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Merin Kochu Kunj Eapen

PhD Student

Project - Production of H2-rich gas via catalytic co-pyrolysis of waste materials

Even though fossil fuels (non-renewable resources) have contributed a lot to the development of mankind, it has several disadvantages such as their non-renewability, high carbon emission rates, and emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, it is necessary to replace fossil fuels with a renewable and carbon-free energy source to produce energy in an environmentally friendly manner. Hydrogen is considered a promising candidate that can replace fossil fuels since it provides high energy content and helps to decarbonise fuel consumption. However, the eco-friendly and cost-effective production of hydrogen is still challenging. Hence this project aims to produce hydrogen in a manner that is both economically efficient and environmentally sustainable.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Sustainable Energy
  • Green Chemistry
  • Nanotechnology
  • Electrochemistry


  • Master of Science in Chemistry, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India.



Merin Kochu Kunj Eapen
School of Engineering

Centre for Sustainable Energy and Resources

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