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Dr Themelina Paraskeva

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 2442
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO23.347  

Themelina holds a Ph.D. degree in Civil (Structural) Engineering, a M.Sc. degree in Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, and a five-year Diploma in Civil Engineering, from the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki (Greece). Prior to joining Edith Cowan University, Themelina was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong) for three years. The primary area of her research is Structural and Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, with a particular focus on Bridge Engineering, covering analytical, numerical and experimental work. Most recently, Themelina expanded her research interests into new interdisciplinary research areas that promote sustainability and resilience in construction; these areas are related to nonconventional green structural materials, as well as to novel indirect system identification methods for structural health monitoring of transport infrastructure. In addition to her academic qualifications, Themelina has combined her research with extensive work in the Civil Engineering industry in Greece. She is a Licenced (Chartered) Civil Engineer (EurIng), and has worked as a Structural Engineer and Project Manager for more than ten years, taking part in both heavy civil engineering projects and smaller-scale works.

Research Areas and Interests

  • Seismic risk assessment and analysis of structures
  • Indirect system identification methods for structural health monitoring of bridges
  • Nonconventional, green and sustainable construction materials


  • Doctor of Civil Engineering, Greece, 2013.
  • Master of Science, Greece, 2003.
  • Degree of Engineering, Greece, 2002.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Khan, U., Shukla, S., Paraskeva, T. (2022). Stress distribution around the conduit buried within a soil slope – An experimental investigation. Transportation Geotechnics, 32(2022), article number 100687.
  • Pradhan, N., Paraskeva, T., Dimitrakopoulos, E. (2022). Simulation and experimental verification of an original full-scale bamboo truss. Engineering Structures, 256(1 April 2022), Article number 113965.

Journal Articles

  • Karmokar, T., Mohyeddin Kermani, A., Lee, J., Paraskeva, T. (2021). Concrete cone failure of single cast-in anchors under tensile loading–A literature review. Engineering Structures, 243(15 September 2021), Article number 112615.
  • Jin, N., Yang, Y., Dimitrakopoulos, E., Paraskeva, T., Katafygiotis, L. (2021). Application of short-time stochastic subspace identification to estimate bridge frequencies from a traversing vehicle. Engineering Structures, 230(1 March 2021), Article number 111688.

Journal Articles

  • Pradhan, N., Paraskeva, T., Dimitrakopoulos, E. (2020). Quasi-static reversed cyclic testing of multi-culm bamboo members with steel connectors. Journal of Building Engineering, 27(January 2020), Article number 100983.

Conference Publications

  • Pradhan, N., Paraskeva, T., Dimitrakopoulos, E. (2020). Experimental characterization of multi-full-culm bamboo to steel connections. CIGOS 2019, Innovation for Sustainable Infrastructure. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geotechnics, Civil Engineering Works and Structures (245-250). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Paraskeva, T., Pradhan, N., Stoura, C., Dimitrakopoulos, E. (2019). Monotonic loading testing and characterization of new multi-full-culm bamboo to steel connections. Construction and Building Materials, 201(20 March 2019), 473-483.

Conference Publications

  • Pradhan, N., Dimitrakopoulos, E., Paraskeva, T. (2019). Characterizing the performance of transversely confined multi-culm bamboo to steel connections. Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies (1-10). Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies.

Journal Articles

  • Paraskeva, T., Dimitrakopoulos, E., Zeng, Q. (2017). Dynamic vehicle-bridge interaction under simultaneous earthquake excitation. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 15(1), 71-95.
  • Paraskeva, T., Grigoropoulos, G., Dimitrakopoulos, E. (2017). Design and experimental verification of easily constructible bamboo footbridges for rural areas. Engineering Structures, 143(15 July 2017), 540-548.

Journal Articles

  • Dimitrakopoulos, E., Paraskeva, T. (2015). Dimensionless fragility curves for rocking response to near‐fault excitations. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 44(12), 2015-2033.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Paraskeva, T., Kappos, A. (2010). Further development of a multimodal pushover analysis procedure for seismic assessment of bridges. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 39(2), 211-222.

Journal Articles

  • Paraskeva, T., Kappos, A., Sextos, A. (2006). Extension of modal pushover analysis to seismic assessment of bridges. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 35(10), 1269-1293.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Tensile Performance of Structural Fasteners in Cracked Fibre Reinforced Concrete
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Sustainable Enhancement of Asphalt Performance Using Biochar, Waste Plastic Aggregate, and Mining Waste
  • Doctor of Philosophy, An Experimental Study on the Applicability of Australian Plastic Wastes and Mining By-products as Sustainable Bitumen Modifiers.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Engineered Timber Connections
  • Master of Engineering Science, The influence of experimental setup on the mode 1 fracture energy of concrete

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigating seepage into tunnels and providing sustainable drainage solutions
  • Doctor of Philosophy, A study on soil erosion and its sustainable solutions

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Stability analysis of mine tailings dams with geosynthetics

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Load-settlement investigation of geosynthetic-reinforced soil using experimental, analytical and intelligent modelling techniques
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Experimental and Mathematical Investigations of the Soil-Conduit Interaction within a Loaded Soil Slope
  • Master of Engineering Science, Utilization of Mine tailings in Construction of Pavement
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Tensile Performance of Cast-In Headed Anchors in Geopolymer Concrete
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