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ECU provides a variety of services and facilities that go beyond the classroom, with opportunities for personal development and social interaction for students and staff.
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Ferdinando is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering within the School of Engineering.
Current Teaching
ENS3105/ENS6132 – Mechanical Design and Development
ENS5114 – Advanced Mechanical Design
PhD in Mechanical Engineering (UWA): Investigation of Damper Valve Fluid-Structure Interaction through the Application of Experimental Visualisation Techniques
Professional Associations
Engineers Australia
Society of Automotive Engineers
Research Areas and Interests
Mechanical Design
Additive Manufacturing
Biomimicry Heat Exchangers
Hydraulic Vibration Dampers
Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia, 2013.
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) Honours, The University of Western Australia, 2005.
Hurry, A., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Rauthan, K. (2024). Numerical investigation of the thermo-hydraulic performance of a shark denticle-inspired plate fin heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, 239(2024), article number 122192.
Perera, P., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2024). Erosion wear characterisation of an open Ductile Iron butterfly valve subjected to Aluminium Oxide particle slurry flow. Tribology International, 191(2024), article number 109199.
Hurry, A., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Rauthan, K., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2023). Thermo-hydraulic performance evaluation of a NACA 63-015 heat exchanger with shark denticles as surface textures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 216(2023), article number 124591.
Vafadarshamasbi, A., Guzzomi, N., Rassau, A., Hayward, K. (2021). Advances in Metal Additive Manufacturing: A Review of Common Processes, Industrial Applications, and Current Challenges. Applied Sciences, 11(3), Article number 1213.
Rauthan, K., Guzzomi, N., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Hurry, A. (2021). Experimental Investigation of Pressure Drop Performance of Smooth and Dimpled Single Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers. Metals, 11(11), Article number 1757.
Vafadarshamasbi, A., Guzzomi, N., Hayward, K. (2021). Experimental Investigation and Comparison of the Thermal Performance of Additively and Conventionally Manufactured Heat Exchangers. Metals, 11(4), Article number 574.
Balash, C., Richardson, S., Guzzomi, N., Rassau, A. (2020). Engineering Mechanics: adoption of project-based learning supported by computer-aided online adaptive assessments–overcoming fundamental issues with a fundamental subject. European Journal of Engineering Education, 45(6), 809-820.
Khodaei Jalalabadi, H., Yeoh, GH., Guzzomi, N., Porteiro, J. (2018). A CFD-based comparative analysis of drying in various single biomass particles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 128(2018), 1062-1073.
Ahmed, Z., Al-Abdeli, Y., Guzzomi, N. (2017). Flow field and thermal behaviour in swirling and non-swirling turbulent impinging jets. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 114(April 2017), 241-256.
Rashidian, B., Al-Abdeli, Y., Yeoh, G., Patino, D., Guzzomi, N. (2017). Methodologies for processing fixed bed combustor data. Combustion Science and Technology, 189(1), 79-102.
Ayres, T., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N. (2017). Design of a Custom FSAE Engine. SAE-A Vehicle Technology Engineer, 3(1), 15.
Khodaei Jalalabadi, H., Guzzomi, N., Yeoh, G., Regueiro, A., Patino, D. (2017). An experimental study into the effect of air staging distribution and position on emissions in a laboratory scale biomass combustor. Energy, 118(2017), 1243-1255.
Khodaei Jalalabadi, H., Guzzomi, N., Patino, D., Rashidian, B., Yeoh, G. (2017). Air Staging strategies in biomass combustion-gaseous and particulate emission reduction potentials. Fuel Processing Technology, 157(March 2017), 29-41.
Ahmed, Z., Al-Abdeli, Y., Guzzomi, N. (2016). Corrections of dual-wire CTA data in turbulent swirling and non-swirling jets. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 70(January 2016), 166-175.
Rashidian, B., Al-Abdeli, Y., Patino, D., Guzzomi, N., Yeoh, G. (2016). Effect of freeboard deflectors in the fixed bed combustion of biomass. Applied Thermal Engineering, 103(25 June), 543-552.
Ahmed, Z., Al-Abdeli, Y., Guzzomi, N. (2016). Heat transfer characteristics of swirling and non-swirling impinging turbulent jets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 102(November), 991-1003.
Khodaei Jalalabadi, H., Al-Abdeli, Y., Guzzomi, N., Yeoh, G. (2015). An overview of processes and considerations in the modelling of fixed-bed biomass combustion. Energy, 88(2015), 946-972.
Ahmed, Z., Al-Abdeli, Y., Guzzomi, N. (2015). Impingement pressure characteristics of swirling and non-swirling turbulent jets. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 68(2015), 722-732.
Rashidian, B., Al-Abdeli, Y., Yeoh, G., Guzzomi, N. (2015). Effect of freeboard deflectors on the temperature distribution in packed beds. Applied Thermal Engineering, 89(2015), 134-143.
Guzzomi, N., O'Neill, PL., Tavner, AC. (2007). Investigation of damper valve dynamics using parametric numerical methods. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (278-287). University of Queensland.
Research Projects
Conceptual development of novel suspension and steering systems for a hybrid underground haul truck, Byrnecut Australia, Byrnecut - Grant, 2018, $100,000.