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Dr David Aldous

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Campus: Mount Lawley  
Room: ML17.113  

David is a Senior Lecturer in Health and Physical Education at the School of Education.


David is an experienced researcher and educator who has worked across school and university contexts.

David’s research interests lie in developing sociocultural understanding of the interrelationships that exist between culture, policy, people, and practice across sport, health and physical education. Previous research has included understanding student lived experiences of transition in education and working with government agencies, curriculum authorities, teacher educators and educators in the enactment of policy and curriculum within schools and teacher education. Currently his research is focused on the re-visioning of sport, health and physical education across institutional, industry and community settings.

These interests are reflected in David’s Undergraduate teaching, Masters and PhD supervision. Outside of university, David enjoys participating in paddleboarding, swimming and other adventurous activities.

Current teaching

  • HPE2112 Physical Activity, Body, Culture and Identity

Professional associations

  • 2021- Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d'Éducation Physique (AIESEP) (member)
  • 2023 - Australian Association for Research and Education (AARE) (member)
  • British Education Research Association (BERA)

Research areas and interests

  • Culture, policy, curriculum and practice across education, community and industry settings.
  • Lived experiences of identity transformation in sport, health and education.
  • Methodologies, designs and methods for co-design and co-participatory research and innovation.


  • Postgraduate certificate in Higher Education Practice, United Kingdom, 2015.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, United Kingdom, 2011.
  • Master of Science in Sport and Health Science, United Kingdom, 2006.
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Exercise and Sports Science, United Kingdom, 2005.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Alfrey, L., Scanlon, D., Aldous, D., Lorusso, J., Baker, K., Clark, C., Jafar, M. (2024). A figurational analysis of Health and/or Physical Education teacher educators’ conceptualisations of policy, and their sociogenesis. Sport, Education and Society, 2024(Article in press), pp.
  • Evans, V., Aldous, D., Penney, D. (2024). Embodying policy work: an exploration of contexts, actions and meanings towards new possibilities for physical education teacher education (PETE). Sport, Education and Society, 2024(Article in press), 15 pages.
  • Aldous, D., Penney, D. (2024). The transformational possibilities of liberal vocationalism: a case study of post-year 10 Outdoor Education in Western Australia. Sport, Education and Society, 2024(Article in press), 17 pages.
  • Gray, S., Hardley, S., Bryant, A., Hooper, O., Stirrup, J., Sandford, R., Aldous, D., Carse, N. (2024). Exploring physical education teachers’ conceptualisations of health and wellbeing discourse across the four nations of the UK. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 15(1), 1-23.
  • Stirrup, J., Aldous, D., Gray, S., Sandford, R., Hooper, O., Hardley, S., Bryant, AS., Carse, NR. (2024). Exploring the re-legitimisation of messages for health and physical education within contemporary English and Welsh curricula reform. Sport, Education and Society, 29(8), 939-951.

Journal Articles

  • Alfrey, L., Lambert, K., Aldous, D., Marttinen, R. (2023). The problematization of the (im)possible subject: an analysis of Health and Physical Education policy from Australia, USA and Wales. Sport, Education and Society, 28(4), 353-368.

Journal Articles

  • Gray, S., Hooper, O., Hardley, S., Sandford, R., Aldous, D., Stirrup, J., Carse, N., Bryant, A. (2022). A health(y) subject? Examining discourses of health in physical education curricula across the UK. British Educational Research Journal, 48(6), 1161-1182.
  • Aldous, D., Evans, V., Lloyd, R., Heath-Diffey, F., Chambers, F. (2022). Realising curriculum possibilities in Wales: teachers’ initial experiences of re-imagining secondary physical education. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 13(3), 253-269.
  • Aldous, D., Evans, V., Penney, D. (2022). Curriculum reform in Wales: Physical education teacher educators' negotiation of policy positions. Curriculum Journal, 33(3), 495-514.
  • Gray, S., Sandford, R., Stirrup, J., Aldous, D., Hardley, S., Carse, N., Hooper, O., Bryant, A. (2022). A comparative analysis of discourses shaping physical education provision within and across the UK. European Physical Education Review, 28(3), 575-593.

Journal Articles

  • Aldous, D., Brown, D. (2020). A critical analysis of CIMSPA's transformative aspirations for UK Higher education sport and physical activity vocational education and training provision. Sport, Education and Society, 2020(TBD), 1-14.

Journal Articles

  • Aldous, D., Freeman, J. (2017). Framing pedagogic relations within the boundaries of Foundation Degree Sport and Coaching qualifications. Sport, Education and Society, 22(6), 710-720.

Book Chapters

  • Brown, D., Morgan, K., Aldous, D. (2016). Changing the student teacher habitus: Interweaving Bourdieu’s theory of practice with pragmatism’s crisis, creativity, and problem based learning. Teacher Socialization in Physical Education: New Perspectives (194-211). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Aldous, D., Sparkes, A., Brown, D. (2016). Trajectories towards failure: considerations regarding post-16 transitions within the UK Sport-Education sector. Sport, Education and Society, 21(2), 166-182.
  • Lamb, P., Firbank, D., Aldous, D. (2016). Capturing the world of physical education through the eyes of children with autism spectrum disorders. Sport, Education and Society, 21(5), 698-722.
  • Lamb, P., Aldous, D. (2016). Exploring the relationship between reflexivity and reflective practice through lesson study within initial teacher education. International Journal for Lesson And Learning Studies, 5(2), 99-115.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Wayfinding in PE: Exploring ability, inclusion and teaching practices in lower secondary PE in WA.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An ethnographic study of Initial Teacher Education professionals' embodied policy work in Health and Physical Education in Western Australia and Wales
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Exploring Pedagogy and Inclusion in Health and Physical Education in Western Australia: A Social Justice Approach
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