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Dr David A Martin

Adjunct Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details

David is a Senior Lecturer (Primary) in the School of Education.

Current teaching

  • TCH4260 - Primary Technologies
  • MAE4130 - The M in STEM
  • MAE6130 - The M in STEM


Dr David Martin began his education career as a primary school teacher’s aide and then teacher. He also taught middle school mathematics and was the school’s mathematics Head of Department. He earned leadership positions working as Dean of Student Discipline/Counsel, Primary School Deputy Principal and High School Deputy Principal. David began his lecturing career at Indian River State College and then Florida Atlantic University teaching mathematics and technology education courses. In Australia, he has worked as an academic teaching mathematics and technology education units at the University of Southern Queensland, the University of the Sunshine Coast and Edith Cowan University.

Awards and recognition

University and National Teaching Awards

  • Advancing Quality Teaching Award based on pedagogy used in Makerspace classrooms.

Research areas and interests

David's present research projects include:

  1. Advancing Teaching and Scholarship regarding STEM education, in particular, the M in STEM;
  2. Providing students in Years 4-7 direct exposure to STEM activities and experiences, with the aim to garner their interest in STEM subjects at school, future transition into tertiary studies and STEM occupations; and
  3. Developing pre-service teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge through novel unit design features with the goal of improving their practice.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Southern Queensland, 2017.
  • Master of Education Major in Foundations of Education, United States of America, 2002.
  • Master of Education Major in Educational Leadership, United States of America, 1999.
  • Bachelor of Arts Major in Elementary Education, United States of America, 1995.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Carey, MD., Martin, D., McMaster, N. (2024). The development and validation of a self-audit survey instrument that evaluates preservice teachers’ confidence to use technologies to support student learning. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 2024(Article in press), 23 pages.
  • Martin, D., Carey, MD., McMaster, N., Clarkin, M. (2024). Assessing primary school preservice teachers’ confidence to apply their TPACK in specific categories of technologies using a self-audit survey. The Australian Educational Researcher, 51(5), 1877-1905.
  • Martin, D., Curtis, P., Redmond, P. (2024). Primary school students' perceptions and developed artefacts and language from learning coding and computational thinking using the 3C model. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 40(4), 1616-1631.

Conference Publications

  • Martin, D., Curtis, P., Redmond, P., Byrne, M. (2024). The 3C Model for Teaching Coding and Computational Thinking with an M in STEM Focus. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (2162-2172). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Journal Articles

  • McMaster, N., Carey, MD., Martin, D., Martin, J. (2023). Raising primary school boys and girls’ awareness and interest in STEM-related activities, subjects and careers: An exploratory case study. Jouranl of New Approaches in Educational Research, 12(1), 1-18.

Conference Publications

  • Redmond, P., Albion, P., Cantle, R., Martin, D., Jones, D. (2023). Pre-service Teachers and the Digital Technologies Curriculum. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (1037-1042). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Book Chapters

  • Redmond, P., Smart, V., Albion, P., Cantle, R., Martin, D. (2022). Primary Teachers' Perceptions of Their Students' Digital Technologies Competencies. Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education (151-163). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Journal Articles

  • Martin, D., Jamieson-Proctor, R. (2022). Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions of Problem-based Learning for Developing Their Mathematics Teaching Pedagogy. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 16(1), Article number 128739.
  • Martin, D. (2022). The Impact of Problem-based Learning on Pre-service Teachers’ Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47(4), 55-73.

Conference Publications

  • McMaster, N., Martin, J., Carey, MD., Martin, D. (2022). Using social media to develop ‘networked’ pre-service teachers and prepare them for teaching with technology. Biennial International Design and Technologies Teaching and Research Conference. (1-9). Design and Technology Teacher's Association Research Conference.
  • Redmond, P., Smart, V., Albion, P., Cantle, R., Martin, D. (2022). Primary teachers’ perceptions of their students’ digital technologies competencies. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (1443-1452). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Journal Articles

  • Martin, D., McMaster, N., Carey, M. (2020). Course design features influencing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in their ability to support students’ use of ICT. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 36(4), 221-236.
  • Martin, D., Jamieson-Proctor, R. (2020). Development and validation of a survey instrument for measuring pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 43(5), 512-525.
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