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Dr Kevin Hayward

Senior Lecturer

Staff Member Details
Telephone: +61 8 6304 5711
Campus: Joondalup  
Room: JO23.350  

Kevin is a Senior Lecturer in Engineering within the School of Engineering.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Western Australia.

Research Outputs

Journal Articles

  • Perera, P., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Vafadarshamasbi, A. (2024). Erosion wear characterisation of an open Ductile Iron butterfly valve subjected to Aluminium Oxide particle slurry flow. Tribology International, 191(2024), article number 109199.
  • Hurry, A., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N., Rauthan, K. (2024). Numerical investigation of the thermo-hydraulic performance of a shark denticle-inspired plate fin heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, 239(2024), article number 122192.

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

  • Rauthan, K., Guzzomi, N., Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Hurry, A. (2021). Experimental Investigation of Pressure Drop Performance of Smooth and Dimpled Single Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers. Metals, 11(11), Article number 1757.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Guzzomi, N., Hayward, K. (2021). Experimental Investigation and Comparison of the Thermal Performance of Additively and Conventionally Manufactured Heat Exchangers. Metals, 11(4), Article number 574.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Guzzomi, N., Rassau, A., Hayward, K. (2021). Advances in Metal Additive Manufacturing: A Review of Common Processes, Industrial Applications, and Current Challenges. Applied Sciences, 11(3), Article number 1213.

Journal Articles

  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K. (2019). An integrated model to use drilling modular machine tools. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102(5-8), 2387-2397.

Journal Articles

  • La, L., Leatherday, C., Qin, P., Leong, Y., Hayward, K., Jiang, B., Zhang, L. (2017). The interaction between encapsulated Gd2O3 particles and polymeric matrix: the mechanism of fracture and X-ray attenuation properties. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 535(December 2017), 175-183.
  • Ayres, T., Hayward, K., Guzzomi, N. (2017). Design of a Custom FSAE Engine. SAE-A Vehicle Technology Engineer, 3(1), 15.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Tolouei Rad, M. (2017). Sensitivity analysis for justification of utilising special purpose machine tools in the presence of uncertain parameters. International Journal of Production Research, 55(13), 3842-3861.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Hayward, K., Tolouei Rad, M. (2017). Drilling reconfigurable machine tool selection and process parameters optimization as a function of product demand. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 45(August 2017), 58-69.

Conference Publications

  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K. (2017). Evaluation of the effect of product demand uncertainty on manufacturing system selection. Procedia Manufacturing (1735-1743). Elsevier.

Journal Articles

  • La, L., Leong, Y., Watts, HP., Au, P., Hayward, K., Zhang, L. (2016). A novel approach for the preparation of nanosized Gd2O3 structure: The influence of surface force on the morphology of ball milled particles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 506(2016), 13-19.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K., Abhary, K. (2016). Technical feasibility analysis of utilizing special purpose machine tools. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 39(2016), 53–62.
  • La, L., Leong, Y., Leatherday, C., Au, P., Hayward, K., Zhang, L. (2016). X-ray protection, surface chemistry and rheology of ball-milled submicron Gd2O3 aqueous suspension. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 501(2016), 75-82.
  • Vafadarshamasbi, A., Tolouei Rad, M., Hayward, K. (2016). New cost model for feasibility analysis of utilising special purpose machine tools. International Journal of Production Research, 54(24), 7330-7344.

Research Projects

  • Development of a prototype Smart Extraction Fan that features real-time monitoring of air quality, AusIndustry, Innovation Connections Grant, 2022 ‑ 2024, $143,068.

Research Student Supervision

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Optimisation of a Bauxite Refinery Slurry Butterfly Valve Disk to Minimise Erosion for Improved Service Life

Principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Investigation of remotely valved damper systems and the application of DAE methods to their design

Co-principal Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Feasibility analysis of using special purpose machines for drilling-related operations
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Experimental Methods to Analyse Crankcase Aerodynamic Losses and Flow Fields

Associate Supervisor

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Design, microstructure and properties of metastable beta-type biomedical titanium alloys.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Biomimicry for the shape optimisation of heat exchangers: Exploring hydrodynamic profiles inspired by shark denticles
  • Doctor of Philosophy, From gd2o3 suspension to nanocomposite: Synthesis, properties and radiation protection
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