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Mrs Linda Cranley

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details

Linda is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education she also is the Course Coordinator of the Master of Teaching (I83) and Graduate Diploma (C91) courses. Linda is also the unit coordinator of Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences Primary (HASS) HSS6215.


Linda is a dedicated educator and researcher with extensive experience in teacher education and curriculum development. Before joining Edith Cowan University (ECU), she served as the Program Coordinator for the Primary Bachelor of Education Program at the University of Notre Dame Australia (UNDA).

Linda holds a Master of Philosophy from UNDA, where her research focused on the impact of standardised testing, particularly the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). She is currently completing her PhD at Deakin University, exploring civics and citizenship education for young children.

As the co-lead of the Australian contingent of the Global Researchers Advancing Catholic Education (G.R.A.C.E) initiative, Linda collaborates with an international network of institutions, including the University of Notre Dame Australia, Australian Catholic University, Boston College (USA), St Mary’s University (London), Mary Immaculate College (Limerick), and the University of Glasgow. This partnership fosters global research in Catholic education.

Linda also led the authorship of Assessment, Feedback, and Reporting: A Guide to Increasing Student Achievement, published by Cengage. This widely recognised text received a prestigious Highly Commended Award at the 2022 Educational Publishing Awards in Australia.Linda’s research and teaching are driven by her commitment to improving educational outcomes and fostering engaged, informed learners.

Current Teaching

  • Teaching Humanities and Social Sciences (Primary) HASS 6215

Awards and Recognition

  • Linda has been the recipient of the Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008),
  • The Vice Chancellor's Award for Initiatives that Enhance Student Learning (2018) and;
  • The Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) 2019 Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning.

Research areas and interests

  • Civics and Citizenship Education
  • Service Learning
  • Assessment
  • Catholic Education


  • Level 10, Edith Cowan University, 2023.
  • Master of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2018.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Robinson, C., Cranley, L., O’connell, D. (2023). The Journey to G.R.A.C.E: Creating an International Community of Practice. Religions, 14(1), article number 43.

Journal Articles

  • Cranley, L., Robinson, C., Hine, G., O’connor, D. (2022). The desks have changed; it must be NAPLAN time: How NAPLAN affects teaching and learning of mathematics. Issues in Educational Research, 32(4), 1306-1320.

Journal Articles

  • O’connor, D., Robinson, C., Cranley, L., Johnson, G., Robinson, A. (2020). Love in education: West Australian early childhood pre-service teachers’ perspectives on children’s right to be loved and its actualisation within their future practice. Early Child Development and Care, 190(15), 2402-2413.
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