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Dr Anabela Malpique

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Mobile: 0475 505 546
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML17.213  

Anabela is a Senior Lecturer in Literacy at the School of Education.


Dr Anabela Malpique has a background in teaching languages and literacies, including teaching and coordination roles in different educational contexts (Portugal, UK, and WA). Her research interests focus on literacy development, with a specific interest in writing development and writing instruction. Her research addresses a national and international call to develop high-quality research investigating effective writing and contextual factors contributing to writing development across the lifespan.

She’s currently leading the Writing for All research initiative aiming to expand knowledge on individual and contextual-level factors explaining writing development from early-childhood till late adulthood. Her interest in the field goes back to the late 90s when she started teaching languages and literature, soon realising the difficulties that most students had in translating their ideas into written language. Her research involves typically developing writers in both primary and secondary schools.

Professional Associations

  • 2018 - The International Association for Research in L1 Education (Member)
  • 2017 - Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) (Member)
  • 2017 - Australian Association for the Teaching of English (AATE) (Member)
  • 2015 – Research Centre for Psychological Science (CICPSI), Portugal (Member)
  • 2012 - Program of Studies in Self-Regulated Learning (PEAAR), Portugal (Member)
  • 2010 - European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), SIG Writing (Member)

Research areas and interests

  • Writing instruction and development
  • Self-regulated learning
  • Teacher education


  • Phd in Psychology (Educational Psychology), Portugal, 2015.
  • Master of Arts, United Kingdom, 2009.
  • Portuguese Studies Modern Age Portuguese Literature, Portugal, 2002.
  • Modern Languages, Literature in Portuguese & English Studies, Portugal, 2000.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Malpique, A., Valcan, D., Pino-Pasternak, D., Ledger, S., Merga, M. (2024). Effects sizes of writing modality on K-6 students’ writing and reading performance: A meta-analysis. The Australian Educational Researcher, 51(5), 2001-2030.
  • Malpique, A., Asil, M., Pino-Pasternak, D., Ledger, S., Teo, T. (2024). The Contributions Of Transcription Skills To Paper-Based And Computer-Based Text Composing In The Early Years. Reading and Writing, 2024(Article in Press), TBD.
  • Pengelley, J., Whipp, PR., Malpique, A. (2024). A testing load: a review of cognitive load in computer and paper-based learning and assessment. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Valcan, D., Malpique, A., Pino-Pasternak, D., Asil, M., Teo, T. (2024). The contributions of executive functioning to handwritten and keyboarded compositions in Year 2 children. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 77(2024), article number 102272.
  • Malpique, A., Pino-Pasternak, D., Ledger, S., Valcan, D., Asil, M. (2024). The effects of automaticity in paper and keyboard-based text composing: An exploratory study. Computers and Composition, 72(2024), article number 102848.
  • Malpique, A., Pino-Pasternak, D., Valcan, D., Asil, M. (2024). Primary School Teachers’ Adaptations for Struggling Writers: Survey Study of Grade 1 to 6 Teachers in Australia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 57(6), 384-396.

Journal Articles

  • Malpique, A., Valcan, D., Pino-Pasternak, D., Ledger, S. (2023). Teaching writing in primary education (grades 1–6) in Australia: a national survey. Reading and Writing, 36(1), 119-145.
  • Malpique, A., Valcan, D., Pino-Pasternak, D., Ledger, S., Asil, M., Teo, T. (2023). The keys of keyboard-based writing: Student and classroom-level predictors of keyboard-based writing in early primary. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 75(2023), article number 102227.
  • Wang, XS., Perry, L., Malpique, A., Ide, T. (2023). Factors predicting mathematics achievement in PISA: a systematic review. Large-Scale Assessments in Education, 11(1), Article number 24.
  • Malpique, A., Valcan, D., Pino-Pasternak, D., Ledger, S., Kelso-Marsh, B. (2023). Shaping children’s handwriting and keyboarding performance: Individual and contextual-level factors. Issues in Educational Research, 33(4), 1441-1460.

Journal Articles

  • Wei, S., Teo, T., Malpique, A., Lausen, A. (2022). Parental Autonomy Support, Parental Psychological Control and Chinese University Students’ Behavior Regulation: The Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(18 February 2022), Article number 735570.

Journal Articles

  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Loh, CE., Malpique, A. (2021). Revisiting Collaboration Within and Beyond the School Library: New Ways of Measuring Effectiveness. Journal of Library Administration, 61(3), 332 - 346.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Malpique, A. (2021). School leadership and whole- school support of struggling literacy learners in secondary schools. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 49(3), 534-550.
  • Merga, M., Mat Roni, S., Malpique, A. (2021). Do secondary English teachers have adequate time and resourcing to meet the needs of struggling literacy learners?. English in Education, 55(4), 351-367.
  • Merga, M., Malpique, A., Mat Roni, S., Valcan, D., Ledger, S. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 on writing instruction in Australia. Issues in Educational Research, 31(4), 1138-1155.

Book Chapters

  • Malpique, A., Simao, AM. (2020). Estratégias de autoregulação na composição escrita em português: Um estudo intercultural. Psicologia Educacional: Investigação e Intervenção em Portugal (29-54). Coisas de Ler.

Journal Articles

  • Malpique, A., Pino-Pasternak, D., Roberto, M. (2020). Writing and reading performance in Year 1 Australian classrooms: associations with handwriting automaticity and writing instruction. Reading and Writing, 33(3), 783-805.
  • Valcan, D., Davis, H., Pino-Pasternak, D., Malpique, A. (2020). Executive functioning as a predictor of children's mathematics, reading and writing. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 70(July–September 2020), article number 101196.

Book Chapters

  • Pino Pasternak, D., Valcan, D., Malpique, A. (2019). Associations between the Home Environment, Parenting and Self-Regulation in Early Childhood. The SAGE Handbook of Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education (487-501). SAGE.

Journal Articles

  • Malpique, A., Simão, A. (2019). 'Does it work?' Adapting Self-Regulated Strategy instruction and Visual Mnemonics to teach argumentative writing. Journal of Writing Research, 10(3), 527-565.

Journal Articles

  • Malpique, A., Veiga Simão, A., Frison, L. (2017). Self-Regulated Strategies for School Writing Tasks: A Cross-Cultural Report. Psychology of Language and Communication, 21(1), 244-265.
  • Malpique, A., Pino-Pasternak, D., Valcan, D. (2017). Handwriting automaticity and writing instruction in Australian kindergarten: an exploratory study. Reading and Writing, 30(8), 1789-1812.

Journal Articles

  • Veiga Simão, A., Malpique, A., Frison, L., Marques, A. (2016). Teaching writing to middle school students in Portugal and in Brazil: an exploratory study. Reading and Writing, 29(5), 955-979.
  • Simao, AV., Chambel, C., Malpique, A., Frison, L. (2016). Composição escrita do texto argumentativo: Conhecimento metacognitivo e dificuldades na escrita de alunos do nono ano. Hispania: a journal devoted to the interests of the teaching of Spanish and Portuguese, 99(3), 372-391.
  • Malpique, A., Veiga-Simão, A. (2016). Argumentative writing by junior high school students: discourse knowledge and writing performance. Journal For The Study of Education and Development, 39(1), 150-186.

Research Projects

  • Writing for all: Studying the development of handwriting and keyboarding skills in the Early Years, Ian Potter Foundation, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $97,687.
  • Writing for All: Teaching writing in Australian primary schools , Collier Charitable Fund, Grant, 2022 ‑ 2023, $7,805.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Self-regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) in Timed Writing Tasks for Primary Learners

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Parental Involvement in Primary School Writing
  • Teaching Grammar: Australian Secondary English Teachers' Beliefs and Practices

Associate Supervisor

  • Master of Education, Verbal and Nonverbal Communicative Approaches Used by Reading Teachers to Foster Student Reading for Pleasure in Secondary School
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