and Sushi Rolls: The attitudes and values outcome in the health and physical education learning area. ACHPER Healthly Lifestyles Journal, 52(2), 19-21.
  • Penney, D., Leggett, B. (2005). Connecting initial teacher education and continuing professional learning though action research and action learning. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 2(2), 153-169.
  • Alexander, K., Penney, D. (2005). Teaching under the Influence: feeding games for understanding into the Sport Education development-refinement cycle. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 10(3), 287-301.

Book Chapters

  • Penney, D., Harris, J. (2004). The body and health inj policy: Representations and recontextualisation. Body knowledge and control : studies in the sociology of physical education and health (96-111). Routledge.
  • Penney, D. (2004). Physical education. Rethinking the school curriculum : values, aims, and purposes (138-152). RoutledgeFalmer.

Journal Articles

  • Penney, D. (2004). Policy tensions being played out in practice. The Specialist Schools initiative in England. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 2(1), 1-9.
  • Penney, D., Jess, M. (2004). Physical Education and Physically Active Lives: A Lifelong Approach to Curriculum Development. Sport, Education and Society, 9(2), 269-287.

Journal Articles

  • Penney, D., Houlihan, B. (2003). Higher education institutions and specialist schools: potential partnerships. Journal of Education for Teaching, 29(3), 235-248.
  • Yelling, MR., Penney, D. (2003). Physical activity in physical education: Pupil activity rating, reason and reality. European Journal of Physical Education, 8(2), 119-140.
  • Shaw, S., Penney, D. (2003). Gender equality policies in National Governing Bodies: An oxymoron or a vehicle for change. European Sport Management Quarterly, 3(2), 78-102.
  • Penney, D. (2003). Sport education and situated learning: problematising the potential. European Physical Education Review, 9(3), 301-308.

Research Projects

  • Optimising the implementation of an evidence-based school program to engage adolescents in muscle-strengthening activities consistent with national guidelines, National Health and Medical Research Council, Partnership Projects, 2022 ‑ 2025, $50,695.
  • More sport, Their way! Promoting women's informal sport participation in WA, Healthway (WA Health Promotion Foundation), Health Promotion Research - Exploratory Research Grants, 2024 ‑ 2025, $88,154.
  • Informal sport as a health and social resource for diverse young people, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2019 ‑ 2024, $249,421.
  • PES Performance Assessment Validation Pilot 2023, School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Grant, 2023, $16,689.
  • SCSA Physical Education Studies : Performance Assessment Validation Pilot , School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Grant, 2022, $69,294.
  • Innovation Challenge Initiative, Athletics West WA, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $20,000.
  • Inclusive quality provision of school-based physical activity for students with disability, Department of Education NSW, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2022, $44,923.
  • School‐based provision of physical activity for students with disability, Department of Education NSW, Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $44,718.
  • Senior Physical Education Assessment Trial , School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Grant, 2021, $19,657.
  • Compulsory science and mathematics subjects in senior secondary school in other jurisdictions, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Grant, 2018 ‑ 2019, $39,968.
  • Quality enhancement of AUSTSWIM swimming and water safety teacher training: A national research and development initiative., Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2017 Open Round, 2017 ‑ 2019, $45,000.
  • School Swimming and Water Safety Program Evaluative Assessment, Department of Education NSW, Grant, 2019, $49,927.
  • Carlile Swimming Archive Project: Phase 1, Carlile Support Pty Ltd, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2018, $10,357.
  • Investigating the feasibility of using digital representations of work for authentic and reliable performance assessment in senior secondary school courses, Australian Research Council, Grant - Linkage (Projects), 2007 ‑ 2011, $571,129.
  • Sport Education - Korea Australia collaborative project, Korean Research Foundation, Grant, 2003 ‑ 2004, $11,689.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, An ethnographic study of Initial Teacher Education professionals' embodied policy work in Health and Physical Education in Western Australia and Wales
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Wayfinding in PE: Exploring ability, inclusion and teaching practices in lower secondary PE in WA.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring Pedagogy and Inclusion in Health and Physical Education in Western Australia: A Social Justice Approach
  • Doctor of Philosophy, ‘Meeting Standards’: Initial teacher education and preparation of generalist pre-service teachers to teach Health and Physical Education.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Changing assessment in senior secondary Physical Education: An investigation of pedagogical impact and possibilities

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Education, Development of learning and learners in teacher education in the seychelles: A critical investigation.
  • Doctor of Education, Quality and performance management of Technical Education and Training in Singapore.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Physical Education, physical activity and the National Curriculum Physical Education: Policy, provision and prospects.
  • Doctor of Education, Heads of Faculty Leading Curriculum Reform: A Case Study of Post Year 10 Mandated Curriculum Reform in a Tasmanian Secondary School.
  • Master by Research, Maori, gifted and talented athletes – stories of success and support.
  • Master by Research, The theory-practice nexus in teacher education: A case study of a tertiary outdoor education program.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Rethinking the teaching of sport in physical education.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Girls and secondary education opportunities in rural Tanzania: Men's influences on equity in education in the Magu district
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Early Career Teachers' Experiences with Assessment for Learning in Western Australian Secondary Schools
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Inclusive Communities? Collaborative communication practices between stakeholders supporting secondary students on the autism spectrum
  • Master by Research, Understanding engagement in year 9 and 10 Physical Education: A case study.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Developing Social and Emotional Learning in Physical Education: The Contextualised Appropriation of Sport Education.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Youth Sport in Trinidad and Tobago: Extending the Possibilities and Pathways for Post-Secondary School Participation.
  • Doctor of Education, Children and healthy eating: A global, policy and school curriculum perspective.
  • Master by Research, Investigating socio-critical discourses of assessment in senior Physical Education in New Zealand.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Extraordinary Outdoor Leaders: An Australian Case Study.
  • Doctor of Education, Developing the nurse professional and nurse education for the 21st Century.
  • Master by Research, The role of Sports Education in achieving social emotional learning outcomes in the context of the new Tasmania Health and wellbeing curriculum.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exposure and Effect: An Investigation into a Culture of Body Pedagogies.
  • Doctor of Education, Performance management: A connected professional learning model.
  • Master by Research, Healthy Relationships? An examination of Health and Physical Education school-provider relationships in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Master by Research, Developing learners and learning in Teacher Education in the Seychelles: A critical investigation.
  • Master of Education, The effects of numeracy high-stakes testing on mathematics teachers' pedagogy: West Australian case study
  • Master of Education, Social Capital, Children’s Sport Participation, and Physical Literacy Development in Rural Western Australia
  • Master of Education, Exploring teachers' use of physical activity in Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) senior secondary physical education
  • Master of Education, The Feasibility of E-Portfolio-based Assessment of Physical Literacy in Primary Health and Physical Education: An Exploratory Study in Western Australia

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Leisure Participation and Mental Health in Tasmania: A Lifecycle Approach.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The construction of gender relations in sport organisations.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Body Pedagogies: How children come to understand their bodies and their selves during and following a health intervention in a New Zealand primary school

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy: The relationship between disability and inclusion policies (1990-2016) and swimming coaching practices in Victoria, Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy: The enactment of setting in secondary school PE : teacher and pupil perspectives
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Perspectives on differentiation in practice: An interpretive study from teaching japanese as a second language in Western Australian secondary schools

Adjunct Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Lost in translation? - the "integration of theory and practice" as a central focus for senior schooling physical education studies
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