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Dr Hussein Mohammed

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 3739
Facsimile: +61 8 6304 5811
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO23.349  

Dr Hussein is a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering of Edith Cowan University. He holds two PhD degrees, the first PhD in mechanical engineering was obtained from Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UTN) jointly with the University of Southern Queensland. His first PhD thesis received a Dean's Award for Research Higher Degree Excellence Award (Outstanding Doctoral Research). His second PhD thesis in chemical and renewable energy engineering was obtained from Curtin University of Australia. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master's degrees from Baghdad University of Iraq.

His research interests and experience are on a wide range of inter-disciplinary areas (both numerically and experimentally) in renewable energy technologies (solar energy, solar collectors), phase change materials for energy storage, nanotechnology (nanofluids and its derivatives), Thermofluids of various energy systems (heat exchanger design, cooling of electronic equipment, lithium-ion batteries, porous media), Numerical simulations using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Miniature instrumentation development and testing (solid thin film and heat flux gauges); High-speed fluid flow using Hypersonic Facilities (Shock Tunnel and Shock Tube) for aerodynamics studies. He has published more than 186 refereed papers in prestigious peer-reviewed international journals with high impact factors. His h-index is (57) with total number of citations of 11750 according to Google Scholar (Dec 2022).

He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry and the Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Journal, and an International Advisory Board and Editorial Board member of many reputed international journals such as the Engineering section of Heliyon, the Journal of Thermal Engineering, and the MDPI journals Energies, Processes and Molecules, and Thermal Science. He is a member of the scientific committees of various international conferences and scientific reviewer for various international scientific journals (more than 95). Dr. Hussein has recently been featured among the World's Top 2% Scientists List 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively, according to a Stanford University study. He is the recipient of Publons Global Peer Review Awards as top 1% of global peer reviewers for Engineering and Crossfield categories for the year 2019. He has received various international research awards such as Top 20 Prominent Researchers, Significant Achievement Award, Research Impact Award, and The Most Productive Researcher Award from his previous employers due to his significant contribution in high impact factor international journals. He also won Gold Medals at international research exhibitions for his outstanding research prototypes in various international countries including Germany, Belgium, and Malaysia. Dr. Hussein has recently been listed in Australia's Top 40 Superstars Researchers who are lifetime achievers in their fields across all disciplines (ranked number 3 among the five best-performing researchers in physics and mathematics/thermal sciences).

Research Areas and Interests

  • Renewable and alternative energy (solar energy, various solar collectors, PCM).
  • Thermofluids of various energy systems (heat exchanger; electronic equipment; lithium-ion batteries, porous media).
  • Nanotechnology (nanofluid, hybrid nanofluid, nanorefrigerant; synthesis/characterisation and testing).
  • Numerical simulations using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
  • Aerodynamics studies (high-speed fluid Flow using shock tunnel/shock tube facilities).
  • Miniature instrumentation development and testing; solid thin film and heat flux gauges.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Curtin University of Technology, 2022.
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Malaysia, 2009.
  • Master of Science Degree, Iraq, 2002.
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Iraq, 1999.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Kandi, A., Mohammed, H., Khiadani, M., Shafieian Dastjerdi, A. (2025). The effect of turbulence promoters on DCMD process: A comprehensive review. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 69(2025), article number 106810.
  • Sheikholeslami, M., Mousavi, S., Ahadi, A., Mohammed, H. (2025). Modeling of thermoelectric module integrated with sinusoidal U-pipes solar system using hybrid nanomaterial and novel fin designs. Renewable Energy, 241(2025), article number 122213.

Journal Articles

  • Pourhemmati, S., Mohammed, H., Shafieian Dastjerdi, A. (2024). The use of variable coil pitch of helical tube on the hydro-thermal performance improvement. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 53(2024), article number 103944.
  • Kibria, MG., Mohtasim, MS., Paul, UK., Fahim, IA., Nafi, N., Das, B., Mohammed, H. (2024). A Review on Composite Phase Change Materials and Fins-Based Li-Ion Battery Thermal Management Systems with Design Perspectives and Future Outlooks. Energy and Fuels, 38(15), 13637-13660.
  • Shoeibi, S., Kargarsharifabad, H., Khiadani, M., Parsa, SM., Mirjalily, SA., Mohammed, H. (2024). Techniques used to enhance condensation rate of solar desalination systems: State-of-the-art review. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 159(2024), article number 108164.
  • Haeri, SZ., Khiadani, M., Ramezanzadeh, B., Mohammed, H., Zargar, M. (2024). Review on Stability, Thermophysical Properties, and Solar Harvesting Applications of Titanium Nitride-Based Nanofluids: Current Status and Outlook. Energy and Fuels, 38(4), 2548−2572.
  • Alawi, OA., Mohamed Kamar, H., Abdelrazek, AH., Mallah, A., Mohammed, H., Homod, RZ., Yaseen, ZM. (2024). Design optimization of solar collectors with hybrid nanofluids: An integrated ansys and machine learning study. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 271(2024), article number 112822.
  • Abed, AM., Abdulkadhim, A., Mohammed, H., Hamzah, HK., Farooq, HA., Abed, IM., Said, NM. (2024). Numerical simulation on thermohydraulic performance of different types of nanofluids in a corrugated-triangular channel. Journal of Taibah University for Science, 18(1), Article number 2306671.
  • Alawi , OA., Kamar, HM., Shawkat, MM., Al-Ani, MM., Mohammed, H., Homod, RZ., Wahid , MA. (2024). Artificial intelligence-based viscosity prediction of polyalphaolefin-boron nitride nanofluids. International Journal of Hydromechatronics, 7(2), 89-112.
  • Esmaeili, Z., Sheikholeslami, M., Salehi, F., Mohammed, H. (2024). Simulation of a solar thermal system with a parabolic concentrator incorporating an evacuated tube system equipped with a new designed turbulator and hybrid nanofluid. Renewable Energy, 237(2024), article number 121633.


  • Mohammed, H., Vuthaluru, HB., Liu, S. (2023). Parabolic Trough Solar Collectors Thermal and Hydraulic Enhancement Using Passive Techniques and Nanofuids. Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Tao, H., Aldlemy, MS., Alawi, OA., Kamar, HM., Homod, RZ., Mohammed, H., Mohammed, MK., Mallah, AR., Al-Ansari, N., Yaseen, ZM. (2023). Energy and cost management of different mixing ratios and morphologies on mono and hybrid nanofluids in collector technologies. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 17(1), Article number 2164620.
  • Shojaeefard, MH., Sakran, NB., Sharfabadi, MM., Hussein, OA., Mohammed, H. (2023). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Water Cooling on the Temperature Distribution of Photovoltaic Modules Using Copper Pipes. Energies, 16(10), Article number 4102.
  • Thakur, PP., Sonawane, SS., Mohammed, H. (2023). Recent Trends in Applications of Nanofluids for Effective Utilization of Solar Energy. Current Nanoscience, 19(2), 170-185.
  • Roostaee, A., Khiadani, M., Mohammed, H., Shafieian Dastjerdi, A. (2023). Harnessing the power of computational fluid dynamics for flow coefficient and rain resistance improvement of Type 1 Natural Ventilators. Journal of Building Engineering, 74(September 2023), Article number 106844.

Book Chapters

  • Sonawane, SS., Gadhe, A., Thakur, PP., Sonawane, SH., Mohammed, H. (2022). Nano-biotechnology for bacterial modification for wastewater treatment and resource recovery. Novel Approaches Towards Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery Technologies (295-312). Elsevier.

Journal Articles

  • Alawi, O., Kamar, H., Abdelrazek, A., Mallah, A., Mohammed, H., Ibrahim Abdulla, A., Alwan Gatea, H., Khiadani, M., Kazi, S., Yaseen, Z. (2022). Hydrothermal and energy analysis of flat plate solar collector using copper oxide nanomaterials with different morphologies: Economic performance. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 49(February 2022), Article number 101772.
  • Mohammed, H., Vuthalur, H., Liu, S. (2022). Thermohydraulic and thermodynamics performance of hybrid nanofluids based parabolic trough solar collector equipped with wavy promoters. Renewable Energy, 182(1), 401-426.
  • Almuallim, B., Harun, WS., Al Rikabi, IJ., Mohammed, H. (2022). Thermally conductive polymer nanocomposites for filament-based additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Science, 57(6), 3993-4019.
  • Alawi, O., Kamar, H., Hussein, O., Mallah, A., Mohammed, H., Khiadani, M., Roomi, A., Kazi, S., Yaseen, Z. (2022). Effects of binary hybrid nanofluid on heat transfer and fluid flow in a triangular-corrugated channel: An experimental and numerical study. Powder Technology, 395(January 2022), 267-279.
  • Al-Asadi, , MT., Mohammed, H., Wilson, MC. (2022). Heat Transfer Characteristics of Conventional Fluids and Nanofluids in Micro-Channels with Vortex Generators: A Review. Energies, 15(3), Article number 1245.
  • Ahmed, M., Meteab, MM., Salih , QO., Mohammed, H., Alawi, OA. (2022). Experimental Investigation on the Thermophysical and Rheological Behavior of Aqueous Dual Hybrid Nanofluid in Flat Plate Solar Collectors. Energies, 15(22), Article number 8541.
  • Kadirgama, G., Kumar , A., Sandhya, M., Samylingam, L., Ramasamy, D., Kadirgama, K., Mohammed, H., Samykano , M., Saidur, R. (2022). Graphene nanoplatelets–cellulose nanocrystals in engine oil for automotive applications. Green Materials, 11(2), 87-95.

Journal Articles

  • Rahmadiawan, D., Aslfattahi, N., Nasruddin, N., Saidur, R., Arifutzzaman, A., Mohammed, H. (2021). MXene Based Palm Oil Methyl Ester as an Effective Heat Transfer Fluid. Journal of Nano Research, 68(June 2021), 17-34.
  • Alawi, O., Kamar, H., Mallah, A., Mohammed, H., Kazi, S., Che Sidik, N., Najafi, G. (2021). Nanofluids for flat plate solar collectors: Fundamentals and applications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 291(1 April 2021), Article number 125725.
  • Adham, A., Mohammed, H. (2021). Numerical assessment of the overall heat transfer and pressure drop performances of an aqueous ammonia base-nanofluids in rectangular microchannel heat sinks. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments, 44(4), 373-380.
  • Farhana, K., Kadirgama, K., Mohammed, H., Ramasamy, D., Samykano, M., Saidur, R. (2021). Analysis of efficiency enhancement of flat plate solar collector using crystal nano-cellulose (CNC) nanofluids. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 45(June 2021), Article number 101049.
  • Alawi, O., Kamar, H., Mallah, A., Mohammed, H., Sabrudin, M., Hussein, O., Kazi, S., Najafi, G. (2021). Graphene nanoplatelets suspended in different basefluids based solar collector: An experimental and analytical study. Processes, 9(2), Article number 302.
  • Xiong, Q., Izadi, M., Shokri Rad, M., Shehzad, S., Mohammed, H. (2021). 3D Numerical Study of Conical and Fusiform Turbulators for Heat Transfer Improvement in a Double-Pipe Heat Exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 170(May 2021), Article number 120995.
  • Amiraftabi, M., Khiadani, M., Mohammed, H., Arshad, A. (2021). CFD-PBM and experimental investigation of a shear thinning fluid in a gas-liquid tank agitated by a helical ribbon impeller. Separation and Purification Technology, 272(1 October 2021), Article number 118855.
  • Mohammed, H., Vuthaluru, H., Liu, S. (2021). Heat transfer augmentation of parabolic trough solar collector receiver's tube using hybrid nanofluids and conical turbulators. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 125(2021), 215-242.
  • Alawi, O., Kamar, H., Mallah, A., Mohammed, H., Sabrudin, M., Newaz, K., Najafi, G., Yaseen, Z. (2021). Experimental and theoretical analysis of energy efficiency in a flat plate solar collector using monolayer graphene nanofluids. Sustainability, 13(10), article number 5416.
  • Omara, A., Mohammed, H., Al Rikabi, I., Abuelnour, M., Abuelnuor, A. (2021). Performance improvement of solar chimneys using phase change materials: A review. Solar Energy, 228(TBD), 68-88.

Journal Articles

  • Hisham, S., Kadirgama, K., Mohammed, H., Kumar, A., Ramasamy, D., Samykano, M., Rahman, S. (2020). Hybrid nanocellulose-copper (II) oxide as engine oil additives for tribological behavior improvement. Molecules, 25(13), Article number 2975.
  • Omara, AA., Abuelnuor, AA., Mohammed, H., Khiadani, M. (2020). Phase change materials (PCMs) for improving solar still productivity: a review. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry: an international forum for thermal studies, 139(3), 1585–1617.
  • Al Muallim, B., Wahid, M., Mohammed, H., Kamil, M., Habibi, D. (2020). Thermal-Hydraulic performance in a microchannel heat sink equipped with longitudinal vortex generators (LVGs) and nanofluid. Processes, 8(2), Article number 231.
  • Benedict, F., Kumar, A., Kadirgama, K., Mohammed, H., Ramasamy, D., Samykano, M., Saidur, R. (2020). Thermal performance of hybrid-inspired coolant for radiator application. Nanomaterials, 10(6), Article number 1100.
  • Kolsi, L., Algarni, S., Mohammed, H., Hassen, W., Lajnef, E., Aich, W., Almeshaal, M. (2020). 3D Magneto-buoyancy-thermocapillary convection of CNT-water nanofluid in the presence of a magnetic field. Processes, 8(3), Article number 258.
  • Alawi, O., Kamar, H., Mohammed, H., Mallah, A., Hussein, O. (2020). Energy efficiency of a flat-plate solar collector using thermally treated graphene-based nanofluids: Experimental study. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 10(14 October 2020), 13p..
  • Ghafar, N., Ulakanathan, S., Samykano, M., Kadirgama, K., Mohammed, H., Ngui, W. (2020). Template Synthesis of Ni Nanowires: Characterization and Modelling. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 77(2), 76-90.
  • Hassen, W., Kolsi, L., Mohammed, H., Ghachem, K., Sheikholeslami, M., Almeshaal, M. (2020). Transient electrohydrodynamic convective flow and heat transfer of MWCNT - Dielectric nanofluid in a heated enclosure. Physics Letters A: General Physics, Nonlinear Science, Statistical Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Cluster Physics, Plasma and Fluid Physics, Condensed Matter, Cross-disciplinary Physics, Biological Physics, Nanosciences, Quantum Physics, 384(28), Article number 126736.
  • Amiraftabi, M., Khiadani, M., Mohammed, H. (2020). Performance of a dual helical ribbon impeller in a two-phase (gas-liquid) stirred tank reactor. Chemical Engineering and Processing: process intensification, 148(February 2020), Article number 107811.
  • Babazadeh, H., Sheremet, M., Mohammed, H., Hajizadeh, M., Li, Z. (2020). Inclusion of nanoparticles in PCM for heat release unit. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 313(1 September 2020), Article number 113544.
  • Massoudi, M., Ben Hamida, M., Mohammed, H., Almeshaal, M. (2020). MHD heat transfer in W-shaped inclined cavity containing a porous medium saturated with Ag/Al2O3hybrid nanofluid in the presence of uniform heat generation/absorption. Energies, 13(13), Article number 3457.
  • Abid, H., Rada, Z., Li, Y., Mohammed, H., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Arandiyan, H., Tan, X., Liu, S. (2020). Boosting CO2 adsorption and selectivity in metal-organic frameworks of MIL-96(Al): Via second metal Ca coordination. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences, 10(14), 8130-8139.
  • Omara, A., Abuelnuor, A., Mohammed, H., Habibi, D., Younis, O. (2020). Improving solar cooker performance using phase change materials: A comprehensive review. Solar Energy, 207(1-Sep-20), 539-563.

Journal Articles

  • Mohammed, H., Abuobeida, IA., Vuthaluru, H., Liu, S. (2019). Two-phase forced convection of nanofluids flow in circular tubes using convergent and divergent conical rings inserts. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 101(2019), 10–20.
  • Bouchenafa, R., Mohammed, H., Saim, R. (2019). Numerical study of the thermal and hydraulic performances of heat sink made of wavy fins. Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, 23(1), 150-161.
  • Gholami, A., Mohammed, H., A. Wahid, M., Khiadani, M. (2019). Parametric design exploration of fin-and-oval tube compact heat exchangers performance with a new type of corrugated fin patterns. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 144(October), 173-190.
  • Md Salleh, MF., Mohammed, H., Wahid, MA. (2019). Thermal and hydraulic characteristics of trapezoidal winglet across fin-and tube heat exchanger (FTHE). Applied Thermal Engineering, 149(25 February 2019), 1379-1393.
  • Kolsi, L., Oztop, H., Ghachem, K., Almeshaal, M., Mohammed, H., Babazadeh, H., Abu-Hamdeh, N. (2019). Numerical Study of Periodic Magnetic Field Effect on 3D Natural Convection of MWCNT-Water/Nanofluid with Consideration of Aggregation. Processes, 7(12), Article number 957.

Book Chapters

  • Hussein, AK., Mohammed, H., Lioua, K., Li, D., Nikbakhti, R., Mallikarjuna, B. (2018). Nanoscience and Its Role in the Solar Collectors’ Future. Nanocomposites for Pollution Control (529-600). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

  • Alfaryjat, AA., Mohammed, H., Adam, NM., Stanciu , D., Dobrovicescu, A. (2018). Numerical investigation of heat transfer enhancement using various nanofluids in hexagonal microchannel heat sink. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 5(2018), 252-262.
  • Abdollahi, A., Mohammed, H., Vanaki, SM., Sharma, RN. (2018). Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in microchannel with longitudinal fins. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 9(1), 3411–3418.
  • Abdollahi, A., Sharma, RN., Mohammed, H., Vatani, A. (2018). Heat transfer and flow analysis of Al2O3-Water nanofluids in interrupted microchannel heat sink with ellipse and diamond ribs in the transverse microchambers. Heat Transfer Engineering, 39(16), 1461–1469.

Journal Articles

  • Abdollahi , A., Mohammed, H., Vanaki, SM., Osia , A., Haghighi , MR. (2017). Fluid flow and heat transfer of nanofluids in microchannel heat sink with V-type inlet/outlet arrangement. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 56(1), 161-170.
  • Al-Asadi, MT., Mohammed, H., Kherbeet, AS., Al-Aswadi, AA. (2017). Numerical study of assisting and opposing mixed convective nanofluid flows in an inclined circular pipe. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 85(2017), 81-91.
  • Dawood, HK., Mohammed, H., Sidik, NA., Munisamy, KM., Alawi, OA. (2017). Heat transfer augmentation in concentric elliptic annular by ethylene glycol based nanofluids. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 82(1), 29–39.
  • Al-Asadi, MT., Mohammed, H., Kherbeet, AS., Dawood, HK. (2017). Heat Transfer Enhancements Using Traditional Fluids and Nanofluids in Pipes with Different Orientations: A Review. Journal of Nanofluids, 6(6), 987-1007.
  • Gholami, A., Wahid, MA., Mohammed, H. (2017). Thermal–hydraulic performance of fin-and-oval tube compact heat exchangers with innovative design of corrugated fin patterns. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 106(2017), 573-592.
  • Hashim, NM., Yusoff, MZ., Mohammed, H. (2017). Turbulent forced convection flow of nanofluids over triple forward facing step. World Journal of Engineering, 14(4), 263–278.

Conference Publications

  • Nejad, M., Mohammed, H., Sadeghi, O., Zubeer, S. (2017). Influence of nanofluids on the efficiency of Flat-Plate Solar Collectors (FPSC). E3S Web of Conferences (Article number 00123). EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences.

Journal Articles

  • Kareem , AK., Mohammed, H., Hussein, AK., Gao, S. (2016). Numerical investigation of mixed convection heat transfer of nanofluids in a lid-driven trapezoidal cavity. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 77(2016), 195-205.
  • Kherbeet, AS., Mohammed, H., Salman, BH., Alawi , OA., Safaei, MR., Khazaal, MT. (2016). Mixed convection nanofluid flow over microscale forward-facing step - Effect of inclination and step heights. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 78(2016), 145-154.
  • Vanaki, SM., Ganesan, P., Mohammed, H. (2016). Numerical study of convective heat transfer of nanofluids: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 54(2016), 1212-1239.
  • Sadeghi, O., Mohammed, H., Bakhtiari-Nejad, M., Wahid, MA. (2016). Heat transfer and nanofluid flow characteristics through a circular tube fitted with helical tape inserts. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 71(2016), 234-244.
  • Kherbeet, AS., Safaei, MR., Mohammed, H., Salman, BH., Ahmed, HE., Alawi, OA., Al-Asadi, M. (2016). Heat transfer and fluid flow over microscale backward and forward-facing step: A review. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 76(2016), 237-244.
  • Gholami, A., Wahid, M., Mohammed, H., Saat, A., Fairus, M., Sies, M., Kamaruzaman, N., Mizanur Rahman, M., Abdul-Malek, Z. (2016). Investigation on heat transfer enhancement in a corrugated fin-and-tube compact heat exchanger. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(44967), 7-13.
  • Khaleghi, M., Wahid, M., Saat, A., Fairus, M., Sies, M., Kamaruzaman, N., Mizanur Rahman, M., Mohammad Amri, M., Mohammed, H. (2016). Influence of modified air on combustion characteristics in meso-scale vortex combustor. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(44967), 15-19.
  • Salman, BH., Mohammed, H., Kherbeet, AS. (2016). Numerical Study of Three Different Approaches to Simulate Nanofluids Flow and Heat Transfer in a Microtube. Heat Transfer, 45(1), 46-58.
  • Gholami, A., Wahid, M., Mohammed, H., Saat, A., Mohd Yasin, M., Sies, M., Kamaruzaman, N., Rahman, M. (2016). Numerical evaluation of thermo-hydraulic performance in fin-and-tube compact heat exchangers with different tube cross-sections. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(45024), 113-118.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Mohammed, H., Bhaskaran, G., Shuaib, NH., Saidur, R. (2011). Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics in microchannels heat exchanger using nanofluids: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1), 1502–1512.
  • Saidur, R., Kazi , SN., Hossain, M., Mohammed, H. (2011). A review on the performance of nanoparticles suspended with refrigerants and lubricating oils in refrigeration systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1), 310–323.
  • Mohammed, H., Al-Aswadi , AA., Shuaib, NH., Saidur, R. (2011). Convective heat transfer and fluid flow study over a step using nanofluids: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(6), 2921-2939.
  • Mohammed, H., Salleh, H., Yusoff, MZ. (2011). Dynamic Calibration and Performance of Reliable and Fast-Response Coaxial Temperature Probes in a Shock Tube Facility. Experimental Heat Transfer, 24(1), 109–132.
  • Saidur, R., Hossain, M., Islam , M., Fayaz , H., Mohammed, H. (2011). A review on kiln system modeling. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1), 2487–2500.
  • Saidur, R., Leong, KY., Mohammed, H. (2011). A review on applications and challenges of nanofluids. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1), 1646–1668.
  • Mohammed, H., Gunnasegaran, P., Shuaib, NH. (2011). The impact of various nanofluid types on triangular microchannels heat sink cooling performance. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(1), 767–773.
  • Mohammed, H., Salleh, H., Yusoff, MZ. (2011). Thermal Product Estimation Method for Aerodynamics Experiments. Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 84(4), 849-859.
  • Mohammed, H., Gunnasegaran, P., Shuaib, NH. (2011). Numerical simulation of heat transfer enhancement in wavy microchannel heat sink. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(1), 63–68.
  • Mohammed, H., Gunnasegaran, P., Shuaib, NH. (2011). Influence of various base nanofluids and substrate materials on heat transfer in trapezoidal microchannel heat sinks. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(1), 194–201.
  • Mohammed, H., Salleh, H., Yusoff, MZ. (2011). The effect of scratch technique on the thermal-product value of temperature sensors. Thermophysics and Aeromechanics, 18(1), 51-64.
  • Mohammed, H., Bhaskaran, G., Shuaib, NH., Saidur, R. (2011). Numerical study of heat transfer enhancement of counter nanofluids flow in rectangular microchannel heat exchanger. Superlattices and Microstructures, 50(1), 215–233.
  • Mohammed, H., Bhaskaran, G., Shuaib , N., Abu-Mulaweh, HI. (2011). Influence of nanofluids on parallel flow square microchannel heat exchanger performance. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(1), 1–9.
  • Mohammed, H., Al-Aswadi, AA., Abu-Mulaweh, H., Shuaib, N. (2011). Influence of Nanofluids on Mixed Convective Heat Transfer over a Horizontal Backward-Facing Step. Heat Transfer, 40(4), 287-307.
  • Mohammed, H., Gunnasegaran, P., Shuaib, NH. (2011). Influence of channel shape on the thermal and hydraulic performance of microchannel heat sink. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38(4), 474-480.
  • Saidur, R., M. Hasanuzzaman, H., Mahlia, TM., Mohammed, H. (2011). Chillers energy consumption, energy savings and emission analysis in an institutional buildings. Energy, 36(1), 5233-5238.
  • Mohammed, H., Om, NI., Shuaib, NH., Saidur, R. (2011). Heat Transfer Enhancement for Combined Convection Flow of Nanofluids in a Vertical Rectangular Duct Considering Radiation Effects. Heat Transfer, 40(5), 448-463.
  • Saidur, R., Elcevvadi , E., Mekhilef, S., Mohammed, H. (2011). An overview of different distillation methods for small scale applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(1), 4756–4764.

Journal Articles

  • Saidur, R., Hasanuzzaman, M., Yogeswaran, S., Mohammed, H. (2010). An end-use energy analysis in a Malaysian public hospital. Energy, 35(1), 4780-4785.
  • Mohammed, H., Gunnasegaran, P., Shuaib, N. (2010). Heat transfer in rectangular microchannels heat sink using nanofluids. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(1), 1496–1503.
  • Mohammed, H., Campo, A., Saidur, R. (2010). Experimental study of forced and free convective heat transfer in the thermal entry region of horizontal concentric annuli. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(1), 739–747.
  • Al-Aswadi, AA., Mohammed, H., Shuaib, NH., Campo, A. (2010). Laminar forced convection flow over a backward facing step using nanofluids. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(1), 950–957.
  • Mohammed, H., Salleh, H., Yusoff, MZ. (2010). Fast Response Surface Temperature Sensor for Hypersonic Vehicles. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 53(1), 153–159.
  • Mohammed, H., Salleh, H., Yusoff, MZ. (2010). Determination of the Effusivity of Different Scratched Coaxial Temperature Sensors Under Hypersonic Flow. International Journal of Thermophysics, 31(1), 2305–2322.
  • Gunnasegaran, P., Mohammed, H., Shuaib, N., Saidur, R. (2010). The effect of geometrical parameters on heat transfer characteristics of microchannels heat sink with different shapes. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 37(1), 1078–1086.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2008). Numerical Study of Combined Convection Heat Transfer for Thermally Developing Upward Flow in a Vertical Cylinder. Thermal Science, 12(2), 89-102.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2008). Heat Transfer Measurements of Mixed Convection for Upward and Downward Laminar Flows inside a Vertical Circular Cylinder. Experimental Heat Transfer, 21(1), 1–23.
  • Mohammed, H. (2008). Laminar mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical circular tube under buoyancy-assisted and opposed flows. Energy Conversion and Management, 49(1), 2006–2015.

Journal Articles

  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). Combined natural and forced convection heat transfer for assisting thermally developing flow in a uniformly heated vertical circular cylinder. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 34(1), 474–491.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). Experimental investigation of mixed convection heat transfer for thermally developing flow in a horizontal circular cylinder. Applied Thermal Engineering, 27(1), 1522–1533.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). Free convective heat transfer from a constant heat flux vertical circular tube with different entrance restrictions length. Energy Conversion and Management, 48(1), 2233–2243.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). The effects of different entrance sections lengths and heating on free and forced convective heat transfer inside a horizontal circular tube. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 34(1), 769–784.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). Laminar Air Flow Free Convective Heat Transfer inside a Vertical Circular Pipe with Different Inlet Configurations. Thermal Science, 11(1), 43-63.
  • Mohammed, H., Salleh, H., Yusoff, MZ. (2007). The Transient Response for Different Types of Erodable Surface Thermocouples using Finite Element Analysis. Thermal Science, 11(4), 49-64.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). Combined convection heat transfer for thermally developing aiding flow in an inclined circular cylinder with constant heat flux. Applied Thermal Engineering, 17(1), 1236-1247.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). Free and forced convection heat transfer in the thermal entry region for laminar flow inside a circular cylinder horizontally oriented. Energy Conversion and Management, 48(1), 2185–2195.
  • Mohammed, H., Salman, YK. (2007). Heat transfer by natural convection from a uniformly heated vertical circular pipe with different entry restriction configurations. Energy Conversion and Management, 48(1), 2244–2253.

Conference Publications

  • Mohammed, H., Yusaf, T., Salman, YK. (2006). Experimental Investigation of Free Convection Heat Transfer With Entrance Restriction Placed at Top of a Vertical Circular Tube. ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (177-187). ASME.
  • Mohammed, H., Yusaf, T. (2006). Heat Transfer by Mixed Convection Opposing Laminar Flow From the Inside Surface of Uniformly Heated Inclined Circular Tube. ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (165-175). ASME.

Research Projects

  • Design and Automation of Instantaneous Control Pressure Drop Process for Optimization of Essential Oil Extraction , Quintis Sandalwood Pty Ltd, Scholarships to support Industry Engagement PhD Projects, 2024 ‑ 2026, $191,250.
  • Solar Energy for Hydrogen Production Opportunities, iMOVE Australia Limited, Industry-based Undergraduate Project, 2023 ‑ 2024, $3,000.
  • Solar/ battery application opportunities for EV charging, iMOVE Australia Limited, Industry-based Undergraduate Project, 2023 ‑ 2024, $3,000.
  • Hydrogen Opportunities for EV Charging , iMOVE Australia Limited, Industry-based Undergraduate Project, 2023 ‑ 2024, $3,000.

Research Student Supervision

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Novel Flow Alteration Designs for Water Productivity Enhancement in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD) Modules
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Design methodology and multi-objective optimization of battery thermal management systems for electric vehicles
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Energy, Exergy Analyses and Thermal Improvement of Parabolic Solar Trough Collector

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Removal of indoor air contaminants with novel photocatalytic membrane processes
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Impact of Flow Alteration Aids on the Thermal Performance of Vacuum Membrane Desalination Modules (VMDM)

Principal Supervisor

  • Thermal and Hydraulic Characteristics of Turbulent Nanofluids Flow in a Rib-Grooved Channel
  • Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Square Channel with Angled Baffle Tabulators Using Nano-fluids
  • Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nanofluids in a Circular Tube Fitted with Twisted Tape Inserts
  • Mixed Convective Heat Transfer over Vertical Forward Facing-Step with Uniform Heat Flux Utilizing Nanofluids
  • Numerical Study of Mixed Convective Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in a Step Flow Using Nanofluids
  • Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Study of Liquids in Microchannel Heat Sinks
  • Study of Nanofluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics Using Vortex Generators in a Triangular Duct
  • Numerical and Experimental Investigations on The Flow And Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in an Elliptic Annulus
  • Mixed Convection Nanofluids Flow Over Backward and Forward-Facing Steps in a Channel Having Slotted Baffle
  • Numerical Investigation of Corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger Using Nanofluids
  • Numerical Investigation of Nanofluids Flow in Corrugated Tube Heat Exchangers
  • Numerical Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in Concentric and Eccentric Annulus Using Nanofluids
  • Mixed Convective Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Arbitrary Duct Shapes Using Nanofluids
  • Numerical Study on the Influence of Various Nanofluids on the Efficiency of Flat-Plate Solar Collectors (FPSC)
  • Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in Backward and Forward Facing-Steps Having a Baffle Using Nanofluids
  • Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Coiled Tube Heat Exchanger Using Nanofluids
  • Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics in Microchannels Heat Exchanger
  • Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics in Microtubes Using Conventional Fluids and Nanofluids
  • Numerical Investigation Mixed Convection Nanofluids Flow Over Triple Backward and Forward-Facing Steps
  • Heat Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids Flow over Grooved Channel with Different Shaped Ribs
  • Heat Transfer Enhancement using Nanofluids in a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger with Louvered Strip Inserts
  • Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Analysis Over Microscale Backward and Forward-Facing Step Utilizing Nanofluid
  • Numerical and Experimental Investigation on The Mixed Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids Flow Through Various Configurations of an Open Cell Aluminium Foam
  • Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids Flow in a Rectangular Channel Having Ribs on Upper and Lower Walls
  • Heat Transfer and Nanofluids Flow Characteristics in Microchannel Heat Sink with Different Shapes
  • Combined Convection of Nanofluids flow over Backward and Forward Facing-Steps having a Blockage
  • Mixed Convection Heat Transfer in a Lid-Driven Trapezoidal Enclosure Filled with Nanofluids
  • Heat Transfer and Nanofluid Flow Characteristics through a Circular Tube Fitted with Helical Tape Inserts
  • Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Study of Nanofluids in Interrupted Microchannels
  • Turbulent Nanofluids Flow Over Periodic Grooved Channels

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Heat Transfer Enhancement of Nanofluids in Micro-channel Heat Sink with Grooved Surfaces
  • Experimental and Computational Investigation of Heat Transfer Performance in Corrugated Fin and Oval Tube Compact Heat Exchangers
  • An Experimental and Analytical Study of Graphene Nanoplatelets in Flat Plate Solar Collector
  • Heat Transfer and Nanofluids Flow Characteristics in Microchannel Heat Sink with Different Shapes
  • Investigation on the Effect of Al2O3/Distilled Water Nanofluid on the Energy Efficiency of Evacuated Tube Solar Collector

Adjunct Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Experimental and CFD-PBM investigation of an agitated bioreactor using a dual helical ribbon impeller
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