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Dr Ana Vafadar

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 4685
Facsimile: +61 8 6304 5811
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO5.224  

Ana is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher of Mechanical Engineering in the School of Engineering.

Current teaching

  • ENM1102   Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Design
  • ENS2170/ENS6138 Principles of Industrial Maintenance
  • ENS2214/ENS6105 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing

Awards and recognition

  • 2020: ECU Vice-Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award - Innovative Teaching

Research areas and interests

  • Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Processes
  • Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Topology Optimization
  • Cost Analysis and Decision Making Models
  • Optimisation Processes
  • Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Edith Cowan University, 2017.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Makhesana, MA., Vesuwala, H., Patel, KM., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Sarikaya, M., Khanna, N. (2024). Assessing the cooling/lubricating agencies for sustainable alternatives during machining of Nimonic 80: Economic and environmental impacts. Heliyon, 10(8), article number e29238.
  • Yasmin, F., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M. (2024). Application of Additive Manufacturing in the Development of Polymeric Bioresorbable Cardiovascular Stents: A Review. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2024(Article in press), Article number 2400210.
  • Perera, P., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2024). Erosion wear characterisation of an open Ductile Iron butterfly valve subjected to Aluminium Oxide particle slurry flow. Tribology International, 191(2024), article number 109199.
  • Hurry, A., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Rauthan, K. (2024). Numerical investigation of the thermo-hydraulic performance of a shark denticle-inspired plate fin heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, 239(2024), article number 122192.

Journal Articles

  • Jones, J., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hashemi, R. (2023). A Review of the Mechanical Properties of 17-4PH Stainless Steel Produced by Bound Powder Extrusion. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 7(5), Article number 162.
  • Hurry, A., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Rauthan, K., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2023). Thermo-hydraulic performance evaluation of a NACA 63-015 heat exchanger with shark denticles as surface textures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 216(2023), article number 124591.

Book Chapters

  • Llanto, J., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M. (2022). Multi-objective Optimisation in Abrasive Waterjet Contour Cutting of AISI 304L. Production Engineering and Robust Control (35). Intech Open.

Journal Articles

  • Khanna, N., Zadafiya, K., Patel, T., Kaynak, Y., Rashid, R., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2021). Review on machining of additively manufactured Nickel and Titanium alloys. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 15(November–December 2021), 3192-3221.
  • Llanto, J., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Aamir, M., Tolouei Rad, M. (2021). Analysis and Optimization of Process Parameters in Abrasive Waterjet Contour Cutting of AISI 304L. Metals, 11(9), Article number 1362.
  • Ali, S., Ahmad, F., Akhtar, K., Habib, N., Aamir, M., Giasin, K., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Pimenov, D. (2021). Numerical Investigation of Microchannel Heat Sink with Trefoil Shape Ribs. Energies, 14(20), Article number 6764.
  • Aamir, M., Tolouei Rad, M., Giasin , K., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Koklu , U., Keeble , W. (2021). Evaluation of the Surface Defects and Dimensional Tolerances in Multi-Hole Drilling of AA5083, AA6061, and AA2024. Applied Sciences, 11(9), Article number 4285.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Guzzomi, N., Hayward, K. (2021). Experimental Investigation and Comparison of the Thermal Performance of Additively and Conventionally Manufactured Heat Exchangers. Metals, 11(4), Article number 574.
  • Llanto, J., Tolouei Rad, M., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Aamir, M. (2021). Impacts of Traverse Speed and Material Thickness on Abrasive Waterjet Contour Cutting of Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 304L. Applied Sciences, 11(11), Article number 4925.
  • Rauthan, K., Guzzomi, N., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Hurry, A. (2021). Experimental Investigation of Pressure Drop Performance of Smooth and Dimpled Single Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers. Metals, 11(11), Article number 1757.
  • Llanto, J., Tolouei Rad, M., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Aamir, M. (2021). Recent Progress Trend on Abrasive Waterjet Cutting of Metallic Materials: A Review. Applied Sciences, 11(8), Article number 3344.
  • Aamir, M., Davis, A., Keeble , W., Koklu , U., Giasin , K., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M. (2021). The Effect of TiN-, TiCN-, TiAlN-, and TiSiN Coated Tools on the Surface Defects and Geometric Tolerances of Holes in Multi-Spindle Drilling of Al2024 Alloy. Metals, 11(7), Article number 1103.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Guzzomi, N., Rassau, A., Hayward, K. (2021). Advances in Metal Additive Manufacturing: A Review of Common Processes, Industrial Applications, and Current Challenges. Applied Sciences, 11(3), Article number 1213.

Journal Articles

  • Aamir, M., Tolouei Rad, M., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Raja, N., Giasin, K. (2020). Performance Analysis of Multi-Spindle Drilling of Al2024 with TiN and TiCN Coated Drills Using Experimental and Artificial Neural Networks Technique. Applied Sciences, 10(23), Article number 8633.
  • Aamir, M., Tolouei Rad, M., Giasin, K., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2020). Machinability of Al2024, Al6061, and Al5083 alloys using multi-hole simultaneous drilling approach. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(5), 10991-11002.
  • Aamir, M., Giasin, K., Tolouei Rad, M., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2020). A review: drilling performance and hole quality of aluminium alloys for aerospace applications. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 9(6), 12484-12500.
  • Aamir, M., Tolouei Rad, M., Giasin, K., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2020). Feasibility of tool configuration and the effect of tool material, and tool geometry in multi-hole simultaneous drilling of Al2024. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 111(3-4), 861–879.
  • Aamir, M., Tu, S., Tolouei Rad, M., Giasin, K., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2020). Optimization and modeling of process parameters in multi-hole simultaneous drilling using taguchi method and fuzzy logic approach. Materials, 13(3), Article number 680.

Journal Articles

  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K. (2019). An integrated model to use drilling modular machine tools. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102(5-8), 2387-2397.
  • Aamir, M., Tolouei Rad, M., Ud Din, I., Giasin, K., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2019). Performance of SAC305 and SAC305-0.4La lead free electronic solders at high temperature. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, 31(4), 250-260.
  • Masoudi, S., Mirabdolahi, M., Dayyani, M., Jafarian, F., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Dorali, MR. (2019). Development of an intelligent model to optimize heat-affected zone, kerf, and roughness in 309 stainless steel plasma cutting by using experimental results. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 34(3), 345-356.

Journal Articles

  • Masoudi, S., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hadad, M., Jafarian, F. (2018). Experimental investigation into the effects of nozzle position, workpiece hardness, and tool type in MQL turning of AISI 1045 steel. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 33(9), 1011-1019.

Journal Articles

  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Tolouei Rad, M. (2017). Drilling reconfigurable machine tool selection and process parameters optimization as a function of product demand. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 45(August 2017), 58-69.
  • Masoudi, S., Gholami, M., Janghorban Lariche, M., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2017). Infrared temperature measurement and increasing infrared measurement accuracy in the context of machining process. Advances in Production Engineering and Management, 12(4), 353-362.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Tolouei Rad, M. (2017). Sensitivity analysis for justification of utilising special purpose machine tools in the presence of uncertain parameters. International Journal of Production Research, 55(13), 3842-3861.

Conference Publications

  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K. (2017). Evaluation of the effect of product demand uncertainty on manufacturing system selection. Procedia Manufacturing (1735-1743). Elsevier.

Journal Articles

  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K., Abhary, K. (2016). Technical feasibility analysis of utilizing special purpose machine tools. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 39(2016), 53–62.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K. (2016). New cost model for feasibility analysis of utilising special purpose machine tools. International Journal of Production Research, 54(24), 7330-7344.

Research Projects

  • Innovative Digital Insulin Transdermal Delivery System for Type 2 Diabetes Management, Department of Health WA, Future Health Research and Innovation Fund - Innovative Solutions - Digital Health, 2024 ‑ 2025, $100,000.
  • Application of Advanced Manufacturing to the Development of High Efficiency Heat Exchangers , Edith Cowan University, ECU Early Career Researcher Grant - 2019, 2019 ‑ 2020, $30,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Optimisation of a Bauxite Refinery Slurry Butterfly Valve Disk to Minimise Erosion for Improved Service Life
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Development of Novel Hollow Microneedles through Shape Optimisation
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Design and development of an additive friction stir deposition (AFSD) tool with enhanced performance

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, The underutilisation of general-purpose metal additive manufacturing leading to an alternative consumable

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, 4D-printing of a customized self-expandable cardiovascular stent using a negative Poisson’s ratio structure

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Biomimicry for the shape optimisation of heat exchangers: Exploring hydrodynamic profiles inspired by shark denticles

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Master of Engineering Science, Investigation of Surface Textures on Thermal and Pressure Drop Performance of Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical and low-cycle fatigue performance of polymeric bone scaffolds
  • Master of Engineering Science, Optimisation of process parameters in abrasive water jet contour cutting of AISI 304L
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Simultaneous machining of aerospace structural materials using poly-drills
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