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Professor Daryoush Habibi

Professor of Engineering

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5787
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO23.207  

Professor Habibi is a professional engineer with significant experience in industry and academia. He is currently the Head of the Centre for Green and Smart Energy Systems. Prior to this, he served as the Head of School and then as a Pro Vice-Chancellor and the Executive Dean of Engineering, during which time he initiated and led a program of rapid expansion and growth in ECU’s engineering portfolio. This resulted in increasing the number of engineering students from less than 100 to over 3000, making his School the fastest-growing engineering school in the nation, with corresponding growth in research productivity and impact. His other professional experience includes Telstra Research Laboratories, Flinders University, and Intelligent Pixels Inc., where he served as the Vice-President Engineering. From 2010 to 2013, Professor Habibi served as the Deputy President and then the President of the Australian Council of Engineering Deans (ACED).

Professor Habibi places great emphasis on students' well-being and progress, and on initiating and leading industry-engaged research that makes a genuine difference within the industry and the community. He has supervised over 40 PhD candidates and more than 10 Master by Research candidates to successfully complete their awards.

Professor Habibi holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University of Tasmania. His contributions to the engineering profession have been recognised by his appointment as a Fellow of Engineers Australia and a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology.

Research Areas and Interests

  • engineering design for sustainable development;
  • systems and networks reliability and quality of service;
  • renewable energy integration and management, energy security, and smart energy systems;
  • environmental monitoring technologies.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Tasmania, 1995.
  • Bachelor of Engineering with Honours, University of Tasmania, 1990.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Ghanbarzadeh, T., Habibi, D., Aziz, A. (2025). Addressing reliability challenges in generation capacity planning under high penetration of renewable energy resources and storage solutions: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 212(April 2025), 115461.
  • Hasan, W., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V., Al-Fawa'reh, M., Islam, KY., Zaheer, R., Khaled, H. (2025). A survey on energy efficient medium access control for acoustic wireless communication networks in underwater environments. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 235(2025), article number 104079.
  • Akash, Q., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Masoum, MA. (2025). Forecasting data-driven system strength level for inverter-based resources-integrated weak grid systems using multi-objective machine learning algorithms. Electric Power Systems Research, 238(2025), article number 111112.

Journal Articles

  • Hossain, K., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Waqas, M. (2024). Enhancing IoT Sensors Precision through Sensor Drift Calibration with Variational Autoencoder. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024(Article in press), 17 pages.
  • Manamperi, I., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Aziz, A. (2024). Optimising grid-forming inverters to prevent under-frequency load shedding with minimal energy storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 98(Part B), Article number 112842.
  • Al-Hanahi, B., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Pradhan, P., Masoum, MA. (2024). A Charging Strategy for Large Commercial Electric Vehicle Fleets. IEEE Access, 12(2024), 46042-46058.
  • Zaheer, R., Ahmad, I., Phung, QV., Habibi, D. (2024). Blind Source Separation and Denoising of Underwater Acoustic Signals. IEEE Access, 12(2024), 80208-80222.
  • Ghamari, S., Hajihosseini, M., Habibi, D., Aziz, A. (2024). Design of an Adaptive Robust PI Controller for DC/DC Boost Converter Using Reinforcement-Learning Technique and Snake Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Access, 12(2024), 141814-141829.
  • Ghahramani, M., Habibi, D., Ghamari, S., Aziz, A. (2024). Addressing Uncertainty in Renewable Energy Integration for Western Australia’s Mining Sector: A Robust Optimization Approach. Energies, 17(22), Article number 5679.
  • Ghahramani, M., Habibi, D., Ghamari, S., Aziz, A. (2024). Optimal Operation of an Islanded Hybrid Energy System Integrating Power and Gas Systems. IEEE Access, 12(2024), 196591-196608.
  • Ghanbarzadeh, T., Habibi, D., Aziz, A. (2024). Generation Expansion Planning in Isolated Power Systems: A Robust Approach with Dunkelflaute Assessment. IEEE Access, 12(November 2024), 165831-165844.
  • Soleimani, H., Habibi, D., Ghahramani, M., Aziz, A. (2024). Strengthening Power Systems for Net Zero: A Review of the Role of Synchronous Condensers and Emerging Challenges. Energies, 17(13), Article number 3291.

Book Chapters

  • Ghahramani, M., Habibi, D., Ghahramani, M., Nazari-Heris, M., Aziz, A. (2023). Sustainable Buildings: A Comprehensive Review and Classification of Challenges and Issues, Benefits, and Future Directions. Natural Energy, Lighting, and Ventilation in Sustainable Buildings (1-28). Springer cham.

Journal Articles

  • Islam, K., Ahmad, I., Rong, Y., Habibi, D. (2023). Joint Energy and Security Optimization in Underwater Wireless Communication Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023(2023), 1-1.
  • Farivar, F., Bass, O., Habibi, D. (2023). Memory-Based Adaptive Sliding Mode Load Frequency Control in Interconnected Power Systems With Energy Storage. IEEE Access, 11(2023), 102515-102530.
  • Ramos, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Mahmoud, TS. (2023). Placement And Sizing Of Utility-Size Battery Energy Storage Systems To Improve The Stability Of Weak Grids. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 144(2023), article number 108427.
  • Akash, M., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Aziz, A., Mahmoud, T. (2023). System strength shortfall challenges for renewable energy-based power systems: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 183(September 2023), Article number 113447.
  • Zaheer, R., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Islam, K., Phung, V. (2023). A Survey On Artificial Intelligence-Based Acoustic Source Identification. IEEE Access, 11(2023), 60078-60108.

Conference Publications

  • Al-Hanahi, B., Wen, J., Habibi, D., Aziz, A. (2023). Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid Hydrogen Fuel-Cell/PV/Wind turbine/Battery/Diesel Energy System for Rural Coastal Community in Western Australia. 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Engineering (i-COSTE) (6 pages). IEEE.
  • Manamperi, I., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Aziz, A. (2023). Assessing the Effects of Low Load on Under-Frequency Load Shedding Schemes and Exploring Potential Solutions: A Review. 2023 International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Engineering (i-COSTE) (6 pages). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Islam, KY., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Waqar, A. (2022). A survey on energy efficiency in underwater wireless communications. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 198(FEB 2022), article number 103295.
  • Al-Hanahi, B., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Pradhan, P., Masoum, M. (2022). An Optimal Charging Solution for Commercial Electric Vehicles. IEEE Access, 10(2022), 46162-46175.
  • Islam, K., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Jiong , J., Waqas, M. (2022). Lifetime Maximization in Underwater Wireless Communication Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(15), 15549-15560.
  • Mowla, M., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V., Zahed, M. (2022). Green traffic backhauling in next generation wireless communication networks incorporating FSO/mmWave technologies. Computer Communications, 182(2022), 223-237.
  • Farivar, F., Bass, O., Habibi, D. (2022). Decentralized Disturbance Observer-Based Sliding Mode Load Frequency Control in Multiarea Interconnected Power Systems. IEEE Access, 10(2022), 92307-92320.
  • Al-Hanahi, B., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Masoum, M. (2022). Smart charging strategies for heavy electric vehicles. eTransportation, 13(2022), article number 100182.

Journal Articles

  • Waqar, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2021). Analysis of GPS and UWB positioning system for athlete tracking. Measurement: Sensors, 14(April 2021), Article number 100036.
  • Al-Hanahi, B., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Masoum, M. (2021). Charging Infrastructure for Commercial Electric Vehicles: Challenges and Future Works. IEEE Access, 9(2021), 121476-121492.
  • Waqar, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Hart, N., Phung, V. (2021). Enhancing Athlete Tracking Using Data Fusion in Wearable Technologies. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70(2021), Article Number: 4004013.
  • Waqar, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2021). A range error reduction technique for positioning applications in sports. The Journal of Engineering, 2021(2), 73-84.
  • Khaled, H., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2021). A Green Traffic Steering Solution for Next Generation Communication Networks. IEEE Transaction on Cognitive Communications and Networks, 7(1), 222-238.
  • Moghaddam, V., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Masoum, M. (2021). Dispatch management of portable charging stations in electric vehicle networks. eTransportation, 8(May 2021), Article number 100112.
  • Islam, KY., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Zahed, M., Kamruzzaman, J. (2021). Green Underwater Wireless Communications Using Hybrid Optical-Acoustic Technologies. IEEE Access, 9(2021), 85109-85123.
  • Liu, R., Chen, H., Li, C., He, X., Wang, X., Habibi, D., Chai, D. (2021). Radial profiling of near-borehole formation velocities by a stepwise inversion of acoustic well logging data. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 196(January 2021), Article number 107648.
  • Pradhan, P., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Aziz, A., Al-Hanahi, B., Masoum, M. (2021). Optimal Sizing of Energy Storage System to Reduce Impacts of Transportation Electrification on Power Distribution Transformers Integrated with Photovoltaic. IEEE Access, 9(25 October 2021), 144687-144698.


Journal Articles

  • Balloch, A., Meghji, M., Newton, R., Hart, N., Weber, J., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2020). Assessment of a Novel Algorithm to Determine Change-of-Direction Angles Whilst Running Using Inertial Sensors. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(1), 134-144.
  • Baniasadi, A., Habibi, D., Al-Saedi, W., Masoum, M., Das, CK., Mousavi, N. (2020). Optimal sizing design and operation of electrical and thermal energy storage systems in smart buildings. Journal of Energy Storage, 28(April 2020), Article number 101186.
  • Penney, G., Habibi, D., Cattani, M. (2020). Improving firefighter tenability during entrapment and burnover: an analysis of vehicle protection systems. Fire Safety Journal, 118(December 2020), Article number 103209.
  • Mousavi, N., Kothapalli, G., Habibi, D., Das, C., Baniasadi, A. (2020). Modelling, design, and experimental validation of a grid-connected farmhouse comprising a photovoltaic and a pumped hydro storage system. Energy Conversion and Management, 210(15 April 2020), Article number 112675.
  • Aziz Zahed, MI., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V., Mowla, MM., Waqas, M. (2020). A Review on Green Caching Strategies for Next Generation Communication Networks. IEEE Access, 8(2020), 212709-212737.
  • Aziz Zahed, MI., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V., Mowla, MM. (2020). Proactive content caching using surplus renewable energy: A win–win solution for both network service and energy providers. Future Generation Computer Systems, 105(April 2020), 210-221.
  • Aziz Zahed, MI., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2020). Green and Secure Computation Offloading for Cache-Enabled IoT Networks. IEEE Access, 8(1), 63840 - 63855.
  • Aziz Zahed, MI., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V., Zhang, L. (2020). A Cooperative Green Content Caching Technique for Next Generation Communication Networks. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 17(1), 375-388.
  • Aziz Zahed, MI., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2020). Content caching in industrial IoT: Security and energy considerations. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(1), 491-504.
  • Mousavi, N., Kothapalli, G., Habibi, D., Das, C., Baniasadi, A. (2020). A novel photovoltaic-pumped hydro storage microgrid applicable to rural areas. Applied Energy, 262(15 March 2020), Article number 114284.
  • Mousavi, N., Kothapalli, G., Habibi, D., Lachowicz, S., Moghaddam, V. (2020). A real-time energy management strategy for pumped hydro storage systems in farmhouses. Journal of Energy Storage, 32(December 2020), Article number 101928.
  • Pradhan, P., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Kothapalli, G., Masoum, MA. (2020). Reducing the Impacts of Electric Vehicle Charging on Power Distribution Transformers. IEEE Access, 8(24 November 2020), 210183-210193.
  • Khaled, H., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2020). A Secure and Energy-Aware Approach For Cognitive Radio Communications. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 1(14 July 2020), 900-915.
  • Omara, A., Abuelnuor, A., Mohammed, H., Habibi, D., Younis, O. (2020). Improving solar cooker performance using phase change materials: A comprehensive review. Solar Energy, 207(1-Sep-20), 539-563.
  • Al Muallim, B., Wahid, M., Mohammed, H., Kamil, M., Habibi, D. (2020). Thermal-Hydraulic performance in a microchannel heat sink equipped with longitudinal vortex generators (LVGs) and nanofluid. Processes, 8(2), Article number 231.
  • Wanasinghe, D., Aslani, F., Ma, G., Habibi, D. (2020). Advancements in electromagnetic interference shielding cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials, 231(20 January 2020), Article number 117116.
  • Wanasinghe, D., Aslani, F., Ma, G., Habibi, D. (2020). Review of polymer composites with diverse nanofillers for electromagnetic interference shielding. Nanomaterials, 10(3), Article number 541.
  • Li, S., Xia, C., Cheng, Z., Mao, W., Liu, R., Habibi, D. (2020). Leak Location Based on PDS-VMD of Leakage-Induced Vibration Signal under Low SNR in Water-Supply Pipelines. IEEE Access, 8(31 March 2020), 68091-68102.
  • Liu, R., Habibi, D., Chai, D., Wang, X., Chen, H., Gao, Y., Li, S. (2020). A comprehensive review of acoustic methods for locating underground pipelines. Applied Sciences, 10(3), Article number 1031.
  • Penney, G., Habibi, D., Cattani, M. (2020). RUIM – A fire safety engineering model for rural urban interface firefighter taskforce deployment. Fire Safety Journal, 113(May 2020), Article number 102986.

Conference Publications

  • Waqar, A., Kumar, R., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2020). Augmenting the Accuracy of EPTS and Smartwatches Using Multiband RTK GNSS Module and UWB Positioning System. 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM) (Article number 9299066). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Faridnia, N., Habibi, D., Lachowicz, S., Kavousifard, A. (2019). Optimal scheduling in a microgrid with a tidal generation. Energy, 171(15 March 2019), 435-443.
  • Mowla, MM., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2019). Energy Efficient Backhauling for 5G Small Cell Networks. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 4(3), 279-292.
  • Al-Shammari, Y., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2019). A Multiple-Input Cascaded DC-DC Converter for Very Small Wind Turbines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66(6), 4414-4423.
  • Penney, G., Habibi, D., Cattani, M., Carter, M. (2019). Calculation of critical water flow rates for wildfire suppression. Fire, 2(1), article no.3.
  • Penney, G., Habibi, D., Cattani, M. (2019). Firefighter tenability and its influence on wildfire suppression. Fire Safety Journal, 106(June 2019), 38-51.
  • Baniasadi, A., Habibi, D., Bass, O., Masoum, M. (2019). Optimal Real-Time Residential Thermal Energy Management for Peak-Load Shifting With Experimental Verification. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(5), 5587-5599.
  • Mousavi, N., Kothapalli, G., Habibi, D., Khiadani, M., Das, C. (2019). An improved mathematical model for a pumped hydro storage system considering electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic losses. Applied Energy, 247(1 August 2019), 228-236.
  • Moghaddam, Z., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Masoum, M. (2019). A coordinated dynamic pricing model for electric vehicle charging stations. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 5(1), 226-238.
  • Das, CK., Bass, O., Mahmoud, T., Kothapalli, G., Mousavi, N., Habibi, D., Sherkat Masoum, MA. (2019). Optimal allocation of distributed energy storage systems to improve performance and power quality of distribution networks. Applied Energy, 252(15 October 2019), Article number 113468.
  • Liu, Y., Habibi, D., Chai, D., Wang, X., Chen, H. (2019). A numerical study of axisymmetric wave propagation in buried fluid-filled pipes for optimizing the vibro-acoustic technique when locating gas pipelines. Energies, 12(19), Article number 3707.
  • Meghji, M., Balloch, A., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I., Hart, N., Newton, R., Weber, J., Waqar, A. (2019). An Algorithm for the Automatic Detection and Quantification of Athletes’ Change of Direction Incidents Using IMU Sensor Data. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(12), 4518-4527.

Conference Publications

  • Khaled, H., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2019). An Energy-Aware Cognitive Radio-Based Communication Approach For Next Generation Wireless Networks. Proceedings - 21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2019 (1817-1824). IEEE.
  • Baniasadi, A., Habibi, D., Al-Saedi, W., Masoum, M. (2019). A Cost-effective Thermal and Electrical Energy Storage Management Strategy for Smart Buildings. Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019 (Article number 8905537). IEEE.
  • Liu, Y., Habibi, D., Chai, D., Wang, X., Chen, H. (2019). An analytical model of buried plastic gas pipe for acoustic detection. Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (Article number 151920). Canadian Acoustical Association.
  • Baniasadi, A., Habibi, D., Al-Saedi, W., Masoum, M. (2019). PV Self-Consumption Enhancement with Optimal Residential Thermal Energy Management. 2019 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, ICPES 2019 (article number 9105462). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
  • Mousavi, N., Kothapalli, G., Habibi, D., Das, C. (2019). Operational Cost reduction of PV-PHS systems in farmhouses: Modelling, Design, and Experimental validation. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) (8 p.). IOP Publishing.
  • Aziz Zahed, MI., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V., Zhang, L., Mathew, A. (2019). Security Aware Content Caching for Next Generation Communication Networks. Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (Article number 8762007). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Das, CK., Bass, O., Kothapalli, G., Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D. (2018). Overview of energy storage systems in distribution networks: Placement, sizing, operation, and power quality. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 91(August 2018), 1205-1230.
  • Moghaddam, Z., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2018). Smart Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 4(1), 76-88.
  • Das, CK., Bass, O., Kothapalli, G., Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D. (2018). Optimal placement of distributed energy storage systems in distribution networks using artificial bee colony algorithm. Applied Energy, 232(15 December 2018), 212-228.

Conference Publications

  • Badal, S., Ahmad, I., Phung, V., Dines, E., Habibi, D. (2018). A Ground Based Sensor Network for Water Stress Measurement. Proceedings of 2018 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content, IC-NIDC 2018 (96-100). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
  • Khaled, H., Mowla, M., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2018). A software defined radio based power saving strategy for next generation mobile systems. International Conference on Information Networking (510-515). IEEE Computer Society.
  • Pandey, L., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2018). Leak detection through geomembrane liner using electrical resistivity method. 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics 2018, ICG 2018 (800-805). Korean Geosynthetics Society.

Journal Articles

  • Jia, Z., Kang, J., Zhang, W., Wang, W., Yang, C., Sun, H., Habibi, D., Zhang, L. (2017). Surface aging behaviour of Fe-based amorphous alloys as catalysts during heterogeneous photo Fenton-like process for water treatment. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 204(December 2016), 537-547.
  • Mowla, MM., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2017). A Green Communication Model for 5G Systems. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 1(3), 264 - 280.
  • Marzuki, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2017). Mobile Small Cells: Broadband Access Solution for Public Transport Users. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(6), 190-197.
  • Pandey, L., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2017). Resistivity profiles of Perth soil in leak detection test. Geotechnical Research, 4(4), 214-221.
  • Jia, Z., La, L., Zhang, W., Liang, S., Jiang, B., Xie, S., Habibi, D., Zhang, L. (2017). Strong enhancement on dye photocatalytic degradation by ball-milled TiO2: A study of cationic and anionic dyes. Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 33(8), 856-863.
  • Phung, V., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Hinckley, S. (2017). Automated Insect Detection using Acoustic Features Based on Sound Generated from Insect Activities. Acoustics Australia, 45(2), 445-451.

Conference Publications

  • Jia, Z., Li, X., Liang, S., Qin, P., Habibi, D., Zhang, L. (2017). Rapid Decolorization and Mineralization of Congo Red Using Fe78Si9B13Amorphous Alloy by Photo Fenton-Like Process. Materials in Environmental Engineering-Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Materials Science and Environmental Engineering (761-772).
  • Marzuki, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2017). Resource Management in Multi-Hop Mobile Small Cell Networks. 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference GLOBECOM - Proceedings (1-7). IEEE.
  • Mowla, MM., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2017). An energy efficient resource management and planning system for 5G networks. Proceedings of the 2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) (216-224). IEEE.
  • Budomo, J., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Dines, E. (2017). 4G LTE-A systems at vehicular speeds: Performance evaluation. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) (321-326). IEEE.
  • Al-Saedi, W., Lachowicz, S., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2017). PSO algorithm for an optimal power controller in a microgrid. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (article no. 012028). IOP Science.

Journal Articles

  • Kumar Deb Nath, U., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2016). Gridable Vehicles and Second Life Batteries for Generation Side Asset Management in the Smart Grid. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 82(November), 114-123.
  • Jia, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, W., Habibi, D., Zhang, L. (2016). Amorphous Fe78Si9B13 alloy: An efficient and reusable photo-enhanced Fenton-like catalyst in degradation of cibacron brilliant red 3B-A dye under UV-vis light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 192(2016), 46-56.
  • Jia, Z., Miao, J., Lu, H., Habibi, D., Zhang, W., Zhang, L. (2016). Photocatalytic degradation and absorption kinetics of cibacron brilliant yellow 3G-P by nanosized ZnO catalyst under simulated solar light. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 60(2016), 267-274.
  • Kuranchie, A., Shukla, S., Habibi, D., Hossain, M. (2016). Load-settlement behaviour of a strip footing resting on iron ore tailings as a structural fill. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 26(2), 247-253.
  • Kuranchie, A., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2016). Utilization of iron ore mine tailings for the production of geopolymer bricks. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 30(2), 92-114.
  • Hossain, M., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2016). Behaviour of an embedded footing on geotextile-reinforced sand. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement, 169(2), 120-133.
  • Ahmed, M., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2016). Load-Adaptive Resource Management for Green Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Network (WOBAN). Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(10), 2359-2370.

Conference Publications

  • Morshed, KM., Esselle, KP., Heimlich, M., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2016). Wideband Slotted Planar Inverted-F Antenna for Millimeter-Wave 5G Mobile Devices. Proceedings 2016 IEEE Region 10 Symposium, TENSYMP 2016 (194-197). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..

Book Chapters

  • Ang, K., Zungeru, AM., Seng, J., Habibi, D. (2015). Artificial insect algorithms for routing in wireless sensor systems. Emerging Research on Swarm Intelligence and Algorithm Optimization (191-213). IGI Global.

Journal Articles

  • Pandey, L., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2015). Electrical resistivity of sandy soil. Geotechnique Letters, 5(3), 178-185.
  • Kuranchie, A., Shukla, S., Habibi, D., Mohyeddin Kermani, A. (2015). Utilisation of iron ore tailings as aggregates in concrete. Cogent Engineering, 2(1), 1-11.
  • Kumar Deb Nath, U., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Saber, AY. (2015). Improving Battery Lifetime of Gridable Vehicles and System Reliability in the Smart Grid. IEEE Systems Journal, 9(3), 989-999.
  • Ahmed, M., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2015). Service Class Resource Management for Green Wireless-Optical Broadband Access Networks (WOBAN). Journal of Lightwave Technology, 33(1), Article no. 6936842.
  • Salih, E., Lachowicz, S., Bass, O., Habibi, D. (2015). Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for Damping Enhancement of a Wind Farm Generation System. Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, 3(6), 398-405.
  • Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D., Hassan, MY., Bass, O. (2015). Modelling self-optimised short term load forecasting for medium voltage loads using tunning fuzzy systems and Artificial Neural Networks. Energy Conversion and Management, 106(2015), 1396-1408.
  • Ahmed, M., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2015). Green wireless-optical broadband access network: Energy and quality-of-service considerations. IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN), 7(7), 669-680.
  • Kumar Deb Nath, U., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Saber, AY. (2015). Energy storage model with gridable vehicles for economic load dispatch in the smart grid. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 64(2015), 1017-1024.
  • Ehtemam Haghighi, S., Lu, H., Jian, G., Cao, G., Habibi, D., Zhang, L. (2015). Effect of α″ martensite on the microstructure and mechanical properties of beta-type Ti-Fe-Ta Alloys. Materials and Design, 76(1), 47-54.
  • Miao, J., Lu, HB., Habibi, D., Khiadani, M., Zhang, L. (2015). Photocatalytic Degradation of the Azo Dye Acid Red 14 in Nanosized TiO2 Suspension under Simulated Solar Light. CLEAN: Soil, Air, Water, 43(7), 1037-1043.
  • Hossain, M., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2015). Effect of submergence on settlement and bearing capacity of surface strip footing on geotextile-reinforced sand bed. International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering, 1(4), 4.1-4.11.
  • Hossain, M., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2015). An improved method to increase the load-bearing capacity of strip footing resting on geotextile-reinforced sand bed. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 45(1), 98-109.
  • Kuranchie, A., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2015). Electrical resistivity of iron ore mine tailings produced in Western Australia. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 29(3), 191-200.
  • Hossain, M., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2015). Behavior of embedded strip footing on sand bed reinforced with multilayer geotextile layers with wraparound ends. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 9(5), 437-452.

Journal Articles

  • O'Brien, S., Shaw, J., Zhao, X., Abbott, P., Munroe, P., Xu, J., Habibi, D., Xie, Z. (2014). Size dependent elastic modulus and mechanical resilience of dental enamel. Journal of Biomechanics, 47(5), 1060–1066.
  • Kumar Deb Nath, U., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2014). Quantifying economic benefits of second life batteries of gridable vehicles in the smart grid. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 63(2014), 577-587.
  • Kuranchie, A., Shukla, S., Habibi, D., Zhao, X., Hossain, M. (2014). Studies on electrical resistivity of Perth sand. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 8(4), 449-457.
  • Miao, J., Jia, Z., Lu, H., Habibi, D., Zhang, L. (2014). Heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation of mordant black 11 with ZnO nanoparticles under UV–Vis light. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45(4), 1636-1641.
  • Meghji, M., Habibi, D. (2014). Investigating transmission power control for wireless sensor networks based on 802.15.4 specifications. Telecommunication Systems, 56(2), 299-310.
  • Amri, A., Jiang, Z., Zhao, X., Xie, Z., Yin, C., Ali, N., Mondinos, N., Rahman, M., Habibi, D. (2014). Tailoring the physicochemical and mechanical properties of optical copper–cobalt oxide thin films through annealing treatment. Surface and Coatings Technology, 239(Jan 2014), 212–221.
  • Qandour, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Leppard, M. (2014). Remote beehive monitoring using acoustic signals. Acoustics Australia, 42(3), 204-209.

Conference Publications

  • Salih, E., Lachowicz, S., Bass, O., Habibi, D. (2014). Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for Increasing Stability of a Wind Power Generation System. Proceedings of the 2014 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC 2014) (1 - 6). IEEE.
  • Salih, E., Lachowicz, S., Bass, O., Habibi, D. (2014). Application of a superconducting magnetic energy storage unit for power systems stability improvement. 2014 International Conference on Green Energy (267 - 272). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2013). Improving quality of service in WiMAX communication at vehicular speeds: a new call admission control solution. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 13(5), 451-459.
  • Zhao, X., Munroe, P., Habibi, D., Xie, Z. (2013). Roles of compressive residual stress in enhancing the corrosion resistance of nano nitride composite coatings on steel. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 1(1), 86-94.
  • Zhao, X., O'Brien, S., Shaw, J., Abbott, P., Munroe, P., Habibi, D., Xie, Z. (2013). The origin of remarkable resilience of human tooth enamel. Applied Physics Letters, 103(24), 241901.
  • Wo, P., Zhao, X., Munroe, P., Zhou, Z., Li, K., Habibi, D., Xie, Z. (2013). Extremely hard, damage-tolerant ceramic coatings with functionally graded, periodically varying architecture. Acta Materialia, 61(1), 193-204.
  • Al-Saedi, W., Lachowicz, S., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2013). Voltage and frequency regulation based DG unit in an autonomous microgrid operation using Particle Swarm Optimization. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 53(1), 742-751.
  • Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Zhang, L., Habibi, D., Xie, Z., Xie, Z. (2013). Architectural design of diamond-like carbon coatings for long-lasting joint replacements. Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications, 33(5), 2788-2794.
  • Al-Saedi, W., Lachowicz, S., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2013). Power flow control in grid-connected microgrid operation using Particle Swarm Optimization under variable load conditions. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 49(1), 76-85.

Conference Publications

  • Kuranchie, A., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2013). Mine wastes in Western Australia and their suitability for embankment construction. Geo-Congress 2013: Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments III (Geotechnical Special Publication 231) (1450-1459). American Society of Civil Engineers.
  • Kuranchie, A., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2013). Study on mine wastes as potential resource for brick manufacturing in Western Australia. Research, Development and Practice in Structural Engineering and Construction (819-823). Research Publishing Services.


  • Qandour, A., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2012). Application Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: A focus into the impact of WSNs on environmental and social applications. Lambert Academic Publishing.

Book Chapters

  • Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D., Bass, O., Lachowicz, S. (2012). Fuzzy Inference System in Energy Demand Prediction. Fuzzy Inference System - Theory and Applications (355-376). In-Tech.
  • Habibi, D., Phung, QV. (2012). Graph Theory for Survivability Design in Communication Networks. New Frontiers in Graph Theory (421-434). In-Tech.

Journal Articles

  • Lai, D., Xu, J., Xie, Z., Habibi, D., Munroe, P. (2012). Mechanical characterization of a novel nanocrystalline coating: First-principles calculations and nanoindentation. Materials Characterization, 68, 1-6.
  • Ahmad, I., Kamruzzaman, J., Habibi, D. (2012). Application of artificial intelligence to improve quality of service in computer networks. Neural Computing and Applications, 21(1), 81-90.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2012). Improving Throughput in WiMAX Communication at Vehicular Speeds. Journal of High Speed Networks, 18(3), 157-171.
  • Al-Saedi, W., Lachowicz, S., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2012). Power quality enhancement in autonomous microgrid operation using Particle Swarm Optimization. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 42(1), 139–149.

Conference Publications

  • Meghji, M., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). Practical issues in building an embedded sensor network application using 802.15.4: Linking hardware & MAC protocol. Proceedings of 2012 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2012) (1-7). IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2012). Resource Management in 4G Wireless Communications at Vehicular Speeds: A Game Theory Solution. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall) (1-5). IEEE.
  • Meghji, M., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). Performance evaluation of 802.15.4 Medium Access Control during network association and synchronization for sensor networks. 2012 Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN) (27-33). IEEE.
  • Qandour, A., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). Application Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of 2012 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (1-6). IEEE.
  • Al-Saedi, W., Lachowicz, S., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2012). Stability Analysis of an Autonomous Microgrid Operation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. POWERCON 2012 (1-6). IEEE.
  • Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2012). Fuzzy Logic for Smart Utilisation of Storage Devices in A Typical Microgrid. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) (6). IEEE.
  • Qandour, A., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). Applied Application of Sensor Networks in Underground Mines. Proceedings of 2012 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (256-260). IEEE.
  • Shah, N., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). Multichannel Cognitive Medium Access Control Protocol for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall) (1-5). IEEE.
  • Ahmed, M., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). An Improved Architecture for Integrating Fourth Generation Wireless and Passive Optical Networks. Proceedings of TENCON 2012 - 2012 IEEE Region 10 (1-6). IEEE.
  • Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2012). Fuzzy-Based Adaptive Pricing Rules for a Typical Microgrid Energy Management System. APSCOM 2012 Conference Proceedings: The 9th IET International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (6p.). Institution of Engineering and Technology.
  • Bose, B., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2012). Bit Error Rate Analysis in WiMAX Communication at Vehicular Speeds Using Nakagami-m Fading Model. Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall) (1-5). IEEE.
  • Qandour, A., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). Wireless Sensor Networks for Fire Emergency and Gas Detection. Proceedings of 2012 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (250-255). IEEE.
  • Dutt, S., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2012). A Low Cost Atheros System-on-Chip and OpenWrt Based Testbed for 802.11 WLAN Research. Proceedings of TENCON 2012 - 2012 IEEE Region 10 (1-4). IEEE.
  • Al-Shabib, W., Habibi, D., Xie, Z., Zhao, X. (2012). Identifying smart conducting materials for Wi-Fi electromagnetic interference shielding. 2012 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, APEMC 2012 - Proceedings (741-744). IEEE.

Book Chapters

  • Ramraj, R., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2011). Multi-Access Environments in Next Generation Networks. Wireless Multi-Access Environments and Quality of Service Provisioning: Solutions and Application (1-17). IGI Global.

Journal Articles

  • Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2011). Dynamic passive pressure from c-Φ soil backfills. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 31(5-6), 845-848.
  • Zen, K., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2011). Adaptive coordinator switching scheme for mobile sensor network. Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 8(3), 189-198.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2011). A WiMAX Solution for Real-Time Video Surveillance in Public Transport. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, 3(2), 14-28.

Conference Publications

  • Al-Saedi, W., Lachowicz, S., Habibi, D. (2011). An Optimal Current Control Strategy for a Three-Phase Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Using Particle Swarm Optimization. 2011 International Conference on Management Science and Intelligent Control (286-290). IEEE.
  • Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2011). Upgrading a Medium Size Enterprise Power System with Wind and Solar Sources: Design, Financial and Environmental Perspectives. Proceedings of ENERGY 2011, The First International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies (7). XPS (Xpert Publishing Services).
  • Meghji, M., Habibi, D. (2011). Transmission power control in single-hop and multi-hop wireless sensor networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (130-143). Springer.
  • Al-Saedi, W., Lachowicz, S., Habibi, D., Bass, O. (2011). Power Quality Improvement in Autonomous Microgrid Operation Using Particle Swarm Optimization. Smarter Grid for Sustainable and Affordable Energy Future (5). IEEE.
  • Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D., Bass, O., Lachowicz, S. (2011). Load Demand Forecasting: Model Inputs Selection. Smarter Grid for Sustainable and Affordable Energy Future (6). IEEE.
  • Ullah, I., Zhao, X., Habibi, D., Kiani, G. (2011). Transmission Improvement of UMTS and Wi-Fi Signals Through Energy Saving Glass Using FSS. Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), 2011 IEEE 12th Annual (1-5). IEEE.
  • Dutt, S., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2011). A novel optimized scheduler to provide QoS for video IP telephony over wireless networks. 2011 IEEE 13th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) (455-461). IEEE.
  • Mahmoud, T., Habibi, D., Bass, O., Lachowicz, S. (2011). Tuning Fuzzy Systems to Achieve Economic Dispatch for Microgids. Smarter Grid for Sustainable and Affordable Energy Future (6). IEEE.
  • Ullah, I., Habibi, D., Zhao, X., Kiani, G. (2011). Design of RF/Microwave Efficient Buildings Using Frequency Selective Surface. 2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (2080-2084). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Nguyen, H., Habibi, D., Phung, V. (2010). Efficient optimization of network protection design with p-cycles. Photonic Network Communications, 19(1), 22-31.

Conference Publications

  • Zahid, M., Shukla, S., Habibi, D. (2010). Mechanics of active earth pressure under surcharge and seismic loading conditions. Proceedings of the Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, ACAM 6 (9p.). Engineers Australia.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2010). High Utility Video Surveillance System on Public Transport using WiMAX technology. Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2010 IEEE (5p.). IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2010). Call Admission Control Scheme for the IEEE 802.16e at Vehicular Speeds. High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), 2010 12th IEEE International Conference on (413-418). IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2010). Call Admission Control Scheme for Improved Quality of Service in WiMAX Communication at Vehicular Speeds. GLOBECOM 2010, 2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (1-6). IEEE.

Book Chapters

  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2009). Quality of Service in WiMax. WiMAX Network Planning and Optimization (3-18). Auerbach Publications.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Zen, H., Habibi, D. (2009). Resolving Collisions in IEEE 802.11 by means of Contention Window Reservation Scheduling. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (5p.). Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications.
  • Zen, K., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2009). A New Algorithm to Improve Mobile Sensor Node Connectivity Based on Link Quality Indicator. TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference (1-6). IEEE.

Journal Articles

Conference Publications

  • Zen, H., Habibi, D., Rassau, A., Wyatt, J. (2008). Adaptive Segregation-Based MAC Protocol for Real-Time Multimedia Traffic in WLANs. Proceedings of the 2007 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks (6p). IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., Rahman, Z. (2008). An Improved FEC Scheme for Mobile Wireless Communication at Vehicular Speeds. Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2008. ATNAC 2008. Australasian (312-316). IEEE.
  • Zen, K., Habibi, D., Rassau, A., Ahmad, I. (2008). Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 for Mobile Sensor Network. 5th IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2008, WOCN '08 (1-5). IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2008). A Proactive Forward Error Control Scheme for Mobile WiMAX Communication. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE ICCS 2008 (1647-1649). IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Habibi, D. (2008). A Novel Mobile WiMAX Solution for Higher Throughput. Networks, 2008. ICON 2008. 16th IEEE International Conference on (1-5). IEEE.
  • Rahman, Z., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2008). Source Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Optimised Maximum Likelihood. Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2008. ATNAC 2008. Australasian (235-239). IEEE.
  • Zen, H., Habibi, D., Rassau, A., Ahmad, I. (2008). Optimized WLAN MAC Protocol for Multimedia Applications. 5th IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks,2008, WOCN '08 (1-5). IEEE.
  • Zen, K., Habibi, D. (2008). Improving the IEEE802.15.4 Re-Association Process in Mobile Sensor Networks. Communication Systems and Networks (CSN 2008) (119-124). ACTA Press.
  • Zen, H., Habibi, D., Wyatt, J., Ahmad, I. (2008). Converging Voice, Video and Data in WLAN with QoS Support. 5th IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2008, WOCN '08 (1-5). IEEE.
  • Zen, H., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I., Rassau, A. (2008). Node Admision Control For Multimedia Traffic In Ad-Hoc Wlans. International Conference on Advance Technologies for Communications 2008 (417-420). IEEE.
  • Zen, H., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2008). Self-restraint Admission Control for Ad-hoc WLANs. Australian Telecommunications Network and Applications Conference ATNAC 2008 (186-191). IEEE.
  • Zen, K., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I. (2008). Improving Mobile Sensor Connectivity Time in the IEEE 802.15.4 Networks. Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2008. ATNAC 2008. Australasian (317-320). IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Kamruzzaman, J., Habibi, D., Islam, F. (2008). An Intelligent Model To Control Preemption Rate Of Instantaneous Request Calls In Networks With Book-Ahead Reservation. Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2008. ATNAC 2008. Australasian (344-348). IEEE.

Conference Publications

  • Wyatt, JR., Habibi, D., Ahmad, I., Zen, H. (2007). Providing QoS for Symmetrical Voice/Video Traffic in Wireless Networks. Proceedings of 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks 2007 (312-317). IEEE Press.
  • Habibi, D., Phung, QV., Nguyen, H. (2007). Minimizing the Number of Constraints for Shared Backup Path Protection (SBPP) in Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) Optical Mesh Networks. Proceedings 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks 2007 (246-251). IEEE.
  • Zen, H., Habibi, D., Rassau, A., Ahmad, I., Wyatt, J. (2007). Adaptive Segregation-Based MAC Protocol for Real-Time Multimedia Traffic in WLANs. Proceedings of the 2007 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks (6p). IEEE.
  • Zen, H., Habibi, D., Rassau, A., Ahmad, I. (2007). A Segregation Based MAC Protocol for Real-Time Multimedia Traffic in WLANs. Proceedings of IFIP International: Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN) 2007l (4p). IFIP.
  • Phung, QV., Habibi, D., Nguyen, H. (2007). On Diverse Routing for Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLGs) in Optical Mesh Networks. Proceedings of the 2007 15th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2007) (235-239). Causal Productions [for] IEEE.
  • Ahmad, I., Kamruzzaman, J., Habibi, D. (2007). Rerouting technique for faster restoration of preempted calls. Proceedings of the Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2007 (676-681). IEEE Press.

Conference Publications

  • Lo, K., Habibi, D., Rassau, A., Phung, QV., Nguyen, H., Kang, B. (2006). A Hybrid p-Cycle Search Algorithm for Protection in WDM Mesh Networks. Networks, 2006. ICON '06. 14th IEEE International Conference on (262-267). IEEE.
  • Lo, K., Habibi, D., Phung, QV., Rassau, A., Nguyen, H. (2006). Efficient p-Cycle Design by Heuristic p-Cycle Selection and Refinement for Servivable WDM Mesh Networks. Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2006 (5p). IEEE Communication Society.
  • Nguyen, H., Habibi, D., Phung, QV., Lachowicz, S., Lo, K., Kang, B. (2006). Joint optimization in capacity design of networks with p-cycle using the fundamental cycle set. Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2006 (5p). IEEE.
  • Phung, QV., Habibi, D., Nguyen, H., Lo, K. (2006). A segmentation method for shared protection in WDM networks. Networks, 2006. ICON '06. 14th IEEE International Conference on (484-489). IEEE.

Conference Publications

  • Phung, QV., Habibi, D., Nguyen, H., Lo, K. (2005). Capacity Utilization versus Congestion Levels in wavelength Routing for large scale WDM Networks. 2005 Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (822-826). IEEE.
  • Nguyen, H., Habibi, D., Phung, QV., Lo, K. (2005). A Shared Backup Path Protection Scheme for Optical Mesh Networks. 2005 Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (309-313). IEEE.
  • Lo, K., Habibi, D., Phung, QV., Nguyen, H. (2005). Dynamic Wavelength routing in all optical mesh network. 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (178-182). IEEE.
  • Habibi, D., Moini, A., Mao, G. (2005). Challenges and Opportunities for LCOS devices in optical switching and networking. Smart Structures Devices and Systems II Proceedings of SPIE 5649 (162-170). SPIE.
  • Sobhanmanesh, F., Nooshabadi, S., Habibi, D. (2005). A Robust QR based detector for V Blast and its efficient hardware implementation. 2005 Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (421-424). IEEE.
  • Moini, A., Habibi, D., Mao, G. (2005). 1536 x 1536 silicon backplane for optical switching using dynamic holography. Smart Structures, Devices and Systems ii (44-52). SPIE.
  • Lo, K., Habibi, D., Phung, QV., Nguyen, H., Kang, B. (2005). Dynamic p-cycles selection in optical WDM Mesh networks. 2005 13th IEEE International Conference on Networks : jointly held with the 2005 7th IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications (844-849). IEEE.
  • Phung, QV., Habibi, D., Nguyen, H., Lo, K. (2005). K Pair of disjoint paths Algorithm for Protection in WDM Optical Networks. 2005 Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (183-187). IEEE.
  • Habibi, D., Nguyen, H., Phung, QV., Lo, K. (2005). Establishing Physical Survivability of Large Networks using Properties of Two-Connected Graphs. Proceedings of the TENCON 2005 2005 IEEE Region 10 Conference (24-28). IEEE.

Conference Publications

  • Lo, K., Habibi, D., Phung, QV. (2004). Lens design issues for the optical structure of a holographic free space optical switch. Proceedings of SPIE, Volume 5277, Photonics: Design Technology and Packaging (0). SPIE.
  • Zheng, R., Habibi, D., Eshraghian, K. (2004). Adaptive power distribution in optical access network. Proceedings of SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering, Volume 5277, Photonics: Design, Technology, and Packaging (302-310). The Society (SPIE).
  • Phung, QV., Habibi, D., Nguyen, H., Lo, K. (2004). An efficient approach to optimal wavelength routing in WDM optical networks. Networks, 2004. (ICON 2004). Proceedings. 12th IEEE International Conference on (600-604). IEEE.
  • Habibi, D., Phung, QV., Nguyen, H. (2004). A tractable wavelength routing solution for optical networks. Proceedings of Australian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, 2004. (349-355). ATNAC 2004.

Conference Publications

  • Zheng, R., Habibi, D. (2003). Scalable Optical Access network Design using Variable Optical Splitters. 2003 Proceedings of the Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference (3 pages). Australian Telecommunications CRC.
  • Zheng, R., Habibi, D. (2003). Emerging Architectures for Optical Broadband Access Network. 2003 Australian Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conferencee (ATNAC 2003) (3p). ATNAC.
  • Mao, G., Habibi, D. (2003). Connection Admission Control - Closing the Loop. Networks, 2003. ICON2003. The 11th IEEE International Conference on (373-378). IEEE.

Journal Articles

  • Habibi, D., Mao, G. (2002). Loss Performance Analysis for Heterogeneous ON-OFF Sources with Application to Connection Admission Control. IEEE Transactions on Networking, 10, 125-138.
  • Habibi, D., Mao, G. (2002). A Cell Loss Upper Bound for Heterogeneous ON-OFF Sources with Application to Connection Admission Control. Computer Communications, 25, 1172-1184.

Conference Publications

  • Habibi, D., Mao, G. (2002). Scalable Liquid Crystal Opticla Switches: Fiction or Reality?. 1st International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (0). World Scientific Publishing.

Book Chapters

  • Ramakonar, V., Habibi, D., Bouzerdoum, S. (2001). New methods for classification of c p m and spread spectrum communications signals. Communications world (303-309). WSEAS Press.

Conference Publications

  • Eshraghian, K., Habibi, D., Tang, C. (2001). Knowledge-based genetic algorithm for layer assignment. 24th Australian Computer Science Conference ACSC 2001 (0). IEEE.
  • Ramakonar, V., Habibi, D., Bouzerdoum, S. (2001). Classification of bandlimited fsk4 and fsk8 signals. 6th Internatrional Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (0). IEEE and ISSPA.
  • Bouzerdoum, S., Habibi, D., Ramakonar, V. (2001). New algorithm for classification in rayleigh fading channels of spread spectrum communications signals. Intelligent Systems and Control (0). International Association of Science and Technology for Development - IASTED.

Research Projects

  • Under Frequency Load Shedding Prevention using Energy Storage Systems, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Tender, 2024 ‑ 2027, $105,000.
  • Reliability-Oriented Planning for Variable Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems integrated grid, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Tender, 2024 ‑ 2026, $28,000.
  • Addressing Electric Vehicle Battery Repurposing Challenges, iMOVE Australia Limited, iMOVE CRC, 2023 ‑ 2026, $1,255,000.
  • Hybrid Synchronous Condensers (HSCs) for Integration of Renewable Energy towards Net Zero, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Tender, 2024 ‑ 2026, $28,000.
  • Wireless Underwater Communications for mission critical applications, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Defence Science Research Higher Degree Student Grant, 2024 ‑ 2025, $20,000.
  • A reliable underwater messaging system. , Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Defence Science Collaborative Research Grants, 2023 ‑ 2025, $162,000.
  • The intrinsic value of integrating smaller energy storage systems with distributed energy resources , Edith Cowan University, Early-Mid Career Researcher Grant Scheme 2022 (Stream 2), 2023 ‑ 2024, $32,164.
  • Underwater Acoustic Source Identification in Noisy Environments, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation, Defence Science Research Higher Degree Student Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $10,000.
  • EV Batteries Next Life, iMOVE Australia Limited, iMOVE CRC, 2023 ‑ 2024, $110,000.
  • Condition Monitoring of Power Transformers, AusIndustry, Innovation Connections Grant, 2019 ‑ 2021, $101,546.
  • Intelligent Ecosystem for Improving Clinical Treatment and Management Process, AusIndustry, Innovation Connections Grant, 2020 ‑ 2021, $146,252.
  • Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Surveillance System for Catchment Security, Water Corporation, Grant, 2017 ‑ 2020, $265,500.
  • Building an Automated Data Acquisition Platform for Monitoring Health Conditions, Redimed Pty Ltd, Grant, 2019 ‑ 2020, $74,460.
  • Intelligent Management System for Distributed Energy Storage, AusIndustry, Innovation Connections Grant, 2017 ‑ 2019, $224,127.
  • Automatic environmental conditioning for growing plants in indoor microclimates, Edith Cowan University, ECU Industry Collaboration Grant - 2016 (Round 1), 2016 ‑ 2017, $60,000.
  • Developing an acoustic database for biosecurity and pest detection applications, Australian Acoustical Society, Grant, 2016, $4,500.
  • Electronic Catchment Surveillance, Detailed Equipment and Methods Assessment, Water Corporation, Grant, 2016, $57,774.
  • Wireless acoustic sensor for the detection, identification and monitoring of biological hazards in grain silos and storage systems, Grains Research & Development Corporation, Protecting Your Crop, 2014 ‑ 2016, $150,000.
  • Acoustic signal analysis for beehive health monitoring, Australian Acoustical Society, Grant, 2013, $5,455.
  • A Mobile Learning Platform for Sustainability in Power Engineering, Based on Hybrid Renewable Energy, The Australian Power Institute Limited, Australian Power Institute - Grant, 2011 ‑ 2012, $99,517.
  • High Speed Communication Services on Public Transport, Nortel Networks, Grant - Development, 2010 ‑ 2011, $24,993.
  • Video Surveillance Network for Real-Time Central Monitoring of Passenger Safety and Security on Public Trains, Public Transport Authority of Western Australia, Grant, 2009 ‑ 2011, $165,000.
  • WA Centre of Excellence for Microphotonic Systems, Department of Mines and Petroleum, Centre of Excellence, 2004 ‑ 2009, $2,964,970.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Reliability-Oriented Planning for a Medium Islanded Electric System with Variable Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage Systems
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Development of a Cost-Performance Evaluation Framework Towards the Optimal Scheduling of Hybrid Energy Systems
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Multi-agent reinforcement learning schemes for provision of futuristic ancillary serviced in hybrid power plants

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Sliding Mode-Based Load Frequency Control In Interconnected Power Systemstitle
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Strengthening the Sustainability of E-Transportation Through Robust Adaptive DC Technology for Improved Charging and Dynamic Performance of Electric Vehicles
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Significance of Synchronous Condenser and Virtual Synchronous Generator for the Stability of Renewable Energy based Weak-grid Systems
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Efficient Resource Management in Underwater Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Hybrid Synchronous Condensers for Enhancing Renewable Energy Integration in Power System towards Net Zero

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Resource Management in Wireless Underwater Communications
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Advanced Control Methods for Grid-Connected Inverters in Unbalanced Distribution Networks
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Predictive Modeling for Efficient Battery Pack Topology through Dynamic Reconfiguration

Principal Supervisor

  • Master of Engineering Science, Efficient medium access control protocol for vehicular ad-hoc networks
  • Master of Engineering Science, An improved medium access control protocol for real-time applications in wlans and its firmware development
  • Master of Engineering Science, Applicability of audio signals in diagnosis and prognosis of rolling element bearings
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Survivable mesh-network design and optimization to support multiple qop service classes.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Design of mac protocols to support quality of service for multimedia traffic in wireless lans.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Optimal power generation in microgrids using agent-based tehnology.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, On a joint physical layer and medium access control sublayer design for efficient wireless sensor networks and applications.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Smart charging strategies for electric vehicle charging stations
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Acoustic wave propagation in radially layered cylindrical waveguides and its application in fluid energy resource exploration and transportation
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Electric vehicles in smart grids: Performance considerations
  • Master of Engineering Science, Application framework for wireless sensor networks
  • Master of Engineering Science, Detection of collapses and communicating with inaccessible areas in underground coal mines using wsn
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Capacity design for multiple quality of protection in shared risk link group WDM mesh networks.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mobile small cell networks for next generation wireless communication systems
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Application of heat pumps and thermal storage systems for improved control and performance of microgrids
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Quantifying and Managing the Impact of Electric Vehicles on Power Distribution Assets
  • Master of Engineering Science, Development of a long range wireless sensor platform
  • Intelligent Approaches to VLSI Routing
  • Master of Engineering Science, Bit error rate estimation in wimax communications at vehicular speeds using nakagami-m fading model
  • Master of Engineering Science, Measuring and filtering mircowave radiations using frequency selective surface through energy saving glass
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mac protocol design considerations for efficient mobility in wireless sensor networks
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Improving energy efficiency and quality of service in an integrated wireless-optical broadband access network
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Charging Strategies for Commercial Electrical Vehicles
  • Master of Engineering Science, Survivabilty through pre-configured protection in optical mesh networks.
  • Master of Engineering Science, Finding efficient candidate p-cycles in optical WDM mesh networks.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Sparse wavelength converters and placement in WDM mesh networks.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Wildfire suppression - an international analysis of operations, strategy and firefighter safety

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Next generation wireless communication networks: Energy and quality of service considerations
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Enhancing the Capabilities of Electronic Performance Tracking System for Application in Sports
  • Master of Engineering Science, Significance of Battery Energy Storage Systems in Mitigating Challenges in Weak Grids
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Proactive content caching in future generation communication networks: Energy and security considerations
  • Photonic RF Signal Processors
  • Master of Engineering Science, A privacy preserving online learning framework for medical diagnosis applications
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Wireless Communication in Harsh Environments
  • Master of Engineering Science, Acoustic Source Identification in a Noisy Environment
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The integration of pumped hydro storage systems into PV microgrids in rural areas
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Energy and Throughput Efficient Strategies for Heterogeneous Future Communication Networks

Associate Supervisor

  • Intelligent Approaches to VLSI Routing
  • Master of Engineering Science, Electrical resistivity of sandy soil with water, leachates and seawater
  • Master of Engineering Science, A Condition Monitoring System for Rock Drill Bits
  • Master of Engineering Science, Mobility management in 5g hetrogeneous networks
  • Master of Engineering Science, Investigation of Under-Frequency Load Shedding Prevention of Isolated Medium-Sized Power Systems Using Energy Storage
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Opto-VLSI based WDM multifunction devices.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Characterisation and applications of iron ore tailings in building and construction projects
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Optimal control of power quality in microgrids using particle swarm optimisation.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Experimental and numerical analyses of strip footing on geotextile-reinforced soil bed
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Functional application of iron-based metallic glasses in catalysis technology: Design and mechanism
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Liner characterisation and leak detection using electrical resistivity techniques
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