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Professor Narelle Lemon

VC Professoriate Research Fellow

Staff Member Details
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML17.207  

Narelle is a Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Research Fellow and Professor of Education in the School of Education.


Narelle is an internationally recognised researcher in education and initial teacher education bringing an interdisciplinarity across education, arts, and positive psychology. She engages with narrative inquiry and creative research methods with a recent focus on poetry and visual narratives. Narelle's particular research expertise and interest relate to fostering wellbeing literacy in K-12 teachers, pre-service teachers, and higher degree research students and academics in the higher education sector – that is, capacity building in wellbeing and self-care practices that supports proactive decision making across diverse areas of evidence-based wellbeing science in order to flourish while learning how to adapt to work, life and societal stressors.

As an interdisciplinary researcher Narelle has also built a portfolio in scholarship of learning and teaching with a particular focus on professional digital literacy and confidence in higher education having researched this across future teachers’ use of Twitter and Instagram, and in academic use of Twitter in the capacity of being networked scholars. Her work in these areas has been acknowledged with an AUUT National Teaching Citation. As a passionate teacher educator, and has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses in professional experience (work integrated learning) in Australia and Malaysia.

Narelles tweet's and gram as @rellypops, blog as Wellbeing Whisperer via, and can be found on Apple and Spotify with various podcasts including Teachers Supporting Teachers and the Whisper Collective Podcast.

Professional Associations

  • International Positive Psychology Association
  • American Educational Research Association
  • Charter for Compassion Australia, Australian Scholars Group

National and International Awards

  • 2021 - Citizenship Award. School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education, Swinburne.
  • 2020 - National Teaching Citation 2019
  • 2018 - VC Award in The Team Category of Diversity and Inclusion
  • 2016 - MID Career Researcher Award, School of Education, La Trobe University
  • 2014 - Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) Re-Entry Initiative, Vice-Chancellor, La Trobe University
  • 2013 - Research Excellence Award, Vice-Chancellor, La Trobe University
  • 2013 - Early Career Researcher International Travel Award, Research Support and Performance Research and Innovation Portfolio, RMIT University
  • 2012 - Early Career Supervisor with Most Publications for 2012, School of Education, RMIT
  • 2008 - RMIT University Teaching Award Winner for Category A: Higher Education Discipline, RMIT
  • 2006 - Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Melbourne
  • 2004 - Elizabeth Robertson Award, The University of Melbourne

Research areas and interests

  • Wellbeing literacy in educational contexts
  • Self-care and proactive ways of being
  • Wellbeing education
  • Initial teacher education wellbeing and self-care
  • Community education wellbeing and self-care
  • Creativity, making and wellbeing
  • Creative research methods


  • Master of Applied Positive Psychology, The University of Melbourne, 2019.
  • Doctor of Education, The University of Melbourne, 2010.
  • Master of Education, The University of Melbourne, 2004.
  • Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) Bachelor of Music, The University of Melbourne, 2000.

Research Outputs


Book Chapters

  • Kight, C., Lemon, N. (2024). Finding self through acts of creativity. Research Handbook of Academic Mental Health (361-379). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Lemon, N., Higgins , J., Noble, L., Powietrzynska , M. (2024). Prioritising Educator Well-Being in Support of Student Flourishing. Bloomsbury Handbook of Ethics of Care in Transformative Leadership in Higher Education (72–89). Bloomsbury.
  • Lemon, N. (2024). (Re)thinking care in higher education: A Pedagogy of Belonging as an individual and collective act in the academy. Expanding the Visions of Faculty Learning Communities in Higher Education: Emerging Opportunities for Faculty to Engage Each Other in Learning, Teaching, and Support. (343-370). Information Age Publishers.
  • Silk, M., Lemon, N. (2024). Self-discovery, flow, and facilitating transformative threshold spaces as an act of self-care in higher education. Navigating Tensions and Transitions in Higher Education: Effective Skills for Maintaining Wellbeing and Self-care (124-137). Routledge.
  • Hall, MP., Jones, LF., Lemon, N., Curry, AB. (2024). Tapestries of Teaching, Scholarship, and Personal Growth: Stories from a Community of Practice. Expanding the Visions of Faculty Learning Communities in Higher Education: Emerging Opportunities for Faculty to Engage Each Other in Learning, Teaching, and Support (282-302). Information Age Publishers.
  • Lemon, N., McDonough, S. (2024). Interstate Dialogues: Chronicles of Rhythms of Time and the Art of Self-Care of a Mobile Academic. Exploring Time as a Resource for Wellness in Higher Education: Identity, Self-care and Wellbeing at Work (102-113). Routledge.
  • McDonough, S., Lemon, N. (2024). Reconceptualising our relationship with time to enhance self-care and wellbeing in higher education. Exploring Time as a Resource for Wellness in Higher Education: Identity, Self-care and Wellbeing at Work (1-13). Routledge.

Journal Articles

Creative Arts Research Outputs

  • Lemon, N., Harris, M. (2024). S9 Ep2: Remote, Regional and Rural Teaching Experiences..."I stayed"…when placement offers a work opportunity. [Audio]. Narelle Lemon.
  • Lemon, N., Harris, M. (2024). S9 Ep1: Remote, Regional and Rural Teaching Experiences...You will never ever know if you never ever go!. [Podcast audio recording]. Narelle Lemon.
  • Lemon, N., Harris, M. (2024). S9 Ep4: Remote, Regional and Rural Teaching Experiences...Principals' Perspectives: Thriving in Regional, Rural, and Remote Educational Experiences Part 1. Narelle Lemon.
  • Lemon, N., Harris, M. (2024). S9 Ep6: Remote, Regional and Rural Teaching Experiences...Embracing the Unknown: Navigating International Educational Experiences. [audio]. Narelle Lemon.
  • Lemon, N., Harris, M. (2024). S9 Ep5 Part 2: Remote, Regional and Rural Teaching Experiences...Principals' Perspectives: Thriving in Regional, Rural, and Remote Educational Experiences Part 2. [audio]. Narelle Lemon.
  • Lemon, N., Harris, M. (2024). S9 Ep3: Remote, Regional and Rural Teaching Experiences...The Power of Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: A Pre-Service Teacher's Powerful Perspective. [Audio]. Narelle Lemon.

Book Chapters

  • Lemon, N., O'Brien, S., Van Vuuren, K. (2023). Pre-service teachers' perceptions of establishing professional connections on Instagram. Technological Innovations in Education: Applications in Education and Teaching (25-40). Springer Nature.
  • Lemon, N., Higgins, J. (2023). Generating the place of self-compassion in higher education: An academic place of belonging as a catalyst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Practising Compassion in Higher Education: Caring for Self and Others through Challenging Times (33-50). Taylor and Francis.
  • Lemon, N., Garvis, S. (2023). The arts. Teaching Early Years: Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment: Second Edition (84-99). Taylor and Francis.
  • Lemon, N., Harju-Luukkainen, H., Garvis, S. (2023). Caring for self and others through challenging times: Interrupting the pandemic with compassion and kindness in higher education. Practising Compassion in Higher Education: Caring for Self and Others through Challenging Times (1-12). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Lemon, N. (2023). Pedagogy of Belonging: Pausing to be human in higher education. International Health Trends and Perspectives, 3(3), 293–307.
  • Lemon, N., Higgins, J., Noble, L., Powietrzynska, M. (2023). Gently Riding Waves in the Ocean of our Humanity: Embodying Contemplative Practices. Holistic Education Review: Contemplative Perspectives and Practices in Holistic Education, 3(2), 13 pages.
  • Lemon, N., Pinto, M. (2023). Teaching and Teachers of Mindfulness Interventions in Western Educational Settings: A Qualitative Systematic Literature Review. Holistic Education Review: Contemplative perspectives and practices for teaching, learning, and research, 3(2), 20 pages.
  • Lemon, N., McDonough, S. (2023). “I Feel Like Nothing Else Will Ever Be This Hard”: The Dimensions of Teacher Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Educational Forum, 87(4), 304-318.

Book Chapters

  • Hammond, K., Lemon, N. (2022). Peer reviewing journal articles: A duoethnographic exploration of emotion in the digitalised space. Reflections on Valuing Wellbeing in Higher Education: Reforming our Acts of Self-care (125-144). Taylor and Francis.
  • Lemon, N. (2022). Poetic inquiry: Transformational representations of wellbeing and self-care in higher education. Creative Expression and Wellbeing in Higher Education: Making and Movement as Mindful Moments of Self-care (1-18). Taylor and Francis.
  • Lemon, N. (2022). Reforming our acts of self-care in higher education: Developing a sense of self individually and collectively. Reflections on Valuing Wellbeing in Higher Education: Reforming our Acts of Self-care (1-12). Taylor and Francis.
  • McDonough, S., Lemon, N. (2022). CREATING CARE-FULL COMMUNITIES AFTER COVID: Supporting Care as a Strategy for Wellbeing in Teacher Education. Reconstructing Care in Teacher Education after COVID-19: Caring Enough to Change (179-188). Taylor and Francis.
  • Lemon, N., Harju-Luukainen, H., Garvis, S. (2022). Learning with and from One Another Valuing Self-care as a Part of the Higher-Degree Research Student and Supervisor Relationship. Supporting Student and Faculty Wellbeing in Graduate Education (176-189). Routledge.
  • McDonough, S., Lemon, N. (2022). Making mindful moments: Made artefacts as a form of data visualisation to monitor and respond to self-care and wellbeing. Creative Expression and Wellbeing in Higher Education: Making and Movement as Mindful Moments of Self-care (105-118). Taylor and Francis.


  • Kara, H., Lemon, N., Manny, D., McPherson, M. (2021). Creative Research Methods in Education: Principles and Practices. Policy Press.
  • Lemon, N., Salmons, J. (2021). Reframing and Rethinking Collaboration in Higher Education and Beyond:Practical Guide for Doctoral Students and Early Career Researchers. Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Lemon, N. (2021). Vulnerability, self-care, and the relationship with us and others in higher education. Healthy Relationships in Higher Education: Promoting Wellbeing Across Academia (1-9). Taylor and Francis.
  • Beaudry, J., Lemon, N., Scheepers, H., Marcello, F., Wilding, E., Agius, C., Taffe, S., Loch, B., Kilborn, V. (2021). Building belonging: A grassroots peer-support network for academic women. Healthy Relationships in Higher Education: Promoting Wellbeing Across Academia (79-91). Taylor and Francis.
  • Lemon, N. (2021). Holding the space: A teacher educator's poetic representations of pre-service teachers acts of self-care. Academia from the Inside: Pedagogies for Self and Other (169-193). Springer International Publishing.
  • McDonough, S., Lemon, N. (2021). Stepping into a shared vulnerability: Creating and promoting a space for self-care and wellbeing in higher education. Creating a Place for Selfcare and Wellbeing in Higher Education: Finding Meaning Across Academia (187-196). Routledge.
  • McPherson, M., Lemon, N. (2021). Table chats: Research relations and the impact on our wellbeing as academics. Healthy Relationships in Higher Education: Promoting Wellbeing Across Academia (132-142). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Lemon, N. (2021). Wellbeing in initial teacher education: using poetic representation to examine pre-service teachers’ understanding of their self-care needs. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16(3), 931-950.
  • Lemon, N. (2021). Self-care during Covid-19 pandemic: Illuminating five possible dimensions of self-care. International Health Trends and Perspectives, 1(1), 161-175.
  • Lemon, N., McDonough, S. (2021). If Not Now, Then When? Wellbeing and Wholeheartedness in Education. The Educational Forum, 85(3), 317-335.


  • Lemon, N., McDonough, S. (2020). Building and Sustaining a Teaching Career: Strategies for Professional Experience, Wellbeing and Mindful Practice. Cambridge University Press.

Book Chapters

  • Lemon, N. (2019). LOOKING THROUGH THE EYES OF A CHILD THROUGH THE LENS OF A CAMERA. Researching Education: Visually - Digitally - Spatially (21-52). Brill.
  • Lemon, N. (2019). STUDENT GENERATED VISUAL NARRATIVES: Lived experiences of learning. The Routledge International Handbook of Learning with Technology in Early Childhood (294-310). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Lemon, N., O'Brien, S. (2019). Social media use in initial teacher education: Lessons on knowing where your students are. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 44(12), 38-56.
  • Lemon, N. (2019). Twitter in the initial teacher education arts classroom: Embracing risk taking to explore making learning visible. Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education, 18(1), 81-97.

Book Chapters

  • McPherson, M., Lemon, N. (2018). It is about fun stuff! thinking about the writing process in different ways. Mindfulness in the Academy: Practices and Perspectives from Scholars (113-127). Springer Singapore.
  • Lemon, N. (2018). #MuseumEdOz: Facilitating socially distributed meaning making through Twitter. Beyond Community Engagement (41-58). Common Ground Pub.
  • McDonough, S., Lemon, N. (2018). Mindfulness in the academy: An examination of mindfulness perspectives. Mindfulness in the Academy: Practices and Perspectives from Scholars (1-21). Springer Singapore.
  • Lemon, N., McDonough, S. (2018). Mindfully living and working in the academy: Continuing the conversation. Mindfulness in the Academy: Practices and Perspectives from Scholars (259-283). Springer Singapore.
  • Lemon, N. (2018). I am not playing the academic hunger games: Self-awareness and mindful practices in approaching research collaborations. Mindfulness in the Academy: Practices and Perspectives from Scholars (129-154). Springer Singapore.

Journal Articles

  • Lemon, N., Wilson, A., Oxworth, C., Zavros-Orr, A., Wood, B. (2018). Lines of school-university partnership: Perception, sensation and meshwork reshaping of pre- service teachers' experiences. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43(10), 81-97.
  • Lemon, N. (2018). Collaborating and co-curating knowledge: Participatory engagement on Twitter between galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM) and education audiences. The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture, 7(1), 93-106.

Book Chapters

Research Projects

  • SHE Speaks: Intergenerational Wellbeing Through Self-Care , Department of Communities (WA), Grants for Women Program, 2025 ‑ 2026, $50,000.
  • Brave Spaces: Noongar culture, creative arts, and wellbeing literacy in early childhood education, The Song Room, The Song Room, 2025, $25,000.
  • SheSpeaks: Amplifying Women's Voices for Wellbeing, Department of Communities (WA), Grants for Women Program, 2024 ‑ 2025, $9,094.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Trust and developing the capabilities of academic staff in Communities of Practice
  • Doctor of Philosophy, How are Women Recruited to Cabinet in Australia?
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Autistic student voice in reasonable adjustments
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Yarning: Exploring the materiality and embodiment of sandalwood in Western Australia

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Education, Young adolescents' Social and Emotional Learning in a singing games program
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The wellbeing of early-career generalists and specialists teaching music in Australian primary schools
No data available
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