ECU offers innovative and practical courses across a variety of disciplines and we have a vibrant research culture. ECU is a leader in developing alternative entry pathways to higher education.
We have three campuses in Western Australia. Joondalup and Mount Lawley in the Perth metropolitan area and our South West campus in Bunbury, 200km south of the Perth CBD.
ECU provides a variety of services and facilities that go beyond the classroom, with opportunities for personal development and social interaction for students and staff.
We collaborate with all types of businesses, including new start-ups, small to medium enterprises, not-for-profits, community organisations, government and large corporates in the resources sector.
Children's University Edith Cowan aims to inspire students between seven and fourteen to develop confidence and a love of learning through validated activities beyond the school curriculum.
The Inspiring Minds scholarship program are equity scholarships that give students an opportunity to access an education that may otherwise be out of reach.
Lennie is a Professor of Early Childhood Education for the School of Education.
Professional associations
2012 - WA Schools Curriculum and Assessment Authority
2011 - DEEWR/ECA Professional Learning Program on the EYLF
2007 - Editorial Committee and Reviewer Australasian Journal of Early Childhood
1986 - Early Childhood Australia
2009 - 2010 - K/P/1 Review Panel Department of Education
2006 - 2008 - Early Childhood Code of Ethics national working group
Awards and recognition
2021 - Winner, Engagement Australia Excellence Awards in the category of Outstanding Engagement for Research Impact. Citation: ‘Better Beginnings’: The development and impact of a State library and University partnership on a family literacy program.
Research interests
Play and pedagogy
Quality curriculum
Teaching standards
Integrated service delivery
Social and emotional development and learning
Early childhood policy.
PHD, Edith Cowan University.
Bachelor of Education Upper Second Class Honours, Edith Cowan University, 1993.
Bachelor of Arts, The University of Western Australia, 1990.
Hadley, F., Harrison, L., Lavina, L., Barblett, L., Irvine, S., Bobongie-Harris, F., Cartmel, J. (2025). INVOLVING FAMILIES: Lessons from updating Australia’s approved learning framework. Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times: Looking towards a Better Future (108-121). Taylor and Francis.
Hadley, F., Harrison, LJ., Lavina, L., Barblett, L., Irvine, S., Bobongie-Harris, F., Cartmel, J. (2024). Engaging stakeholders to inform policy developments in early childhood education and outside school hours care. Frontiers in Education, 8(2024), article number 1212952.
Irvine, S., Barblett, L., Waniganayake, M., Hadley, F., Andrews, R., Hatzigianni, M., Li, H., Lavina, L., Harrison, LJ., Davis, B. (2024). The quest for continuous quality improvement in Australian long day care services: getting the most out of the Assessment and Rating process. Frontiers in Education, 9(2024), article number 1207059.
Boylan, F., Barblett, L., Lavina, L., Ruscoe, A. (2024). Transforming transitions to primary school: using children’s funds of knowledge and identity. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 32(4), 704-718.
Roberts, P., Barblett, L. (2024). Young student's views of NAPLAN: Impact on wellbeing through drawn responses. Frontiers in Education, 9(2024), article number 1443563.
Barratt-Pugh, C., Hill, S., Johnson, N., Barblett, L., Parker, A. (2024). Designing and Implementing a Family Literacy Program Through Smartphones: How Does Recruitment Method Influence Uptake and Attrition?. Early Childhood Education Journal, 52(2), 345-356.
Hill, S., Barratt-Pugh, C., Johnson, N., Barblett, L. (2024). Receptiveness of the Kindytxt Universal Early Literacy Texting Program by Parents from Low, Medium, and High Socioeconomic Communities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2024(Article in press), 15 pages.
Roberts, P., Menzel, L., Adkin, B., Barblett, L. (2024). Developing an ‘ePortfolio of Evidence’ Towards Employment and Registration for Early Childhood Teachers. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 15(1), 346-361.
Barblett, L., Cartmel, J., Lavina, L., Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Harrison, LJ., Bobongie-Harris, F. (2024). Prioritising children’s participation in research: including children’s voices in updating a national early learning framework. International Journal of Early Years Education, 2024(Article in press), pp.
Cartmel, J., Hurst, B., Bobongie-Harris, F., Hadley, F., Barblett, L., Harrison, L., Irvine, S. (2024). Do children have a right to do nothing? Exploring the place of passive leisure in Australian school age care. Childhood: a global journal of child research, 31(1), 86-102.
Boylan, F., Barblett, L., Knaus, M. (2024). I think I can, I think I can’t: design principles for fostering a growth mindset in the early years. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 45(1), 96-117.
Harrison, LJ., Waniganayake, M., Brown, J., Andrews, R., Li, H., Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Barblett, L., Davis, B., Hatzigianni, M. (2024). Structures And Systems Influencing Quality Improvement In Australian Early Childhood Education And Care Centres. The Australian Educational Researcher, 51(1), 297-319.
Harrison, LJ., Andrews, R., Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Waniganayake, M., Barblett, L., Davis, B., Hatzigianni, M., Li, H. (2023). Protocol for a mixed-methods investigation of quality improvement in early childhood education and care in Australia. Children and Youth Services Review, 155(December 2023), Article number 107278.
Hatzigianni, M., Stephenson, T., Harrison, LJ., Waniganayake, M., Li, P., Barblett, L., Hadley, F., Andrews, R., Davis, B., Irvine, S. (2023). The role of digital technologies in supporting quality improvement in Australian early childhood education and care settings. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 17(1), Article number 5.
Franks, D., Barblett, L., Kirk, G. (2023). Teachers’ Understanding of the Major Sources of Self‑efficacy in Early Childhood. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2023(Article in press), 11 pages.
Barblett, L., Bobongie-Harris, F., Cartmel, J., Hadley, F., Harrison, L., Irvine, S., Lavina, L. (2023). ‘We’re not useless, we know stuff!’ Gathering children’s voices to inform policy. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 48(2), 134-147.
Adam, H., Barblett, L., Kirk, G., Boutte, GS. (2023). (Re)considering equity, inclusion and belonging in the updating of the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia: The potential and pitfalls of book sharing. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24(2), 189-207.
Davis, B., Dunn, R., Harrison, LJ., Waniganayake, M., Hadley, F., Andrews, R., Li, H., Irvine, S., Barblett, L., Hatzigianni, M. (2023). Mapping the leap: differences in quality improvement in relation to assessment rating outcomes. Frontiers in Education, 8(2023), article number 1155786.
Cartmel, J., Irvine, S., Harrison, L., Barblett, L., Bobongie-Harris, F., Lavina, L., Hadley, F. (2023). Conceptualising the education and care workforce from the perspective of children and young people. Frontiers in Education, 8(2023), article number 1167486.
Ruscoe, A., Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2023). Discourses of power: Policy and curriculum demands in the first year of compulsory school. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24(3), 298-312.
Barblett, L., Akifeva, R., Lavina, L., Boylan, F. (2023). Digital literacy: A review of literature. Perth, WA. Edith Cowan University.
Barblett, L., Ruscoe, A., Boylan, F. (2023). Transforming transitions to school: Project Report, January 2023. Edith Cowan University. Early Childhood Education Group.
Barblett, L., Ruscoe, A., Boylan, F. (2023). Transforming Transitions to School: Using Funds of Knowledge and Identity. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. Edith Cowan University. Early Childhood Research Group.
Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2022). Shifting the balance of power for families through a strengths- based book gifting program. Relationships with families in early childhood education and care. Beyond Instrumentalization in International Contexts of Diversity and Social Inequality (113-121). Routledge.
Journal Articles
Fabry, A., Barblett, L., Knaus, M. (2022). The role of early childhood pedagogical leaders in schools: Leading change for ongoing improvement. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 47(4), 275-288.
Kirk, G., Barblett, L. (2022). Implementing the National Quality Standard in schools: Leadership that motivates improvement initiatives through psychological ownership. The Australian Educational Researcher, 49(2), 367-385.
Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Knaus, M., Cahill, R., Hill, S., Cooper, T. (2022). Supporting parents as their child's first teacher: Aboriginal parents' perceptions of KindiLink. Early Childhood Education Journal, 50(6), 903-912.
Barblett, L., Johnson, N., Barratt-Pugh, C., Hill, S. (2022). Kindytxt: A free text messaging program for kindergarten children and families. Joondalup. Edith Cowan University.
Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Boylan, F., Knaus, M. (2021). Revitalising reflective practice in pre-service teacher education: developing and practicing an effective framework. Reflective Practice, 22(3), 331-344.
Knaus, M., Kirk, G., Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Adkin, B. (2021). Improving assessment accountability in initial teacher education programs through benchmarking. Benchmarking: an international journal, 28(7), 2299-2314.
Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C., Knaus, M., Cooper, T. (2020). Supporting Aboriginal families’ and children’s developing sense of belonging at KindiLink. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 45(4), 309-321.
Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Robinson, K. (2019). Early years teachers' perspectives on the effects of NAPLAN on stakeholder wellbeing and the impact on early years pedagogy and curriculum. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 44(3), 309-320.
Hadley, F., Irvine, S., Davis, B., Barblett, L., Dunn, R., Hatzigianni, M., Mulhearn, G., Waniganayake, M., Andrews, R., Li, P., Harrison, L. (2019). Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (Acecqa) Quality Improvement Research Project Phase 2 Report. Australia. AUSTRALIAN CHILDREN’S EDUCATION AND CARE QUALITY AUTHORITY (ACECQA).
Boylan, F., Barblett, L., Knaus, M. (2018). Early childhood teachers' perspectives of growth mindset: Developing agency in children. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), 16-24.
Ruscoe, A., Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2018). Sharing power with children: Repositioning children as agentic learners. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), 63-71.
Barblett, L., Kirk, G. (2018). National quality standards in school: Leadership enabling power and agency. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 43(3), 43-51.
Rogers, S., Barblett, L., Robinson, K. (2018). Parent and teacher perceptions of NAPLAN in a sample of Independent schools in Western Australia. The Australian Educational Researcher, 45(4), 493-513.
Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 3: Case Studies (2016-2018) June 2018. Australia. Department of Education of WA.
Barblett, L. (2018). Aboriginal NAPLAN: Perspectives of Stakeholders on NAPLAN in Remote Community Schools. Australia. Association of Independent Schools in Western Australia (AISWA).
Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 1: Overview and Key Findings. Australia. Department of Education of WA.
Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 2: Survey Data (2016-2018). Australia. Department of Education of WA.
Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L., Cooper, T., Knaus, M., Hill, S., Ferguson, C., McLean, C. (2018). Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot Initiative in Western Australia Volume 4: Reflective Journal. Australia. Department of Education of WA.
Robinson, K., Roberts, P., Barblett, L., Rogers, S. (2017). NAPLAN Narratives: Impact on Student Wellbeing At Years 3, 5 And 7. Australia. Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia.
Barblett, L., Kirk, G. (2017). Shared leadership to improve quality: Four public schools journey with the National Quality Standard. Australia. Department of Education of WA.
Barblett, L., Knaus, M., Barratt-Pugh, C. (2016). The pushes and pulls of pedagogy in the early years: Competing knowledges and the erosion of play-based learning. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 41(4), 36-43.
Rogers, S., Barblett, L., Robinson, K. (2016). Investigating the impact of NAPLAN on student, parent and teacher emotional distress in independent schools. Australian Educational Researcher, 43(3), 327-343.
Leitao, N., Barratt-Pugh, C., Anderson, K., Barblett, L., Haig, Y. (2015). Engaging Children in Reading for Pleasure: A Better Beginnings Project Linking Libraries with Primary Schools. Libri: international journal of libraries and information services, 65(1), 15-24.
Anderson, K., Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C., Haig, Y., Leitao, N. (2013). Better Beginnings: Public Libraries making Literacy Links with the Adult Community. Libri: international journal of libraries and information services, 63(4), 272-281.
Barratt-Pugh, C., Anderson, K., Barblett, L., Haig, Y., Leitao, N. (2013). Making a Difference: Summary of the Evaluation of Four Better Beginnings Programs. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
Leitao, N., Barratt-Pugh, C., Barblett, L. (2013). Developing the Child and Parent Centre initiative in Western Australia: Perceptions from the coordinators. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
Barblett, L. (2012). Read to Me I Love It! Evaluation of the Better Beginnings program for Remote Aboriginal Communities. Perth, W.A.. Edith Cowan University.
Barblett, L., Barratt-Pugh, C., Kilgallon, P., Maloney, C. (2011). Transition from long day care to kindergarten: Continuity or not?. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 36(2), 42-50.
Barblett, L., Maloney, C. (2010). Complexities of assessing social and emotional competence and wellbeing in young children. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 35(2), 13-18.
Maloney, C., Barblett, L. (2003). Describing standards for early childhood teachers:Moving the debate forward to the national level. The Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 28(2), 25-34.
Barblett, L. (2003). One size doesn't fit all: Patterns of pre-primary teacher policy engagement. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 28(2), 27-31.
Maloney, C., Barblett, L. (2001). Teachers' views of the us professional standards in early childhood education. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 8, 52-60.
Barblett, L., Chadbourne, R., Maloney, C. (2001). Can vignettes capture the complexity of high quality early childhood teaching?. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 2, 209-223.
Research Projects
Amplify 2: The Story of Three Schools, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2017 ‑ 2026, $30,000.
NAPLAN Narratives: Stakeholders’ perspectives surrounding student wellbeing (Studies 4 & 5), Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2017 ‑ 2026, $80,000.
Amplify: The Story of Six Schools, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2016 ‑ 2026, $40,000.
NAPLAN Narratives: Stakeholders’ perspectives surrounding student wellbeing 2016-2018 (NAPLAN Narratives: Studies 2 and 3), Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2016 ‑ 2026, $60,000.
ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child - Supporting children’s digital agency with a self-administered health literacy tool , Australian Research Council, Grant - Centres of Excellence (CEE126), 2022 ‑ 2025, $26,445.
Dialogic Drawing as a pedagogical tool to promote and monitor engagement in school and learning, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2025, $24,553.
Transforming Transitions 2- Building for children’s engagement and success at school, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2022 ‑ 2025, $173,994.
Better Beginnings Research into Digital Literacy in the Early Years, State Library of WA, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $45,323.
Goodstart Digital Baseline Project
, Goodstart Early Learning, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2025, $86,648.
Transforming Transitions - Using students' social capital to recast transitions, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2020 ‑ 2025, $124,910.
2021 Nationally Quality Framework Approved Learning Frameworks Update, Australian Children's Education Care and Quality Authority, Grant, 2021 ‑ 2024, $96,726.
Improving parental engagement in children's learning and school readiness through a literacy-based text messaging program. , Ian Potter Foundation, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2023, $209,000.
Longitudinal evaluation of the Better Beginnings Family Literacy Program, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts – Tender, 2016 ‑ 2022, $198,702.
Student wellbeing in schools - Investigating the utility of realistic avatars for avatar-based counselling, and the student experience of NAPLAN testing, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2022, $20,000.
Review and revision of the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines (the Guidelines), development of a Kindergarten planning template, and an exemplar demonstrating how the Guidelines can be used to plan and program for the continuity of learning for a group of children, as they transition from preschool settings to Kindergarten and from Kindergarten to Pre-primary
, Department of Education WA, Department of Education - Tender, 2021 ‑ 2022, $28,842.
ACECQA Quality improvement Research Project, Australian Children's Education Care and Quality Authority, Grant, 2019, $14,955.
National Quality Standard in Western Australian Government Schools, Department of Education WA, Office of Early Childhood Development and Learning Grant, 2016 ‑ 2018, $37,316.
Evaluation of the KindiLink Pilot for the Department of Education, Department of Education WA, Department of Education - Tender, 2016 ‑ 2018, $100,000.
Fostering inquiry-based science learning through play in early childhood education, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2016, 2016 ‑ 2017, $21,600.
NAPLAN Narratives: Stakeholders perspectives surrounding student wellbeing, Association of Independent Schools of WA, AISWA - Grant, 2015 ‑ 2017, $45,000.
Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program Project 1 - 4-5 years remote indigenous communities, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2016, $187,836.
Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program Project 4 Adult Literacy/Research and Development of Literacy Moodle Modules, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2016, $223,142.
Evaluation of the Integrated Service Model of Child Australia, Child Inclusive Learning and Development Australia Inc., Grant, 2015 ‑ 2016, $40,000.
Development of child and parent centre initiative WA, Department of Education WA, Department of Education - Tender, 2012 ‑ 2014, $45,455.
Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program Project 3 - Better Beginnings - 6-9 Years, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2014, $57,884.
Evaluation of four family literacy projects developed as part of the Better Beginnings program - Project 2 - Cald Program, Department of Culture and the Arts, Dept of Culture and the Arts - Grant, 2012 ‑ 2014, $65,071.
Development of Kindergarten / Pre-Primary Guidelines for Western Australian Schools, School Curriculum and Standards Authority, Tender, 2012 ‑ 2013, $68,668.
Evaluation of the Better Beginnings Plus Pilot 2010, State Library of WA, Grant, 2010 ‑ 2013, $134,306.
An Investigation of Goodstart's Centre-Based Practice and Program Quality Using the National Quality Standards as the Benchmark, with a Focus on Building the Capacity of Early Learning Consultants, Charles Sturt University, Grant - Good Start Early Learning Centre Ltd, 2013, $7,000.
Building Pedagogical Knowledge and Leadership Capacity in Long Day Care Centres, Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Grant, 2011 ‑ 2012, $49,817.
The Development and testing of an Early Literacy and Numeracy Program (ELNP) for 0-4 Year Old Indigenous Children and their Families, Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher - Grant, 2008 ‑ 2010, $25,000.
The Identification of Resources to Support Children Learning to Read in the Early Years of School, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $47,185.
An evaluation of the uptake and use by schools of the Kindergarten and Pre-primary Profile Package and recommendations for future directions, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2007 ‑ 2008, $44,000.
The Identification of Resources to Support Children's Social and Emotional Development, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2007, $47,185.
Social emotional development in the early childhood phase of schooling, Department of Education and Training WA, Grant, 2004 ‑ 2006, $43,500.
Doctor of Philosophy, What makes an exemplary infant toddler teacher? Describing exemplary infant toddler teaching in Australian Long Day Care settings
Co-principal Supervisor
Doctor of Philosophy, Co-design of a digital tool to promote young children's planetary health literacy and support their digital agency
Doctor of Philosophy, How public libraries in Western Australia seek to support the language and literacy development of children from birth to three years
Master of Education, Children's knowledge, identity and right to participation in driving curriculum decision-making
Doctor of Philosophy, Fostering Engagement: Building Connections with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Families in the Early Years of School
Master of Education, Investigating self-efficacy: Early childhood teachers' understanding of self-efficacy
Doctor of Philosophy, Power, perspective and affordance in early childhood education
Doctor of Philosophy, Who is Leading in the Early Years? An investigation of the early childhood pedagogical leadership in school settings.
Doctor of Philosophy, Mindsets matter: Early childhood teacher perceptions of mindset
Doctor of Philosophy, Place Literacies Emerging from the Common Worlds of Place and Children
Associate Supervisor
Master of Education, I see a spark and blow on it: Drama practice in year 1 and the new Australian curriculum in the arts
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