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STEM Program for High Schools

Real engineering experiences for high school students - April 2025

Inviting high achieving students in Years 9 to 12 with an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to come and be challenged in an interactive and engaging environment through the CREATE program designed and developed by ECU School of Engineering.

Workshop details


The School of Engineering launched its STEM Program called “CREATE – Creating Real Engineering And Technology Experiences” in February 2020. Since its launch, the Program has been attended by well over 200 high school students from Years 9 to 12 across more than 27 schools from the northern and southern suburbs.

CREATE is a series of activities designed to support the teaching and learning of STEM subjects for Secondary School students. All activities have been designed with the goals and objectives of the WA Year 11 and Year 12 curriculum in mind. While the activities can be used to supplement laboratory work in upper school, the target audience are those high achieving students in Years 9 to 12 who need to be challenged and extended with concepts notionally outside the scope of their general science and mathematics courses.

CREATE activities span key engineering disciplines including Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Electronics, Mechatronics, Automation and Control, Instrumentation, Robotics, Data Processing and more. Mathematics, of course, underpins study within all engineering disciplines and is a key focus for the program. The set of activities is constantly being reviewed with new activities being added as new ideas are suggested by our industry and school partners.

The program activities are delivered by experienced staff with the support of undergraduate and postgraduate students currently enrolled at Edith Cowan University. Apart from any costs associated with transporting students between school/home and ECU Joondalup Campus, all other costs linked to program delivery are covered by ECU School of Engineering.

For more information about the program, please contact:

School of Engineering
Administration Team
Phone: (08) 6304 2924 / 5009


“It's fun while educational.” (participant)

“Building the actual robot and getting it to move was fun.” (participant)

“I wanted to email you to say a big 'Thank You' for the CREATE session held at the ECU Joondalup campus.  Amelie had a great time and enjoyed the experience immensely.”  (parent)

“Fergus has come away from today’s activities enthused, engaged and full of interesting conversation describing how he spent his day and activities that were on offer. He was thrilled that they were completely different from the previous, posed new challenge and really encouraged him to think about the science involved.” (parent)

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