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Dr Mujahid Ali

Casual Academic

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Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Alhamad, F., Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Hoteit, H., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2024). The effect of methylene blue and organic acids on the wettability of sandstone formation: Implications for enhanced oil recovery. Capillarity, 10(2), 29-37.
  • Alhamad, F., Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., KamAli, M., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2024). The influence of methyl orange on the CO2-brine wettability of organic-acid-aged calcite samples: Implications for CO2 geo-storage. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 12(2), 102-112.
  • Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Alanazi, A., Shahzad Kamal, M., Keshavarz, A., Hoteit, H. (2024). Hydrogen wettability of Saudi Arabian Basalt: Implications for H2 geo-storage. Fuel, 371(2024), article number 132045.
  • Alanazi, A., Ali, M., Ali, M., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S., Hoteit, H. (2024). The reversal of carbonate wettability via alumina nanofluids: Implications for hydrogen geological storage. Fuel, 370(2024), article number 131842.
  • Alhamad, F., Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Hoteit, H., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2024). Effects of methyl orange on the H2/brine wettability of carbonate rocks: Implications for H2 geo-storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 102(2024), article number 114076.
  • Alhamad, F., Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Hoteit, H., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2024). The effect of methylene blue on stearic acid-aged quartz/CO2/brine wettability: Implications for CO2 geo-storage. Gas Science and Engineering, 125(2024), article number 205316.

Journal Articles

  • Alhamad, F., Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Abid, H., Hoteit, H., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2023). Effect of Methyl Orange on the Wettability of Organic-Acid-Aged Sandstone Formations: Implications for CO2 Geo-storage. Energy and Fuels, 37(22), 17373-17381.
  • Ali, M., Arif, M., Sedev, R., Sánchez-Román, M., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S. (2023). Underground hydrogen storage: The microbiotic influence on rock wettability. Journal of Energy Storage, 72(TBD), article number 108405.
  • Baban, A., Ali, M., Arif, M., Keshavarz, A., Amin, R., Iglauer, S. (2023). Effect Of Organic Acids On Co2 Trapping In Carbonate Geological Formations: Pore-Scale Observations Using Nmr. Energy and Fuels, 37(4), 2983-2992.
  • Alhamad, F., Sedev, R., Ali, M., Ali, M., Hoteit, H., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2023). Effect Of Methyl Orange On The Hydrogen Wettability Of Sandstone Formation For Enhancing The Potential Of Underground Hydrogen Storage. Energy and Fuels, 37(8), 6149-6157.
  • Alanazi, A., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Ali, M., Abu-Mahfouz, IS., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S., Hoteit, H. (2023). Influence Of Organics And Gas Mixing On Hydrogen/Brine And Methane/ Brine Wettability Using Jordanian Oil Shale Rocks: Implications For Hydrogen Geological Storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 62(2023), article number 106865.
  • Alzaabi, A., Arif, M., Ali, M., Adila, A., Abbas, Y., Kumar, RS., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S. (2023). Impact Of Carbonate Mineral Heterogeneity On Wettability Alteration Potential Of Surfactants. Fuel, 342(2023), article number 127819.
  • Alhamad, F., Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Hoteit, H., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2023). Effect of methylene blue on wetting characteristics of quartz/H2/brine systems: Implication for hydrogen geological storage. Journal of Energy Storage, 72(TBD), article number 108340.
  • Hosseini, M., Sedev, R., Ali, M., Ali, M., Fahimpour, J., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S. (2023). Hydrogen-wettability alteration of Indiana limestone in the presence of organic acids and nanofluid. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(90), 35220-35228.

Journal Articles

  • Ali, M., Yaseri, AZ., Awan, F., Arif, M., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S. (2022). Effect of water-soluble organic acids on wettability of sandstone formations using streaming zeta potential and NMR techniques: Implications for CO2 geo-sequestration. Fuel, 329(2022), article number 125449.
  • Alhamad, F., Ali, M., Ali, M., Abid, H., Hoteit, H., Iglauer, S., Keshavarz, A. (2022). Effect of methyl orange on wettability of sandstone formations: Implications for enhanced oil recovery. Energy Reports, 8(2022), 12357-12365.
  • Sedev, R., Akhondzadeh, H., Ali, M., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S. (2022). Contact Angles of a Brine on a Bituminous Coal in Compressed Hydrogen. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(8), article number e2022GL098261.
  • Ali, M., Yekeen, N., Ali, M., Hosseini, M., Pal, N., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S., Hoteit, H. (2022). Effects of Various Solvents on Adsorption of Organics for Porous and Nonporous Quartz/CO2/Brine Systems: Implications for CO2Geo-Storage. Energy and Fuels, 36(18), 11089-11099.

Journal Articles

  • Ali, M., Awan, F., Ali, M., Yaseri, AZ., Arif, M., Sánchez-Román, M., Keshavarz, A., Iglauer, S. (2021). Effect of humic acid on CO 2-wettability in sandstone formation. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 588(15 April 2021), 315-325.
  • Al-Yaseri, A., Ali, M., Abbasi, G., Abid, H., Jha, N. (2021). Enhancing CO2 storage capacity and containment security of basaltic formation using silica nanofluids. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 112(December 2021), article number 103516.
  • Al-Yaseri, A., Ali, M., Ali, M., Taheri, R., Wolff-Boenisch, D. (2021). Western Australia basalt-CO2-brine wettability at geo-storage conditions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 603(December 2021), 165-171.
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